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Change Management and Innovation of DATACOM

Table of Contents
1 Change and innovation principles.............................................................................................3

1.1. First principle of change and innovation...............................................................................3

First Principle of change:.............................................................................................................3

First Principle of innovation........................................................................................................3

1.2 Implementation of the principle.............................................................................................3

1.3 Second principle of change and innovation...........................................................................4

Second Principle of innovation....................................................................................................4

1.4 Implementation......................................................................................................................5

2. Change and innovation theories and models............................................................................5

2.1 First change and innovation theory........................................................................................6

First change theory.......................................................................................................................6

First innovation theory.................................................................................................................6

First change model.......................................................................................................................6


2.3 Second theory of change and innovation...............................................................................7

Second theory of change..............................................................................................................7

Second theory of innovation........................................................................................................7

2.4 second model of change and innovation................................................................................8

Second model of innovation........................................................................................................8

Second model of change..............................................................................................................8


Reference list................................................................................................................................9

1 Change and innovation principles
“Change and innovation” are two vital parts for every organization. Change with effective
innovative ideas can easily bring success to an organization. However, both the elements have
some special principles and these principles make the elements useful for any company. Before
incorporating any change, a company has to analyze its principles and changes should be done
according to the “principles”.

1.1. First principle of change and innovation

First Principle of change:

Change should be “human-centered”: marketers and product developers of the “DATACOM
NZ” know that consumers come first[ CITATION CHR19 \l 1033 ]. The experience of
consumers is the most favorable way for designing relevant, likeable, useful products. Similarly,
change programs have to be on the basis of the needs of those consumers and “human-centric”.
At this point, it is important to understand that the change should be such that it benefits the
Change can be possible only with the help of the people, so it’s necessary to understand the
demand of the consumer. It means acquiring consensus from the people at all the stages-top,
middle and bottom. It also describes to treat every consumer as important.

       First Principle of innovation
Focus or target on the needs of the customer instead of focusing on profits:
The authority of the “DATACOM NZ” has to understand that, when an innovation is carried out
which has a clear value for customers and acceptance by the consumers, then success will follow
the business. That’s the mutually beneficial equation looking by the company. It again
propagates back within the company, via more motivated and happier workers, and far external
as the societal progress[ CITATION Mar194 \l 1033 ].

1.2 Implementation of the principle

For implementing the human-centric change, the “DATACOM NZ” has to incorporate some
special steps. The key stakeholders have to go through the “one-on-one” interaction or
interview, natural experiments and on-site scrutinizes for understanding the perspective of the

consumers. Additionally for searching what isn’t working for the “DATACOM NZ”, the team
should have its focus on responsive inquiry or analysis-asking to the consumers on what will
work for them and what will make them happy. This will allow the team of the “DATACOM
NZ” to draw a perfect picture of customer’s requirements and needs at different levels of “the
change”. The particular “human-centric” approach will help this company to identify all the
main factors for success[ CITATION Lau19 \l 1033 ]. These factors will support the authority of
“DATACOM NZ” to implement the changes in the most successful way.

1.3 Second principle of change and innovation

The second change management principle is “lead or guide from the Top”:
Leadership and management are closely associated. Leaders are the people who move as the
“voice” for the change also often they are the responsible person who start the program for
The change leaders of “DATACOM NZ” have the idea or vision for alternation. Then including
the managers and the change teams, they will make stories which will give a structure for
workers to follow. It is possible that, sometimes the organization’s change leader or managers
can be the same people. 
Anyway, the change leadership arrives in a few patterns:
 Support or backing from the executives and stakeholders.
 Change proponents who lead departments and teams.
 Change leaders as the active force behind any change.
This is necessary to create or make a systematic structure of leadership which includes all the
three groups. Without the support of the leadership changes will flag. It is the powerful
leadership by which workers would be able to identify their perfect place and the reason behind
their initiatives and also employees will know the way to implement the change[ CITATION
Joh20 \l 1033 ].

       Second Principle of innovation

“Invest almost twenty percent of the work time on innovation”:
Everyone in “DATACOM NZ” company has to be encouraged for investing some of their time
by pursuing or chasing ideas for some positive change and innovation, even if this doesn’t come
under their core responsibilities. Every employee is important and their thoughts are also

important for this company or for any company. Without the idea and support of each employee,
no organization can achieve success in any field. So, “DATACOM NZ” should motivate its
employees to invest some extra time for thinking of new innovative ideas for the company. The
authority or the management also needs to listen to all the ideas coming from every individual
working on the organization. They should not differentiate the ideas according to the position.
This type of approach will work best for “DATACOM NZ” company for incorporating
innovation programs[ CITATION Ada20 \l 1033 ].

1.4 Implementation
The principle of innovation states that “DATACOM NZ” has to develop the motivation among
its employees to spend almost twenty percent of their total work time for thinking some
innovative ideas[ CITATION Igo18 \l 1033 ]. For this, “DATACOM NZ” has to create a relaxed
and easygoing workplace for the employees. Creativity can’t be achieved by forcing; however, it
could be generated by simple steps. A relaxed and chilled environment will produce creativity
and it will be helpful to develop the team’s productivity. Apart from that, this company also
needs to hire employees who can understand the vision of DATACOM and can align with the
culture. Getting a team which contributes one vision also works together will help the
organization to run smoothly. It will also be helpful for this company in terms of incorporating
any new idea. Again by encouraging the diversity within the workplace, the “DATACOM NZ”
can put together all the members of a team and can motivate them for thinking positively and
innovatively for the company.

