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Choose one: You get these 2 moves:

 Neural Interface with Data Storage: This interface • Cast a spell: When you force magic to take the shape of a spell, roll Mind.
Name. ___________________________________________ allows you to jack into the matrix. When you use research 10+: You cast the spell as desired
to search internally or externally stored data, gain an 7-9: You cast the spell but chose two:
extra [intel] on a hit. Choose two of following tags: • You can’t handle the flow of mana and suffer Drain
Looks. ___________________________________________ +inaccessible partition, +encrypted, +high capacity, +high • You lost control of the mojo, someone or something got
speed tangled up in the magic along with your intended target.
(lists/options on back)
 Tactical Computer: When you assess in a tactical situa- • You draw unwanted attention to yourself or leave your
tion, hold +1, even on a miss. signature all over
 Centering Focus: When you take Drain, this focus will • Books and Tall Tales: Choose 2 types of spell tags that you know. You may
take the Drain for you. It can do this once in both the only cast spells with these tags. The tags are:
legwork and action phases. Choose one of the following  +combat (tags. __________________________________)
tags: +hermetic, +shamanistic, +[tradition]  +detection
 Power Focus: You may tap into the awesome power of  +health
this focus to take +1 forward to any cast a spell, bind  +illusion
elementals, or summon spirits roll, if you do, take Drain.  +manipulation
Choose one of the following tags: +hermetic,
+shamanistic, +[tradition] Choose one of these:
 Spell Focus: You may tap into the power of this focus to  Bind Elementals: You are able to summon forth a powerful elemental and
take +1 forward to any cast a spell roll, as long as the tag bind it to your will and service. To do this you must perform a ritual lasting
several hours in a magical lodge or place of power that is meaningful to you,
matches the type of spell you wish to cast. Choose one of spend 1 [cred] and 1 [arcana], select one of the following tags: +fire, +water,
the following tags: +hermetic, +shamanistic, +[tradition]. +air, +earth and roll Edge.
Choose another one of the following tags: +combat, 10+: Gain 3 hold
MAGIC +detection, +health, +illusion, +manipulation 7-9: Gain 2 hold
 Spirit Focus: Tapping into the alien power of this focus 6-: Gain 1 hold and the MC makes a move
allows you 1 more hold on a 7+ with a bind elementals or For the duration of the Mission, you can spend 1 hold to do any of the follow-
summon spirits move. Choose one of the following tags: ing. Elementals have Armor equal to their Mage’s Magic, and do Harm equal
+hermetic, +shamanistic, +[tradition]. to 1+ their Mage’s Magic.
 Aid you in battle or fight an enemy on your behalf.
Choose two:  Physically move you and your team within its element.
 Traditional: Describe your magical tradition  Astrally scout a remote location, allowing you to ask one
question from the assess or research list.
and/or mentor spirit. When adhering to your  Tap the elemental’s force to have it supply you with 1 [arcana]
tradition hinders the mission, mark experi- immediately.
ence.  Perform a feat of elemental mastery or dominance.
 Search for something living that is not magically hidden or
 Revealing: When you discover more infor-
locked away.
mation about ____________________,  Summon Spirits: You are able to coax forth and summon a local spirit, se-
mark experience. lect a tag appropriate to the area (+city, +field, +forest, +desert, +lake,
+mountain, +prairie, +river, +sea, +storm, +swamp), take Drain and roll
 Network: When your membership in Style. You may choose to spend [arcana] to take +1 forward to this roll or
__________________ hinders the mission, resist the Drain, but not both.
mark experience. 10+: Gain 3 hold
7-9: Gain 1 hold
 Financial: When you hinder the mission for
For the duration of the Scene, you can spend 1 hold to do any of the follow-
a chance at extra profit, mark experience. ing. Spirits have Armor equal to their Shaman’s Magic, and do Harm equal to
1+ their Shaman’s Magic.
 Aid you in battle or fight an enemy on your behalf within its
_____________________________________________________  Tell you a secret about its domain.
 Astrally scout a place in its domain, allowing you to ask one
_____________________________________________________ question from the assess or research list.
 Cast a spell related to its domain.
_____________________________________________________  Take physical form and animate an aspect of its domain.
 Guard you from threats originating outside its domain.
Choose one more: • Totem talisman or library of your tradition.
 Alchemist: You may cast a spell on a small object, Consulting this totem for guidance or studying
elixir, talisman, or trinket and give it to someone else to this library at the beginning of a mission will
activate later. This item lasts for the duration of the give 1 [arcana]. Choose one of the following
mission. Each person may only be in possession of one tags: +hermetic, +shamanistic, +[tradition].
alchemist spell at a time, activated or not.
 Support Mage: When you aid or interfere with others, Choose one weapon:
roll Magic instead of Links.  Holdout pistol (2-harm hand/close discreet
 Banisher: You may use hold from bind an elemental or quick reload loud)
summon a spirit to banish spirits, elementals or astral  Flashbangs (s-harm near area loud reload)
guardians at 1 hold per entity.  Flechette pistol (3-harm close/near quick
 Initiate: Your membership in a shamanic lodge or
magical society allows you access to reagents,
telesma, talismans and trinkets. At the beginning of a Choose two:
Mission, roll Magic:  Armored coat (1-armor)
10+: Gain 3 hold  Armored clothing (0-armor, +discreet, sub-

