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Frame Analysis

Topics in this section

 Open the Assembly
 Frame Analysis Environment
 Frame Analysis Settings
 Assign Materials
 Change Beam Properties
 Change Direction of Gravity
 Add Constraints
 Add Constraints to the Next Beam
 Add Loads
 Run the Simulation
 View and Interpret Results


Category Simulation
Time Required 30 minutes
Tutorial File Used analyze_frame.iam

Use Frame Analysis to perform basic structural analysis of your frame structures with respect
to deformations and stresses.

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The Frame Analysis environment is a special environment within assembly and weldment files.
The environment has commands unique to its purpose. You can access the tools from the
Design or Environments tabs.

When you open a Frame Analysis and set up your simulation, the assembly frame model is
automatically converted to a simplified model of nodes and beams. The graphics window
displays beams, nodes, and the gravity glyph.

Then, you define the boundary conditions (consisting of loads and constraints). You can also
change beam materials, and specify connections (releases and rigid links). Once these inputs
are entered, you can run the simulation and view the behavior relative to the conditions you


 Create a simulation.

 Evaluate and assign materials as needed.

 Evaluate and assign beam properties as needed.

 Add loads.

 Add constraints.

 Run a simulation.

 View the results.


 Know how to use the Quick Access toolbar, tabs and panels on the ribbon, model browser,
and context menus.

 Know how to navigate the model space with the various view tools.

 Know how to specify and edit project files.

 Complete the Frame Generator tutorial.

 See the Help topics for further information.

Navigation Tips

 Use Show in the upper-left corner to display the table of contents for this tutorial with
navigation links to each page.

 Use Forward in the upper-right corner to advance to the next page.


Open the Assembly

To begin, open the assembly to analyze.

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1. Click the Open command on the Quick Access toolbar.

2. Set the Project File to tutorial_files.ipj

3. Select Frame Analysis 1 analyze_frame.iam.

4. Click Open.

5. Click Save as to save the file with a different name, such as:

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Frame Analysis Environment

We are ready to enter the Frame Analysis environment.

1. On the ribbon, click Environments tab Begin panel Frame Analysis .

Initially, there are only three commands enabled: Create Simulation, Frame Analysis
Settings, and Finish Frame Analysis. For now, create a simulation and review the
settings in the next step.

2. On the Manage panel, click the Create Simulation command. The Create New
Simulation dialog box opens.
You can use the dialog box settings to specify a unique name, simulation type, and other
simulation parameters.
There are two types of Frame Analysis.

 Static Analysis evaluates structural loading conditions.

 Modal Analysis evaluates natural frequency modes.

Note On the Model State tab, you specify the Design View, Positional, and Level of
Detail to use for the simulation. Also, you can specify the iAssembly member to be
associated with the simulation. The settings can be different for each simulation.

3. Click OK to accept the default settings for this simulation.

The Inventor model is automatically converted into idealized nodes and beams, and a
simulation is created. A gravity symbol also displays.

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The browser populates with a hierarchical structure of the assembly and analysis-related

Most of the commands in the ribbon panels are now enabled for use. Disabled commands
enable after you run the simulation.

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Frame Analysis Settings

Frame Analysis settings apply to all new simulations. Whenever a new frame simulation is
started, these preferences are used.

In the Frame Analysis Settings dialog box, you can specify:

 If Heads up Display is the preferred method used during input and edit.

 Colors for displayed boundary conditions, nodes, rigid links, gravity.

 Scale for displayed nodes, loads, and constraints.

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 Default visibility settings for all components (beams and other parts) after the conversion.

 Solver method used for beam releases.

 Display of diagrams.

In this tutorial, we use the dialog boxes for input of boundary conditions values.

On the ribbon, click Frame Analysis Settings in the Settings panel.

In the General tab, clear the Use HUD in Application check box. Click OK.

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Assign Materials

The next step is to look at the model materials and adjust the material.

For this simulation, we only make a minor material change using materials that are fully

Before you perform simulations, ensure that your material definitions are complete for those
materials being analyzed. When a material is not completely or inadequately defined, a
warning message displays in the Status folder in the browser. You cannot run a simulation
until you change the material.

Note You cannot edit a material if the project setting Use Styles Library is set to No. To
change the setting requires exiting the tutorial. In this tutorial, we use a material that is
already fully defined. You can modify the other materials at a later time.

