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Goldilocks and Three Bears

Once upon a time there were three bears: A father bear, a mother bear and a little bear.
They lived in a yellow house in the middle of a big forest.

One day, Mother Bear prepared a big pot of delicious hot porridge for breakfast. It was too
hot to eat, so the bears decided to go for a walk while waiting for the porridge to cool.

Near the forest lived a little girl named Goldilocks. Goldilocks was not a well-behaved little
girl. That morning she was playing in the forest, throwing stones at squirrels, when she
smelled the smell of the delicious porridge that Mother Bear had made.

“Oh, I’m so hungry!” thought Goldilocks. “I wonder if they will share their porridge with

She knocked on the door of the house. She peeked in the window. She saw three bowls of
porridge on the kitchen table --- but it seemed that nobody was home. So Goldilocks entered
the house.

First, Goldilocks tasted the porridge in the Father Bear’s bowl. “Ow! This porridge is too
hot!” She said.

Then Goldilocks tasted the porridge in the bowl of Mother Bear. “Yuck! This porridge is too
cool!” She said.

Finally, Goldilocks tasted the porridge in Little Bear’s bowl. “Mmmmmm,this porridge is
perfect!” She said, and she ate the whole bowl of porridge!

Stomach full and satisfied, Goldilocks looked for a place to sit. She saw three chair beside
the fireplace. First, she sat on Father Bear’s chair. “This chair is too hard!” She

Then she sat on Mother Bear’s chair. “This chair is too soft!” She complained.

Finallym she on Little Bear’s chair. “Ahhh, this chair is perfect!”, she sighed. But just the
chair broke! “ I must have eaten too much porridge” Goldilocks thought to herself.

She was still tired so she went up the stairs to go to the bedroom, where there were three
beds. First, Goldilocks tried the bed of Father Bear, but she did not like it “This bed is too
hard!” She said.

Then she tried Mother Bear’s bed, but she did not like it either “This bed is too soft!” She
Finally,she tried Baby Bear’s bed. “This bed is perfect!” She said happily, and fell into a
deep sleep,dreaming of cookies and kittens.

Shortly after, the bears returned from walk, ready to have breakfast. But they were surprised
to see that the spoons already in their bowls of porridge. “Someone has eaten my porridge!”
Exclaimed Father Bear.

“Someone has eaten my porridge also!” Exclaimed Mother Bear.

“Someone has eaten my porridge ...... and it’s all gone!” sobbed Baby Bear, who loved

Then, the three bears saw that their chair had been used. “Who has been sitting on my
chair?” asked Father Bear.

“Who has been sitting on my chair?” asked Mother Bear.

“Who has been sitting on my chair ..... and broke it?” asked Baby Bear, and he began to cry.

The three bears ran up to the stairs to check their bedroom. “ Someone has been sleeping in
my bed!” Growled Father Bear.

“And someone has been sleeping in my bed!” Growled Mother Bear.

“ Someone has been sleeping in my bed .... and she’s still there” Shouted Baby Bear so
loudly that Goldilocks woke up.

When she saw the three angry bears she was very frightened. She jumped out of bed, ran
down the stairs, ran out the door and didn’t stop running until she reached her own house.

Inside, she found her own bowl and her own chair. And that night, just before she went sleep
in her own bed, she promised to herself, “ I will never eat porridge again”.
Goldilocks dan Tiga Beruang
Suatu ketika terdapat tiga ekor beruang: Ayah beruang, Ibu beruang dan Anak Beruang.
Mereka tinggal di rumah berwarna kuning di tengah hutan besar.

Suatu hari, Ibu Beruang menyiapkan sepanci besar bubur panas yang lezat untuk sarapan
pagi. Karena buburnya masih terlalu panas untuk dimakan, jadi beruang-beruang itu
memutuskan untuk berjalan-jalan sambil menunggu buburnya menjadi dingin.

Di dekat hutan tinggal seorang gadis kecil bernama Goldilocks. Goldilocks bukanlah gadis
kecil yang santun. Pagi itu dia bermain di hutan, Saat sedang melempar batu ke tupai dia
mencium aroma bubur lezat yang dibuat oleh Ibu Beruang.

