23 Studies Harmful Belly Fat Health Benefits

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Why Low-Carb?

In the past 12 years, at least 23 studies have shown that low-carb diets can help you lose weight (without calorie counting).
One of the main reasons is that these diets can significantly reduce appetite, making you eat fewer calories without having
to consciously try to eat less. Low-carb diets also improve health in other ways. They are very effective at reducing harmful
belly fat, and tend to reduce triglycerides and raise HDL (the "good") cholesterol significantly. They also tend to lower blood
pressure and blood sugar levels. Although low-carb diets are not necessary for everyone, they can have important health
benefits for people with obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and certain neurological disorders. A low-carb vegan
diet can be very healthy as well. Studies on eco-atkins (vegan, 26% of calories as carbs) have shown that such a diet is much
healthier than a regular low-fat diet, as well as a low-fat vegetarian diet.

Different Types of Vegetarians

There are several different types of vegetarians. None of them eat meat or fish. The two most common types are lacto-ovo
vegetarians and vegans. Lacto-ovo vegetarians (or simply "vegetarians") eat dairy products and eggs, but vegans do not eat
any animal-derived foods.

Dairy Products and Eggs Are Low in Carbs

Eggs and dairy products, without added sugar, are low in carbs, but high in both protein and fat. For vegetarians (not vegans),
they are perfect for a low-carb diet.

 Eggs: Contain only trace amounts of carbs. Choose pastured, omega-3-enriched or free-range eggs if you can.

 Yogurt, Greek yogurt and kefir: Choose unsweetened, full-fat versions. Find ones with live cultures for an
additional probiotic benefit.

 Grass-fed butter: Butter from grass-fed cows is healthy, and fine in moderation on a low-carb diet.

 Cheese: Highly nutrient-dense and tasty, and can be used in all sorts of recipes.

These foods are also rich in vitamin B12, which is not found in plant foods. Vegetarians can get all the B12 they need from
these foods, while vegans need to supplement.

Low-Carb Friendly Plant Foods (For Both Vegetarians and Vegans)

There is actually a massive variety of low-carb foods from plants.

Many of these foods are also high in protein and fat.

 Vegetables: Many vegetables are low in carbs. This includes tomatoes, onions, cauliflower, eggplant, bell
peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

 Fruits: Berries like strawberries and blueberries can be eaten on a low-carb diet. Depending on how many carbs you
want to eat, other fruits may be acceptable as well.
 Fatty fruits: Avocados and olives are incredibly healthy. They are low in carbs but high in fat.

 Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds are low in carbs, but high in protein and fat. This includes almonds, walnuts,
macadamia nuts, peanuts and pumpkin seeds.

 Soy: Foods like tofu and tempeh are high in protein and fat, but low in carbs. This makes them acceptable on a low-
carb vegetarian/vegan diet.

 Legumes: Some legumes, including green beans, chick peas and others.

 Healthy fats: Extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil and coconut oil.

 Chia seeds: Most of the carbs in chia seeds are fiber, so almost all of the usable calories in them come from protein
and fat.

 Dark chocolate: If you choose dark chocolate with a high (70-85 %+) cocoa content, then it will be low in carbs but
high in fat.

How Many Carbs Should You Eat?

There is no fixed definition of exactly what "low carb" means.

It is important to experiment and figure out a way to match your carb intake to your own goals and preferences.

That being said, these guidelines are reasonable:

 100-150 grams per day: This is a decent maintenance range, and is good for people who exercise a lot.

 50-100 grams per day: This should lead to automatic weight loss, and is a good maintenance range for people who
don't exercise that much.

 20-50 grams per day: With a carb intake this low, you should lose weight quickly without experiencing much
hunger. This carb range should put you into ketosis.

Vegetarians could easily go into the lowest range, but such a diet would be impractical for vegans. The 100-150 gram range
would be more suitable for vegans.

It is recommended to use a nutrition tracker for at least a few days/weeks while you are fine-tuning your carbohydrate intake
and making sure to get enough protein and fat.

A Sample Menu For a Low-Carb Vegetarian Diet

This is a one-week sample menu for a vegetarian (not vegan) diet that is low in carbs.

You can adapt this based on your own needs and preferences.

 Breakfast: Eggs and vegetables, fried in olive oil.

 Lunch: Four bean salad with olive oil, and a handful of nuts.
 Dinner: Cheesy cauliflower bake (gratin) with broccoli and potato.


 Breakfast: Full-fat yoghurt and berries.

 Lunch: Leftover potato bake from the night before.
 Dinner: Grilled portabello mushrooms, with buttered vegetables and avocado.


 Breakfast: Smoothie with coconut milk and blueberries.

 Lunch: Carrot and cucumber sticks with hummus dip, and a handful of nuts.
 Dinner: Tempeh stir fry, with cashew nuts and veggies.


 Breakfast: Omelet with vegetables, fried in olive oil.

 Lunch: Leftover stir fry from dinner the night before.
 Dinner: Chilli beans with sour cream, cheese and salsa.


 Breakfast: Full-fat yoghurt and berries.

 Lunch: Quinoa salad with some olive oil and a handful of nuts.
 Dinner: Feta cheese salad with pumpkin seeds and macadamia nuts, drizzled with olive oil.


 Breakfast: Fried eggs with baked beans and avocado.

 Lunch: Carrot and cucumber sticks with hummus dip, and a handful of nuts.
 Dinner: Eggplant moussaka.


 Breakfast: Strawberry smoothie with full-fat yogurt and nuts.

 Lunch: Leftover moussaka from the night before.
 Dinner: Asparagus, spinach and feta quiche (with or without egg).
Take Home Message

There are many delicious plant foods that are low in carbs, but high in fat and protein. Clearly, you don't need to be a meat
eater to reap the benefits of low-carb eating.

The 17 Best Protein Sources for Vegans and Vegetarians

A common concern about vegetarian and vegan diets is that they might lack sufficient protein. However, many experts agree
that a well-planned vegetarian or vegan diet can provide you with all the nutrients you need. That said, certain plant foods
contain significantly more protein than others. And higher-protein diets can promote muscle strength, satiety and weight
loss. Here are 17 plant foods that contain a high amount of protein per serving.

1. Seitan

Seitan is a popular protein source for many vegetarians and vegans. It's made from gluten, the main protein in wheat. Unlike
many soy-based mock meats, it resembles the look and texture of meat when cooked. Also known as wheat meat or wheat
gluten, it contains about 25 grams of protein per 3.5 ounces (100 grams). This makes it the richest plant protein source on
this list. Seitan is also a good source of selenium and contains small amounts of iron, calcium and phosphorus. You can find
this meat alternative in the refrigerated section of most health food stores, or make your own version with vital wheat gluten
using this recipe. Seitan can be pan-fried, sautéed and even grilled. Therefore, it can be easily incorporated in a variety of
recipes. However, seitan should be avoided by people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

BOTTOM LINE: Seitan is a mock meat made from wheat gluten. Its high protein content, meat-like texture and versatility
make it a popular plant-based protein choice among many vegetarians and vegans.

