Practical Journal of Reservoir Simulation 3

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Experiment No.

To demonstrate features, options and sections of eclipse reservoir simulator by

The ECLIPSE simulator suite consists of two separate simulators: ECLIPSE 100 specializing in
black oil modeling, and ECLIPSE 300 specializing in compositional modeling. ECLIPSE 100 is a
fully-implicit, three phase, three dimensional, general purpose black oil simulator with gas
condensate options. ECLIPSE 300 is a compositional simulator with cubic equation of state,
pressure dependent K-value and black oil fluid treatments. ECLIPSE 300 can be run in fully
implicit, IMPES and adaptive implicit (AIM) modes. Both programs are written in FORTRAN
and operate on any computer with an ANSI-standard FORTRAN90 compiler and with sufficient
memory. For large simulations the simulators can be run in parallel mode. The Parallel option
is based on a distributed memory architecture implemented using MPI (message passing

ECLIPSE features

Free format input

Input data for ECLIPSE is prepared in free format using a keyword system. Any standard editor
may be used to prepare the input file. Alternatively Petrel or ECLIPSE Office may be used to
prepare data interactively through panels, and submit runs.

Phase and Fluid options

ECLIPSE 100 can be used to simulate 1, 2 or 3 phase systems. Two phase options (oil/water,
oil/gas, gas/water) are solved as two component systems saving both computer storage and
computer time. In addition to gas dissolving in oil (variable bubble point pressure or gas/oil
ratio), ECLIPSE 100 may also be used to model oil vaporizing in gas (variable dew point
pressure or oil/gas ratio).

Geometry options
Both corner-point and conventional block-center geometry options are available in ECLIPSE.
Radial and Cartesian block-center options are available in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions. A 3D radial
option completes the circle allowing flow to take place across the 0/360 degree interface
(keyword COORDSYS). The ECLIPSE corner-point geometry option is unique and allows
extremely complex geometries to be constructed to give a faithful representation of the
reservoir geology. The programs FILL, GRID or FloGrid can be used to prepare corner-point
data for ECLIPSE. GRAF, GRID or ECLIPSE Office may be used to display the grid in a variety of
ways. For example, in a large 3D study, you may request a number of XZ cross-sections to be
displayed simultaneously. Transparent areal overlays of the grid are useful for precise

checking against geological maps. Corner-point geometry is especially useful for highly faulted
reservoirs. The grid may be distorted areally to fit along fault lines and displaced vertically to
model complex scissor faults. The resulting non-neighbor grid transmissibilities are computed
automatically by ECLIPSE. Flow across displacement faults is handled efficiently by the ECLIPSE
solution procedures.

Fully implicit technology (Black Oil)

ECLIPSE uses the fully-implicit method to provide stability over long time steps. Care is taken
to ensure that the non-linear fully-implicit equations are solved precisely by reducing all
residuals to very fine tolerances. Material balance errors (residual sums) are extremely small.
Newton’s method is used to solve the non-linear equations. The Jacobian matrix is fully
expanded in all variables to ensure quadratic (fast) convergence. Various special methods are
used to accelerate convergence in highly non-linear problems. The linear equations arising at
each Newton iteration are solved simultaneously by Nested Factorization accelerated by
Orthomin. Traditionally, fully-implicit techniques are reserved for small coning studies, where
many cell pore volumes of fluid may pass through small cells near the well bore during a single
time step. IMPES and semi-implicit techniques cannot be used on such problems unless the
time steps are reduced to impractically small values. When the fully-implicit method is used
the resultant linear equations are strongly coupled and can only be solved efficiently by
simultaneous methods and not by simple sequential methods. Small problems of this type
can be solved efficiently by direct methods such as D4 Gaussian elimination. Iterative
methods, required for large problems, such as SIP and LSOR, typically fail to converge. Thus
most simulators cannot apply fully implicit methods to large problems. In ECLIPSE, these
restrictions are removed by Nested Factorization which solves large problems efficiently and

Non-neighbor connections
In conventional grid systems each cell has only one neighboring cell in each direction (two in
each dimension). Thus in 2D grids, each cell can have up to four neighbors, and in 3D grids
each cell can have up to six neighbors. Flow only takes place between neighboring cells. In
ECLIPSE, it is possible to connect selected pairs of non-neighboring cells, allowing fluid to flow
directly from one cell of the pair to the other. Typical applications of non-neighbor
connections are:
1 Completing the circle in 3D radial studies.
2 Displacement faults allowing flow between different layers across the fault.
3 Local grid refinement allowing fine definition near wells, including the ability to insert radial
grids within a cartesian system.
ECLIPSE generates the non-neighbor connections arising from the first two applications
automatically, and calculate their transmissibilities. If you are using the Local Grid Refinement
option, ECLIPSE also handles the non-neighbor connections arising from the third application
automatically. Non-neighbor connections give rise to off-band elements in the Jacobian

matrix and these are included in the Nested Factorization procedure used to solve the linear

