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Las Fracciones / Fractions

Para las fechas que van después del año 1000, el número se divide en dos números de dos cifras (en el caso
de que el número no termine con dos ceros).
Ejemplo1: 1934 lo dividiríamos en 19 y 34 y se diría nineteen thirty four
Ejemplo2: 1900 al tener dos ceros al final, diremos el 19 por un lado y añadiremos “hundred” (cientos) por
lo que se diría nineteen hundred.
(10-66) – Ten, sixty six (diez, sesenta y seis)

Para las fechas que van después del año 2000, el hecho de que sea fecha no influye y el año se dice igual
que diríamos el número.
Ejemplo1: 2000 se diria Two Thousand (dos mil). 2001 se diría two thousand and one
Ejemplo2: 2012 se diría two thousand and twelve
Se pude decir de dos formas:
1- (20-14) – Twenty Fourteen (veinte catorce)
2- (2014) – Two thousand (and) fourteen (dos mil catorce)
1- (19-64) – nineteen sixty four
1942: nineteen fourty two – 1968: nineteen sixty eight – 2002: two thousand and two – 2003: three thousand
and three – 
1492: fourteen ninety two – 2765: twenty seven sixty five – 1066: teen sixty six – 2006: two thousand and
1989, se lee: Nineteen eighty-nine. 1999, se lee nineteen ninety-nine. 1879, se lee: Eighteen
Mathematical symbols
4 + 5 four PLUS five
7 * 3 seven TIMES three
8 – 2 eight MINUS two
10 : 5 ten DIVIDED BY five

Exponents and roots

Let’s look at the simple exponent
42 4 to the 2nd power (four squared)…It´s equal to four times four which is sixteen
23 two cubed It´s equal to two times two times two which is eight
81 eight to the first power
Root sign
The most common roots

The “square root”

The “cube root”
Decimals and percentages

0.1 UK: (nought) point one.

US: (zero) point one.
0.25 UK: (nought) point two five
US: (zero) point two five
1.75 UK & US: one point seven five

  10.5 = ten point five

  12.76 = twelve point seven six

 ₤10.50 ten pounds fifty

₤15.30 fifteen pounds thirty

Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50)

six dollars and eighty cents ($6.80)

three thousand three hundred and nine dollars and sixty cents ($3309.60).
sixteen dollars eighty-seven and one-half cents (US$16.875)

How do you say…..?

LOVE In tennis scores

Del Potro won 6 – 0, 6 – 2 (six love, six two)

OH In telephone numbers (especially when 0 is in the

middle), hotel rooms, years and timetables.

01634362274 OH one six three four three six

two two seven four.

XXX3046XXX three OH four six.

You can say Zero but it is more typical to say


007 double oh seven

6:05 six oh five a.m or p.m (3: 30 three thirty a.m

or p.m) / 18:05 (airport timetables) eighteen oh

1906 – 1905 – 1908 nineteen oh six – nineteen oh

five – nineteen oh eight

ZERO For temperature (below zero), countdown (count


-10°C ten below zero, 3 2 1 zero

NOUGHT Before the decimal point

0.5 % nought point five per cent

NIL In football results

They won 7 - 0 seven NIL

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