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School Col Republica EE.UU de America IED

Trainee Name Ivan Belicka
Country of Origin Slovakia Cycle 1
Shift Afternoon Week 5

Unit Objective / As stated in your Student Performance Report

- By the end of the unit, students will be able to recount and compare their own routine with
others as well as identify and follow healthy habits in their routines.
Session Objective/ As stated in the curriculum per cycle
- By the end of the session Ss will identify and name the days of the week (Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday); also they will name one activity they do each
- By the end of the session, Ss will name some activities they do as part of their school routine and
the days they do them.
Description of activities done
- T together with students brainstorms different activities that students do in different days of the
week, T gives English classes as an example of an activity the students do regularly on the same
- T prepares a powerpoint presentation about his weekly routine and various activities he does
during the week. After drilling of vocabulary and instructions T asks students to draw their weekly
routine on a prepared worksheets with days of the week.
- T plays the 7 days of the week video at the end as well as at the start of the session and
encourages students to sing along, also with pausing the video.
- T introduces the concept of home ans school by showing pictures of a generic home and the
school of the students. Students sort the flashcards te teacher shows them into two categories,
depending on if the activity is done at home, in school or in both places.
- T introduces the concept of school Schedule, the students are asked to cut two activities done in
the school from te worksheets for every schoolday of the week and glue them on premade
worksheet. T helps students with vocabulary and spelling to name and write down the name of
activities and school subjects.

Observations and results / What did the students learn? What do students need to
strengthen? What would be the next steps for achieving the strengthening?
- Students strengthened their understanding of the days of the week and most of them could use
it during various activities they ve done

- Students understood the difference between activities they do in their home and in school and
some of the students started to use the vocabulary related to their weekly routine and school
- In the following consolidation sessions the students still need to strengthen their vocabulary
related to their routines and practice its use.

School Col Republica EE.UU de America IED

Trainee Name Ivan Belicka
Country of Origin Slovakia Cycle 2
Shift Afternoon Week 5

Unit Objective / As stated in your Student Performance Report

- By the end of the unit learners will be able to identify the personal benefits that can be gained
from leisure

Session Objective/ As stated in the curriculum per cycle

- By the end of the session, learners will talk about things they would like to try doing in their free
- By the end of the session, children will be aware of the importance of promoting the
participation of leisure activities in their community.

Description of activities done

- T executes the class routine of asking for weather and date, T drills the different phrases about
the weather, the days of the week and months with students
- T plays Simon says with the students as a warm-up
- T divides the class into 2 groups and asks them to play the Word race game with the pictures of
different activities to revise vocabulary. T goes through the words and pictures that students have
problem identifying.
- T does another brainstorming about the verbs go on, go to, listen to, play and watch and
different kinds of activities they can use these verbs with. After that T asks students to fill out the
worksheet with word web that relates to the new verbs.
- T hands out the Word search worksheet related to the vocabulary of the topic and asks students
to fill it.
- T brainstorms the activities that are done in the communities to which the students belong.
- T asks students to form groups of four, so they start to work on a big poster with days of the
week and different activities done in their communities. The work on the posters continues to the
next session, when the students will present their work.
- - With grade 4 and Group 1 of Grade 3, T prepares the chart with activities that he have never
done and that he would like to try and asks students to identify the different activities they have
never done and/or would like to try.

Observations and results / What did the students learn? What do students need to
strengthen? What would be the next steps for achieving the strengthening?
- Several groups strengthened their vocabulary related to leisure activities and revised the days of
the week vocabulary, which was still problematic for some students in previous sessions.
- About half of the students could understand the concept of activities that they have never done
and that they would like to try
- Three out of four groups of Cycle 2 had only one session this week, some of them just a very
short one. Therefore many students need to do more revision of the vocabulary as well as of
several concepts related to the leisure activities. The next week the focus will be on consolidation.

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