Run-time dimensioning
All of the internal arrays in ECLIPSE are dimensioned at run time to minimize the use of
computer memory. For example, each element of the Jacobian is a 2×2 matrix in 2 phase
runs and a 3×3 matrix in three phase runs. A two dimensional problem gives rise to a
Jacobian matrix with 5 bands, while a 3 dimensional problem gives rise to a Jacobian matrix
with 7 bands. Clearly it would be inefficient to dimension the internal arrays to cover the
worst possible case. Most of the data required for ECLIPSE to compute the size of its internal
arrays is provided in the RUNSPEC data section. Some additional information (relating to
automatically generated non-neighbor connections, inactive cells, Vertical Equilibrium
options etc.) is deduced from data provided in the GRID section. Space is saved by not storing
unnecessary data for inactive cells.

Vertical equilibrium
ECLIPSE 100 contains a unique Vertical Equilibrium option for modeling segregated flow in
three dimensions. The option may be used with either block-center or corner-point geometry.
With corner-point geometry, it takes account of the shape and orientation of each distorted
grid block. A mixing parameter enables you to specify the degree of fluid segregation. The VE
facility takes account of hysteresis effects arising, for example, when oil invades the water
zone and retreats, leaving a residual critical oil saturation.

Dual porosity
The ECLIPSE Dual Porosity/Permeability option is suitable for simulating highly fractured
reservoirs. Each grid block is represented by a matrix cell and a fracture cell. In the Dual
Porosity option, flow through the reservoir takes place through the fracture cells only. Flow
also takes place between each matrix cell and its corresponding fracture cell. Flow does not
take place between neighboring matrix cells. In the Dual Porosity/ Permeability option flow
may also take place between neighboring matrix cells. The Dual Porosity option can also
model the effects of gravity imbibition/drainage, molecular diffusion between the matrix and
fracture cells. ECLIPSE 100 can also model the viscous displacement of fluid to and from the

PVT and rock data

ECLIPSE honors pressure and saturation function data precisely as it is specified by the user.
It does not follow the practice, common in the industry, of smoothing the data by
interpolating to a fixed number of equally spaced saturation intervals. Different table
numbers can be used for different parts of the reservoir. Thus, for example, separate
saturation tables can be entered for each type of rock.

Directional relative permeabilities
Relative permeability curves may be specified separately for flow in the horizontal and vertical
directions. You have the option of specifying 3 (X,Y,Z) or 6 (+X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z) relative
permeability curves for each saturation function region, rather than the usual single curve.
This additional degree of freedom enables you to improve the physics of a simulation study
in a relatively simple manner. For example, most reservoir cells have small vertical dimensions
and large areal dimensions, and horizontal flow is more realistically modeled if the horizontal
relative permeability is small below the Buckley-Leverett saturation. Directional relative
permeabilities are also required for the ECLIPSE pseudo option that may be used on a three
dimensional coarse grid.

Saturation table scaling

The connate, critical and maximum saturation end points of the relative permeability and
capillary pressure curves may be input separately for each grid cell within the reservoir or,
alternatively, as a series of depth tables for regions within the grid. The scaling option allows
you to specify relative permeability and capillary pressure data which are functions of a
normalized saturation. In addition, it allows the modeling of reservoirs where depth variations
occur in the initial critical or connate fluid saturations. You may specify that the saturation
table scaling is to be isotropic, distinguish between coordinate lines (X,Y,Z) or distinguish
between coordinate directions (+X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z). The saturation table scaling facility may be
used to equilibrate a reservoir model with the correct initial quantities of mobile fluid-in-place
by means of a special correction applied at the fluid contacts.

Both relative permeability and capillary pressure hysteresis effects can be modeled. In
ECLIPSE 100 there is a choice of two models for relative permeability hysteresis in the non-
wetting phase: Carlson’s model and Killough’s model. There is also an option of using
Killough’s wetting phase hysteresis model.
ECLIPSE 100 An alternative three phase hysteresis model is available, which is applicable in
cases where all three phases are present together, for example in a water alternating gas
(WAG) flood

Rock compaction
The Rock Compaction option models the collapse of pore channels as the fluid pressure
decreases. The process may be reversible, irreversible or hysteretic as required. The facility is
particularly useful in dual porosity runs.

API tracking
ECLIPSE 100 Unlike the ‘passive’ tracer tracking options described above, API Tracking is
‘active’. It takes full account of the mixing of oils with totally different PVT properties. This
contrasts with the conventional practice of assuming that the oil magically assumes the
formation volume factor, viscosity, density and bubble point of the cell into which it flows.

Initial API may be defined as a function of depth in each equilibration region or independently
for each cell. A fourth equation is solved at each timestep to update APIs.

Temperature model
ECLIPSE 100 The Temperature model is designed to model the cooling of the reservoir when
cold water is injected into a relatively hot reservoir. An energy balance equation is solved
after the main flow equations at each time step, to determine the temperature in each grid
block. Both the oil and water viscosities are modified as a function of temperature for the
subsequent time step.

