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Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications

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Comparative study of bio-inspired optimization

algorithms and their application to dielectric
function fitting

D. Liu & K. A. Michalski

To cite this article: D. Liu & K. A. Michalski (2016) Comparative study of bio-inspired optimization
algorithms and their application to dielectric function fitting, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and
Applications, 30:14, 1885-1894, DOI: 10.1080/09205071.2016.1219277

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Published online: 16 Aug 2016.

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VOL. 30, NO. 14, 1885–1894

Comparative study of bio-inspired optimization algorithms

and their application to dielectric function fitting
D. Liua and K. A. Michalskib
a School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China; b Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA


A comparative study is presented for the latest bio-inspired Received 20 January 2016
optimization algorithms, known as bacterial foraging, firefly, cuckoo Accepted 15 July 2016
search, krill herd, and cuttlefish algorithms. This study also included KEYWORDS
the more established genetic and particle swarm optimization Optimization; bio-inspired
methods. These algorithms are then applied to a partial-fraction algorithms; dielectric
model fitting of tabulated measured dielectric function data for noble function; complex curve
metals at optical wavelengths. fitting

1. Introduction
Bio-inspired algorithms are widely used for solving optimization problems, including non-
deterministic polynomial problems, which require exponential computation time to solve
in the worst case scenario. The earliest and most well-known bio-inspired optimization
(BIO) algorithm is the genetic algorithm (GA),[1] which generates solutions to optimization
problems using techniques inspired by natural evolution, such as inheritance, mutation,
selection, and crossover. Other well-established BIO algorithms include differential evolu-
tion (DE), which is a variant of GA,[2] particle swarm optimization (PSO) [3] and ant colony
optimization (ACO).[4] These algorithms are still widely researched and have been applied
in electronmagnetics [5–11] and other areas. [12–15] Since the beginning of this decade,
new BIO algorithms have emerged, viz. bacterial foraging (BFO),[16–27] firefly (FFA),[28–35]
cuckoo search (CSA),[36–39] krill herd (KHA),[40–47], and cuttlefish (CFA) [48–50] with the
names clearly identifying the species whose behavior inspired them. The algorithm names
and their abbreviation are listed in Table 1. A comparison of some of these algorithms was
recently published by Singh and Singh [51].
The purpose of the present paper is to present a comprehensive study of the per-
formance of both the latest and the more established BIO algorithms, when applied to
a suite of unimodal and multimodal test functions, and to examine the performance of
these algorithms when applied to a “real-life” problem of fitting a model of the dielectric
function of metals at optical wavelengths to tabulated experimental data. This work should
be a useful guide for researchers interested in applying BIO algorithms in various areas of
engineering and science.


© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Table 1. Abbreviation of different algorithm.

Algorithm name Abbreviation
Genetic Algorithm GA
Differential Evolution DE
Particle Swarm Optimization PSO
Bacterial Foraging Optimization BF0
Ant Colony Optimization ACO
Firefly Algorithm FFA
Cuckoo Search Algorithm CSA
Krill Herd Algorithm KHA
Cuttlefish Algorithm CFA

Table 2. Benchmark test functions.

Index Name Expression

f1 Sphere f (x) = Ni=1 xi2
f2 Rosenbrock f (x) = i=1 [100(xi+1 − xi2 )2 + (xi − 1)2 ]

−0.2 1 N x2 1 N
f3 Ackley f (x) = 20 − 20e N i=1 i + e − e N i=1 cos (2π xi )
f4 Griewank 1 N x 2 − N cos √
f (x) = 4000
+ 1
i=1 i i=1 i
  max k
f (x) = Ni=1 Kk=0 [a cos[2π bk (xi + 0.5)]]
f5 Weierstrass  max k
− N Kk=0 a cos (π bk ) , a = 0.5, b = 3, Kmax = 20
f6 Rastrigin f (x) = i=1 [xi2 − 10 cos (2π xi ) + 10] 
N x |x | < 12
f7 Non-continuous Rastrigin f (x) = i=1 [yi − 10 cos (2π yi ) + 10] , yi = roundi(2xi ) i
|xi | ≥ 12
N √ 2
f8 Schwefel f (x) = 418.9829N − i=1 xi sin |xi |

