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Pandora Sweaters Ltd.

SOP For Pressing/Iron (AvqiY Kivi gvbm¤§Z Kvh©¨-c×wZ)

cb¨ Drcv`‡bi b~b¨Zg cÖ‡qvRbxq wb‡`©kbv mg~n:
● AvqiY Kivi Rb¨ me`©v f¨vKvg †Uwej
e¨venvi Ki‡Z n‡e| Always use Vacuum table when ironing.
● KL‡bv AvqiY †Uwe‡ji gvK©/wPý DVv‡bv
hv‡ebv| Never leave iron marks.
● Kvco ev ÷vB‡ji †KvqvwjwU Abymv‡i AvqiY
Ki‡Z n‡e| Have to Ironing/Pressing according to the fabric/style.
● wZb †m.wg. Dci †_‡K AvqiY w÷g w`‡Z n‡e|
Iron Steam will be provided above 3 CM.
● AvqiY †gwkb Mvg‡©›UiGi ewW ¯úk© Ki‡e
bv| Iron M/C will not tuch with garment's body.
● AvqiY †gwk‡bi Kfvi e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|
Use taplon shoe or Iron M/C cover.
● mvBR †j‡ej I mvBR myZv GKB wKbv
Have to check the similarity between size Lebel & size
wgjv‡Z n‡e| yarn.
● Mv‡g©‡›Ui ÷vBj I †cUvb© †evW© ÷vBj
Garment's Style & Patern board Style will be same.
GKB n‡Z n‡e|
● AvqiY †Uwe‡j GK m‡½ 8 wc‡Qi †ekx
More than 8 pcs garments can not be kept on pressing
Mv‡g›U©m ivLv hv‡ebv| table with the same time.
● G¨vwµwjK Ges †WwW‡K‡UW myZvi Rb¨
Kvc‡ii Kfvi e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| Have to use clothing cover for Acrylic & dedicated yarn.
Prepared By- Dept. of IE.
Pandora Sweaters Ltd.
Gilarchala, masterbari, Shreepur, Gazipur.
SOP For Linking Inspection (wjswKs B݇cKk‡bi gvbm¤§Z Kvh©¨-c×wZ)

(B݇cKkb ïiy Kivi c~‡e© wb‡¤œ wjwLZ welq¸‡jvi cÖwZ fv‡jvfv‡e `„wó w`‡Z n‡e)
Before Open Bundle : (evwÛj †Lvjvi c~‡e©) After Open Bundle : (evwÛj †Lvjvi ci)
Bundle No: (evwÛj bs) Colour Shading : (Kvjvi †kwWs)
Garment QTY in Bundle : (evwÛ‡j Mv‡g©‡g›U msL¨v)
Needle Drop : (wb‡Wj Wªc)
Style No : (÷vBj bs) Cuf-Seam Up- Down : (Kvc-wmg Avc-WvDb)
Gauge : (‡MR) Oil or Yellow Mark : (‡Zj ev njy‡`i `vM)
Size : (mvBR) Neck-Shape : (‡bK-‡kc)
Size Yarn : (mvBR myZv) Seam-Tension : (wmg-†Ubkb)

● evwÛ‡j Mv‡g©›U msL¨v wVK Av‡Q wKbv Zv ¸‡b †`L‡Z n‡e †h, AW©vi Kv‡W©i mv‡_ wgj Av‡Q wK
bv| [All pcs of garment in bundle will be counted by the
inspector & have to be similarities with order card]
● e¨vK cvU©, d«›U cvU© Ges w¯ø‡f Kvjvi †kwWs Av‡Q wKbv Zv fv‡jvfv‡e †PK Ki‡Z n‡e Ges G¨vcÖ~f
m¨v¤ú‡ji mv‡_ wgj Av‡Q wK bv Zv †`L‡Z n‡e| [Have to check colour shading in Back,
Front & Sleeves & try to prove that, it is similar with approved Garment]
● Mv‡g©‡›Ui e¨vK-d«›U I w¯ø‡fi ˆ`N¨©-cÖ‡¯’i gvc wVK Av‡Q wKbv †PK Ki‡Z n‡e Ges we‡kl K‡i Kvc-
wm‡gi Avc-WvDb Av‡Q wKbv †`L‡Z n‡e| [Have to check length & width measurement
of back-front part & sleeve & specially check cuf-seam up/down]
● †bK-‡kc Ges †bK w÷P wVK Av‡Q wKbv †PK Ki‡Z n‡e| [Have to check neck-shape & Neck-stitch]

● †bK-‡kc Ges †bK w÷P wVK Av‡Q wKbv †PK Ki‡Z n‡e| [Have to check neck-shape & Neck-stitch]

● wijvK&ª Ges wkÖs‡KR †gRvi‡g›U †PK Ki‡Z n‡e| [Have to check relax & shrinkage measurement]

● Avg©‡nvj d¨vkb Ges Avg©‡nv‡ji wb¤œvs†ki w÷P wVK Av‡Q wKbv †`L‡Z n‡e| [ Have to check arm-hole
fashion & under-arm stitch]
● Mv‡g©‡›Ui ewWi me¸‡jv wmg ev †RvogyL Ges †Ubkb fv‡jvfv‡e †PK Ki‡Z n‡e| [All seam & tension of
garment's body have to check carefully]
● hw` †Kvb Mv‡g©‡›U mgm¨v ev f‚j cwijwÿZ nq Z‡e †mB Mv‡g©›U wjswKs Acv‡iUi ‡K (†h wjswKs
K‡i‡Q) †dir w`‡Z n‡e Ges fv‡jv cvU© ¸‡jv wUªwgs-‡gwÛs G cvVv‡Z n‡e| [If found any damage part in
bundle then have to return to the knitting Section & the ok part have to deliver to the linking section]
● mKj cÖKvi fzj wi‡cv‡U© D‡jøL K‡i †mKkb mycvifvBRv‡ii wbKU Rgv w`‡Z n‡e|
[All kinds of defects have to include in the inspection report &
submit the report to the section supervisor]
Prepared By- Dept. of IE.

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