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MEC424 Applied Mechanics Lab – Strength



Programme : Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical (EM220)

Course : Applied Mechanics Lab
Code : MEC 424
Laboratory : Material Strength Lab

Experiment : 2

Title : Tensile Test

1.0 Introduction

Uniaxial tensile test is known as a basic and universal engineering test to achieve material
parameters. These important parameters obtained from the standard tensile testing are useful for
the selection of engineering materials for any applications required

1.1 Theory


Yield Fracture


Figure 1: Typical stress-strain of a a mterial

a- Yield stress
b- Ultimate tensile stress
c- Elastic or Young’s modulus, ɛ of a material can all be determine from the stress-strain
curve for that materials.

2.0 Objectives

MEC424 Applied Mechanics Lab – Strength

Upon completion of this experiment, students should be able to;

1. Determine the tensile properties subjected to tensile loading

2. Identify Types of fracture surface under pure torque
3. Validate the data between experimental and theoretical values

3.0 Apparatus

Vernier caliper, tensile test machine, rectangular specimens, extension gauge, load gauge

4.0 Experimental Procedure

1. Measured the length of specimens using Vernier calliper

2. Measure the thickness and width of specimens
3. Mount the specimens to the jaw grip of tensile test machine. Slightly Stretch on specimen by
turning load anchor clockwise until gauge record a slight reading
4. Place extensometer on the vertical flat of inner jaw to record elongation of the specimen.
Extensometer is set zero
5. Turn the load anchor is clockwise direction until extensometer records a change of 0.1 mm.
Record the load gauge reading.
6. Repeat step 5 for rate change in elongation to 0.2 mm and 0.3 mm.
7. Change the rate gradually to 0.1, when a load gauge recorded decreasing in reading until
specimen break
8. Measure the final length

5.0 Results and Discussion

1. Draw the test sample with complete dimension.
2. Tabulate the results as below.

Load (kN) Extension (mm) Stress Strain

3. Plot a graph load vs extension and stress vs strain.

4. Explain the actual characteristic of the materials being tested.
5. Calculate the actual energy needed to break the specimen.

1. Are the specimens being tested follows any international standards? Explain why?
2. Any precaution to minimize errors during experiments
3. Discuss the type and surface texture of the broken specimen.

6.0 Conclusion

Conclude findings from experimental data

7.0 References

List all references that have been made during the course of findings,

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