Table 3. Parameter ranges for the test functions.

x∗ f (x ∗ ) Search and initialization range
f1 [0,0,. . .,0] 0 [−100,100]D
f2 [0,0,. . .,0] 0 [−2.048,2.048]D
f3 [0,0,. . .,0] 0 [−32.768,32.768]D
f4 [0,0,. . .,0] 0 [−600,600]D
f5 [0,0,. . .,0] 0 [−0.5,0.5]D
f6 [0,0,. . .,0] 0 [−5.12,5.12]D
f7 [0,0,. . .,0] 0 [−5.12,5.12]D
f8 [429.6,. . .,429.6] 0 [−500,500]D

2. Application to synthetic test problems

We have used the benchmark functions listed in Table 2,[52,53] which may be divided
into two groups: (1) simple unimodal functions (f1 and f2), which are always easy for
most optimization algorithms, and (2) complex multimodal functions (f3 to f8), which are
more challenging, especially when the dimension of the search space D ≥ 20. The global
optimum input vector x ∗ , the corresponding fitness value f (x ∗ ), the search range, and the
initialization range of each benchmark function are given in Table 3, where D = 20.
We have compared the performance of the BIO algorithms implemented in MATLAB [54],
using either the codes provided online [55–58] or – in the case of KHA [40] and CFA [58] –
our own implementation. The PSO version and the control parameters used were as in [59],
and for GA we have used the MATLAB toolbox function ga() with the default settings.
Each algorithm was run 100 times with the maximum number of function evaluations
set to 2000 and the population size set to 20. Control parameters of different algorithms

Table 4. Control parameters of different algorithm.

Algorithm Control parameters
Genetic algorithm mu = 0.2; cr = 0.8;
Particle swarm optimization ωmax = 0.9; ωmin = 0.4; c1 = c2 = 1.5;
Bacterial foraging optimization c1 = 0.2; c2 = 0.2; R = 0.1;
Firefly algorithm α0 = 0.5; β = 0.2; γ = 0.1;
Cuckoo search algorithm pa = 0.25; α = 1; β = 1.5;
Krill herd algorithm N max = 0.01; Dmax = 0.01; Vf = 0.02;
mu = 0.1; ωn = 0.5;  = 1−10 ; ωf = 0.5;
Cuttlefish algorithm r1 = 1; r2 = −1; v1 = 0.5; v2 = −0.5;

Table 5. Results of different algorithms on benchmark functions.a

Sphere (f1) Rosenbrock (f2) Ackley (f3) Griewank (f4)
3.56E−16/3.11E−06 3.20E−01/7.32E+01 7.02E−09/5.47E+00 4.66E−15/3.03E−01
4.58E−08±3.13E−07 1.71E+01±1.30E+01 1.26E+00±1.05E+00 3.03E−02±3.78E−02
3.03E−05/5.80E−03 2.08E−02/1.66E+02 2.03E−04/4.30E+00 2.67E−05/1.18E−01
5.58E−04±7.06E−04 1.89E+01±3.42E+02 2.12E+00±0.78E−01 1.07E−02±2.07E−02
1.53E−03/3.32E−02 1.82E+01/2.21E+01 3.71E−02/2.33E−01 1.389E−04/5.26E−03
1.11E−02±6.570E−03 1.95E+01±6.84E−01 1.15E−01±4.13E−02 1.03E−03±8.09E−04
1.70E−04/6.82E−04 1.28E+01/1.95E+01 3.60E−03/8.00E−03 4.92E−04/1.59E−02
3.87E−04±1.05E−04 1.74E+01±1.24E+00 5.90E−03±8.67E−04 2.70E−03±360E−03
4.96E−19/1.74E−15 5.77E+00/1.15E+01 7.922E−09/1.15E+00 2.56E−13/1.23E−02
1.88E−16±3.05E−16 8.36E+00±1.02E+00 1.16E−02±1.15E−01 7.23E−04±2.40E−03
6.74E−05/2.80E−03 6.43E+00/1.95E+01 1.86E+00/7.51E+00 2.30E−02/6.89E−01
1.30E−03±6.99E−04 1.23E+01±2.28E+00 3.07E+00±1.31E+00 8.98E−02±6.87E−01
1.87E−19/4.78E−10 1.74E+01/1.09E+02 2.49E−11/9.29E+00 3.22E−15/1.44E+00
7.67E−12±5.08E−11 2.69E+01±1.72E+01 3.13E+00±2.65E+00 6.19E−01±3.89E−01