ECLIPSE 100 ECLIPSE 100 has a three-component Miscible Flood model. This is intended for
the simulation of miscible gas injection processes. The model assumes that the reservoir fluids
consist of three components: reservoir oil (stock tank oil + solution gas), injection gas (solvent)
and water. The reservoir oil and solvent gas components are assumed to be miscible in all
proportions. Physical dispersion of the miscible components is treated using the Todd-
Longstaff technique by means of a mixing parameter which is specified on a region basis. The
solvent gas gravity can differ from that of the solution gas, and the model also allows the
oil/solvent screening effects at high water saturations to be studied. A special numerical
diffusion control facility is available with the miscible option, and is particularly useful in
studies using large values of the mixing parameter.
ECLIPSE 300 In a compositional simulation miscibility is predicted naturally as the surface
tension between the two hydrocarbon phases drops to zero. However the simulator still
needs to model the changing relative permeability of the miscible fluid. ECLIPSE 300 contains
a comprehensive miscibility model. See "Surface Tension Effects" on page 973 for further

Experiment No.02
To specify the model of dead oil reservoir through case definition (RUNSPEC) section of Eclipse
100 (Black oil Simulator).

Case definition (Run specifications) includes a description of the run, such as grid size, table
sizes, number of wells, which phases and start date (etc.). Following are keywords used to
input data through this section:

Table 1.1 Minimum RUNSPEC keywords for ECLIPSE 100

Keyword Description
Keywords Description
DIMENS Number of blocks in X,Y,Z directions
OIL, WATER, GAS, VAPOIL, DISGAS The active phases present
FIELD / METRIC / LAB Unit convention
START Start date of the simulation
WELLDIMS Well and group dimensions

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schelumberger.

Open note pad on windows Pc and edit as a text file ( to enter following keywords
for entering data;

3D 2-PHASE Tutorial 1
-- Number of cells
-- -- -- --
5 5 3 /
-- Phases


-- Units

-- Maximum well/connection/group values

-- #wells #cons/w #grps #wells/grp
-- ------ ------- ----- ----------
2 3 2 1 /

-- Maximum number of saturation (relative permeability) tables

2 /

-- Unified output files

-- To put all output data files in one file

-- Simulation start date

1 JAN 2007 /

Model has been defined and results will been shown in floviz software after defining Grid in
the next experiment.

Experiment No.03
To create static grid model of dead oil reservoir through Grid section of Eclipse 100 (Black oil

The GRID section determines the basic geometry of the simulation grid and various rock
properties (porosity, absolute permeability, net-to-gross ratios) in each grid cell. From this
information, the program calculates the grid block pore volumes, mid-point depths and inter-
block transmissibilities.
The actual keywords used depend upon the use of the radial or Cartesian geometry options.
Following are keywords used to input data through this section:

Table 2.1 Essential GRID section keywords used to specify basic grid dimensions Keyword
Block centered Corner Point

Cartesian Radial










Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schelumberger.

Open note pad on windows Pc and edit previous created text file ( to enter
following keywords for entering data;

-- Size of each cell in X, Y and Z directions
75*500 /
75*500 /
75*50 /

--TVDSS of top layer only

-- X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
1 5 1 5 1 1 /
25*8000 /

-- (No data means go back to the whole block, 75 values)

-- Permeability in X, Y and Z directions for each cell
25*200 25*1000 25*200 /
25*150 25*800 25*150 /
25*20 25*100 25*20 /

-- Porosity of each cell
75*0.2 /

-- Output file with geometry and rock properties (.INIT)


Rock Model has been defined and is ready to import in eclipse office software for 3D and 2D
geometrical analysis.

Experiment No.04
To import, monitor and view (3D & 2D) data file of static grid model of dead oil reservoir
through Eclipse office (Reservoir Simulation Manager).

ECLIPSE Office is a tool to help manage reservoir simulations. It provides a convenient user
interface for:
• launching and managing any of the ECLIPSE applications
• running a rapid quick-look simulation from start to finish
• allowing you check your results during simulation runs
• editing and reviewing simulation results and generates reports.
ECLIPSE Office offers an integrated desktop for launching all the applications in the ECLIPSE
product line, which includes the pre- and post-processing applications and the ECLIPSE
ECLIPSE Office also features modules that greatly improve your control of the simulation
workflow: Case Manager, Data Manager, Run Manager, Result Viewer, Report Generator and

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schlumberger.

Case management
1 To begin, start ECLIPSE Office from the ECLIPSE launcher (on UNIX: @office).
Create a new project
1 Select File | New Project from the top menu bar.
2 Select the data directory you wish to work in.
3 Call the project Tut1A
Import an existing data set
1 Select ECLIPSE Office | Case | Import from the top menu bar.

