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1. Show HN: Lite – A small, fast text editor (

226 points by rxi 3 hours ago | hide | 99 comments

2. Pose Animator: SVG animation tool using real-time TensorFlow.js models (
438 points by hardmaru 6 hours ago | hide | 46 comments

3. StreetComplete asks questions, with answers used to improve OpenStreetMap data

45 points by Vinnl 1 hour ago | hide | 2 comments

4. Little Richard has died (

125 points by coloneltcb 5 hours ago | hide | 17 comments

5. The DooM-chip: no CPU, no opcodes, no instruction counter (

236 points by MrBuddyCasino 9 hours ago | hide | 55 comments

6. A casino card shark’s first time getting caught (

170 points by smoyer 7 hours ago | hide | 87 comments

7. We Are Trying Out PeerTube (

133 points by todsacerdoti 7 hours ago | hide | 76 comments

8. First, it was Craiglist, next it's Zapier (

43 points by kamerontanseli 3 hours ago | hide | 4 comments

9. Meshroom – Open-source photogrammetry software (

125 points by moeffju 7 hours ago | hide | 26 comments

10. 'Finally, a virus got me.’ Scientist who fought Ebola and HIV reflects (
89 points by akeck 1 hour ago | hide | 74 comments

11. For Roleplayers Who Start Writing (

13 points by BerislavLopac 1 hour ago | hide | 1 comment

12. School districts are sending WiFi-equipped buses to poor and rural neighborhoods
116 points by Anon84 10 hours ago | hide | 90 comments

13. X-37b space plane’s microwave power beam experiment (

179 points by clouddrover 12 hours ago | hide | 141 comments

14. EdenSCM – A cross-platform, scalable source control management system (

120 points by imoldfella 8 hours ago | hide | 27 comments

15. Show HN: Pyp – Easily, magically, run Python at the shell (
10 points by hauntsaninja 49 minutes ago | hide | discuss

16. A commit history of BERT and its forks (

86 points by amitness 8 hours ago | hide | 37 comments

17. What is a number that man may know it, and man that he may know a number?
(1960) [pdf] (
6 points by kick 2 hours ago | hide | discuss

18. Fixing Ellis Island's borders in the face of incorrect government data (
75 points by JasonHarrison 8 hours ago | hide | 14 comments

19. The Risks – Know Them – Avoid Them (COVID-19 infection event case studies)
5 points by mdturnerphys 30 minutes ago | hide | discuss

20. How I Turned an Idea into $7K by Teaching Online (

18 points by leerob 1 hour ago | hide | 7 comments

21. The History of Nostalgia (

24 points by samclemens 4 hours ago | hide | 7 comments

22. OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body estimation
66 points by Memosyne 9 hours ago | hide | 10 comments

23. Seven Bridges of Königsberg (

73 points by EndXA 9 hours ago | hide | 23 comments

24. Write Libraries, Not Frameworks (

889 points by brundolf 19 hours ago | hide | 281 comments

25. Can we escape from information overload? (

67 points by pseudolus 9 hours ago | hide | 16 comments
26. Tokyo’s Lion Cafe in Audio Magazine (
15 points by polm23 4 hours ago | hide | 3 comments

27. A World Without Referees (2012) [pdf] (

18 points by barry-cotter 4 hours ago | hide | 9 comments

28. Proton pump inhibitors (heartburn meds) linked with increased risk of dementia
64 points by Urgo 2 hours ago | hide | 26 comments

29. Gimp-ML – Machine Learning Python plugins for GIMP (

80 points by Hard_Space 13 hours ago | hide | 8 comments

30. Autograph hunting in Companies House (

31 points by edent 8 hours ago | hide | 10 comments


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