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Ws 1 (5-9 FEBRUARY) : Introduction and Course Syllabus

Ws 2 (12-16 FEBRUARY) (about Lecture 1: Fundamental Questions about Ethics in

Economics and Management):

Choose one of the following propositions to argue for in class:

1) “Ethics is fundamental for economics”; 2) “Ethics is not fundamental for economics”.

Ws 3 (19-23 FEBRUARY) (about Lecture 2: Fact/Value Dichotomy: Rationality):

Identify the main concepts seen in Lecture 2: “The Fact / Value Dichotomy: Human
Rationality. What, in your opinion, is the connection between these concepts and the one
you’ve seen in Lecture 1? Together with your group, write a paragraph where you define
and explain these concepts and the connection with the previous Lecture. Afterwards,
exchange your paragraph with that of another group. Together, discuss the concepts that
each group chose, the definitions provided and the connection you see between the two

Ws 4 (26-2March) (about Lecture 3: Assumptions of Economic Rationality):

Read proposition "P" and say whether "P" is true or false. Your opinion must
be substantiated and rooted in the concepts exposed/used during the lectures/workshops.

(P) Rational Choice Theory is grounded on an instrumental notion of rationality. 

Ws 5 (7 MARCH) - 1st TEST - There are no lectures or WS during this week

Ws 6 (12-16 MARCH) (about Lecture 4: Economic Efficency and Theories of Justice)

Placing yourself in the original position described by Rawls, under the veil of ignorance, (1)
discuss and try to reach an agreement with fellow group members about which kind of
society/world would you prefer to live in, which societies/worlds would it be acceptable to
live in and which ones you would not accept to live in. The group's answer must clearly
identify the principles one would accept as guidelines for the construction of that
society/world and also the basic structure of said society/world. Then, (2) try to persuade
your colleagues from other groups, in case they have reached a different solution, to
accept your group's perspective.

Ws 7 (19-23 MARCH) (about Lecture 5: Critical Analysis of Capitalism):

Read the text (on the Blackboard as “Ws 7 text”) critically and formulate questions about it.

Ws 8 (3-6 APRIL) [about Lecture 6: The Firm I (Economics and Sociology)]

What are the main differences between the sociological and economic approaches of

Ws 9 (13 APRIL) - 2nd Test - There are no lectures or WS during this week

Ws 10 (16-20 APRIL) [about Lecture 7: The Firm II (Ontology)]:

Can moral responsibility be attributed to corporations/firms?

Ws 11 (23-27APRIL) (about Lecture 8: Ethics & Ontology):

Interpretation and discussion about a Code of Ethics

Ws 12 (30-4 MAY) (about Lecture 9: Business Ethics/Firms and Ethics):

Oral Presentation of the main ideas about a Code of Ethics

Ws 13 (14-18 MAY) - (about Lecture 10: The contribution model and the open companies)
Video watching and discussion.

Ws 14 (21 MAY) 3rd Test There are no lectures or WS during this week

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