2. Tofu, Tempeh and Edamame

Tofu, tempeh and edamame all originate from soybeans. Soybeans are considered a whole source of protein. This means that
they provide the body with all the essential amino acids it needs. Edamame are immature soybeans with a sweet and slightly
grassy taste. They need to be steamed or boiled prior to consumption and can be eaten on their own or added to soups and
salads. Tofu is made from bean curds pressed together in a process similar to cheese making. Tempeh is made by cooking
and slightly fermenting mature soybeans prior to pressing them into a patty. Tofu doesn't have much taste, but easily absorbs
the flavor of the ingredients it's prepared with. Comparatively, tempeh has a characteristic nutty flavor. Both tofu and tempeh
can be used in a variety of recipes, ranging from burgers to soups and chilies. All three contain iron, calcium and 10-19 grams
of protein per 3.5 ounces (100 grams). Edamame are also rich in folate, vitamin K and fiber. Tempeh contains a good amount
of probiotics, B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus.

BOTTOM LINE: Tofu, tempeh and edamame all originate from soybeans, a complete source of protein. They also contain
good amounts of several other nutrients and can be used in a variety of recipes.

3. Lentils

At 18 grams of protein per cooked cup (240 ml), lentils are a great source of protein. They can be used in a variety of dishes,
ranging from fresh salads to hearty soups and spice-infused dahls. Lentils also contain good amounts of slowly digested
carbs, and a single cup (240 ml) provides approximately 50% of your recommended daily fiber intake. Furthermore, the type
of fiber found in lentils has been shown to feed the good bacteria in your colon, promoting a healthy gut. Lentils may also
help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, excess body weight and some types of cancer. In addition, lentils are rich in
folate, manganese and iron. They also contain a good amount of antioxidants and other health-promoting plant compounds.

BOTTOM LINE: Lentils are nutritional powerhouses. They are rich in protein and contain good amounts of other nutrients.
They may also help reduce the risk of various diseases.

4. Chickpeas and Most Varieties of Beans

Kidney, black, pinto and most other varieties of beans contain high amounts of protein per serving. Chickpeas, also known as
garbanzo beans, are another legume with a high protein content. Both beans and chickpeas contain about 15 grams of
protein per cooked cup (240 ml). They are also excellent sources of complex carbs, fiber, iron, folate, phosphorus, potassium,
manganese and several beneficial plant compounds. Moreover, several studies show that a diet rich in beans and other
legumes can decrease cholesterol, help control blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and even reduce belly fat. Add beans
to your diet by making a tasty bowl of homemade chili, or enjoy extra health benefits by sprinkling a dash of turmeric on
roasted chickpeas.

BOTTOM LINE: Beans are health-promoting, protein-packed legumes that contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and
beneficial plant compounds.

5. Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is a deactivated strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, sold commercially as a yellow powder or flakes. It
has a cheesy flavor, which makes it a popular ingredient in dishes like mashed potatoes and scrambled tofu. Nutritional yeast
can also be sprinkled on top of pasta dishes or even enjoyed as a savory topping on popcorn. This complete source of plant
protein provides the body with 14 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber per ounce (28 grams). Fortified nutritional yeast is
also an excellent source of zinc, magnesium, copper, manganese and all the B vitamins, including B12. However, fortification
is not universal and unfortified nutritional yeast should not be relied on as a source of vitamin B12.

BOTTOM LINE: Nutritional yeast is a popular plant-based ingredient often used to give dishes a dairy-free cheese flavor. It is
high in protein, fiber and is often fortified with various nutrients, including vitamin B12.

6. Spelt and Teff

Spelt and teff belong to a category known as ancient grains. Other ancient grains include einkorn, barley, sorghum and farro.
Spelt is a type of wheat and contains gluten, whereas teff originates from an annual grass, which means it's gluten-free. Spelt
and teff provide 10–11 grams of protein per cooked cup (240 ml), making them higher in protein than other ancient grains.
Both are excellent sources of various nutrients, including complex carbs, fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese.
They also contain good amounts of B vitamins, zinc and selenium. Spelt and teff are versatile alternatives to common grains,
such as wheat and rice, and can be used in many recipes ranging from baked goods to polenta and risotto.

BOTTOM LINE: Spelt and teff are high-protein ancient grains. They're a great source of various vitamins and minerals and an
interesting alternative to more common grains.

7. Hempseed
Hempseed comes from the Cannabis sativa plant, which is notorious for belonging to the same family as the marijuana plant.
But hempseed contains only trace amounts of THC, the compound that produces the marijuana-like drug effects. Although
not as well-known as other seeds, hempseed contains 10 grams of complete, easily digestible protein per ounce (28 grams).
That's 50% more than chia seeds and flaxseeds. Hempseed also contains a good amount of magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc
and selenium. What's more, it's a good source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the ratio considered optimal for
human health. Interestingly, some studies indicate that the type of fats found in hempseed may help reduce inflammation, as
well as diminish symptoms of PMS, menopause and certain skin diseases. You can add hempseed to your diet by sprinkling
some in your smoothie or morning muesli. It can also be used in homemade salad dressings or protein bars.

BOTTOM LINE: Hempseed contains a good amount of complete, highly-digestible protein, as well as health-promoting
essential fatty acids in a ratio optimal for human health.

8. Green Peas

The little green peas often served as a side dish contain 9 grams of protein per cooked cup (240 ml), which is slightly more
than a cup of milk. What's more, a serving of green peas covers more than 25% of your daily fiber, vitamin A, C, K, thiamine,
folate and manganese requirements. Green peas are also a good source of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and
several other B vitamins. You can use peas in recipes such as pea and basil stuffed ravioli, Thai-inspired pea soup or pea and
avocado guacamole.

BOTTOM LINE: Green peas are high in protein, vitamins and minerals and can be used as more than just a side dish.

9. Spirulina

This blue-green algae is definitely a nutritional powerhouse. Two tablespoons (30 ml) provide you with 8 grams of complete
protein, in addition to covering 22% of your daily requirements of iron and thiamin and 42% of your daily copper needs.
Spirulina also contains decent amounts of magnesium, riboflavin, manganese, potassium and small amounts of most of the
other nutrients your body needs, including essential fatty acids. Phycocyanin, a natural pigment found in spirulina, appears to
have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Furthermore, studies link consuming spirulina to
health benefits ranging from a stronger immune system and reduced blood pressure to improved blood sugar and
cholesterol levels.

BOTTOM LINE: Spirulina is a nutritious high-protein food with many beneficial health-enhancing properties.

