1-Student's Name: Omaymah Azmi Mousa

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1- Student’s Name : Omaymah Azmi Mousa

2- ID Number : 1181889

3- Course Name : Introduction To Literature (238)

4- Section Number : ( 3)

5- Assignment Number : First Assignment

6- Assignment Name : Short Story ( True Family)

7- lecturer's name : Siba Ewaiwi

True Family

Every summer of my childhood, I used to sneak to look from my gloomy window just so I can observe
the blooming flowers and the lovely blue sky .Along with noise of the crowds moving back and forth the
street , grownups chatter and the cars honking . Even though , it seems like things outside where a bit
out of place , it somehow was a beautiful mix. My childhood was not like any other , I spent it
wondering about my parents .

I suffered from family problems ,who chose to have a divorce . After the separation , my parents decided
to send me to an orphanage, their justification was that they are unable to live together . They sent me
to kosher orphanage for the kids ,an isolated place in New York city . I was the only child there , who was
left by his parents . Back then, they put me in the orphanage and went quickly like a shooting star. They
did not care about my tenderness for them . I can still remember every detail in that orphanage.
Georgina Thompson the director of the orphanage was a nervous woman with a strong , stiff
personality with owl eyes that followed children everywhere . Hence, everyone was afraid of her. Days
turned to years and like the other kids, I was loggingto become a part of a true family. I lived a difficult
harsh life in the orphanage. The manager treated us with cruelty, humiliation, and forbade us from
doing simple, such as playing outside, or taking us to the park. Every day , we were ordered to make our
beds, to shower alone every once a week no matter how dirty we get . Winter was not fun either,the
director greed seemed equal to our logging to leave. She did not turn the heaters, nor give us heavy
clothes or assign fewer chores …As I grew older my sadness grew with me because of my parents. Since,
before their separation I used to go to school, after it I turned to the kid who sneak up to look from my
gloomy window to watch parents take the hand of their children and deliver them to the school .Thus , I
kept feeling strange feelings mixed with pain and sorrow . Because I realized the selfishness and cruelty
of my parents. Fortunately, the day I dreamed of came . IT was t six o’clock , the sun was about to set
,and the sky was colored with red and orange, and a bit of yellow. I felt that bit of yellow .So little yet so
bright just like my hope in that particular day. A couple walked in to the orphanage, Kate and John
Coleman. They wanted to adopt a child. I think you should know by now who they picked. Yes,Me ! I
moved to live with my new family , who provided me with everything I need including the most
important needs , love and a true family.
*- Explain how the Elements impact the overall meaning of the story .

I used three elements that helped me in my short story . To begin with, I used setting to reflect the
protagonist’s life . For instance : gloomy window ,beautiful miss both reflect the character eagerness to
be a part of the world outside his window . I also used imagery while writing , which helps the reader
imagine the story better . For example , grown-up chatter , crowed , owl eyes. I also combined similes
and metaphors along with visuals . To illustrate , the director owl eyes , the blue sky and the yellow color
that represent the protagonist’s hope . The last element was the tone , I used the first person point of
view to help me explain the sadness ,the character felt while talking about his childhood .

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