Reindeer Games

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Vixen was on Pennsylvania Avenue

He rolled a 10
What space did he end up on? Write your answer in the spaces above. One letter per box.


Donner was was in the Ballroom

He left the room on the left side
He went left 2
Down 2
Left 2
Up 1
What room did he end up in? Write your answer in the spaces above. One letter per box.

Chutes and Ladders

Blitzen was on number 77

He moved 10 spaces
What number did he end up on? Write your answers in the spaces above. One letter per box.

Candy Land

Dasher was playing Candy Land.

He noticed a pattern on the board.
What color started the pattern on the game board? Write your answers in the spaces above. One letter per box.


Comet made it around the board in a hurry.

It seemed he was always able to land on this spot and move quickly past many spaces.
What special spot did he keep landing on? Write your answers in the spaces above. One letter per box.

Place the jumbled letters in

these boxes to find the
secret code.

Reindeer Games Report

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