10. Amaranth and Quinoa

Although often referred to as ancient or gluten-free grains, amaranth and quinoa don't grow from grasses like other cereal
grains do. For this reason, they're technically considered "pseudocereals." Nevertheless, they can be prepared or ground into
flours similar to more commonly known grains. Amaranth and quinoa provide 8–9 grams of protein per cooked cup (240 ml)
and are complete sources of protein, which is rare among grains and pseudocereals. Also, amaranth and quinoa are good
sources of complex carbs, fiber, iron, manganese, phosphorus and magnesium.

BOTTOM LINE: Amaranth and quinoa are pseudocereals that provide you with a complete source of protein. They can be
prepared and eaten similar to traditional grains such as wheat and rice.

11. Ezekiel Bread and Other Breads Made From Sprouted Grains
Ezekiel bread is made from organic, sprouted whole grains and legumes. These include wheat, millet, barley and spelt, as well
as soybeans and lentils. Two slices of Ezekiel bread contain approximately 8 grams of protein, which is slightly more than the
average bread. Sprouting grains and legumes increases the amount of healthy nutrients they contain and reduces the amount
of anti-nutrients in them. In addition, studies show that sprouting increases their amino acid content. Lysine is the limiting
amino acid in many plants, and sprouting increases the lysine content. This helps boost the overall protein quality. Similarly,
combining grains with legumes could further improve the bread's amino acid profile. Sprouting also seems to increase the
bread's soluble fiber, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene content. It may also slightly reduce the gluten content,
which can enhance digestion in those sensitive to gluten.

BOTTOM LINE: Ezekiel and other breads made from sprouted grains have an enhanced protein and nutrient profile,
compared to more traditional breads.

12. Soy Milk

Milk that's made from soybeans and fortified with vitamins and minerals is a great alternative to cow's milk. Not only does it
contain 7 grams of protein per cup (240 ml), but it's also an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12. However,
keep in mind that soy milk and soybeans do not naturally contain vitamin B12, so picking a fortified variety is recommended.
Soy milk is found in most supermarkets. It's an incredibly versatile product that can be consumed on its own or in a variety of
cooking and baking recipes. It is a good idea to opt for unsweetened varieties to keep the amount of added sugars to a

BOTTOM LINE: Soy milk is a high-protein plant alternative to cow's milk. It's a versatile product that can be used in a variety
of ways.

13. Oats and Oatmeal

Oats are an easy and delicious way to add protein to any diet. Half a cup (120 ml) of dry oats provides you with approximately
6 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. This portion also contains good amounts of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and folate.
Although oats are not considered a complete protein, they do contain higher-quality protein than other commonly consumed
grains like rice and wheat. You can use oats in a variety of recipes ranging from oatmeal to veggie burgers. They can also be
ground into flour and used for baking.

BOTTOM LINE: Oats are not only nutritious but also an easy and delicious way to incorporate plant protein into a vegan or
vegetarian diet.

14. Wild Rice

Wild rice contains approximately 1.5 times as much protein as other long-grain rice varieties, including brown rice and
basmati. One cooked cup (240 ml) provides 7 grams of protein, in addition to a good amount of fiber, manganese,
magnesium, copper, phosphorus and B vitamins. Unlike white rice, wild rice is not stripped of its bran. This is great from a
nutritional perspective, as bran contains fiber and plenty of vitamins and minerals. However, this causes concerns about
arsenic, which can accumulate in the bran of rice crops grown in polluted areas. Arsenic is a toxic trace element that may give
rise to various health problems, especially when ingested regularly for long periods of time. Washing wild rice before cooking
and using plenty of water to boil it may reduce the arsenic content by up to 57%.

BOTTOM LINE: Wild rice is a tasty, nutrient-rich plant source of protein. Those relying on wild rice as a food staple should
take precautions to reduce its arsenic content.
15. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are derived from the Salvia hispanica plant, which is native to Mexico and Guatemala. At 6 grams of protein and
13 grams of fiber per 1.25 ounces (35 grams), chia seeds definitely deserve their spot on this list. What's more, these little
seeds contain a good amount of iron, calcium, selenium and magnesium, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and
various other beneficial plant compounds. They're also incredibly versatile. Chia seeds have a bland taste and are able to
absorb water, turning into a gel-like substance. This makes them an easy addition to a variety of recipes, ranging from
smoothies to baked goods and chia puddings.

BOTTOM LINE: Chia seeds are a versatile source of plant protein. They also contain a variety of vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants and other health-promoting compounds.

16. Nuts, Nut Butters and Other Seeds

Nuts, seeds and their derived products are great sources of protein .One ounce (28 grams) contains between 5–7 grams of
protein, depending on the nut and seed variety. Nuts and seeds are also great sources of fiber and healthy fats, in addition to
iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin E and certain B vitamins. They also contain antioxidants, among
other beneficial plant compounds. When choosing which nuts and seeds to buy, keep in mind that blanching and roasting
may damage the nutrients in nuts. So reach for raw, unblanched versions whenever possible. Also, try opting for natural nut
butters to avoid the oil, sugar and excess salt often added to many household brand varieties.

BOTTOM LINE: Nuts, seeds and their butters are an easy way to add plant protein, vitamins and minerals to your diet. Opt to
consume them raw, unblanched and with no other additives to maximize their nutrient content.

17. Protein-Rich Fruits and Vegetables

All fruits and vegetables contain protein, but the amounts are usually small. However, some contain more than others.
Vegetables with the most protein include broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes and Brussels
sprouts. They contain about 4–5 grams of protein per cooked cup. Although technically a grain, sweet corn is a common food
that contains about as much protein as these high-protein vegetables (76). Fresh fruits generally have a lower protein content
than vegetables. Those containing the most include guava, cherimoyas, mulberries, blackberries, nectarines and bananas,
which have about 2–4 grams of protein per cup.

BOTTOM LINE: Certain fruits and vegetables contain more protein than others. Include them in your meals to increase your
daily protein intake.

Take Home Message

Protein deficiencies among vegetarians and vegans are far from being the norm. Nonetheless, some people may be
interested in increasing their plant protein intake for a variety of reasons. This list can be used as a guide for anyone
interested in incorporating more plant-based proteins into their diet.

12 Mistakes to Avoid on a Vegetarian or Vegan Diet

A balanced vegetarian or vegan diet can provide many health benefits. These diets have been associated with weight loss,
better blood sugar control, a decreased risk of heart disease and a lower risk of certain types of cancer. However, it can be
challenging to maintain a well-rounded vegetarian diet that provides all the nutrients you need. This article uncovers some of
the most common mistakes people make on a vegan or vegetarian diet, and how to avoid them.