2 Select TUT1A.DATA.
3 In the main ECLIPSE Office panel, choose View | Display Model in DM

4 In the main ECLIPSE Office panel, choose View | Display Model in Grid Section
Save the project
1 Select File | Save Project from the top menu bar to save the main model definition to disk.
View 3D and 2D static model
1 Select Data to activate the Data Manager.
2 In Data Manger Window, Click on Grid.
3 In Grid Window, Select | Grid View | From Keywords from the top menu bar.
4 In Grid Window, Select | Grid View | From 2D from the top menu bar.
5 In Grid Window, Select | Grid View | From 3D from the top menu bar.

2D and 3D Rock Model has been generated in eclipse office software for 3D and 2D geometrical

Figure 3.1 2D Arial & Cross Section View of Static Rock Model with (5,5,3) dimensions.

Figure 3.2 3D View of Static Rock Model showing Permeability with (5,5,3) dimensions.

Experiment No.05
To assign fluid properties function of pressure in a model of dead oil reservoir through Props
section of Eclipse 100 (Black oil Simulator).

The PROPS section of the input data contains pressure and saturation dependent properties
of the reservoir fluids and rocks.
In a black oil run (ECLIPSE 100 or ECLIPSE 300), the PVT keywords required are determined by
the phases selected in the RUNSPEC section (keywords OIL, WATER, GAS, DISGAS, VAPOIL)
Pressure tables:
Functions of pressure (ROCK, PVDO, PVTO, PVTW, PVTG) are entered to generate PVT
behavior of all fluids present in reservoir/Model. When multiple tables are entered, these
may be associated with cells using the PVTNUM keyword. In addition, DENSITY or GRAVITY
keyword data is entered for each pressure table region. The ROCK keyword sets a reference
pressure and compressibility of rock.
Water pressure tables PVTW are used to specify a reference pressure, the water formation
volume factor at this pressure, the compressibility from this pressure and the water viscosity.
The last value is a viscosibility, similar to compressibility, but for viscosity. In many cases this
is zero. A quadratic function is used for extrapolation.
The three possible surface densities are set using the DENSITY keyword. This is required when
formation volumes are used, in order to define reservoir densities.
Oil and gas pressure tables (black oil)
These are only relevant to black oil mode runs, as the hydrocarbon densities are obtained
from the equation of state in compositional mode.
The PVT properties of live oil can be entered in either of two formats, with either:
• PVCO and PMAX, or
The first format assumes that under saturated oil of a particular Rs value has a compressibility
that is independent of the pressure, and that the viscosity of under saturated oil has a
pressure independent derivative. Pressure tables are linearly interpolated, and extrapolated,
if required, at constant slope. The second format is more complex, but allows greater
flexibility in defining the properties of under saturated oil. It specifies the properties of oil
with dissolved gas may be entered in a two dimensional table form. Similarly, the PVT
properties of dead oil can be entered in either of two formats, with keywords PVCDO or PVDO.
Keyword PVCDO assumes that dead oil has a constant compressibility and its viscosity has a

pressure-independent derivative. Keyword PVDO is more flexible, allowing the formation
volume factor and the viscosity to be input as a table versus pressure.
For gas, PVDG tabulates the gas formation volume factor and viscosity as a function of
pressure. The Z-factors for dry gas can be entered directly using the PVZG keyword.
Following are the keywords used to input data through this section:

Table 4.1 Essential Keywords (PVT)

Keyword Description
Keywords Description

ROCK For rock compressibility (unless using the Rock Compaction


PVTO or (PVCOand PMAX) If live oil is present

PVDO or PVCDO If dead oil is present

RSCONST or RSCONSTT If dead oil is used to model oil having a constant dissolved
gas concentration

PVTG If wet gas is present

PVDG or PVZG If dry gas is present

RVCONST or RVCONSTT If dry gas is used to model gas having a constant vaporized
oil concentration

PVTW If water is present (but use PVTWSALT instead with the Brine

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schelumberger.

Open note pad on windows Pc and edit previous text file (TUT1A) to enter following keywords
for entering data;
-- Densities in lb/ft3
-- Oil Wat Gas
-- --- --- ---

49 63 0.01 /

-- PVT data for dead oil

-- P Bo Vis
-- ---- ---- -----
300 1.25 1.0
800 1.20 1.1
6000 1.15 2.0 /

-- PVT data for water

-- P Bw Cw Vis Viscosibility

-- ---- ---- ----- ----- -------------


4500 1.02 3E-06 0.8 0.0 /

-- Rock compressibility

-- P Cr

-- ---- -----


4500 4E-06 /

Fluid & Rock compressibility of Model has been defined and is ready to import in eclipse office
software for 3D and 2D analysis.

Experiment No.06
To assign petro physical properties of rock & fluid in a model of dead oil reservoir through
Props section of Eclipse 100 (Black oil Simulator).

