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IMPORTANT: Before you begin, please note that using the same excuse that I used will lessen

chance of you obtaining your headset as well as for others. Please be creative, use your own ideas,
and be courteous for future SE'ers that may want to try this later.

Also note that I am from the United States. Depending on your location, you may be asked additional
information that I was not asked (serial number, proof of purchase etc). This tutorial is in no way
guaranteeing that you will receive a headset. This tutorial/guide is to show an example of what I have
done to receive my very own Astro product, and in no way am I responsible for what is done using this
tutorial. This guide directed towards the A40 headset but may be used to obtain other Astro Products.

I am not here to hold your hand throughout the process. It is up to you to do what is necessary. I am
here to help if you need assistance.

This tutorial/Guide was made by Vinneh of MagicPID . This tutorial shall remain at MagicPID (Elite
section/ higher tier/Origin(Group)) unless I give permission elsewhere. Leaking/claiming this as your
own will prevent me from releasing other content. You will only be hurting yourself.

Part A: How to contact Astros via email

First thing to do is contact Astros. In this tutorial we will be contacting them via email. You may call
them directly if you wish, but I assume is it different. Below are pictures on how to contact Astros via
email. If you are lazy, then you may skip to step 5, otherwise follow the steps below (1-4) and skip
step 5 (lul).

1.) First go to

2.) Go to support.

3.)Click on contact.
4.) Click Open a support case.

5.)OPTIONAL: For all you lazy bums. If you did not follow the steps above or had trouble loading the
page. You can just go here:

6.)Click the drop menu. Select troubleshooting/tech Support.

7.)Fill out the form with your information. Providing a phone number is recommend but optional. See
below for my excuse.

Please note that using the same excuse that I used will lessen the chance of you obtaining your
headset as well as for others. Please be creative, use your own ideas, and be courteous for future
SE'ers that may want to try this later.


I recently purchased the A40s and I have been having problems with the
headset. The left ear of the headset barely has any sounds coming through and
the right ear does have sound but has this constant buzzing sound and makes
my ears irritated. I have tried contacting my retailer and have been told to
contact y'all as there was nothing they could do. I am a hardcore gamer and
play competitive for living. Right now I am using this headset the best I
can. My original ones broke so these will have to suffice as I do not have
any other headsets. If you can please assist me, I would greatly appreciate
it. I have tried some basic troubleshooting steps but maybe you have some
other options. Anything will help. Thank you
8.)After that click

You should get the following screen below.

Part B: Receiving and Sending Emails to Customer Representative (Email Logs)

Please note that using the same excuse that I used will lessen the chance of you obtaining your
headset as well as for others. Please be creative, use your own ideas, and be courteous for future
SE'ers that may want to try this later. I have replaced my name as well as my customer rep's name.

1.) Email from rep: Your first email should be something pertaining to the purchase/repair of the A40
system. You will be asked where the headset was purchased, and if you would like to have the headset
repaired it will be around $50.00. Additional questions will also depend on the representative you get. I
was asked if the headset worked fine without the Mixamp. (See below for copy of email)

Hi Vinneh,

Thanks for the email.Where did you purchase your A40 system?Also if you would
like to send in your headset to be repaired it will be around $50.00.Does
your headset work fine without the Mixamp?Please let me know so we can get
your issue resolved.


Astro Gaming
Customer Relations
2.) My reply: Next is to reply to your representative regarding the questions asked. Since he asked
where the headset was purchased, I said I purchased it off Amazon (my mistake). I also mention that
there was nothing wrong with my MixAmp, and that my headset still had problems without it. (See
below for copy of email)


I purchased my A40 system off amazon. There is nothing wrong with my Mixamp
and but the problem still persist even without the mixamp. As I said before
in my previous email I am a professional gamer and I game for living. These
are my only headset since my previous ones broke. The headset works fine its
just the left ear barely has sound and the right ear has a buzzing sound.
Everything else is fine.


3.) Email from rep: The next email should be asking you to send in the headset. (See below for copy of

Hi Vinneh,

Thanks for the email.Please send your headset to the address below and
purchase tracking confirmation upon sending it in.

ASTRO Gaming
ATTN: Returns - A40-1CH-00078124
348 6th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

4.) My reply: Of course you have to find some way out of having to send the defected product back. My
excuse was that the A40 was my only headset and that I need it for gaming (professional gamer lul).(See
below for copy of email)


As I mentioned before. I am a professional gamer and this is my only headset.

I cannot send my headset in at this time since its my only one. It is just
the sound quality that is not good. The left ear has a lower sound than the
right ear. And the right ear has a buzzing sound. That are the only problems,
the mixamp is alright. Even though the sound is not that great, it is still
usable. Since I cannot send my headset in is there anything else I can do?
Please let me know and I would gladly appreciate it.

