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Composed the lyrical ballads together with Wordsworth  he only wrote 4 very long poems

Wrote a lot about the supernatural

He lectured on philosophy and literature

He was addicted to laudanum, a mix of alcohol and opium, which was used as a pain killer

He wrote under the effect of drugs  his poems are visionary, evocative, vivid, intense

He considered himself a prophet

He wrote the “Biographia Literaria”, a literary biography in which he explains what is the “willing
suspension of disbelief” or “poetic faith” it’s an agreement between the writer and the reader, I which
the reader will accept the poem on the author’s terms, giving over to the author’s vision of the world long
enough to appreciate the work, so the reader suspends his disbelief in order to understand the author’s

He takes inspiration from ballads writes narrative poems, in which he tells a story


deep description of landscapes

no regular form, but he adapts it to the content to make it more effective

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