1. Assuming That Vegan or Vegetarian Products Are Automatically Healthier

Unfortunately, just because a food product is labeled “vegetarian” or “vegan” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthier than the
regular alternative. For example, almond milk is a popular, plant-based milk that’s often a staple in vegan diets. However,
while almond milk is low in calories and enriched with several important vitamins and minerals, it is not necessarily healthier
than cow’s milk. For example, 1 cup (240 ml) of low-fat cow’s milk contains 8 grams of protein, while the same amount of
unsweetened almond milk contains only 1 gram. Sweetened almond milk can also be high in added sugar, with 16 grams of
sugar in just 1 cup. Other vegetarian products, such as soy-based veggie burgers, nuggets and meat alternatives, are often
highly processed, with a long list of artificial ingredients. So they’re often no healthier than other non-vegetarian processed
foods. Despite being vegetarian, these products are also often high in calories, yet lacking the protein, fiber and nutrients
necessary for a balanced meal. While these products may ease your transition to a vegan or vegetarian diet, it’s best to
consume them in moderation with a diet rich in nutritious, whole foods.

SUMMARY: Many foods marketed as vegetarian or vegan are often highly processed, high in added sugar or lacking in
nutrients. If you include these products in your diet, eat them only in moderation.

2. Not Getting Enough Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 plays several important roles in the body. It’s important in the creation of red blood cells and DNA, among other
processes. Unfortunately, the main sources of vitamin B12 are animal products, such as meat, poultry, shellfish, eggs and milk
products. For this reason, vegetarians have an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause
fatigue, memory problems and numbness. It can also lead to megaloblastic anemia, a condition caused by having a lower-
than-normal amount of red blood cells. Unfortunately, a high intake of folate can actually mask vitamin B12 deficiency, hiding
symptoms until the damage becomes irreversible. However, there are foods and supplements available that can help
vegetarians meet their vitamin B12 needs. Besides animal products, fortified foods and certain types of edible algae also
contain vitamin B12. Vegetarians should monitor their vitamin B12 intake carefully and consider taking supplements if their
needs aren’t met through diet alone.

SUMMARY: Vegetarians and vegans are at a greater risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, so make sure you consume fortified foods
or B12 supplements.

3. Replacing Meat with Cheese

One of the easiest ways to make nearly any dish vegetarian is to take out the meat and replace it with cheese. When it comes
to flavor, the swap works well for sandwiches, salads, pasta and many other dishes. However, while cheese does contain a
good amount of protein, vitamins and minerals, it doesn’t replace the wide assortment of nutrients found in meat. One ounce
(28 grams) of beef, for example, contains four times the amount of iron and double the zinc found in one ounce of cheddar
cheese. Cheese also contains less protein and more calories than meat. In fact, ounce-for-ounce, cheese contains only about
80% of the protein found in chicken, but nearly 2.5 times the calories. Instead of simply replacing meat with cheese, you
should include a variety of plant foods in your diet to meet your nutrient needs. Chickpeas, quinoa, tempeh, lentils, beans and
nuts are all excellent options to help round out a vegetarian diet.

SUMMARY: Instead of just replacing meat with cheese, make sure to also include a diverse range of plant foods in your diet
to provide important nutrients.
4. Eating Too Few Calories

Many foods and food groups are off-limits for vegans and vegetarians, which can make it challenging for them to meet their
calorie needs. In fact, vegans and vegetarians tend to eat fewer calories than people who eat both meat and plants. One
study compared the nutritional quality of 1,475 people’s diets, including vegans, vegetarians, vegetarians who ate fish, people
who ate both meat and plants and people who ate meat only once a week. Vegans had the lowest calorie intake across all the
groups, consuming 600 fewer calories than people who ate both meat and plants. Vegetarians had a slightly higher calorie
intake than vegans, but still consumed 263 fewer calories than people who ate both meat and plants. Calories are the main
source of energy for the body, and your body needs a certain amount to function. Restricting calories too much can lead to
several negative side effects, such as nutrient deficiencies, fatigue and a slower metabolism.

SUMMARY: Vegans and vegetarians tend to have a lower calorie intake than people who eat meat and plants. If you’re
following either of these diets, make sure you’re meeting your calorie needs.

5. Not Drinking Enough Water

Drinking enough water is important for everyone, but may be especially important for those who eat a lot of fiber, including
vegetarians and vegans. Vegetarians tend to have a higher fiber intake, since fiber-rich legumes, vegetables and whole grains
are staples in a healthy vegetarian diet. One study found that people who eat both meat and plants eat about 27 grams of
fiber per day, while vegans and vegetarians eat about 41 grams and 34 grams, respectively. Drinking water with fiber is
important because it can help fiber move through the digestive tract and prevent issues like gas, bloating and constipation.
Fiber consumption is incredibly important for health, and has been linked to a decreased risk of heart disease, stroke,
diabetes and obesity. Current guidelines recommend women consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day, and men consume
at least 38 grams. To make sure you’re drinking enough water, drink when you feel thirsty, and spread your water intake
throughout the day to stay hydrated.

SUMMARY: Vegans and vegetarians usually eat a lot of fiber. Drinking enough water can help prevent digestive problems
associated with increased fiber intake, such as gas, bloating and constipation.

6. Forgetting About Iron

Meat is a good source of many important vitamins and minerals, including iron. For example, a 3-ounce (85-gram) serving of
ground beef supplies 14% of the iron you need for the entire day. Also, meat contains heme iron, a type of iron your body
can absorb easily. Plant sources of iron contain non-heme iron, which your body can’t absorb as easily. Non-heme iron is
present in many types of fruits, vegetables, cereals and beans. Because of this, vegetarians have a greater risk of developing
iron-deficiency anemia, a condition in which there are not enough red blood cells in the body. Symptoms include fatigue,
shortness of breath and dizziness. However, a well-planned vegetarian diet filled with iron-rich plant foods can meet your
daily needs. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, make sure to consume plenty of good sources of iron, including lentils, beans,
fortified cereals, nuts, seeds, oats and leafy greens. Additionally, pairing iron-rich foods with foods high in vitamin C can
enhance the absorption of non-heme iron. Vitamin C is found in most fruits and vegetables, so including a vegetable side
dish, salad or piece of fruit with your meals can help increase iron absorption.

SUMMARY: Plant foods contain non-heme iron, which the body can’t absorb as well as the heme iron found in meat.
Vegetarians should include iron-rich foods in the diet and pair them with vitamin C to increase absorption.