"Oh, aku sangat lapar!" pikir Goldilocks. "Aku ingin tahu apakah mereka akan berbagi
bubur denganku?"

Dia mengetuk pintu rumah dan mengintip ke jendela. Dia melihat tiga mangkuk bubur di
atas meja dapur --- tetapi tampaknya tidak ada orang di rumah. Jadi Goldilocks memasuki
rumah itu.

Pertama, Goldilocks mencicipi bubur di mangkuk Ayah Beruang. "Aduh! Bubur ini terlalu
panas! " Dia berkata.

Kemudian Goldilocks mencicipi bubur di mangkuk Ibu Beruang. "Yuck! Bubur ini terlalu
dingin! " Dia berkata.

Akhirnya, Goldilocks mencicipi bubur di mangkuk Beruang Kecil. "Mmmmmm, bubur ini
sempurna!" Dia berkata, dan dia memakan seluruh bubur dalam mangkuk itu!

Setelah perutnya kenyang dan puas, Goldilocks mencari tempat duduk. Dia melihat tiga
kursi di samping perapian. Pertama, dia duduk di kursi Ayah Beruang. "Kursi ini terlalu
keras!" Dia mengeluh.

Kemudian dia duduk di kursi Ibu Beruang. "Kursi ini terlalu empuk!" Dia mengeluh.

Akhirnya dia duduk di kursi Beruang Kecil. "Ahhh, kursi ini sempurna!", Dia menghela
nafas. Tapi kursi nya patah! "Aku pasti sudah terlalu banyak makan bubur," Goldilocks
berfikir dalam hati.
Dia masih lelah sehingga dia naik tangga untuk pergi ke kamar tidur, di mana ada tiga
tempat tidur. Pertama, Goldilocks mencoba tempat tidur Ayah Beruang, tetapi dia tidak
menyukainya. "Tempat tidur ini terlalu keras!" Dia berkata.

Kemudian dia mencoba tempat tidur Ibu Beruang, tetapi dia juga tidak menyukainya.
"Tempat tidur ini terlalu empuk!" Dia berkata.

Akhirnya, dia mencoba tempat tidur Anak Beruang. “Tempat tidur ini sempurna! " katanya
dengan gembira, lalu tertidur lelap, memimpikan kue dan anak kucing.

Tak lama setelah itu, beruang-beruang itu kembali dari jalan-jalan nya, siap untuk sarapan.
Tetapi mereka terkejut melihat bahwa sendok sudah ada di mangkuk bubur mereka.
"Seseorang telah memakan buburku!" Seru Ayah Beruang.

"Seseorang juga telah memakan buburku!" Seru Ibu Beruang.

"Seseorang telah memakan buburku ...... dan habis!" isak Anak beruang, yang suka bubur.

Kemudian, ketiga beruang melihat bahwa kursi mereka telah digunakan. "Siapa yang duduk
di kursiku?" tanya Ayah Beruang.

"Siapa yang duduk di kursiku?" tanya Ibu Beruang.

"Siapa yang telah duduk di kursiku ..... dan mematahkannya?!" tanya Beruang Kecil, dan dia
mulai menangis.

Ketiga beruang itu berlari menaiki tangga untuk memeriksa kamar tidur mereka. "Seseorang
telah tidur di tempat tidurku!" Geram Ayah Beruang.

"Dan seseorang telah tidur di tempat tidurku!" Geram Ibu Beruang.

"Seseorang telah tidur di tempat tidurku .... dan dia masih di sana" Teriak Anak Beruang
begitu keras sehingga Goldilocks terbangun.

Ketika dia melihat ketiga beruang yang sedang marah itu dia sangat ketakutan. Dia
melompat dari tempat tidur, berlari menuruni tangga dan keluar dari rumah itu serta tidak
berhenti berlari sampai dia tiba di rumahnya sendiri.

Di dalam, dia menemukan mangkuk dan kursinya sendiri. Dan malam itu, tepat sebelum dia
tidur di tempat tidurnya sendiri, dia berjanji pada dirinya sendiri, "Aku tidak akan pernah
makan bubur lagi".

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