Weierstrass (f5) Rastrigin (f6) Noncontinuous Rastrigin (f7) Schwefel (f8)

2.23E−01/7.73E+00 1.89E+01/6.96E+01 1.40E+01/5.40E+01 7.70E+02/2.88E+03
2.40E+00±1.53E+00 3.55E+01±1.07E+01 3.21E+01±8.85E+00 1.77E+03±4.08E+02
3.12E+00/1.68E+01 2.99E+00/3.88E+01 1.01E+00/1.35E+02 7.84E+03/8.12E+03
1.00E+00±2.97E+00 1.57E+01±7.35E+00 3.30E+01±1.75E+01 7.92E+03±6.07E+01
3.74E+00/1.68E+01 4.22E−01/1.49E+01 2.82E−01/6.80E+00 8.37E+03/8.37E+03
8.31E+00±2.31E−01 2.65E+00±2.11E+00 2.23E+00±1.13E+00 8.37E+03±5.98E−01
1.68E+00/9.66E+00 1.09E+00/5.17E+01 1.50E+01/1.03E+02 1.66E+03/4.32E+03
5.14E+00±1.80E+00 2.67E+01±5.56E+00 3.94E+01±1.57E+01 3.04E+03±5.79E+02
6.80E−03/9.44E−01 1.07E+01/3.22E+01 9.83E+00/3.81E+01 9.72E+02/2.09E+03
6.87E−02±1.02E−01 2.13E+01±5.00E+00 2.09E+01±4.92E+00 1.57E+03±2.59E+02
7.77E+00/1.92E+01 1.39E+01/1.28E+02 2.91E+01/1.21E+02 1.76E+03/4.13E+03
3.98E+00±1.22E+00 7.851E+01±3.11E+01 7.07E+01±1.93E+01 2.71E+03±4.31E+02
9.68E−01/1.59E+01 2.37E+01/1.35E+02 7.33E+00/1.07E+02 3.32E+03/5.49E+03
5.73E+00±3.25E+00 7.55E+01±2.39E+01 5.37E+01±1.96E+01 4.58E+03±4.47E+02
a In each cell, the top result means the BEST/WORST, and the bottom result means the MEAN ± STD of all results.

Table 6. Average result rankings of different optimization algorithms for the benchmark functions.
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 Average rank
PSO 3 3 4 5 3 5 3 2 3.5
GA 5 5 5 4 2 2 4 6 4.125
BFO 7 6 3 2 7 1 1 7 4.25
FFA 4 4 1 3 5 4 5 4 3.75
CSA 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1.5
KHA 6 2 6 6 4 7 7 3 5.125
CFA 2 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5.75

are listed in Table 4 and these parameter values can be found in [40,55–58], the meaning of
each parameters in Table 4 can be found in [1,3,16,28,40,48].

Table 7. Dielectric function fitting variable ranges.a

Parameter Search and initialization range
e [1,10]
d [0,100000]
c1 [−100000,0]
p1 [−1,0]
ci , ci [−20,20], [−100,100]
pi , pi [−10,0), (0,10]
a i = 2, . . . , N.

