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7/24/2014 XFINITY Chat

CHAT ID: 4C83079C-B7AA-4214-9B18-E4B421181AB9

Problem : Transfer to Sales please :)

JIM _ > My Issue: Transfer to Sales please :)

Zeny > Hello JIM _, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Zeny. Please give me one moment to review your
Zeny > My pleasure to have you on this chat, ! How may I help you today? Hope you're doing fine.
JIM _ > Hello Zeny :)
Zeny > Hello Jim, maybe I can help before transferring you.
JIM _ > You sure?
JIM _ > I w as promised Extreme 105 Free for an Year.
Zeny > Then, w hat happened?
Zeny > Then, w hat happened?
Zeny > Did you get Extreme 105?
JIM _ > No
JIM _ > they w on't add it to my account :)
JIM _ > Can you please add the rate codes or something please?
Zeny > I'll check your account first.
Zeny > I w ould like to ask you a few questions to get started. Would that be okay?
JIM _ > ok
JIM _ > I know someone else w ho just w as offered Extreme 105 for free for an year also.
JIM _ > The Last four of the SSN is 4553
Zeny > Thank you very much for the information. I really appreciate it. Please stay on the line as I pull up your account.
Zeny > Please give me 3-4 minutes to check your account.
JIM _ > Ok
Zeny > Thank you.
Zeny > Jim?
Zeny > May I know w ho promised you for this promotion? Was it on chat or call?
JIM _ > Chat
JIM _ > and I have proof of my friend getting this also w ith the same plan I have.
Zeny > Do you have the chat ID?
JIM _ > Can I put pictures in here?
Zeny > I apologize but w e cannot view it.
JIM _ > No but the Person w ho gave it to him w as Samrat
Zeny > Since I have checked the available promotional services here on my end, and there's no Extreme 105 for free, this is the time I
w ill transfer you to our partner Sales department, It might be they have option there on their end.
Zeny > Do you have any billing concerns before I transfer you to them?
JIM _ > Wait
JIM _ > The Sales department doesn't have this either.
JIM _ > But my friend w as offered it?
Zeny > May I know w hat services your friend w as?
JIM _ > Just Blast! only
JIM _ > for $30 a month
Zeny > Some of the upgrades w ere based on the services customer is subscribing, as w ell as there are eligibility in taking this
promotion, like w hat modem the customer has.
JIM _ > he has his ow n modem
Zeny > I have check Jim, you w ill get this promotion if you have Docsis 3.0 type of modem, then your internet w ill be automatically
upgrade, and no need to make changes on the account.
JIM _ > I do have an Docsis 3.0 Modem
JIM _ > Zeny please don't lie to me.
JIM _ > I hate being lied to!
Zeny > I apologize but I am not lying Jim. I have encountered this situation before also. the customer w ant to get extreme 105. But she
w as not eligible because of market exceptions.
JIM _ > Well I w asn't upgraded like you said.
JIM _ > So please upgrade me
JIM _ > The Sales department w on't do it so transferring me to them w on't do or help me at all./
Zeny > I can't Jim. There's no promotion here on my end for free Extreme 105 upgrade.
JIM _ > So he gets the offer but I don't?
JIM _ > COOL!!
JIM _ > Hello?
Zeny > I'm souble checking the promotional packages for you to get the Extreme 105 Jim, I really w anted to help.
JIM _ > Ok
JIM _ > Thank's You Please Zeny
JIM _ > If I have to pay an extra $10 an month I don't mind but I w as promised it as free.| chat 1/3
7/24/2014 XFINITY Chat
Zeny > Jim may I know if you have recieve a letter that you w ill get this promotion?
JIM _ > that doesn't mean anything.
Zeny > It w as said that if you had recieved a letter you w ill contact the number on the letter you have recieved to get the promotion.
Zeny > Here's the it w as.
Zeny > Comcast is notifying current customers w ho are paying the $10.00 per month bolt-on for Blast! that they are eligible to receive
Extreme 105 at no additional cost. Current Performance customers w ho pay an additional $10.00 per month for Blast! now have an
option to upgrade their service to Extreme 105 for the same monthly rate. The customer can exchange the $10.00 Blast! bolt-on for a
$10.00 Extreme 105 bolt-on. If the customer w ould like to take advantage of the offer, refer them to the telephone number in the letter
that they received.
JIM _ > I have contact that number
JIM _ > and they keep lying to me by saying they upgraded me but they never have.
JIM _ > So I Promised my self I w on't call that number again after calling it 7 times.
Zeny > Oh, but it w as the instruction. I really apologize there's no Extreme 105 free here on the available promotions here on my end.
JIM _ > Who can do it then?
JIM _ > If the damn number w on't or can't do it.
JIM _ > But my friend never got the mail or email and he got it from the chat for free.
Zeny > You can contact our customer sulotion department 1-800-934-6489 (XFINITY)
Zeny > I do apologize if I w asn’t able to get you w hat you w ant, I have checked on all possible options for you.
Zeny > Hello Jim?
JIM _ > Hello Zeny
JIM _ > that isn't the Customer Solution Department.
JIM _ > I call that number and tells me if I have problems w ith my internet to Press 1 or Problems w ith Telephone to Press 2...
Zeny > That w as our CUstomer Solution Department, you w ill be redicted to the correct department.
Zeny > Jim?
Zeny > Please let me know that w e are still connected. Thank you.
JIM _ > Yes.
JIM _ > How can I be connected to them?
JIM _ > Can I be transferred to Sales on here maybe they have information on this.
Zeny > Yes sure Jim.
Zeny > Please stay on line w hile I transfer you.
JIM _ > Thank's you Zeny :D
Zeny > You are most w elcome.
Zeny > Please w ait, w hile the problem is escalated to another analyst
Anshu > Glad to have you on chat, I w ill be assisting you w ith your concern for today. Please give me 2-3 minutes to review your
conversation w ith the previous representative. This w ill give me a better understanding of the issue at hand so that w e can resolve it in
the most efficient w ay possible. Will that be okay?
JIM _ > Hello Anshu
JIM _ > it's not a problem but I can tell you the problem.
Anshu > Jim, you do not need to w orry about it, I w ill check the conversation for your help.
JIM _ > I w as promised a free Upgrade to Extreme 105 for a year.
Anshu > I'm sorry for the inconvenience. What I’ll do is, I’ll quickly pull up your account and find out w hat I can do to resolve this for
JIM _ > Thank's!
JIM _ > my friend just got the same-thing and the sales department chat w as able to add it for free.
Anshu > Jim, I totally agree w ith you, how ever, package and promotions are totally depend on market to market. According to the
market package, promotions and prices can be changed.
JIM _ > Ok I guess.
Anshu > Would you mind w aiting for a couple of minutes w hile I research that for you?
JIM _ > If you can even add it for $10 more a month that's fine w ith me!
JIM _ > I w as told if they can't add it for free as sometimes it happens they can add it for a mere $10 extra w hich is fine by me but I like
the free option better.
Anshu > Thank you for patiently w aiting.
Anshu > Thank you for providing all the details.
Anshu > Jim, I have tried to add special add-on for Extream so that you can use Extream speed but system is not allow ing me to add
since your account and package is not eligible for this speed w ith your current package. If you w ill upgrade your package to Triple Play
package then you w ill get Extream 105 speed w ith that package. Would you consider Triple Play package?
JIM _ > No thank's please check all the options please :)
JIM _ > I have pictures of his chat that show s the Rep w ho offered it to him for free.
Anshu > Jim, I certainly understand your situation at this time and really w ant to help you out in this regard but my hands are tight that's
w hy I could not add that for you even I have tried to add it.
Anshu > For more options to upgrade your data usage allow ance, you may contact our Customer Solutions Department at #1-800-934-
6489. They have access to more offers/discounts you can avail of and full authority to change your services to help manage your bill.
They are available from Mondays to Saturdays at 8am-6pm. Will this w ork for you?
JIM _ > data usage allow ance?| chat 2/3

