The Second Generation of Romantic Poets

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SECOND GENERATION OF ROMANTIC POETS Handsome aristocratic young man, Symbol of

romantic spirit, Unhappy, isolated

Parties, drugs, drinking

George Byron P 359
“dandy”  fashionable young man, witty,
Percy Shelley P 364 admired, courts young ladies who adore him,
John Keats P 373 considers himself superior, he needs the approval
of others, womanizer, always bored “ennui”
“world weariness”

Style more refined, artificial, elaborate Politically engaged

Narrative poems

All three died quite young Went to live in Greece for a while

Incestuous relationship with his half sister, with

whom he had a daughter
They implemented romantic ideals in their lives:
they dared to defy conventions, crushed by Incapable of having a relationship, of love
Byronic hero cruel but irresistible
Byron believed so much in freedom that he went
to fight with the Greeks against Turkey in the Some men admired him, others hated him
name of freedom, he died in Greece at 36.  Flee England, surrounded by scandal 
embodiment of the romantic rebel Switzerland, Italy  revolution against
Shelley, husband of Mary Shelley, he believed in authorities
freedom, broke every rule of society, married “Don Juan”  left unfinished
Mary Shelley after he already married a very
young girl who committed suicide, Mary lost
some of her children, she thought that God was
punishing her, he drowned in the sea at 30, Mary
came back to England, poor, rejected by Radical, rebel, atheist, non-conformist, anarchist
everyone in society.
Poem: “Prometheus unbound”  symbol,
rebellion against authority  it’s just that
Prometheus is unbound
John Keats died at 24 because of tuberculosis, in
love with a girl, but did not marry (film: bright Pamphlet: “The necessity of atheism”
star) because he didn’t want to leave her a widow
Financial difficulties

Scotland, married a young girl  Harriet Shelley

BYRON kills herself because he had an affair

New wife, Mary  moves to Italy

Lord Poem: “Ode to the West Wind”  Italian terza
rima, 5 stanzas
Immense lyric powers

Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the

world  prophet of social change

Did not manage to establish a family

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