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Student Name: Jane De La Cruz

Date: 3/29/2020
Portfolio Artifact Description: Can label with city facts – using Power Point
What you learned: This project was very fun in my opinion. Where I’m from is something I’m
always going to be proud of and I will brag about it every time I get the chance. I loved being
able to look at pictures of my home state which also made me nostalgic. I wish I could portray
everything that my state represents, but the space was so limited. Having to come up with the
design and deciding where to put all the information was challenging. The measurements were
very hard to get. I didn’t want a Campbell Soup can and the ones that I have were bigger than the
samples. I tried my best to match the size of the Campbell Soup can. This was a very creative
project; different than the Power Point presentations we are used to when we want to talk about a
place or a person.
National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS-S) Addressed: 
Standard #6 Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of
purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. 
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: The assignment is a great way to present
something we don’t know much about. It could also be used in a classroom and instead of cities,
students can describe themselves or their families. That would be fun. I loved being able to show
some of the best parts of my state that make me so proud. This is a great project that will help
students come up with positive facts about things they love.

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