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Design of Isolated Footing (Calculation Sheet) EGYPTION CODE F2

fcu (footing)= 300.00 kg/cm²
fcu (column)= 300.00 kg/cm²
fy = 3600.00 kg/cm²
Net permissible 3.00 kg/cm²
soil presure
Footing cover 5.00 cm
c1 (column
20 cm
c2 (column 50 cm
Working load 76.2 tons

Ultimate load 114.3 tons

1-Detemination of base area

Af=1.08*Pw/Net permissible soil presure
Af = 2.74 m²

PC AxBxT= 1.85 1.55 0.35 m

RC axbxH= 1.15 0.85 0.35 m

2- Factored load and soil reaction

qs=Pu/(axb) = 116.93 t/m²

a-Check of Shear

qu = qs x tributary area / (b*d) 6.82 t/m²

w= 0.18 m

Tributary area = 0.20 m²

qcu = 7.16 kg/cm² > qu OK

b-Check of Punching

Qup = Pu - qs x tributary area 67.528 ton

qup = Qup / bod = 8.66 kg/cm²
Tributary area =( c1 + d ) x ( c2 + d ) 0.400 m²

Qcup1 14.13 kg/cm²

Qcup2 23.67 kg/cm²

16 kg/m²
Qcup3 12.72 kg/cm²
Qcup 12.72 kg/cm² ok
a 4.00
bo 2.60 m

3- Design of section due to moment

Moment due to long direction

Mu = qs x ( a / 2 - c1 / 2 )² / 2 6.18 m.t /m'

As 6.75 cm²

As_ total = 7.77 cm²

Area steel due to short direction

As _total = 5.74 cm²

Use As (short direction) 7 F 12 19 cm
Use As (long direction) 6 F 12 17 cm

4- bearing Strength of column

0.67A1fcu/gc 134.000 ton > Pu ok

5- bearing Strength of footing

The bearing strength of the footing is increased by a factor

due to the

0.67A1fcu/gc 268.000 ton > Pu ok


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