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DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL: WEEKS 1 & 2 Name Jennifer Treubig

Describe your community-engaged experiences. Relate your experiences to course content and future actions.
 What have you accomplished? What interactions have you  How does your entry on the left relate to course concepts,
had? What decisions have you made? What plans have you class presentations, and readings? What key concepts can be
developed? used to guide your future decisions and plans?
Some of the main things I have accomplished during my time Since we provided farm fresh veggies, fruits, and eggs to the
with Montclair Community Farms are learning how to interact senior population in low-income areas, we were able to learn
with a generation that’s not your own (since we visit senior more about SNAP benefits and what kinds of things are
homes) and learning what drives the conversation for certain included on it. While most SNAP recipients only shop at
individuals when speaking about food. supermarkets, I learned that certain businesses/outreach
One particular interaction I had was with an elderly woman programs accept it for all of their products. For example,
who was telling both Bri and I about what her husband and she Montclair Community Farms provides its food to non-SNAP
eat occasionally from the vegetables they get from the farm recipients as well as SNAP recipients. Not only do they provide
stand. This interaction really connected the people with the this as an option, but they also provide discounts to most
actual act of volunteering and helping the community. customers. We typically added up everything that the
The decisions I made consisted of how to change the recipes to customer wanted to purchase, told our supervisor how much it
fit the different dietary needs of the population/community as was, and then lowered the price about 6 dollars or so. I
well as making decisions to see what the people would be able thought this was an extremely caring and selfless action to
to both afford and enjoy the most. take because our supervisor, Lana, knew and understood how
Some plans I’ve developed consisted of tailoring recipes to fit difficult it can be to survive on the amount of money they are
the needs of the people I was speaking with and overall just given every week. Another concept from class that I thought of
using the conversations I’ve had with people at the site to was the policymaking concept. I remember in class we spoke
adjust what I say to the next person. In other words, I am using about one legislator or government worker that decided he
what I learn about people’s daily habits and adjusting my would live on the same financial system as that of a SNAP
recommendations so it can fit more of the population’s habits recipient and how he couldn’t go a very long time without
and desires. getting hungry and frustrated. Therefore, the policymaking
process of providing benefits and funds to the SNAP recipients
should be more extensive. These lessons will lead me to
understand more about what my clients/patients are able to
have and what they really should be having in order to live a
healthful lifestyle.
 What events or actions puzzled or confused you? Why were  What can you do to better understand similar events or
DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL: WEEKS 1 & 2 Name Jennifer Treubig

Describe your community-engaged experiences. Relate your experiences to course content and future actions.
they confusing? actions in the future? What additional information do you
There really weren’t many interactions that left me confused I can better understand the first interaction by understanding
or puzzled. The main one that I originally found puzzling, that the junior volunteer may have had other intentions in
however, was when one of the junior volunteers were telling mind. She may have just wanted us to understand how to do
us what to do. She was 14 years old and explained everything everything properly and most efficiently rather than trying to
to us, however, it felt a little degrading when she explained to sound smarter.
us how to plant vegetables, in general. At first, it was As for the other interactions, we had to try our best to
enlightening to see that she knew so much but when she took understand what the people had said and asking questions
on the same role that our site supervisor had, it felt a little definitely helped a lot. Neither of these required additional
strange. information, however, it may have helped to have information
Another puzzling event I had at the site was understanding prior to the date so we could adjust our recipes to fit the
what some people were communicating to me. Some of them specific cultures and languages.
had dementia and some did not have English as their first
language so it was a little challenging trying to explain the
recipes to them.

 How do you feel about your community-engaged experience  What impact might your community-engaged experience
so far? What are your negative and positive feelings about have on your learning process, personal life, career choice,
the service site, the people, and the experience? and future civic involvement?
Overall, I like my service site for the most part. There are This community-engaged experience will shape me to be a
definitely benefits and drawbacks to this site. The benefits very better person and help me to become more aware of my
much outweigh the drawbacks because they consist of being community. In terms of my learning process, having had this
able to communicate with a population I have not had much experience will help me to visualize any concepts we’re
experience with and being able to have one on one learning since I have seen them in the community in action. As
interactions rather than a bigger event. The negative feelings for my career choice, I will be going into the clinical setting but
that I have about this site, however, is that it is fairly quick and I would not be opposed to having occasional
there are not many people who come out to it. This may be presentations/interventions in the community such as with the
partly due to the weather getting colder and older people not Montclair Community Farms. As for my personal life, some of
DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL: WEEKS 1 & 2 Name Jennifer Treubig

Describe your community-engaged experiences. Relate your experiences to course content and future actions.
wanting to risk getting sick (and less plants and crops being the tools I learned during the experience will be taught to my
able to grow), but it is also the somewhat lack of future children such as composting and giving back to the
marketing/publicizing for it. However, our site supervisor said community in the traditional form of food banks and pantries
that since they can’t grow anything during the winter months, or something more creative such as a mobile farm stand.
they will usually work on new methods of publicizing the farm
stand and how to reach out to the community more. Overall,
the people are great to work with and they have a fair amount
of knowledge about their community. Finally, I liked this
experience a lot because I love one on one interactions since
they can typically last a long time as well as get very deep and
knowledge/experience based.

Self-assessment (complete last).

 What level of reflection (see James Bradley’s Criteria on Canvas) have you achieved with this journal? How do you know? What
can you do differently next time to achieve the next highest level?
I partly achieved the highest level three but mainly achieved level two. The aspects of level three that I achieved consisted of
viewing things from multiple perspectives, such as the junior volunteer experience as well as the conversations of what the
community members preferred over certain foods. As for level two, I did not specifically differentiate between my personal
opinion and evidence, however, I can recognize within this journal what can be considered fact and opinion. Moreover, I placed
most of the events/interactions in a broader context (level three) but did have a few that were merely stated of what happened
and the immediate reaction/response to it.
I can achieve all of the aspects of level three by detailing what experiences relate more to the broader scope of community
nutrition as well as provide more perspectives on specific interactions I may have had with the community’s members.
DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL: WEEKS 1 & 2 Name Jennifer Treubig

Self-assessment (complete last).

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