7. Not Eating Enough Whole Foods

Just because a food product is vegetarian or vegan doesn’t mean it’s good for you. There are plenty of processed foods
available at the grocery store that are free of meat or animal products. However, they often contribute little to your diet.
Instead of eating these, use your vegetarian diet as an opportunity to reduce your consumption of processed foods and
increase your intake of nutrient-dense, whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Increasing your intake of
these foods will help you get the valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need to help prevent nutrient deficiencies.
Eating whole foods rather than processed foods may give you other benefits too, such as an increased metabolism. One
study measured the metabolism of 17 participants after they ate a meal made with either processed foods or whole foods.
Both groups felt equally full after the meal, but the group that ate the whole foods burned nearly double the calories after
their meal than the group that ate the processed foods. To start including more whole foods in your diet, swap out refined
grains for whole grains, and limit the amount of processed and convenience foods you eat. Additionally, try adding more
vegetables and fruits to your meals and snacks throughout the day.

SUMMARY: Vegetarian diets should be rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. They’ll help you
maximize nutrient intake and promote a balanced diet.

8. Consuming a Diet Low in Calcium

Calcium is an important mineral your body needs to keep your bones and teeth strong, help your muscles work efficiently
and support the function of your nervous system. A calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, a condition that causes weak,
porous bones and increases the risk of bone fractures. Though calcium is found in a variety of foods, the most well-known
source of calcium is dairy products. Those who don’t consume dairy should monitor their calcium intake and include other
high-calcium foods in their diet. Calcium-rich plant foods include kale, collard greens, broccoli, bok choy, almonds, figs and
oranges. Fortified foods can also be a good source of calcium. You can get all the calcium you need by incorporating a few
servings of these foods into your meals and snacks throughout the day.

SUMMARY: Those who don’t consume milk or dairy products should consume other calcium-rich foods to meet their
calcium needs.

9. Underestimating the Importance of Meal Planning

Whether you’re cooking at home or dining out, eating vegetarian or vegan requires some extra planning. Meal plans are
especially useful if you’re currently changing your diet to be vegetarian or vegan. They can help ease your transition and
make it easier to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. When you’re eating out or traveling, advanced meal planning
becomes especially important. Some restaurants offer limited choices for vegetarians, so looking at the menu in advance can
help you make informed decisions and select the most nutritious choices available. Additionally, make it a habit to find a few
vegetarian recipes each week and cook them on your own.

SUMMARY: Planning meals ahead of time and knowing what your options are when dining out can ensure you maintain a
diverse and balanced diet.

10. Not Eating Enough Protein-Rich Foods

Protein is an essential part of the diet. Your body uses it to help build tissue, create enzymes and produce hormones. Studies
show that eating protein can also promote feelings of fullness, increase muscle mass and reduce cravings. Current
recommendations suggest adults should eat at least 0.8 grams of protein per day for every 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of body weight.
For example, an individual who is 154 lbs (70 kg) would need approximately 56 grams of protein per day. If you’re eating
animal-based foods, you’ll probably find it easy to fulfill this requirement. A 3-ounce (85-gram) serving of salmon contains 19
grams of protein, while the same amount of roasted chicken provides 27 grams. On the other hand, if you’re following a
vegetarian diet, you may need to make a more conscious effort to eat high-protein foods that will help you meet your protein
requirements. There are plenty of plant foods that contain an amount of protein comparable to the amount you’d find in
meat. For example, 1 cup (198 grams) of cooked lentils contains 18 grams of protein. Beans, lentils, nuts, nut butters, tofu and
tempeh can all up your daily protein intake. Try to incorporate at least one or two of these foods into each meal to make sure
you’re getting enough protein.

SUMMARY: Vegetarians should be mindful of protein intake and include one or two servings of high-protein plant foods
with each meal.

11. Not Getting Enough Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential part of the diet. They have been shown to reduce blood triglycerides, alleviate
inflammation and protect against dementia. Fatty fish and fish oil are the most common sources of omega-3 fatty acids. They
contain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), the two forms of omega-3 fatty acids that have been
shown to be the most beneficial. On the other hand, plant foods contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty
acid that your body must convert to DHA and EPA to use. Unfortunately, your body is only able to convert about 5% of ALA
to EPA and less than 0.5% to DHA. To meet your omega-3 needs while following a vegetarian diet, eat a good amount of
ALA-rich foods or consider taking a plant-based omega-3 supplement like algal oil. Foods highest in ALA omega-3 fatty acids
include chia seeds, walnuts, hemp seed, flaxseeds, Brussels sprouts and perilla oil. Including a few servings of these foods in
your diet each day can easily help you meet your omega-3 fatty acid needs.

SUMMARY: Plant foods contain ALA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid that your body can only use in small amounts. Vegetarians
should consume a good amount of ALA-rich foods, or use a plant-based supplement.

12. Eating Too Many Refined Carbs

Many vegetarians fall into the trap of replacing meat with refined carbs. Unfortunately, pasta, bread, bagels, cakes and
crackers often end up as main ingredients in a poorly planned vegetarian diet. During processing, refined grains are stripped
of the beneficial fiber that is found in whole grains. Fiber helps ward off chronic disease, keeps you feeling full and slows the
absorption of sugar to maintain steady blood sugar levels (21, 40). A high intake of refined carbs has been linked to a greater
risk of diabetes, as well as an increase in belly fat (41, 42). To maximize the nutrients in your diet, switch out refined grains like
white bread, pasta and white rice for whole grains such as quinoa, oats, brown rice and buckwheat. Additionally, make sure
you’re pairing those whole grains with plenty of whole fruits, vegetables and legumes to keep your diet balanced and

SUMMARY: Instead of replacing meat with a lot of refined carbs, vegetarians should consume whole grains as part of a
healthy diet.

The Bottom Line

A balanced vegan or vegetarian diet can be very healthy and nutritious. However, these diets can also lead to nutrient
deficiencies and potential health problems if they aren’t well-planned. If you’re just getting started eating this way, check
out this article. To achieve a healthy vegan or vegetarian diet, simply eat plenty of whole foods and make sure you’re
regularly consuming a few key nutrients.

21 Vegetarian Foods That Are Loaded With Iron

Iron is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in many bodily functions (1). A diet lacking in iron can result in low
energy levels, shortness of breath, headaches, irritability, dizziness or anemia. Iron can be found in two forms in foods —
heme and non-heme. Heme iron is only found in animal products, whereas non-heme iron is only found in plants (2). The
recommended daily intake (RDI) is based on an average intake of 18 mg per day. However, individual requirements vary
based on a person's gender and life stage. For instance, men and post-menopausal women generally require around 8 mg of
iron per day. This amount increases to 18 mg per day for menstruating women and to 27 mg per day for pregnant women.
And, since non-heme iron tends to be less easily absorbed by our bodies than heme iron, the RDI for vegetarians and vegans
is 1.8 times higher than for meat eaters. Here is a list of 21 plant foods that are high in iron.

1–3: Legumes

Legumes, including beans, peas and lentils, are great sources of iron. Listed below are the varieties containing the most iron,
from highest to lowest.