Table 8. Cost function values achieved by the tested optimization algorithms in the dielectric function
Au Ag Cu
2.99E−02 7.46E−02 2.55E−02
9.41E−02±3.89E−02 1.71E−01±1.18E−01 8.44E−02±3.14E−02
7.20E−01 1.37E−01 7.11E−02
3.05E+00±4.33E+00 1.62E+01±5.26E+01 2.79E+00±3.92E+00
3.39-02 6.70E−02 3.15E−02
1.24E−01±6.82E−02 2.43E−01±5.49E−02 9.37E−02±5.34E−02
3.78E−02 1.13E−01 3.98E−02
1.61E−01±7.55E−02 2.77E−01±1.84E−01 1.46E−01±7.26E−02
2.82E−02 8.09E−02 2.59E−02
4.59E−02±1.22E−02 1.09E−02±1.32E−02 4.02E−02±9.74E−02
3.75E−02 1.09E−01 3.50E−02
1.21E−01±4.02E−02 2.35E−01±9.58E−02 1.06E−01±3.27E−02
7.79E−02 1.17E−01 5.91E−02
1.97E−01±5.87E−02 3.12E−01±1.05E−01 1.77E−01±6.27E−02
a In each cell, the top line is the best result and the bottom line gives the mean ± standard deviation of all results.

Table 9. Performance ranking of the tested optimization algorithms based on the average optimization
results for the dielectric function fitting.
Au 2 7 4 5 1 3 6
Ag 2 7 4 5 1 3 6
Cu 2 7 3 5 1 4 6
Average Rank 2 7 3.67 5 1 3.33 6

The results for different benchmark functions are listed in Table 5, where the best results
are set in boldface. We note that PSO gives the best result for f8, GA gives the best result for
f2, CFA gives the best results for f1, f3 and f4, FFA gives the best average result for f3, BFO
gives the best and best average results for f6 and f7, and CSA gives the best result for f5 and
the best average results for f1, f2, f4, f5 and f8.
Each BIO-inspired algorithm may get different performance on different type of opti-
mization application, so the general optimization performance of each algorithm can be
described by its average result rank of a set of general benchmark functions. From the
average result rankings given in Table 6, we find that the average performance of CSA is
superior to that of the other algorithms considered, and that the performance of PSO and
FFA is similar and better than that of GA, BFO, KHA, or CFA.

Table 10. Optimal parameter values achieved by the tested optimization algorithms in the dielectric
function fitting.
Au 2.10E+00 1.00E+01 3.32E+00 6.85E+00 4.79E+00 6.92E+00 6.85E+00
e Ag 4.49E+00 4.03E+00 6.61E+00 4.36E+00 1.32E+00 4.85E+00 9.42E+00
Cu 4.01E+00 9.99E+00 1.00E+00 8.93E+00 6.49E+00 7.67E+00 1.00E+00

Au 1.75E+04 3.11E+04 0.00E+00 1.17E+02 6.84E+02 6.91E+02 0.00E+00

d Ag 1.22E+04 2.77E+05 0.00E+00 2.61E+03 3.66E+03 1.59E+04 2.34E+03
Cu 1.70E+04 1.46E+03 0.00E+00 6.75E+02 8.25E+02 6.97E+02 0.00E+00

Au −1.75E+04 −3.36E+04 0.00E+00 −1.07E+02 −6.92E+02 −6.97E+02 0.00E+00

c1 Ag −1.22E+04 −2.77E+05 0.00E+00 −2.61E+03 −3.66E+03 −1.59E+04 −2.34E+03
Cu −1.69E+04 −1.45E+03 0.00E+00 −6.81E+02 −8.24E+02 −7.01E+02 0.00E+00