The PROPS section of the input data contains pressure and saturation dependent properties
of the reservoir fluids and rocks.
The keywords required are determined by whether an ECLIPSE 100 or ECLIPSE 300 Black Oil
or an ECLIPSE 300 Compositional Model is used.
The data must always contain the rock compressibility, and relative permeabilities and
capillary pressures as a function of saturation for the phases present.
Saturation functions:
The relative permeabilities and capillary pressures of water and gas are input as functions of
their saturations using the SWFN and SGFN keywords respectively.
Three phase relative permeabilities:
In the three-phase case the SOF3 table is used to enter and as functions of oil saturation.
These are the oil relative permeabilities at zero gas saturation and at connate water
saturation respectively. These are combined to obtain the three phase oil relative
permeability using a default method, Stone’s method I or II or the IKU or ODD3P three phase
models. These three phase options, which may be selected using the keywords STONE1,
There is a choice of two families of keywords for entering relative permeabilities and capillary
pressures as functions of saturation. The first family: SWOF and (SGOF or SLGOF), allows you
to enter the oil relative permeabilities in the same tables as the water and gas relative
permeabilities. The second family: SWFN, SGFN and (SOF3, SOF32D or SOF2), requires the oil
relative permeabilities to be entered in a separate table versus oil saturation.
You can select whichever family is best suited to the form of the original data, except that the
second family must be used in gas-water runs and runs employing the ECLIPSE 100 Miscible
Flood or Solvent options. Keywords from the two families cannot be mixed
The set of saturation function keywords is summarized below:

Table 5.1 Saturation function keyword family (i) for SCAL section

Keywords Description
SWOF If both water and oil are present
SGOF or SLGOF If both gas and oil are present

Table 5.2 Saturation function keyword family (ii)

Keyword Description
SOF3 or SOF32D For oil in a 3-phase run
SOF2 For oil, if present, in a 2-phase run
SGFN For gas, if present
SWFN For water, if present
SGWFN For gas-water runs only
Keyword Description

Saturation function keyword alternative family (ii) (IKU3P and ODD3P)

Table 5.3 Saturation function keyword alternative family (ii)

Keyword Description
SOF3 For oil in three-phase models
SGF3 For gas in three-phase models
SWF3 For water in three-phase models

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schelumberger.

Open note pad on windows Pc and edit previous text file (TUT1A) to enter following keywords
for entering data;

-- Water and oil rel perms & capillary pressures

-- Sw Krw Kro Pc
-- ----- ----- --- ----
-- table for 1000mD
0.15 0.0 0.9 4.0
0.45 0.2 0.3 0.8
0.68 0.4 0.1 0.2
0.8 0.55 0.0 0.1 /

-- table for 200mD

0.25 0.0 0.9 9.0

0.50 0.2 0.3 1.8
0.70 0.4 0.1 0.45
0.8 0.55 0.0 0.22 /
--To specify the relative permeability table to use for each layer
25*2 25*1 25*2 /

Petro physical Model has been defined and is ready to import in eclipse office software for 3D
and 2D analysis.

Experiment No.07
To create regions in a model of dead oil reservoir through Region section of Eclipse 100 (Black
oil Simulator).

The REGIONS section divides the computational grid into regions for:
• Calculation of saturation functions (relative permeability and capillary pressure)
• Calculation of PVT properties (fluid densities, FVFs, viscosities)
• Equilibration (setting initial pressures and saturations)
• Reporting of fluids in place and inter-region flows
• Calculation of directional relative permeabilities
• Calculation of saturation functions for imbibition (Hysteresis option)
• Calculation of ROCKTAB properties for the Rock Compaction option
• Calculation of initial tracer concentrations (Tracer Tracking option)
• Calculation of the saturation table end points from depth tables (for the saturation table
End Point Scaling option)
• Calculation of mixture properties (Miscible Flood option)
• Specifying pressure maintenance regions in ECLIPSE 300.

If there is no REGIONS section, ECLIPSE puts all grid blocks into a single region for all the above
REGIONS section keywords
A list of all keywords that may occur in the REGIONS section, grouped by function, is given
below, together with a brief description of their function. This is followed by an alphabetic

Table 6.1 Output keywords

Keywords Description
RPTREGS Report levels for REGIONS data

Commonly used Keywords

Table 6.2 Common Keywords

Keyword Description
FIPNUM Fluid-in-Place regions
SATNUM Saturation table regions
EQLNUM Equilibration regions
PVTNUM PVT data regions
Keyword Description

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schelumberger.

Open note pad on windows Pc and edit previous text file (TUT1A) to enter following keywords
for entering data;
--To specify the relative permeability table to use for each layer
25*2 25*1 25*2 /

Petro physical Model of dead oil reservoir has been divided in regions by saturation and is
ready to import in eclipse office software for 3D and 2D analysis.

Experiment No.08
To monitor the Regions of 3D static grid model of dead oil reservoir by importing
file in previous experiment through Eclipse office (Reservoir Simulation Manager).

ECLIPSE Office is a tool to help manage reservoir simulations. It provides a convenient user
interface for:
• launching and managing any of the ECLIPSE applications
• running a rapid quick-look simulation from start to finish
• allowing you check your results during simulation runs
• editing and reviewing simulation results and generates reports.
ECLIPSE Office offers an integrated desktop for launching all the applications in the ECLIPSE
product line, which includes the pre- and post-processing applications and the ECLIPSE
ECLIPSE Office also features modules that greatly improve your control of the simulation
workflow: Case Manager, Data Manager, Run Manager, Result Viewer, Report Generator and

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schlumberger.