2. Change and innovation theories and models

As changes in an organization is the most important prospecting that help the organization to
develop their business and also improve their strategies. Innovation is another aspect that
included in an organization for the better usage of the business and resolute the business of this
particular organization, “DATACOM NZ”. In this organization, to introduce the new innovations
and changes some models and theories are used and based on these models and theories all the
changes and innovations are described. 

2.1 First change and innovation theory 

      First change theory

Many types of change theories have appeared in the development of a business and one of the
changes that is used in the organization “DATACOM NZ”. The theory of change that can be
applied by Datacom NZ is Kotter’s eight step strategy which includes:
 Creating an urgency sense which will indicate why the change is immediately needed
 Initiating a coalition to guide the process of change
 Establishment of a strategy and vision for implementing the change
 Communicating the vision of change to those employees who will be involved in
implementing the change
 Empowering the employees with proper training to make the change successful and
create its acceptance
 Generating wins which will be short term. This will divide the longer process into shorter
 Consolidating benefits that will be achieved by the change
 Anchoring new approaches of culture too keep the change ongoing and
implemented[ CITATION Chr18 \l 1033 ]

     First innovation theory

One of the most important “innovative theories” is TRIZ that is used for solving any problem in
the organization. In the organization, “DATACOM NZ” this theory is used for the benefit of the
business of the organization and through this theory the organization solves all their problems
and improves the business of this organization[ CITATION min201 \l 1033 ]. 

      First change model

The first “change model” is “Lewin’s change management model” that is used for the better
benefit of the organization and the way the organization uses this model is another factor.
Through this model the organization may change their management and the management
improved the business of the organization [ CITATION Ana19 \l 1033 ]. 
The three steps of Lewin’s change management model include the following:

 A frozen stage where the people have to be explained why the change would be
necessary and how it would change the situation for better
 An active stage where the change will actually be implemented through execution by all
the involved members
 Refreezing back to frozen stage where the changed situation will be kept implemented for
longer term profits of the company

According to the Lewin’s model that is used in the organization “DATACOM NZ” for the
change of the management and the organization has to do this changes based on this model and
make all the changes. In the frozen state Datacom NZ will be in the same position where the
people have to be influenced about the necessity of the change. The next stage will an active
stage of bringing in the stage and lastly refreezing will be initiated once the change is done and
the company then has to stay stable in that changed stage for continuous growth and further
profits. While implementing the innovation theory, the company needs to follow some important
 The company needs to determine first what needs to be innovated
 Surveying, whether the company understands the current state for innovation.
 Ensuring that they are getting a strong support from senior management.
 Creating a need for change that is the company needs to use their vison and the strategy
as an evidence for support.
 Communicating the vision for change with the employees.
 Managing and understanding the doubts with concern.
 In this phrase the communication is necessary regarding the planning and the
implementation of the changes.
 Describing the benefits of the change by having proper communication with the
 Providing lots of opportunity for the involvement of the employees
 Negotiating with the external stakeholders if necessary.

 Anchoring the changes with culture
 Developing various methods for sustaining the change
 Providing enough support to the employees with training opportunities.
 Celebrating the success with all the above steps of implementation [ CITATION min202 \l
1033 ].

2.3 Second theory of change and innovation

      Second theory of change

The second theory of change is the “nudge theory’ to understand and explore influences and
explaining them to bring in the change. It will focus on the available choices of change that will
be directing and influencing the preferences and hence motivate people to accept the
change[ CITATION Ana15 \l 1033 ].

     Second theory of innovation

The second “innovation theory” is “budgets for Micro-Innovation” that means that the
organization have to set a budget for the innovation. Most of the time this type of innovations are
risky because the innovations consumed money and it will cost a lot of money. Thus, the
organization has to start from the “micro innovations” and set a budget for them [ CITATION
Dan202 \l 1033 ]. 

2.4 second model of change and innovation

      Second model of innovation

The second “innovation model” is “Ideas proliferate” that focused on the divergent and multiple
progressions in the organization. It belongs to those factors by which the organization is going to
resolve the proliferate process and into this process progresses are happened. 

      Second model of change
The second “change model” is “ADKAR Model” that focuses on why it is difficult to implement
change and why some changes gain success while others cannot. The letters in ADKAR stands
for “Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement”
 It will help the company in building awareness within the workplace about the change.
 It will bring desire within the employees for participating and supporting the change
taking place.
 It will allow access to the knowledge regarding the change occurring in the company
which will make the goal for change clear to them.
 It will provide ability to the employees for learning new skills and developing their
behavior according to the change.
 A proper reinforcement will provide opportunity to sustain so that changes occurring in
the work place become clear to them. [ CITATION Pat20 \l 1033 ]

The implementation of the ADKAR model” in the organization “DATACOM NZ” will help in
general acceptance of the change at first because people tend to resist change. Once the change
has been universally accepted proper training and education will be provided to bring in the
change. After that the implementation of the change will take place thus bringing success to the
organization. Once the change is implemented it has to keep reinforced. At the time of
implementing the ADKAR model of change in the organization some following factors needs to
kept in mind.

 Highlighting the past failures which mean building awareness about the change which
needs to take place due to the past failures.
 The company needs to build up desire within the employees before that the employees
needs to understand why the change is important because as they understands the reason
behind the change automatically the desire will grow within them.
 Knowledge should be provided to the employees with proper training related to the
change going to take place within the organization.

 Even if the employees understands the needs for change and what is actually the change
about does not mean that they have the ability of participating in t so in that case the
company should only choose those employees for the change who has the ability of
participating in the change management process.
 After completion of the process based on the change management the company needs to
provide reinforcement to the employees participated in the process as it will lead to better
productivity from the employees[ CITATION Luc20 \l 1033 ].

Reference list

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