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Unit 1: Day 1 Pre-Class Vocabulary Words

Lexsis Bailey
Chamberlain University
NR 283: Pathophysiology
Teresa Pence
March 3, 2020
Students should be prepared on Day 1 of class with handwritten definitions of the following
terms. Students may be randomly called upon to discuss these terms. This assignment should
also be submitted under the assignment tab in Canvas.

1. Pathophysiology- functional and structural changes resulting from disease processes

2. Pathogenesis- the development of a disease and the chain of events leading to that

3. Etiology- study of the causes of infectious disease

4. Risk Factors- A factor that when present increases the likelihood of disease

5. Clinical Manifestation- signs/ symptoms the patient tells you

6. Effects on Body Systems- changes to a group of tissues/ organs.

7. The Nursing Role- caregiver for patients and helps to manage physical needs, prevent
illness, and treat health conditions

8. Health Promotion and Prevention- focus on keeping people healthy

9. Safety- behavior that prevents hurt, injury, or loss.

10. Medications- Drugs that are used to treat or prevent diseases and other conditions.

11. Complications- a circumstance that complicates something

12. Acute- indicates a short-term illness that develops quickly with marked signs such as
high fever or severe pain

13. Chronic- often a milder condition developing gradually, but it persists for a long time
and usually causes more permanent tissue damage.

14. Exacerbation- worsening in the severity of the disease or in its signs/symptoms

15. Remission- a period or condition in which the manifestations of the disease subside,
either permanently or temporarily

16. Laboratory (lab) test- to verify a diagnosis

17. Diagnostic procedure- an examination to identify an individual's specific areas of

weakness and strength in order determine a condition, disease or illness.

18. Idiopathic- when the cause of a disease is unknown

19. Insidious- a gradual progression with only vague or very mild sign

20. Prophylaxis- a measure designed to preserve health (as of an individual or society) and
prevent the spread of disease.

Pence/May 2019

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