Case management
1 To begin, start ECLIPSE Office from the ECLIPSE launcher (on UNIX: @office).
Create a new project
1 Select File | New Project from the top menu bar.
2 Select the data directory you wish to work in.
3 Call the project Tut1A
Import an existing data set
1 Select ECLIPSE Office | Case | Import from the top menu bar.

2 Select TUT1A.DATA.
3 In the main ECLIPSE Office panel, choose View | Display Model in DM

4 In the main ECLIPSE Office panel, choose View | Display Model in Grid Section
Save the project
1 Select File | Save Project from the top menu bar to save the main model definition to disk.
View 3D and 2D static model
1 Select Data to activate the Data Manager.
2 In Data Manger Window, Click on Regions.
3 In Regions Section Window, Select | Grid View | Run Simulation from the top menu bar.
4 In Grid Window, Select | Grid View | 3D from the top menu bar.

2D and 3D Rock Model has been generated in eclipse office software for 3D and 2D geometrical

Figure 7.1 3D View of Static Rock Model showing 2 Regions by Saturations.

Experiment No.09
To initialize the model of dead oil reservoir at initial (equilibrium) conditions through Solution
section of Eclipse 100 (Black oil Simulator).

The SOLUTION section contains sufficient data to define the initial state (pressure, saturations
and compositions) of every grid block in the reservoir.
The keywords in the SOLUTION section may be specified in any order. All keywords must start
in column 1. All characters up to column 8 are significant.
This data may take any one of the following forms:
Initial pressures and saturations are computed by ECLIPSE using data entered with the EQUIL
keyword (fluid contact depths etc.). A line of EQUIL data must be specified for each
equilibration region. (Cells may be assigned to equilibration regions using EQLNUM in the
REGIONS section). If there is more than one equilibration region, it is important that they are
non-communicating. The EQUIL data specifies the initial pressure at a reference depth, the
initial water-oil and gasoil contact depths and the capillary pressures at these depths, and the
equilibration options.

The initial solution may be read from a Restart file created by an earlier run of ECLIPSE. The
name of the Restart file is entered using the RESTART keyword.
You may specify the initial solution explicitly for every grid block

Table 8.1 Initial solution for grid blocks

Keywords Description
PRESSURE Cell pressures
PRVD Pressure versus depth variation
SWAT Water saturations
SGAS Gas saturations

Initial state output

Output of the initial solution to the Print file is controlled by the RPTSOL keyword. This is
followed by a series of mnemonics, each specifying a solution quantity to be written.

This requests output of the initial pressure and phase saturations. A large number of
quantities can be output, and are listed under the RPTSOL keyword. It is only required that
sufficient characters be entered to specify the required mnemonics uniquely.
Keyword Description

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schlumberger.

Open note pad on windows Pc and edit as previous text file (TUT1A) to enter following
keywords for entering data;
-- Initial equilibration conditions

-- Datum Pi@datum WOC Pc@WOC

-- ----- -------- ----- ------


8075 4500 8500 0 /

-- Output to Restart file for t=0 (.UNRST)

-- Restart file

-- for init cond

-- -------------



Model of dead oil reservoir has been initialized at initial (equilibrium) condition and is ready
to import in eclipse office software for initial in place calculations.

Experiment No.10
To demonstrate output variables of the model of dead oil reservoir for performance analysis
through Summary section of Eclipse 100 (Black oil Simulator).

The SUMMARY section specifies a number of variables that are to be written to Summary files
after each time step of the simulation. The graphics post-processor may be used to display
the variation of variables in the Summary files with time and with each other. If there is no
SUMMARY section, ECLIPSE does not create any Summary files. The keywords that may be
specified in the SUMMARY section are shown in the following tables. All are optional, and no
significance attaches to the order in which they are specified. All keywords must start in
column 1. All characters up to column 8 are significant.

All SUMMARY keywords are divided into categories and those are;

• Wells & Group

• Field
• Grid Block
• Reservoir
Common Keywords
Common keywords categories are summarized in following tables.

Table 9.1 Well and group flow quantities

Keywords Description
WOPR Well Oil Production rate
WOPT Well Oil Production total
WGPR Well Gas Production rate
WGPT Well Gas Production total
WWPR Well Water Production rate
WWPT Well Water Production total
WWCT Well Water cut
WGIR Well Gas Injection rate
WGIT Well Gas Injection total
WWIR Well Water Injection rate
WWIT Well Water Injection total
WOPRH Well Oil Production rate History
WOPTH Well Oil Production total History
WWIRH Well Water Injection rate History
WWITH Well Water Injection total History

Table 9.2 Field flow quantities

Keywords Description
FOPR Field Oil Production rate
FOPT Field Oil Production total
FGPR Field Gas Production rate
FGPT Field Gas Production total
FWPR Field Water Production rate
FWPT Field Water Production total
FWCT Field Water cut
FGIR Field Gas Injection rate
FGIT Field Gas Injection total
FWIR Field Water Injection rate
FWIT Field Water Injection total
FOVPR Oil Voidage Production Rate
FOVPT Oil Voidage Production Total