Au −3.97E−03 −1.40E−02 −7.91E−01 −6.77E−01 −1.19E−01 −1.17E−01 −8.68E−01

p1 Ag −6.82E−03 6.66E−04 −7.01E−01 −3.10E−02 −2.20E−02 −5.12E−03 −3.61E−02
Cu −3.91E−03 −5.31E−02 −1.97E−01 −1.24E−01 −9.73E−02 −1.17E−01 −7.02E−01

−1.04E+01 −4.43E+01 +2.94E+00 +1.47E+01 −7.24E+00 −9.61E+00 −4.84E+00

−j8.89E+00 +j1.69E+03 −j3.88E+01 −j3.44E+01 −j1.88E+01 +j9.95E+01 −j3.91E+01
+1.26E−01 +7.10E+02 +1.23E+00 −1.90E+01 −5.69E+00 −1.59E+01 −1.03E+01
c2 Ag
−j3.79E+01 +j2.65E+03 −j9.28E+01 +j8.17E+01 +j9.68E+01 +j3.52E+01 +j1.00E+02
+8.63E+00 +8.48E+01 +9.09E−01 −5.27E+00 +1.68E+01 −1.94E+01 +2.00E+01
−j5.32E+00 +j8.67E+02 −j8.37E+01 −j8.67E+00 −j2.69E+01 −j3.86E+01 +j4.48E+00

−2.98E+00 −9.72E+01 +0.00E+00 −3.36E+00 −8.66E+00 −6.40E+00 −3.76E+00

+j3.14E+00 +j3.81E+01 +j4.61E−01 +j2.19E+00 +j7.19E+00 +j4.11E−03 +j4.04E+00
−9.94E+00 −6.83E+01 +0.00E+00 −8.85E+00 −9.75E+00 −3.70E+00 −7.16E+00
p2 Ag
+j1.87E+00 −j2.30E+01 +j3.54E−01 +j1.90E+00 +j9.93E+00 +j5.97E+00 +j7.39E−02
−1.66E+00 +2.56E+00 −3.66E−02 −8.33E+00 −3.35E+00 −6.56E+00 −7.30E+00
+j1.83E+00 +j5.28E+01 +j3.37E−01 +j3.95E+00 +j4.93E+00 +j1.73E+00 +j2.21E+00

+8.56E+00 +1.23E+03 −1.57E+01 −1.14E+01 −1.39E+01 −8.85E+00 +8.11E+00

−j3.20E−01 −j1.81E+03 −j4.47E+01 −j7.24E+00 −j8.81E+01 +j3.65E+01 −j8.43E+01
+1.90E+01 −8.44E+01 −1.75E+01 −5.04E+00 +1.96E+01 +1.62E+00 −1.93E+01
c3 Ag
+j3.70E+01 −j6.49E+02 −j9.95E+00 −j4.63E+01 −j3.62E+01 +j5.13E+01 −j2.06E+01
+8.76E−01 +6.59E+02 +1.55E+01 −1.82E+01 +8.14E+00 +1.14E+00 −1.41E+01
+j7.70E+01 +j2.06E+03 +j7.99E+00 −j4.14E+01 +j7.91E+01 −j3.84E+01 +j9.16E+01

−9.62E+00 −2.60E−02 −3.08E+00 −5.10E+00 −5.33E+00 −2.74E+00 +0.00E+00

+j7.86E+00 −j8.90E−02 +j4.33E+00 +j3.08E+00 +j3.51E+00 +j8.13E+00 +j3.25E−01
−4.80E+00 −1.39E−02 −7.44E+00 −8.18E+00 −5.20E+00 −2.60E+00 −2.17E+00
p3 Ag
+j3.90E+00 +j1.90E−01 +j4.47E+00 +j6.18E+00 +j9.91E+00 +j8.51E+00 +j1.25E+00
−6.66E+00 −2.22E+01 −5.57E+00 −6.54E+00 −9.95E+00 −6.55E+00 −8.43E+00
+j9.74E+00 +j5.63E+00 +j1.00E+01 +j2.73E+00 +j3.23E+00 +j3.49E+00 +j1.00E+01

