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Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund

Permanently Impaired Gift

Fact sheet • The injury requires ongoing medical treatment (medical

treatment means any treatment or procedures carried
The Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund has announced a out by a medical practitioner in the course of medical
gift to assist people with the most severe permanent or surgical practice and includes the prescription or
impairments (either physical or psychological) sustained supply of drugs);
as a direct result of the 2009 Victorian bushfires and who
• The injury is having a severe impact on activities of
continue to experience financial hardship.
daily living; and
What assistance is available? • You are experiencing financial hardship.
A total of $3.5 million has been committed to the Psychological Injuries
Permanently Impaired gift. The value of the grants that
You must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible for
individuals receive will be determined by both their
this gift in relation to your psychological injuries sustained
level of impairment and financial hardship. Successful
as a direct result of the 2009 Victorian bushfires:
applicants will receive a minimum payment of $10,000,
however based on the eligibility criteria a small number • You were admitted to hospital as an inpatient (inpatient
of individuals who are most severely impacted may be means you were admitted to a hospital or clinic for
eligible for larger gift amounts (which will be capped at a treatment that requires at least one overnight stay)
maximum of $150,000). within 12 months of the fires or required intensive
treatment, requiring both prescribed medication and
Any gift amount above the minimum payment will be
therapy with a psychiatrist or psychologist at least
determined on a case-by-case basis and will be available
weekly for a minimum of 12 weeks;
to individuals for whom the bushfires have had the most
devastating effect, leaving them with a substantial and • Treatment requires regular and ongoing prescribed
severe permanent impairment and with the most extreme medication and therapy with a psychiatrist or
level of financial hardship. psychologist;
• The injury is having a severe impact on activities of
Am I eligible? daily living; and
To be eligible for this gift, as a direct result of the 2009 • You are experiencing financial hardship.
Victorian bushfires, you must: Note: For the purposes of this gift a permanent impairment
• have sustained physical or psychological injuries that is assessed based on either physical or psychological
have resulted in a permanent impairment; and injuries (it cannot be a combination of both).
• be experiencing financial hardship.
What information do you need to provide
The application form and supporting documentation for
this gift will be used to determine whether you meet the to determine whether or not you have a
criteria. permanent impairment?
What is a permanent impairment? As part of your application you will need to provide the
following information:
Physical Injuries • supporting documentation regarding your permanent
You must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible for impairment (for example a hospital invoice/report or a
this gift in relation to your physical injuries sustained as a letter from your treating physician); and
direct result of the 2009 Victorian bushfires: • a completed application form, including signing the
• You previously received the Severe Injury payment or statutory declaration.
you were admitted to hospital as an inpatient (inpatient If you are unsure whether the level of documentation you
means you were admitted to a hospital or clinic for currently have in relation to your injuries will be sufficient
treatment that requires at least one overnight stay) for your application, and you need help obtaining an
within 12 months of the fires; up to date summary of medical information about the

See page 2 for further information

Authorised by the Victorian Government, 50 Lonsdale Street Melbourne

treatment provided to you for your injury/s, you may decide What other information do I need to
to discuss this with your treating physician or a General
Practitioner (GP).
Note: It is not necessary for your treating physician or GP to If you have previously claimed assistance from the Fund,
undertake a medical examination. The decision to perform your identity will have been confirmed in the earlier
a medical examination is at the discretion of your treating application and you will only be required to provide the
physician or GP. following information:
In these cases, your treating physician or GP may assist • supporting documentation regarding the injury/s you
you to complete Part A or Part B of the application form. sustained;
Alternatively, they may prefer to write a letter containing the • any supporting documentation regarding the financial
relevant information. If so, you should attach this letter to hardship you are currently suffering; and
your application. • a completed application form, including signing the
Note: The Fund has sought advice from the statutory declaration.
Commonwealth Government which has advised that In addition, if you have not had a previous claim with
consultations with a GP can be claimed for this purpose the Fund, you will be required to provide the following
under Medicare. However, the benefits you receive from evidence:
Medicare are based on a Schedule of fees set by the
• proof of identity; and
Australian Government. Your GP may choose to charge
more than the Schedule fee. • proof of permanent address.
If you have previously claimed from the Fund you may
What is financial hardship? have already provided some of this material. However, for
You will be required to complete the financial hardship some people, their circumstances will have changed and
section of the application form. Determining your financial it is important for the application to reflect your current
hardship involves consideration of a range of factors, situation.
including your financial resources and your financial
Who can witness a statutory declaration?
burdens. Your eligibility for this gift will be determined
through the answers you have provided in this application. People authorised to witness statutory declarations include
lawyers, police, pharmacists, school principals, ministers
How will my application be assessed? of religion, bank managers, doctors, vets and Housing
When your application is received, your stated injury/s Services Officers.
and supporting documentation will be reviewed by a
How long do I have to claim?
specialist medical assessor. You or your treating physician
or GP (if you have provided the necessary consent) may You have until 28 February 2011 to lodge a claim for the
be contacted to clarify information submitted with your Permanently Impaired Gift. Applications beyond this date
application or to obtain further details pertaining to your may be considered under exceptional circumstances.
For further information
If it cannot be determined whether or not you have
sustained a permanent impairment, you may be required For further information or advice on this gift, please contact
to undertake an independent expert medical assessment. the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund on 1800 180 213 or via
This expert medical assessment will be at no cost to you. e-mail on
However, the assessment may delay the processing of your Application Forms for this gift, and advice on other support
application. The outcome of the expert medical assessment available through the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund, are
will assist in making a final determination regarding your available at
permanent impairment.

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