1. Tofu, Tempeh, Natto and Soybeans

Soybeans and foods derived from soybeans are packed with iron. In fact, soybeans contain around 8.8 mg of it per cup, or
49% of the RDI. The same portion of natto, a fermented soybean product, offers 15 mg, or 83% of the RDI (3, 4). Similarly, 6
ounces (168 grams) of tofu or tempeh each offer 3–3.6 mg of iron, or up to approximately 20% of the RDI (5, 6). In addition to
iron, these soy products contain between 10–19 grams of protein per portion and are also a good source of calcium,
phosphorus and magnesium.

2. Lentils

Lentils are another iron-filled food, providing 6.6 mg per cup cooked, or 37% of the RDI (7). Lentils contain a significant
amount of protein, complex carbs, fiber, folate and manganese as well. One cup of cooked lentils contains 18 grams of
protein and covers around 50% of your recommended daily fiber intake.

3. Other Beans and Peas

Other types of beans contain good amounts of iron as well. White, lima, red kidney and navy beans closely follow soybeans,
offering 4.4–6.6 mg of iron per cup cooked, or 24–37% of the RDI (8, 9, 10, 11). However, chickpeas and black-eyed peas have
the highest iron content. They provide around 4.6–5.2 mg per cup cooked, or 26–29% of the RDI (12, 13). In addition to their
iron content, beans and peas are excellent sources of complex carbs, fiber, folate, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and
several beneficial plant compounds. Several studies also link regularly consuming beans and peas to lower blood pressure,
cholesterol and blood sugar levels, as well as reductions in belly fat (14, 15, 16, 17).

SUMMARY: Beans, peas and lentils are rich in iron. These legumes also contain good amounts of protein, fiber, vitamins,
minerals and beneficial plant compounds that may reduce your risk of various diseases.

4–5: Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds serve as two more iron-rich plant sources. Those who wish to increase their total daily iron intake should add
the following varieties to their diet, as they contain the highest amounts.
4. Pumpkin, Sesame, Hemp and Flaxseeds

Pumpkin, sesame, hemp and flaxseeds are the seeds richest in iron, containing around 1.2–4.2 mg per two tablespoons, or 7–
23% of the RDI (18, 19, 20, 21). Products derived from these seeds are also worth considering. For instance, two tablespoons
of tahini, a paste made from sesame seeds, contain 2.6 mg of iron — which is 14% of the RDI (21). Similarly, hummus made
from chickpeas and tahini provides you with around 3 mg of iron per half cup, or 17% of the RDI (22). Seeds contain good
amounts of plant protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, antioxidants and other beneficial plant compounds, too
(23). They're also a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Hemp seeds, in particular, seem to contain these two
fats in the ratio considered optimal for human health (24).

5. Cashews, Pine Nuts and Other Nuts

Nuts and nut butters contain quite a bit of non-heme iron. This is especially true for almonds, cashews, pine nuts and
macadamia nuts, which contain between 1–1.6 mg of iron per ounce, or around 6–9% of the RDI. Similarly to seeds, nuts are a
great source of protein, fiber, good fats, vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds (23).
Keep in mind that blanching or roasting nuts may damage their nutrients, so favor raw and unblanched varieties (25). As for
nut butters, it's best to choose a 100% natural variety to avoid an unnecessary dose of added oils, sugars and salt.

SUMMARY: Nuts and seeds are good sources of non-heme iron, as well as an array of other vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy
fats and beneficial plant compounds. Add a small portion to your menu each day.

6–10: Vegetables

Gram per gram, vegetables often have a higher iron content than foods typically associated with high iron, such as meat and
eggs. Though vegetables contain non-heme iron, which is less easily absorbed, they are also generally rich in vitamin C, which
helps enhance iron absorption (1).

The following vegetables and vegetable-derived products offer the most iron per serving.

6. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, swiss chard, collard and beet greens contain between 2.5–6.4 mg of iron per cooked cup,
or 14–36% of the RDI. For example, 100 grams of spinach contains 1.1 times more iron than the same amount of red meat
and 2.2 times more than 100 grams of salmon (26, 27). This is also 3 times more than 100 grams of boiled eggs and 3.6 times
more than the same amount of chicken (28, 29). Yet due to their light weight, some can find it difficult to consume 100 grams
of raw, leafy greens. In this case, it's best to consume them cooked. Other iron-rich veggies that fit in this category include
broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, which contain between 1 and 1.8 mg per cooked cup, or around 6–10% of the RDI
(30, 31, 32).

7. Tomato Paste

At 0.5 mg per cup, raw tomatoes contain very little iron. However, when dried or concentrated, they offer a much greater
amount (33). For instance, half a cup (118 ml) of tomato paste offers 3.9 mg of iron, or 22% of the RDI, whereas 1 cup (237
ml) of tomato sauce offers 1.9 mg, or 11% of the RDI (34, 35). Sun-dried tomatoes are another iron-rich source, providing you
with 1.3–2.5 mg per half cup, or up to 14% of the RDI (36, 37). Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, which helps
increase iron absorption. Moreover, they're a great source of lycopene, an antioxidant linked to a reduced risk of sunburn
(38, 39).
8. Potatoes

Potatoes contain significant amounts of iron, mostly concentrated in their skins. More specifically, one large, unpeeled potato
(10.5 ounces or 295 grams) provides 3.2 mg of iron, which is 18% of the RDI. Sweet potatoes contain slightly less — around
2.1 mg for the same quantity, or 12% of the RDI (40, 41). Potatoes are also a great source of fiber. Additionally, one portion
can cover up to 46% of your daily vitamin C, B6 and potassium requirements.

9. Mushrooms

Certain varieties of mushrooms are particularly rich in iron. For instance, one cooked cup of white mushrooms contains
around 2.7 mg, or 15% of the RDI (42). Oyster mushrooms may offer up to twice as much iron, whereas portobello
and shiitake mushrooms contain very little (43, 44, 45).

10. Palm Hearts

Palm hearts are a tropical vegetable rich in fiber, potassium, manganese, vitamin C and folate. A lesser-known fact about
palm hearts is that they also contain a fair amount of iron — an impressive 4.6 mg per cup, or 26% of the RDI (46). This
versatile vegetable can be blended into dips, tossed on the grill, incorporated into a stir-fry, added to salads and even baked
with your favorite toppings.

SUMMARY: Vegetables often contain significant amounts of iron. Their generally large volume-to-weight ratio explains why
eating them cooked may make it easier to meet your daily requirements.

11–13 Fruit

Fruit is not commonly the food group that individuals turn to when wanting to increase the iron content of their diet.
Nevertheless, some fruits are surprisingly high in iron. Here are the best sources of iron in this category.