−1.16E+01 +4.43E+02 −1.30E+01 −1.79E+01 −2.49E+00 +7.96E+00 −8.12E+00

−j1.22E+01 −j6.45E+02 +j1.32E+01 −j2.06E+01 +j7.82E+01 −j7.42E+01 +j5.84E+01
−7.42E−01 +7.30E+02 +3.05E+00 +1.72E+01 +1.30E+01 −2.00E+00 +6.63E+00
c4 Ag
−j1.18E+01 +j4.53E+01 −j1.99E+01 +j7.25E+00 +j9.62E+01 +j7.87E+00 −j4.36E+01
−1.16E+01 +6.29E+02 −1.19E+01 −2.47E+00 −1.71E+01 −5.35E+00 +8.73E+00
+j3.47E+01 +j2.03E+03 −j9.54E+01 −j2.92E+01 +j5.41E+01 +j3.61E+01 −j9.95E+01

−3.30E+00 −2.36E+01 −3.29E+00 −4.87E−02 −9.00E+00 −8.05E+00 −1.62E+00

+j2.26E+00 −j5.30E−01 +j2.50E+00 +j4.79E−01 +j4.51E+00 +j1.66E+00 +j3.60E−01
−1.91E+00 +1.84E+01 −4.54E+00 −4.06E+00 −8.30E+00 −3.10E+00 −3.30E+00
p4 Ag
+j5.04E+00 +j2.64E+01 +j5.73E+00 +j4.02E+00 +j8.62E+00 +j2.85E+00 +j4.97E+00
−1.36E+00 −3.79E+01 −5.86E+00 −7.66E+00 −8.60E+00 −4.20E+00 +0.00E+00
+j7.17E−01 −j1.21E+01 +j3.54E+00 +j7.80E+00 +j9.50E+00 +j5.01E+00 +j2.93E−01

Table 10. (Continued).

+1.59E+01 +4.78E+02 +7.28E+00 −1.87E+01 +2.74E+00 −1.21E+01 −2.00E+01
+j6.40E+01 +j3.52E+03 +j2.78E+01 −j1.10E+01 −j5.88E+01 −j9.48E+01 +j3.23E+01
+3.54E+00 +4.84E+02 +9.37E+00 −4.29E+00 +1.66E+01 +3.91E−01 −2.00E+01
c5 Ag
+j3.56E+01 +j1.73E+03 +j2.23E+01 −j4.69E+01 −j4.68E+01 −j6.87E+01 −j9.97E+01
+1.82E+01 +2.09E+02 +4.84E+00 −1.20E+01 +9.61E−01 +5.10E+00 +2.00E+01
−j4.76E+01 +j1.94E+03 +j3.98E+01 −j6.11E+01 −j4.09E+00 −j4.60E+01 +j5.15E+01

−1.80E+00 −1.11E+02 −3.31E+00 −3.28E+00 −9.41E+00 −6.98E+00 −4.65E+00

+j1.06E+00 +j1.36E+02 +j2.01E+00 +j5.85E+00 +j9.09E−01 +j6.81E+00 +j9.97E+00
−1.56E−02 +8.77E+01 −3.56E+00 −8.04E+00 −3.54E+00 −2.63E+00 −7.17E+00
p5 Ag
+j9.79E+00 +j1.90E+02 +j2.39E+00 +j3.80E+00 +j5.50E+00 +j6.31E+00 +j5.13E−01
−6.49E+00 −1.16E+01 −5.77E+00 −5.60E+00 −8.31E−01 −3.89E+00 −1.87E+00
+j4.57E+00 +j8.18E+01 +j2.78E+00 +j2.22E+00 +j2.88E+00 +j4.43E+00 +j1.01E+00