1. In the browser, expand the Beams folder, and select Beam:1. Right-click and select
Beam Materials. In the Beam Material dialog box, select the beam (DIN U 200
00000001.ipt) in the Beams area.

Note Beam Material dialog box is also accessible when you click Material on the
Beams panel in the ribbon.

2. Check the Customize box.

Note The Customize check box is only available when the parent beam is selected.

3. In the drop-down menu in the Material area, select Stainless Steel, Austenitic.

4. Click OK to exit the Beam Material dialog box.

The browser Materials folder receives a Stainless Steel, Austenitic - DIN U 200
00000001.ipt folder added with all the components referencing that material listed within
that folder. If you delete individual components from the folder, their material reverts to the
assembly assigned material.

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Change Beam Properties

You can also change beam properties.

1. In the Beams panel, click the Properties command. The dialog box displays the
list of beams, and basic and mechanical properties of a selected frame member.

2. To change the data, select the parent beam in the Beams area.

3. Check the Customize box to make the edits. In this tutorial, we do not customize any

4. Click Cancel to exit the Beam Properties dialog box.

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Change Direction of Gravity

When a frame analysis is created, gravity is automatically applied. In this tutorial, we change
its direction.

1. In the browser, expand the Loads folder. Select Gravity . Right-click, and select Edit.

2. In the Gravity dialog box, select Z Direction from the drop-down list.

3. Click OK to close the Gravity dialog box.

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Add Constraints

Next, we define the boundary conditions by adding structural constraints and loads. We start
with constraints first.

Note Constraints are required for frame simulations. If you start a simulation without
constraints, a dialog box displays the error message: No constraints defined.

1. In the Constraints panel, click Pinned . The dialog box displays with the Origin

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selector active.

2. Select the beam as shown in the image. The preview of the pinned constraint displays.

3. Make sure the Absolute option is selected in the Pinned Constraint dialog box. We insert
the offset value using the absolute values measured from the beginning of the beam.

Note You can use the Local Systems command in the Display panel to show the
beam coordinate systems to define the beginning of the beams.

4. In the Pinned Constraint dialog box, set Offset to 170 mm, and click OK. The Pinned
constraint is applied.

5. Insert the second pinned constraint to the same beam. Again, click Pinned in the
Constraints panel.

6. Select the same beam, and set Offset to 2330 mm. Click OK.

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Add Constraints to the Next Beam

We must insert pinned constraints to the opposite side of the cart.

1. In the browser, select Constraints folder. Right-click and select Pinned Constraint .

2. Select the beam as shown in the following image. The preview of the pinned constraint

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3. In the Pinned Constraint dialog box, set Offset to 170 mm, and click OK. Pinned
constraint is applied.

4. Insert the second pinned constraint to the same beam. In the browser, select
Constraints folder. Right-click and select Pinned Constraint .

5. Select the same beam, and set Offset to 2330 mm. Click OK.

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We applied all necessary constraints so we can add loads now.

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Add Loads

Now assign loads on the components.

1. In the Loads panel, click Force . The dialog box displays with the Origin selector

2. Select the middle beam where the force is acting.

3. In the dialog box, enter 500 N for the Magnitude value, and 0 degrees for Angle of
Note The Angle of plane specifies the rotation of the XY plane where the force is acting.
Angle in plane defines the angle of the applied force from the Z-axis.

4. Click the More button to expand the dialog box to display additional controls for
specifying the force vector. In the Offset area, check the Relative box. You can now
position the force to the middle of the selected beam. Enter 0.5 in the Offset edit field in
the upper part of the dialog box. Click OK to exit the Force dialog box.

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Run the Simulation

We are now ready to run the simulation.

In the Solve panel, click Simulate . The progress bar displays showing the status of the

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View and Interpret Results

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After the simulation completes, the graphics window displays the Displacement results plot, by
default. Expand the Results folder to explore the complete set of results.

There are various commands for viewing result data. Most are located in the Result and
Display panels.

Save the assembly. You use this assembly in the Frame Analysis Results and Modal Type
of Frame Analysis tutorials.

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The previous image is what you see if you look at the Fx Forces results for this simulation.

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Now you have a basic understanding of the typical workflow in the frame analysis
environment. This workflow includes:

 Creating a simulation.

 Assigning materials as overrides of the existing material.

 Adding constraints and loads, sometimes called boundary conditions.

 Running a simulation.

 Viewing the results.

What Next? As a next step, explore the tools available for viewing and interpreting results.
The Frame Analysis Results tutorial takes you through these topics.


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