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Into the Oz

My Visions from the Lord and Biblical Revelations

Edition One

The need to get this information out is of the utter most importance. I know we have all been told
Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming for centuries now but folks this is not a drill anymore as I and many
other prophets believe were in the last generation now before the Lord returns. Were in the midst of a
great change and this change has been going on for some time now but the majority of the populous are
unaware of these changes or the Bibles prophetic prophecies coming to pass and the Lords warnings via
signs amidst us everywhere.

Whether or not some people can or cannot see these changes that I see, know that what I am seeing
is prophetic in nature and are warnings of what is or will be happening in the extremely near future. I do
have confirmation from hundreds of others that I have talked with personally who are seeing these
same exact signs and visions of the Lords prophecies just as I have.

I first noticed changes in 2010, when I looked up into the night sky as I usually did since childhood, I
noticed that the moon had an eerie fog halo around it. I had never in my life seen a halo around the
moon. It startled me and I walked backwards for a few minutes, almost tripping over myself. My eyes
were set on that moon halo and I could not divert my gaze off from it, I stood there for what seemed like
an hour just staring at it. Somehow I knew instantly that this was one of the signs Gods word had
prophesied about.

Luke 21:25

“And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in
turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides.

A strange sign it was. Over the next coming weeks and months, I started to notice more and more
prophetic signs in the skies. I suddenly noticed that the night sky was no longer pitch black but it was
sky blue, the same color as day time skies. In the new sky-blue night skies I noticed that there were
hardly any stars in the sky at all, a few here and there. No galaxies were seen, none at all, just a few
speckles of stars were visible. Then I noticed something else very strange about the few stars I was
seeing, they were not way up in space but they were inside of our atmosphere! They were off in the
horizon area, as in the area you would see the sun setting, the stars were that low in the sky! Just so
happens that there is a Biblical scripture that matched up to what I was seeing.

Mark 13:25
the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'

The stars surely had fallen from the sky (from space into our atmosphere), as strange as that may seem,
this is what my visions were showing me.

One day I woke up and looked up in the sky only to see tons of jets flying all over the place, dotting
the skies everywhere, leaving trails of smoke behind them. I got so freaked out thinking that a war had
broken out overnight and that I had not seen the news on it yet that morning. Later after researching
online I realized that these jets leaving trails of smoke behind them were known as Chemtrails. I had
never seen a Chemtrail in my life up to that point, never. As strange as it seems I witnessed some of
these smoke trails coming up from the ground itself! The Lord showed me what Bible passage reflected
the scenes I was witnessing.

Revelation 9:2

The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the
sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.

I think that Biblical verse is the perfect verse to describe Chemtrails as Chemtrails have in certain
places darkened the air, the skies and the sun. The Chemtrails are the smoke from the pit darkening our
world. How long has the Abyss been opened? Only the Lord knows this but from all accounts it appears
Chemtrails have been going on for many, many years. Maybe we are further along in the Biblical
prophecies than anyone may think.

I also started to notice these strange clouds that I had never seen in my life before, they were these
wispy type clouds which formed shapes that resemble angels. When I did a search online for all the
different types of clouds, I discovered that they were mentioned as Cirrus clouds. I found the description
of Cirrus clouds strange because they described them as a curling lock of hair, kind of like how an angel’s
hair may be perceived.

“Cirrus is a genus of atmospheric cloud generally characterized by thin, wispy strands, giving the type its
name from the Latin word cirrus, meaning a ringlet or curling lock of hair”.

Where I come from, there were no Chemtrails, Cirrus clouds, moon halos or stars in our atmosphere and
when I say where I come from, well, I will leave that to your imagination.

Seeing rainbow halos around our sun, half rainbows upside down in the skies and double rainbows
with no rain in sight at the time of seeing them became the new norm for me, all of which I had never
seen in my life up to that point. The most startling vision of all is when I noticed how our sun was not
yellow anymore but blinding white instead! Where did the yellow sun go to? Well its been ten years
now since I have been seeing the white sun, since 2010 and still, I am not use to it. Growing up we all
used the yellow crayon to color the sun but now I guess we will have to grab the white crayon to fill in
the suns color. Its all so very strange. Some people can see the white sun and others cannot. To check
to see if you can see the white sun, just take a digital photo of the sun around noon time and see what
you come up with.
Luke 21:25

“And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in
turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides.

As I was driving down the highway one afternoon, I looked to my left and saw that the moon was out
during the daytime! Now where I come from the moon only came out at nighttime, never during the
daytime. In fact, it even says in the Bible that the moon was designed by God to be the lesser light to
rule the night time skies. I pulled off the highway on the spot and pulled out my iphone and took a video
of the daytime moon in total disbelief. That was my first video that I took of the Biblical changes
happening and from there on out I was taking videos daily of the skies. My Youtube channels can be
found here at these links.

The Lord showed me the scripture that confirmed how the moon was designed to only come out at
nighttime. As you will notice in this Biblical scripture, God made the lesser light (the moon) to rule the

Genesis 1:16-17

God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And He
made the stars as well. God set these lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth,

Now that I have caught your attention let me take you on my personal journey from the beginning.
You will read about the events of the coming Tribulation that includes an array of frightening events,
things such as red skies as far as the eye can see, a demon sun that will burn people from the inside out,
demons that will be attacking people to aliens who pose as the coming Messiah and his angels, though
really, they are Lucifer and the fallen angels posing as angels of light, to name a few.

This is the end of edition one of this series of books. Mull over the things I have revealed to you and
know that this has all been prophetically told in the Bible. What is coming people, you do not want to be
a part of. The only way to avoid what is coming is to repent of your sins, turn from sin, learn Gods word
in the Bible and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

The second edition of this book will be released before the end of May 2020. Thank you for your


Tammy Sauve

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