Table 9.3 Well, Field and group production ratios

Keywords Description
WWCT Well Water Cut
FWCT Field Water Cut
GWCT Group Water Cut
WGOR Well Gas Oil Ratio
FGOR Field Gas Oil Ratio
GGOR Group Gas Oil Ratio
WGLR Well Gas Liquid Ratio
FGLR Field Gas Liquid Ratio
GGLR Group Gas Liquid Ratio
WWCTH Well Water Cut History
WGLRH Well Gas Liquid Ratio History
WGORH Well Gas Oil Ratio History

Table 9.4 The well pressure and Productivity Index

Keywords Description
WBHP Well Bottom Hole Pressure
WBHPH Well Bottom Hole Pressure History
WPI Well Productivity Index
WTHP Well Tubing Head Pressure
WTHPH Well Tubing Head Pressure History

Table 9.5 Grid block oil quantities

Keywords Description
BSOIL Block Oil Saturation
BOIP Block Oil In Place (in liquid and wet gas phases)
BVOIL Block Oil Viscosity
BWSAT Block Water Saturation
BGSAT Block Gas Saturation
BPR Block Pressure
BRS Block Gas-oil ratio (in liquid phase)

Experiment No.11
To define output variables of the model of dead oil reservoir for performance analysis through
Summary section of Eclipse 100 (Black oil Simulator).

The SUMMARY section specifies a number of variables that are to be written to Summary files
after each time step of the simulation. The graphics post-processor may be used to display
the variation of variables in the Summary files with time and with each other. If there is no
SUMMARY section, ECLIPSE does not create any Summary files. The keywords that may be
specified in the SUMMARY section are demonstrated in previous experiment.

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schlumberger.

Open note pad on windows Pc and edit as previous text file (TUT1A) to enter following
keywords for entering data;
-- Field average pressure
-- Bottom hole pressure of all wells
inj /
-- Field Oil Production Rate
-- Field Water Production Rate
-- Field Oil Production Total
-- Field Water Production Total

-- Water cut in PROD
prod /
-- CPU usage

-- Create Excel readable Run Summary file (.RSM)


Out variables has been defined to generate summary files of required predicted results of
dead oil reservoir model.

Experiment No.12
To create producer well for setting operating controls of the model of dead oil reservoir
through Schedule section of Eclipse 100 (Black oil Simulator).

The SCHEDULE section specifies the operations to be simulated (production and injection
controls and constraints) and the times at which output reports are required. Vertical flow
performance curves and simulator tuning parameters may also be specified in the SCHEDULE
section. All keywords in this section are optional, except for those necessary to define the
status of the wells, and the END keyword, which should mark the end of the scheduling data.
To define a well and its connection properties and controls, the following keywords should be

• WELSPECS or WELSPECL (to introduce the well)

• COMPDAT or COMPDATL (to specify its completion data)

• WCONPROD (production controls, if the well is a producer) or

• WCONINJE (injection controls, if the well is an injector) or
• WCONHIST (measured flows and pressures, if it is a history matching producer) or
• WCONINJH (measured flow and pressures, if it is a history matching injector) or
• WCONINJP (control of a pattern flood injector)

A TIME, TSTEP or DATES keyword advances the simulation to a specified time. A subsequent
well control keyword alters the well status from the current time. A further TIME, TSTEP or
DATES keyword advances the simulation through another time period using the new well

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schlumberger.

Open note pad on windows Pc and edit as previous text file (TUT1A) to enter following
keywords for entering data;

-- Output to Restart file for t>0 (.UNRST)

-- Restart file

-- every step

-- ------------



-- Location of wellhead and pressure gauge

-- Well Well Location BHP Pref.

-- name group I J datum phase

-- ----- ---- - - ----- -----


prod G1 1 1 8075 oil /

-- Completion interval

-- Well Location Interval Status Well

-- name I J K1 K2 O or S ID

-- ---- - - -- -- ------ -----


prod 1 1 1 3 open 1* 1* 0.67 /

-- Production control

-- Well Status Control Oil Wat Gas Liq Resv BHP

-- name mode rate rate rate rate rate limit

-- ---- ------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----


prod open lrat 3* 10000 1* 2000 /

-- Number and size (days) of timesteps


10*200 /


Producer Well (Prod) has been defined to operate the model at liquid rate of 10000 STB per
day for 5.5 years.

Experiment No.13
Analyzing the performance of 2-phase dead oil reservoir model under natural depletion
through Eclipse 100 (Black oil Simulator).