11. Prune Juice

Prunes are known for their mild laxative effect, which helps relieve constipation (47). However, they're also a good source of
iron. Prune juice, in particular, offers about 3 mg of iron per cup (237 ml). That's around 17% of the RDI and is twice as much
iron than the same quantity of prunes (48, 49). Prune juice is rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese,

12. Olives

Olives are technically a fruit, and one with a good iron content at that. They contain around 3.3 mg of iron per 3.5 ounces
(100 grams), or 18% of the RDI. In addition, fresh olives are also a great source of fiber, good fats and fat-soluble vitamins A
and E (50). Olives also contain a variety of beneficial plant compounds thought to provide several health benefits, including a
lower risk of heart disease (51, 52, 53).
13. Mulberries

Mulberries are a type of fruit with a particularly impressive nutritional value. Not only do they offer around 2.6 mg of iron per
cup — 14% of the RDI — but this quantity of mulberries also meets 85% of the RDI for vitamin C (54). Mulberries are a great
source of antioxidants as well, which may offer protection against heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer
(55, 56, 57).

SUMMARY: Prune juice, olives and mulberries are the three types of fruit with the highest iron concentration per portion.
These fruit also contain antioxidants and a variety of other nutrients beneficial to health.

14–17: Whole Grains

Research links whole grains to a variety of health benefits. These benefits include increased longevity and a reduced risk of
obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease (58, 59). However, not all grains are equally beneficial. For instance, grain
processing typically removes parts of the grain that contain fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, including iron. For this
reason, whole grains typically contain more iron than processed grains. The following are the four types of whole grains
containing the most iron per portion.

14. Amaranth

Amaranth is a gluten-free ancient grain that doesn't grow from grasses like other grains do. For this reason, it is technically
considered a "pseudocereal." Amaranth contains around 5.2 mg of iron per cup cooked, or 29% of the RDI (60). Interestingly,
amaranth is one of the few complete sources of plant proteins and also contains good amounts of complex carbs, fiber,
manganese, phosphorus and magnesium.

15. Spelt

Spelt is another iron-rich ancient grain. It contains around 3.2 mg of iron per cup cooked, or 18% of the RDI. Moreover, spelt
offers around 5–6 grams of protein per portion, which is approximately 1.5 times more protein than more modern grains,
such as wheat (61). Spelt contains a variety of other nutrients, too, including complex carbs, fiber, magnesium, zinc, selenium
and B vitamins. Its mineral content may also be slightly higher than more conventional grains (62).

16. Oats

Oats are a tasty and easy way to add iron to your diet. A cup of cooked oats contains around 3.4 mg of iron — 19% of the
RDI — as well as good amounts of plant protein, fiber, magnesium, zinc and folate (63). What's more, oats contain a soluble
fiber called beta-glucan, which may help promote gut health, increase feelings of fullness and reduce cholesterol and blood
sugar levels (64, 65, 66, 67).

17. Quinoa

Like amaranth, quinoa is a gluten-free pseudocereal rich in complete protein, fiber, complex carbs, vitamins and minerals. It
offers around 2.8 mg of iron per cup cooked, or 16% of the RDI. Plus, research links quinoa's rich antioxidant content to a
lower risk of medical conditions, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes (68).
SUMMARY: Whole grains generally contain more iron than refined grains. The varieties listed above are particularly rich in
iron but also contain several other nutrients and plant compounds beneficial to health.

18–21: Other

Certain foods do not fit in one of the food groups above, yet contain significant amounts of iron. Incorporating them into
your diet can help you meet your recommended daily iron intakes.

18. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk can be a tasty alternative to cow's milk. Although very high in fat, it's a good source of several vitamins and
minerals, including magnesium, copper and manganese (69). Coconut milk also contains a good amount of iron — more
specifically, around 3.8 mg per half cup (118 ml), or around 21% of the RDI.

19. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains significantly more nutrients than its milk chocolate counterpart. Not only does it offer 3.3 mg of iron
per ounce (28 grams), meeting around 18% of the RDI, but it also contains a good amount of fiber, magnesium, copper and
manganese (70). Additionally, dark chocolate is a powerful source of antioxidants, a group of beneficial plant compounds that
help protect against various diseases (71).

20. Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is a sweetener often claimed to be healthier than table sugar. In terms of iron, it contains around 1.8 mg
of iron per two tablespoons, or around 10% of the RDI (72). This portion also helps cover between 10–30% of your
recommended daily intake of copper, selenium, potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium and manganese. However, despite its
higher nutrient content, blackstrap molasses remains very high in sugar and should be consumed in moderation.

21. Dried Thyme

Dried thyme is one of the most popular culinary herbs. Many consider it a nutritional powerhouse, and research has linked it
to health benefits ranging from fighting bacterial infections and bronchitis to improving your mood (73, 74, 75). Thyme also
happens to be one of the herbs with the highest iron content, offering 1.2 mg per dried teaspoon, or around 7% of the RDI
(76). Sprinkling a little on each meal is a good strategy for those wanting to increase their iron intake.

SUMMARY: Coconut milk, dark chocolate, blackstrap molasses and dried thyme are lesser known, yet undoubtedly rich,
sources of iron.

How to Increase Iron Absorption From Plant Foods

The heme iron found in meat and animal products is generally more easily absorbed by the human body than the non-heme
iron found in plants. For this reason, the recommended daily intake of iron is 1.8 times higher for vegetarians and
vegans than those who eat meat (1). This amounts to approximately 14 mg per day for men and post-menopausal women, 32
mg per day for menstruating women and 49 mg per day for pregnant women (1).
However, there are various strategies that can be employed to increase the body's ability to absorb non-heme iron. Here are
the best-researched methods:

 Eat vitamin C-rich foods: Consuming vitamin C-rich foods together with foods rich in non-heme iron may increase
the absorption of iron by up 300% (1).

 Avoid coffee and tea with meals: Drinking coffee and tea with meals can reduce iron absorption by 50-90% (77).

 Soak, sprout and ferment: Soaking, sprouting and fermenting grains and legumes can improve iron absorption by
lowering the amount of phytates naturally present in these foods (78).

 Use a cast iron pan: Foods prepared in a cast iron pan tend to provide two to three times more iron as those
prepared in non-iron cookware (79).

 Consume lysine-rich foods: Consuming plant foods like legumes and quinoa that are rich in the amino acid lysine
together with your iron-rich meals may increase iron absorption (80).

SUMMARY: The type of iron found in plant foods (non-heme) is less easily absorbed by the body. The methods outlined here
can be used to maximize its absorption.

The Bottom Line

Iron is a nutrient that's essential for the human body. This mineral can be found in an array of different foods, including many
plant foods. Besides being a good source of iron, the plant foods listed in this article also happen to contain a variety of other
nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. Thus, incorporating them into your diet will not only help you meet your iron
requirements, but will also likely benefit your overall health.

