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Dashboard / Courses / BLENDED 1923T.

B / BL-CS-301-LEC-1923T / Week 1: Introduction to JavaScript / Quiz 001

Started on Tuesday, 22 October 2019, 3:37 PM

State Finished
Completed on Tuesday, 22 October 2019, 3:46 PM
Time taken 9 mins 37 secs
Marks 9/10
Grade 90 out of 100

Question 1 JavaScript is _________.


Mark 1 out of 1 Select one:

a. server-side language

b. object deficient

c. Object based 

d. None of the choices

Question 2 Is JavaScript code case sensitive?


Mark 0 out of 1 Select one:

a. Yes 

b. No

Question 3 The _______ signals the end of a JavaScript statement.


Mark 1 out of 1 Select one:

a. period

b. None of the choices 

c. colon

Question 4 The choice of a Web browser is up to you, as long it's compatible with _________.

Mark 1 out of 1 Select one:

a. VBScript

b. Flash MX

c. None of the choices

d. JavaScript 

Question 5 An external JavaScript file commonly uses a filename extension of _______.


Mark 1 out of 1 Select one:

a. .js 

b. .jav

c. .html

d. None of the choices

Question 6 Which of the following language is used to program the behavior of web pages?

Mark 1 out of 1 Select one:

a. Java

b. CSS


d. None of the choices 

Question 7 Which of the following is something you should have to use the JavaScript?

Mark 1 out of 1 Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Web browser 

c. 50GB hard drive

d. C++ compiler

Question 8 When would it be a good idea to use an external JavaScript file?


Mark 1 out of 1 Select one:

a. When the script is very long or needs to be placed in more than one HTML document 

b. When the script is short or going to be used in only one HTML document

c. None of the choices

d. When your Web site viewers have older browsers

Question 9 Part of the web browser that understands HTML and CSS.

Mark 1 out of 1 Select one:

a. Rendering Engine 

b. JavaScript Compiler

c. JavaScript Interpreter

d. None of the choices

Question 10 JavaScript has similarities to other programming and scripting languages.


Mark 1 out of 1 Select one:

a. True 

b. False

Lesson 2: Placing JavaScript in an HTML

◄ Lesson 1: Introduction to JavaScript Jump to...
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