SS On LINE Jesus Calms Storm 5-10-2020 (24343)

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Jesus Walks On Water and Calms the

Read all about this amazing event in the in the life of
Jesus…calming storms and easing fears: Mark 6: 45-52

Some background information we need to know . . .

 It had been a long day of speaking to the people on a hillside by the Sea of Galilee. The disciples get in
a boat and head for the other side of the sea. Jesus remains behind to rest and pray.
 It is a known fact that sudden storms can blow up on the waters…and that’s exactly what happened.
 The men on the boat were in great danger from the high waves and strong winds.
 As the men were struggling to keep their boat from tipping over, they see a person walking toward
them on the waters (calming the storm waves). Who could it be? A ghost. No, it’s Jesus, calling out to
the men: “Don’t be afraid”.
 You’re probably wondering how could Jesus walk on water. (Don’t know). BUT remember he is God’s
Son, and he can do amazing things – miracles.
 Mark is trying to show us that Jesus has divine powers. This helps us to have FAITH that Jesus is the
Son of God with special powers.

Our lives can have

What else does this story tell us ?? Some Fears and

FEARS - Let’s check out some of the fears we may have. (examples might be:
afraid of the dark…being alone…don’t like spiders…fear of high places…talking in front of people…
being hit by a baseball…fear of lightning…) OK… now it’s time for you to write down
some “things” that could make you afraid:
1. ________________________________ 2. _________________________________
It’s important for you to remember that Jesus says “Do not be afraid”. Your FAITH in him can
help CALM you DOWN and be BRAVE.

Storms – Let’s name some storms: hurricanes – tornadoes – thunder – snow.

Here’s what we know: storms are a part of living. We learn to deal with storms.
Jesus helped his disciples in a storm and he can help us…we can help other people who have experienced
bad storms. Can you name some ways we could help?

Ways To Deal With Fears > > > > > >
 Find someone to be with you. (Maybe even you pet) Someone who will talk with you. Fears need a
calm voice and loving words. Let yourself “feel good” when you overcome a fear (celebrate !).
 Write you ‘fear’ on a piece of paper…crumble it…and then throw it in the waste can (feel better now!)
 Don’t forget hugs…they help us get through storms and deal with our fears…make us feel secure.
Closing Prayer – Lord Jesus, be with me as I face my fears and make it through the
Give me the courage to not be afraid. I know you love me. AMEN (So Be It)

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