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Name: Valeria Fonseca López

Fill in the blanks with this, these, other, and another as needed.

1. South America has numerous large cities. These include cities such as
Bogota, Buenos Aires, Lima, and Sao Paolo.

2. Language is primarily used for basic communication. another use is

for artistic expression, such as poetry and music.

3. Many countries have privacy laws. These laws explain what can be
done with personal information.

4. Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry. This poetic style is short and

regular, with three lines and a set number of syllables.

5. Engineering is a popular subject at the university. Other majors with a

large number of students include law, medicine, and economics.

6. Italian and Japanese are elective courses. This means that students
may choose to take them, but they are not required.

Fill in the blanks with grammatically appropriate words (this/these,

other/another, pronouns, determiners, repeated words) to create cohesion
in the text.

One reason to learn a language is for travel. It is easier if you are able to speak
the main language of the place you are visiting. Another reason is academic
purposes. It is especially true of English. English is the most widely used second
language in higher education around the world. This is true even in countries
where the first language is not English.

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