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At some point,

reality became a world with limits

In reality, our imaginations and endless possibilities

become trapped within this limit

This DREAM LAB is created

to break these limits in reality

This DREAM LAB is created for you

The state of not sleeping

a powerless state with no ideals or goals

The state of dreaming

the simple experience of dreaming

Dreams are synchronized through memories

Beyond the synchronization of dreams,

there is deeper dream

At this stage, the dream can influence reality

We call this, dream in a dream

I usually have spectacular dreams

Suddenly, I saw a deep, spiral staircase in front of me

The stairs kept on going and going

Starting from the legs,

my entire body was covered by this chill

It was scary, but i ran down the stairs

As I stood up, I saw a door from afar

I remember that light entered through that door

I opened the door and entered it

and saw a surreal space

It was marvelous

It was stunning

And I thought to myself,

why and how did I end up here

And suddenly, I realised

that I was still dreaming

and that this was a dream in a dream

Phase 5 : Return to Reality

Reality after the deeper dream

isn't quite the same as the reality

before the deeper dream

A state to make dreams come true

The synchronization of dreams

allows dreamers to connect with each other

Within a dream in a dream

lost bits of reality are pieced together

and this becomes reality

The 18 dreams synchronize

enter into a dream in a dream

and return to reality

Met through dreams that are

wider and deeper than the universe

We're no longer limited by reality

Lighter than wind, we fly to the end of the dreams


is created to break the limits of reality

and to bring the dreams into reality

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