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Using Hofstede’s cross-cultural dimension framework (attached herewith), how would

you describe the culture of your present organization? Explain. Those who are not
currently employed, using Hofstede’s cultural dimension framework, describe the culture
of your previous organisation?

Hofstede’s cross-cultural dimension framework provides a tool to analyze the cross cultural to
the managers and leaders in order to understand the differences in the way they behave
[ CITATION Mat15 \l 1033 ] . According to Hofstede Centre culture can be defined as “the collective
programming of the mind distinguishing members of one group or category of people from
others” [ CITATION Ins20 \l 1033 ]. On the basis of his study five dimensions were developed in
which culture differ by:
 Power distance
 Uncertainty Avoidance
 Individualism Vs. collectivism
 Masculinity Vs. Femininity
 Long-term Vs. short-term orientation[ CITATION Mat15 \l 1033 ]

This framework can also be applied to employees and company’s culture. Therefore, using
Hofstede’s cross-cultural dimension framework, I have describe the organization culture of Hotel
Ganesh Himal. Hotel Ganesh Himal was established in 1977 and is renowned for the best
accommodation in Kathmandu under budget category recommended by almost all the guide
books that has been published for Nepal Tour including Lonely Planet, Rough Guides, Retour,

The proper study of human behavior is very important in hospitality sector. The staff’s behavior
plays a very important role as it have positive or negative impact on the guests and having a
positive impact on guests is very necessary [ CITATION Ars16 \l 1033 ] . In this very competitive
world where there is hotels and guesthouse in every nooks and corner of Thamel, it is very vital
for us to be able to provide the best service and be able to attract new customers and retain the
old customers. As the employees in the hotel are the one who directly deals with each and every
guest, their behavior towards them highly impact how they feel about the hotel.

Hofstede has presented a well-balanced model on cultural differences as most of the dimensions
in the model on broader scale help in analyzing and interpreting the behavior of workers in
Hospitality workplace. Hofsted’s model of cultural differences helps analyzing the behavior of
people related to hospitality industry[ CITATION Mat15 \l 1033 ]
 Power distance:

Power distance refers to the psychological gap that exists between workers that have power and
those who don’t have [ CITATION Ars16 \l 1033 ] . If the power distance dimension is higher, the
employees are more likely to feel that their contribution is not very important in the organization.
If the organization structure is flattened then the employees are more likely to feel valued and
important. The inequalities that come with unequal distribution of power among workers also
come under dimension of Power Distance. [ CITATION Ars16 \l 1033 ].

The power distance dimension of Hotel Ganesh Himal is on the low side as it has a flat
organization structure. It has few levels of management between executives and all other
employees. This type of structure empowers self-management and greater decision making
ability for every employee [ CITATION Sma20 \l 1033 ]. The employee’s level of responsibility in
the organization is higher, and thus there tends to be more engagement. Having fewer layers of
management at the hotel creates greater coordination and speed of communication. Employees
will not have to go through different layers to discuss about any ideas or problems. The decision-
making and implementation becomes easier and faster. Even with flat structure, the staffs have
to face the problem of unity of command. As it is a family business and involvement of different
people creates problem among the employees. Everyone wants the work to be done by their way.
The less defined and unclear organization structure creates confusion and frustration to the
employees regarding whom they should follow.

 Uncertainty Avoidance:

Uncertainty avoidance refers to stress level on an employee or individual regarding his uncertain
future[ CITATION Ars16 \l 1033 ]. It refers to a culture where employees know how to respond to
unforeseen and unusual situations. It deals with the tolerance level of the employees in both
comfortable and uncomfortable situations. Organizations try hard to avoid such situations and
also prepare the employees to adjust well in all conditions[ CITATION Hof20 \l 1033 ].

