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Empire Official Order to:

The Empress has been graciously pleased to sanction the following Promotions in
and Appointments to The Most Venerable Order of The Mandate. Accordingly, it is
Her Majesty's wish and command that you be granted said dignities and accorded
the rank of Knight of the Order of the Mandate.

Anastasia Romanova by the Grace of God holder of the Mandate,

Empress of the United Colonies, Captain-Queen of the Romanov, to
Our trusty and well-beloved Captain name, Greetings, whereas We
have thought fit to nominate and appoint you to be a:

Knight of Our said Most Illustrious Order of Novy Petersburg

We do by these presents grant unto you the Dignity of a Knight of Our

said Order and hereby authorise you to have, hold and enjoy the said
Dignity and Rank of a Knight of Our aforesaid Order together with all
and singular the privileges thereunto belonging or appertaining.

Given at our Court at Novy Petersburg under Our Genecode and Seal of Our said
Order, this 24th day of December 3513.

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