5.) Email from rep: The next email I got was trying to troubleshoot/diagnose the headset. I am not going
to include this email since it is really long.
6.) My reply: was of course "I did the troubleshooting steps, and the problems still occurred." ).(See
below for copy of email)


I tried the troubleshooting steps you have gave me and it seems that the
humming noise is coming directly from the headset its self. I plugged the
microphone directly to my computer and did not hear any buzzing and sounded
good. So its coming from the headset its self. What other things may I try?

7.) Email from rep: Next email was telling me the problem lied in the headset and I was to send it in.
).(See below for copy of email)

Hi Vinneh,

Thanks for the email.Sounds like its the headset .If you can find a back up
headset to use I would send that one in to be fixed .Please let me know so I
can further assist getting this issue resolved.

8.) My reply: I simply replied that I was trying to find a backup one to use., and that my "team" was
bugging me about the headset as I was playing badly. Basically trying to come up with an excuse on why
I cannot send the headset in. ).(See below for copy of email)


Right now I am trying to find a back up one without buying an a new one. My
team has been bugging me about this because I have been playing badly. Is
there anything I can do to get a headset sent to me and when I get it, Ill
send the broken one back? Give me some suggestions on what I should do
because I really need a working headset. Like I said my team has been bugging
me telling me things that I don't normally hear. They told me to get a
headset sent to me and when I receive it send the broken on back.

9.) Email from rep: Next email I got was asking me for a receipt. I made a nooby mistake and mention I
purchased it off Amazon. So I tried to SE myself out of this one. I looked on ebay for a recent listing for
A40s, and I told the rep that I purchased it off ebay (provided him receipt) and that I said amazon by
mistake. ).(See below for copy of email)

Hi Vinneh,

Thanks for the email.You bought your headset from Amazon correct?Do you have
a receipt or a copy of the invoice you could email me.

9.) My reply is below.

I purchased my headset from ebay. I am sorry if I said I purchased it from
Amazon by mistake. I have included the copy of my receipt along with the ebay
listing. Thank you so much in assisting me
10.) Email from rep: Email I got next was to send in the headset....

Hi Vinneh,

Thanks for the invoice .I can email you a Fed Ex label to send it in but
that's the most I can do. Normally If its not purchased from a authorized
dealer we can't warranty them unless they transfer the warranty that was
registered under that email.Are these 2011 A40s?We will repair them for
around $50.00.But in your case I am trying to help you and give you a break
on the shipping cost. You can contact the retailer and see if they have the
email they registered the headset under and they can transfer it to you for
full warranty.Please let me know if you want to send it in or not?

11.) Next I was like fuck it. I am going to do the box method. So I told him to send me the shipping label
(next email was asking for shipping info).

12.) Since Astros does not ship coffins(box) I had to provide one. I just took a raggedy box and started
smashing it ripping etc etc. I put bubble wrap in it to make it look like it was tampered. Then tape the
label on the box. This method is pretty known so I won't go in detail. But f you have any questions PM

13.) Call FedEx to schedule a pick up (I was provided with a FedEX label)

14.) My reply: So I thought to myself... Why not try to get a Mixamp also? So I emailed my rep and said
that I "accidently" included my mixamp, microphone, and speakertags (LUL). (See below for copy of


I sent my headset today and went back to reading the email you sent me. I
accidentally sent my mixamp and a pair of speaker tags on the headset. So if
you can please hold on to those and ship it back along with my repaired
headset that will be great. Thank you.

15.) Email from rep: He just noted it. :) (See below for copy of email).

Hi Vinneh,

Thanks for the email.That is okay I made a note of the extra stuff you sent.

16.)Email from rep: I was asked...( see below). I was never asked about the box being empty.

Hi Vinneh,

What all did you send in the box with the label I emailed you?Please let me
17.) Tell him/her what you sent. Don't overdo it!!


I sent my headset along with the QDC cable and the microphone. Also as I told
you before I accidently sent my MixAmp and the speaker tag is on my headset.

18.) Next I was asked what color headset. I looked on the site and saw that military green was pretty
cool and that they were sold out.

Hi Vinneh,

Thanks for the email.What color headset did you send in and what kind of tags
did you have on it?Please let me know so we can get your system shipped back
to you .

19.) Next email was telling me it is being replaced and was provided tracking number.

Hi Vinneh,

Thanks for the email.We have sent out your replacement .Please follow your
tracking xxxxxxxxx by clicking on the link below and pasting your tracking in
the box.Do you have the order # for the custom tags that where on the
A40?Please let me know.

20.) Wait for your headset/other items to come.

Military Green BXR Edition Headset with MixAmp, Mic,QC cable

I ended up going with the BXR Edition Military Green color. I remembered someone telling me that the
BXR are sold out pretty fast and hard to find. So if I wanted to sell them I should get more money out of
it. As for the speaker tags, I am still looking/deciding on what to get.

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