3. Application to dielectric function fitting

Several dielectric function models have been used in conjunction with the finite-difference
time-domain (FDTD) method,[60] such as Debye, Drude, Lorentz, critical points, rational,
and partial-fraction (PF).[61–64] Here we consider the PF model of the form

d  ci
ε(s) = e + + , s = jω , (1)
s s − pi

where ω is the angular frequency, N is the model order, e and d are real parameters, pi
and ci are poles and residues, respectively, which are either real (for i = 1) or arise in
complex-conjugate pairs (for i ≥ 2). We will use primes and double-primes to denote the
real and imaginary parts of complex numbers, respectively, hence ε = ε + jε . Given
a set of samples {sk = jωk , ε̂(sk )}M k=1 , we wish to determine the set of real parameters
x = {e, d, c1 , p1 , c2 , c2 , p2 , p2 , . . . , cN , cN , pN , pN } that minimizes the cost (fitness) function


1  ε̂k − εk (x) 2 ε̂k − εk (x) 2
f (x) =


M ε̂k ε̂k

where we use the notation ε̂k = ε̂(sk ), and similarly for εk . We apply the model (1) to three
noble metals, viz. gold (Au), silver (Ag), and copper (Cu), in the optical frequency range,
where it is convenient to express ω in terms of the photon energy given in electron-volts
(eV). The experimental tabulated data are taken from [65] and the search and initiation
ranges of the parameters are based on the guidelines given in [63] and are listed in Table
7. As in the synthetic problems tests, each algorithm was run 100 times with the maximum
number of function evaluations set to 2000 and the population size set to 20, with the initial
parameter values selected randomly within the specified ranges.
We next summarize the results of fitting the PF model (1) to the experimental data for
the three noble metals using different optimization algorithms with N = 5. The optimal
cost function (2) values achieved by the tested algorithms are listed in Table 8, where the
best overall results are set in boldface. The average performance ranking of the algorithms
is given in Table 9, from which we conclude that CSA is the best, followed by PSO, KHA,
BFO, FFA, CFA, and GA. The optimum dielectric function parameters obtained by different

50 0

0 PSO −5

−50 CFA


CSA −20

−150 KHA
−200 −30
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Photon energy [eV] Photon energy [eV]

Figure 1. Plots of the dielectric function fit for Au obtained by different optimization algorithms.

0 smp 0

PSO −1
−50 GA −2

CFA −3


FFA −4

CSA −5
KHA −6
−200 BFO −7

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Photon energy [eV] Photon energy [eV]

Figure 2. Plots of the dielectric function fit for Ag obtained by different optimization algorithms.

0 smp
−50 GA

−100 FFA

−150 KHA
1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Photon energy [eV] Photon energy [eV]

Figure 3. Plots of the dielectric function fit for Cu obtained by different optimization algorithms.

optimization algorithms are listed in Table 10. We have used these parameters in (1) to
plot the real and imaginary parts of ε for the three noble metals. These plots are given
in in Figures 1–3, where the dielectric function fits obtained by the tested optimization
algorithms are compared with the experimental data indicated by solid lines.

4. Summary and conclusion

We have presented a comparative study of the performance of the recent BIO algorithms,
viz. BFO, FFA, CSA, KHA, and CFA. As a reference, we have also included in the study the more
established GA and PSO. All algorithms were first tested on a suite of synthetic optimization
problems and then applied to a “real-life” problem of fitting a dielectric function model to
tabulated experimental data for three noble metals, viz. gold (Au), silver (Au), and copper
(Cu). Our results indicate that, for the synthetic benchmark problems, CSA performs better
on average than, in the decreasing order, PSO, FFA, GA, BFO, KHA, and CFA. For the dielectric

function fitting problem, the best performing algorithms were CSA for Au, PSO for Cu, and
BFO for Ag, with CSA emerging as the best method on the average.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

This work was supported by the “Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities” under
[grant number 2682014CX026]; the programme of China Scholarships Council [No. 201307005027];
the “National Natural Science Foundation of China” under [grant number 61271090].

K. A. Michalski

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