108 Sun Salutations

What’s this 108 Sun Salutations all about?

It’s a powerful experience that will stretch you and leave your yoga practice changed.

Along with being an incredible way to detox, physically and mentally, it’s a memorable gesture to mark the end of winter and
the arrival of spring.
I believe we can all truly benefit in celebrating this change together.

Who’s it for?

This experience will stretch and expand you to the core and is good for anyone who’s looking to fulfill what we see as our
personal mission statement:

Bring peace to mind, through a connection with the body so that they can flow through life with greater ease.
This has a lot of meaning to us as we believe in 3 key things at Mind Body Flow Yoga.

1. Doing something that we find inspiring

2. Doing something that inspires others
3. Doing something that helps other people inspire others

You can only do this by believing in yourself, accepting the fact that you are worthy of the challenge in front of you and with
your best effort taking it one asana at a time to its natural outcome. We believe that you can do the 108 Sun Salutations and I
personally look forward to seeing your tired smile after it’s all said and done.

The Significance of the 108

Now, the number 108 has a lot meaning for different people.  According to Shiva Rea,

The number’s significance is open to interpretation. But 108 has long been considered a sacred number in Hinduism and yoga.
Traditionally, malas, or garlands of prayer beads, come as a string of 108 beads (plus one for the “guru bead,” around which the
other 108 beads turn like the planets around the sun). A mala is used for counting as you repeat a mantra—much like the
Catholic rosary.

Renowned mathematicians of Vedic culture viewed 108 as a number of the wholeness of existence. This number also connects
the Sun, Moon, and Earth: The average distance of the Sun and the Moon to Earth is 108 times their respective diameters. Such
phenomena have given rise to many examples of ritual significance.

According to yogic tradition, there are 108 pithas, or sacred sites, throughout India. And there are also 108 Upanishads and 108
marma points, or sacred places of the body.

For myself though it’s as good a number as any. We need it to be an even number and you’ll see why shortly.  I honestly
would have been fine if it was 100 Sun Salutations, but I definitely appreciate the additional 8. It gives us a little something
extra to reach for and enjoy.

Mind Body Flow Yoga’s 108 Sun Salutations

Mind Body Flow Yoga’s 108 Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) will be made up of Sun Salutation A and 54 Sun Salutations B.
Here’s a walkthrough of the Sun Salutation A and B series. This is the typical format. How we get you started, keep you going,

and looking good while you do so, and party afterward will be all us. 

Benefits of 108 Sun Salutations

When you complete your personal 108 Surya Namaskar you will mentally feel
1. More focused
2. More disciplined
3. More resilient
4. More committed to your yoga and to your own betterment

You as well will physically feel

1. Much stronger
2. More capable
3. More fluid
4. And better connected to your mind.

In general, you will better appreciate what you are able to do, and how much further you can over reach your own
expectations. This series will challenge your mind as your body continuously moves and flows through the asanas.
It’s a rich way to elevate your yoga practice and honestly boost your own mental and physical capacity.

Believing in your inner brilliance, which we strive to show is in you here at Mind Body Flow Yoga, isn’t enough for real
personal change off the mat.

For yoga to change your life you need to push your boundaries and prove to yourself that you can do more than what you
give yourself credit for. This changes belief to knowledge.

Knowing for a fact that you can do more and be more.

Surya Namaskar, or sun salutation, is a series of 12 yoga postures that energize the solar plexus region. The solar plexus is an
important center in the body and is connected to many energy channels. Sun Salutation benefits are immense and its practice
is quite well known throughout the world. Yet doing 108 Sun Salutations continuously can be challenging and requires
stamina, physical fitness and above all mental resolve and discipline. It is possible and there are thousands who proved it.

Here’s a recommended routine for four weeks to help you build up to your target of 108.
  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Week 1 4 sets 8 12 16 20 24 Rest

Week 2 24 24 24 24 24 24 Rest

Week 3 36 36 36 36 36 36 Rest

Week 4 48 48 Rest 54 54 54 54

How Can I Relax My Body After Sun Salutations?

Ensure you relax properly after Sun Salutation practice. Instead of plopping down into a chair, it is better to do some postures
to relax various parts of body. Some of the postures you could do are:
Rest Your Muscles And Body Well
1. Keep yourself well hydrated. Drink 3-4 liters of water per day.
2. Sleep early and wake up early.
3. Relax your body during Yoga Nidra. Do not keep your body tight.
1. Gomukhasana (Cow face pose) is a great way to relax the arms. This pose is easy to do when your shoulders open up.
Consult a Sri Sri Yoga teacher to learn this posture correctly.
2. Vajrasana - Sit in Vajrasana to relax your legs. Place your feet beside each other, ensuring they do not overlap. Keep
your neck and spine straight .You could either simply relax in the yoga pose or you could do the three-stage and Bhastrika
pranayam (breathing technique) followed by Sudarshan Kriya.
3. Natrajasana (Dancing Shiva pose) while doing the Dancing Shiva pose remember to keep your shoulders on the
ground. Did you notice the stretch at your hips, lower back, abdominal and neck muscles?
4. Pavanamuktasana - Lie down on your back, fold your knees and press them with your arms against the chest. Roll in
this yoga posture to ease the tension in the back. This is an excellent way to massage the back.
5. Yoga Nidra - Lie down on your back and take your attention to various parts of the body. Yoga nidra cools the body
and restores it to normal temperature.

With regular effort, you can easily reach the summit of 108 Surya Namaskars. As soon as you start, you can feel the effects of
your practice too – increased energy through the day, better digestion, sharpness and focus. With practice, you can figure out
what rhythm suits you best. Doing it fast is like an aerobics work out and doing it slow can be meditative.

But the story doesn’t end here. Edmund Hillary climbed the Everest, spent a few hours there enjoying the view but eventually
had to come down. If you’d like to continue this regimen of 108 Sun Salutations every day, by all means, go ahead. But
whenever you feel like stopping, it is strongly advised that you don’t stop abruptly. That would be like hitting the brakes in an
accelerated car. Just like the journey up was gradual and step-by-step, so should your return. You don’t want to crash land.

This is because as you build up pace as your body gets used to vigorous yoga pose practice. Reducing the intensity gradually
gives your body a chance to recover from the intense work out and improves the resilience of the warmed up muscles. Here’s
a recommended schedule for two weeks starting from the day you completed 108 Sun Salutations.

  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Week 1 Take a day off 42 sets 36 30 24 18 12

Week 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Sun Salutation is a complete exercise that stretches one from head to toe and its inclusion in one’s fitness regimen is
extremely fruitful. Yet a little bit of care would help you to experience the full effects of the Sun Salutations. It is advisable that
you consult with a certified yoga teacher who will monitor your progress. If you have any physical ailments, do visit a doctor

All the best on your journey to good health!

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