7-9: Gain 1 hold tract 1 when rolling the harm move)

 Glasses or Goggles (Choose one: +light am-
Hold from this move may be spent as tradition plification, +magnification, +recording)
appropriate [intel] or [arcana]  +luxury Sedan
 Wage Mage: Your moonlighting or corporate
 +filthy Motorcycle
background offers you access to wealth and materials.
At the beginning of a Mission, gain 1 [cred] or 1 [gear]
 Quickener: One +manipulation, +illusion, +detection or
You start with 5 Cred.
+health spell you cast can be sustained without
suffering a -1 ongoing to cast a spell. Additionally, you
may sustain a second spell and take -1 ongoing to cast
a spell. Name: Howling Coyote, WinterHawk, Au-
 Witness my Hate: Any +combat spell you cast may toMagic, MarchMagus, Sam, Merlin, Walks-
have either the +area or +breach tags, or instead may With-3-Sticks, Hoot, Kit, Shadow, Brother
choose to do +1 Harm. Bear, Pyre, Whisker, Star Dancer, Hound-
 Thaumaturgical Forensics: Ask a second question stooth, WhiskeyJack, Mittens, a mystical The mana swell of the Gaias-
from the assess or research lists when you cast a name, a tribal name, a real name. phere has called to you. Was
+detection spell. Gain 1 [intel] when casting a it genetics? Luck? A cult or
+detection Spell where you roll 10+. random Spirit? Who knows, but
Look: Choose one from each line what you do know is that you
 Wankan Tanka: The Spirits guide you and whisper
Eyes: searching, restless, artificial, penetrat- got the mojo, chummer. Fire-
their misfortunes and adventures, when you research ing, resigned, jaded, obscured balls? Mind Control? Creepy
anything non-technical, roll Magic instead of Mind. On a Rituals? Elementals and Spir-
10+, take [arcana]. its bound to your will or bar-
 Grasshopper: You may learn and cast spells with an-
Face: scarred, impassive, friendly, nonde-
script, weathered, obscured tered with for favors? All
other tag. within your purview and all
 Projection: You may project your soul outside your desperately wanted by the
physical body to explore Astral Space, when you do, Body: muscular, lithe, augmented, wiry, com- highest bidder. Those of your
roll Cool: pact, overweight kind that go legit can expect
10+: Gain 1 [arcana]. to retire rich and fat, but
7-9: Something has seen you and may follow you Wear: worn, faded, corporate, casual, street, something in the astral calls
home or advance a clock, your choice. scrounged, flashy to you, and you chose a dif-
ferent path. Frag those suits,
7+: You may ask one question from the assess/ your mojo, your way.
assessing or research table of any person or loca- Skin: artificial, asian or south asian, black,
tion, as long as they are not astrally protected, decorated, hispanic/latino, indigenous, mid- CONTINUE? [Y/N]
guarded, or behind a barrier or ward. dle eastern, white

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