7/24/2014 XFINITY Chat
Anshu > Mean data speed.
JIM _ > no it doesn't
JIM _ > it's mean the data cap that comcast has in some area's
Anshu > Customer Solutions Department is our higher department and they can verify previous chat as w ell and since they are from
higher team they may offer you any exceptional package or deal for your better help and satisfaction.
JIM _ > I have call them
JIM _ > and they said sorry that someone lied to you and offered you a package Comcast doesn't seem to offer even tho I know
someone w ho has it for free! and I have proof too. But they don't give a damn about me.
Anshu > Jim, I understand that but data cap is exists w ith all the areas.
JIM _ > No it not Anshu
JIM _ > Please don't provide me w ith false information
JIM _ > On my Page it show s this "Note: Enforcement of the 250GB data consumption threshold is currently suspended."
Anshu > Jim, I certainly understand that you are w ell equipped w ith the information but I w ould like to inform you that all the packages
have data cap.
JIM _ > I haven't had a data cap since 2012 Anshu
Anshu > If you w ish to discuss your case w ith our Internt Technical Team, I can transfer you to them. Do you w ant me to transfer the
chat to Technical team for detailed confirmation?
JIM _ > What Case?
JIM _ > Comcast hasn't offered Data Caps since 2012 in IL
JIM _ > In Some States YES Comcast has Data Caps but not here and some states don't have it either.
Anshu > Jim, If you w ish I can transfer you to Technical Team so that you can verify the data cap.
Anshu > This is the best I can do for you.
JIM _ > I don't need to verify it
JIM _ > IF I know some comcast doesn't offer it
JIM _ > If they offer a data cap then they lied to me for the past 2 years
JIM _ > But your the only one w ho has ever told me they offered a data cap
JIM _ > outta an 100 people.
Anshu > Jim, I certainly understand your situation at this time and really w ant to help you out w ith this and that's w hy I asking to
transfer you to them so that you can get correct information about data caps.
JIM _ > What?
JIM _ > your the one w ith the w rong information
JIM _ > I'm sorry you w ere Lied to Anshu do you w ant the correct information on Comcast Data Caps?| chat 3/3

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