Different problems and situations can occur in hotel sector mostly during the season time. For
example during season time the problem of overbooking arises quite a few times. During that
time the staffs should be ready to handle the situation very calmly. The guest will obviously get
angry but instead of being nervous one must stay calm and think of solution. When situation like
this occur the staff usually keeps them in nearby hotel till there is room available. They try to
compensate their mistake by doing one of different things like upgrading their room at the same
price, providing free airport drops, free breakfast, etc.
 Individualism Vs. collectivism

Individualism v/s Collectivism measures how much an employee thinks of him or her and how
much for his team/society. An individualism person will only looks out for themselves or small
group of people they works with [ CITATION Sma20 \l 1033 ] . They might just focus on their
personal goals and completing their job and wouldn’t care about others. They may not have very
strong connection with other employees. For employees who are collectivism, they will not only
focus on their goal but also try to look after everyone in the organization. They not only works
towards her goal but also will help others to fulfill their work[ CITATION Mat15 \l 1033 ].

In Ganesh Himal, most of the staff is of collectivism nature as they know how important is it to
work as a team to provide a beautiful experience to the guest staying there. All the staffs from
guard, front desk officers, housekeepers, cooks, and waiters work as a team and help each other
to make their work easier and to provide a very good experience to the guest. Each person helps
the other by properly communicating about the work. For example when any room checks out
the house keeping should be informed immediately so they can make the room ready. Whereas,
when the room gets ready the housekeeper should also let the people in the reception know about
that. Therefore, by clearly communicating they help each other and work as a team to achieve the
goals of the organization. If there is any problem everyone comes together and helps each other
to solve it.

 Masculinity Vs. Femininity

This dimension measures the personality of organization in masculine and feminine stereotype.
If the company’s personality is more masculine, the work environment would be more
aggressive, and competitive. If it has more of feminine characteristics, the work environment
would be more caring and modest.[ CITATION Ana15 \l 1033 ]

The personality of Hotel Ganesh Himal is more on feminine side. Most of the employees
working there has been working since a long time and have become like a family. However there
is some level of competition and masculine nature present in the organization. Among the staffs,
they moreover support each other and work as a team. There is a very caring and modest
working environment.

 Long-term Vs. short-term orientation

There are some organizations which focus on long term relationship with the employees. In such
organizations people have a steady approach and strive hard to live up to the expectations of the
management [ CITATION Ars16 \l 1033 ]. Employees get attached to the organization and do not
look at short term objectives. On the other side, some organizations have employees who are
more concerned with their position and image. They follow a culture where people move on in a
short span of time and nothing is done to retain them. The employees are concerned only with
their profits and targets and leave as and when they get a better opportunity [ CITATION Ars16 \l
1033 ].

According to John Meyer and Natalie Allen there is “Three Component Model of Commitment”.
The model explains that commitment to an organization is a psychological state, and that it has
three distinct components that affect how employees feel about the organization that they work
for.[ CITATION Min20 \l 1033 ].The three components are:

1. Affection for your job ("AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT")

3. Sense of obligation to stay ("NORMATIVE COMMITMENT")

As I have mentioned before most of the employees working in the hotel are long term employee,
they have been working here since a long time. These kinds of staffs always make sure that they
create a good relationship with the owners. Most of these staffs feel Sense of obligation to stay
("NORMATIVE COMMITMENT") because of the support that the owner has been doing to
them. For example, the owner helps one of the employees by sending his kids to school and also
helped him during his hard times. This has created a sense of obligation towards the owner and
even if he is unhappy in his role, or even if he want to pursue better opportunities he feels guilty
to leave the hotel. He has been working there for so many years already. Therefore because of
the kind and supporting nature of the owner, these staffs cannot leave the job and feel like
staying there is the best thing to do.

Another type of staff in the hotel is the short- term oriented with more conventional mentality.
They focus on improving their skills or always strive to learn new things. They also seek for
instant rewards and focuses on stability. They polish themselves by collecting the experience and
will go for other jobs options if they get better opportunities.
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