Simulation of petroleum reservoir performance refers to the construction and operation of a
model whose behavior assumes the appearance of actual reservoir behavior. A model itself
is either physical (for example, a laboratory sandpack) or mathematical. A mathematical
model is a set of equations that, subject to certain assumptions, describes the physical
processes active in the reservoir. Although the model itself obviously lacks the reality of the
reservoir, the behavior of a valid model simulates—assumes the appearance of—the actual
The purpose of simulation is estimation of field performance (e.g., oil recovery) under one or
more producing schemes. Whereas the field can be produced only once, at considerable
expense, a model can be produced or run many times at low expense over a short period of
time. Observation of model results that represent different producing conditions aids
selection of an optimal set of producing conditions for the reservoir.

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schlumberger.

Case management
1 To begin, start ECLIPSE Office from the ECLIPSE launcher (on UNIX: @office).
Create a new project
1 Select File | New Project from the top menu bar.
2 Select the data directory you wish to work in.
3 Call the project Tut1A
Import an existing data set
1 Select ECLIPSE Office | Case | Import from the top menu bar.

2 Select TUT1A.DATA.
3 In the main ECLIPSE Office panel, choose View | Display Model in DM
4 In the main ECLIPSE Office panel, choose View | Display Model in Grid Section

Save the project
1 Select File | Save Project from the top menu bar to save the main model definition to disk.
Submit the Run to simulate the model
1. Select Run to activate the Run Manager.
2. Check Solution and Click on run.
3. Select | Monitor | Summary vectors from the top menu bar.
4. Plot Production rate, Total Production, Water cut and Field Average Pressure.
5. Select | Monitor | 3D from the top menu bar (To generate 3D Model Showing Oil Saturation


Total Oil Production is found to be 779 MSTB out of 22.47 MMSTB (Approximately 3.5 % recovery
factor) as shown in figure: 12.1

Average Field Pressure drop is found to be 2500 psia in only 200 days as shown by figure 12.2

Production Profile is showing production rate is rapidly decreasing as in figure 12.3

Figure 12.1 Cumulative oil production.

Figure 12.2 Field Production Profile.

Figure 12.3 Field average pressure.

Experiment No.14
Analyzing the performance of the water injection in dead oil (2-Phase) reservoir model at the
injection rate of 11000 STB/D through Eclipse 100 (Black oil Simulator).

Water flooding is the use of water injection to increase the production from oil reservoirs.
Use of water to increase oil production is known as "secondary recovery" and typically follows
"primary production," which uses the reservoir’s natural energy (fluid and rock
expansion, solution-gas drive, gravity drainage, and aquifer influx) to produce oil.
The principal reason for water flooding an oil reservoir is to increase the oil-production rate
and, ultimately, the oil recovery. This is accomplished by "voidage replacement"—injection of
water to increase the reservoir pressure to its initial level and maintain it near that pressure.
The water displaces oil from the pore spaces, but the efficiency of such displacement depends
on many factors (e.g., oil viscosity and rock characteristics).

Personal computer and Eclipse reservoir simulator by Schlumberger.

Update existing Tut1A .data
1. Open file in notepad on windows Pc.
2. Add following script in Schedule Section for adding new Inj Well to inject water at the rate
of 11000 STB/Day.
inj G2 5 5 8075 water /
-- Completion interval
-- Well Location Interval Status Well
-- name I J K1 K2 O or S ID
-- ---- - - -- -- ------ -----
inj 5 5 1 3 open 2* 0.67 /

-- Injection control
-- Well Fluid Status Control Surf Resv Voidage BHP
-- NAME TYPE mode rate rate frac flag limit
-- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----
inj water open rate 11000 3* 10000 /

3. Save and rename file as Tut1B

Create a new project
1 Select File | New Project from the top menu bar.
2 Select the data directory you wish to work in.
3 Call the project Tut1B
Import an existing data set
1 Select ECLIPSE Office | Case | Import from the top menu bar.

2 Select TUT1B.DATA.
3 In the main ECLIPSE Office panel, choose View | Display Model in DM
4 In the main ECLIPSE Office panel, choose View | Display Model in Grid Section
Save the project
1 Select File | Save Project from the top menu bar to save the main model definition to disk.
Submit the Run to simulate the model
1. Select Run to activate the Run Manager.
2. Check Solution and Click on run.
3. Select | Monitor | Summary vectors from the top menu bar.
4. Plot Production rate, Total Production, Injection rate, Injection Total, Flowing Bottom hole
Pressure of injector and producer Wells, Water cut, and Field Average Pressure.
5. Select | Monitor | 3D from the top menu bar (To generate 3D Model Showing Oil Saturation

Total Oil Production is found to be 12.3 MMSTB out of 22.47 MMSTB (Approximately 55% recovery
factor) as shown in figure: 13.1

Total Injected water volume is found to be 22 MSMSTB out of (Approximately 1% recovery factor) as
shown in figure: 13.2

Figure 13.1 Cumulative oil produced.

Figure 13.2 Total Water Volume Injected.

Figure 13.3 Field Average Pressure.

Figure 13.4 Field Production Profile

Figure 13.5 Field Production Profile Figure 13.6 Field Production Profile

Figure 13.7 Oil saturation at start Figure 13.8 Oil saturation after 5.5 years


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