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Exercises: Fill in the correct form (pronoun + verb).

1 Look at these sentences. Decide which ones are in the Present Perfect and which ones are in
the Present Perfect Continuous. (write down PP or PPC) (3 PTS) Pronoun/Ver Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Progressive
I / speak I have spoken I have been speaking
1 Deniz has been living in Salamanca since PPC he / write He has written He has been writing
October. they / do They have done Thex have been doing
2 Deniz has seen several brilliant concerts. PP you / swim You have swim You have been swiming
3 She has just finished her exams. PP she / live She has lived She has been leaving
4 She has been living in a residence with PPC
other students.

4a Positive Sentences (2 PTS)

2 Match the sentences from Task 1 with the thing they express or focus on (3 PTS)
Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
a how many times action happened 2
b the process or duration of an action 1
c the fact that an action is temporary, 4 1. I have been practising( practise) the piano for 30 minutes.
2. Bob has run ( run) 10 km.
d the completion and result of an action 3

4b Negative Sentences (2 PTS)

3 Put these sentences into their negative and question form (4 PTS)
Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1 She has just finished her exams.

A She hasn’t finished her exams. 1. You have not eaten (not eat) up yet.
2. He has not spoke (not speak) on the phone for half an hour, just a couple of
B Has she finished her exams? minutes.

2 Deniz has been living in Salamanca since October.

4c Questions (2 PTS)
A Denis hasn’t been living in Salamanca since October.
Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
B Has Denis been living in Salamanca since October?
1. How long has she waited (wait) for us?
2. How many times have I told (told) you?

5 Read the situations and write two sentences using the words in brackets (12 PTS)

4 Form (5 PTS) e.g. Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it and now he is on
page 53. f). Jimmy is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was eight years old. This
year he is national champion again – for the fifth time.
(read/for two hours) He has been reading for two hours. (Present P. Continuous)
(read/ 53 pages so far He has read 53 pages so far. (Present Perfect Tense) (win/the national championship five times) Jimmy has win the national championship
five times .
a). When they left school, Joe and David started making commercials. They still make
commercials. (play/tennis since he was eight) Jimmy has been playing tennis since he was eight.

(make/twenty commercials since they left school) Joe and David have made twenty
commercial after they left school. 6 Using the examples compare and then choose/underline the correct sentence (4

(make/commercials since they left school) Joe and David have been making Example 1: You don't have to wash the dishes.
commercials since they left school . I've washed them. √
I've been washing them.

b). Susan started making cookies three hours ago. She is still making cookies and now Example 2: I have an exam tomorrow and I still have a lot to learn.
she is making her third plate. I've studied the whole day.
I've been studying the whole day. √
(make/for three hours) Susan has been making cookies for three hours.
Example 3: I am so tired,
(make/ 3 plates so far) Susan has made 3 plates so far I have worked all day.
I have been working all day. √ (consequence)

c) David likes to draws. He is drawing for six hours. He is drawing his tenth drawing. Exercises:
1 You are absolutely sunburned.
(draw/for six hours) David has been drawing for six hours. I have sat in the sun too long.
I have been sitting in the sun too long
(draw/ ten drawings so far) David has drawn ten drawings so far.
2 I am not hungry.
d). Jane started painting three hours ago. She is still painting it and now she is I have already ate something.
painting her third painting. I have already eaten something

(paint/for three hours) Jane has been painting for three hours. 3 Can I go outside?
I have done my homework.
(paint/ 3 paintings so far) Jane has painted 3 paintings so far. I have been doing my homework-

e) Linda likes watching movies. She is watching movies for six hours. She is watching 4 I'm afraid, I'm getting a cold.
her fourth movie.
I have walked home in the rain
(watch/for six hours) Linda has been watching movies for six hours. _ I have been walking home in the rain.

(watch/ four movies so far) Linda has watches four movies so far. TOTAL: 37

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