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Bank Maths Questions for Preli Exam: AUST All

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bank maths questions <V2Ʊ¢øcVi\i]Explanation ƱQ>qb_[ȚYcQƱ@bS8óiZ5TSbZConfusion Ob_i[4V\–6

1. SBL Assistant Programmar 2016

2. ICB Assistant Programmar 2017
3. PKB EO (Cash) 2018
4. PKB SEO 2018
5. Basic Bank Assistant Manager 2018
6. SBL Cash 2018
7. Combined 3 Bank Senior Officer 2018

Bank Maths Questions & Solutions

01.A garden of 100 m length and 60m width has a walkway of 2 m width on every side. What is the
area of the garden, in square meter, excluding the walkway?

(a) 5684

(b) 6000

(c) 5376

(d) 5123

Answer: 5376 Solution:

Area of the garden excluding walkway = {(100-2×2) × (60-2×2)}= 96×56=5376m2

2. If a>b>l, then which of the following is true?

(a) (a-b)<0

(b) a2<ab

(c) (b+a)>2a

(d) a2>b2

Answer: a2>b2



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a = 3 & b=2

Option a) a2> b2 = (3)2> (2)2 = 9 > 4 True

Option b) a2 < ab = (3)2 < 3 x 2 =9<6 false

Option c) a – b<0= 3-2<0 = 1< 0 false

Option d) b +a > 2a = 2+3> 2 x 3 = 5 > 6 false

3. When 6 gallons of gasoline are put into a car, the indicator goes from 1/4 to 5/8. What is the total
capacity of the gasoline tank?

(a) 12

(b) 14

(c) 16

(d) 18

Answer: 16


(5/8 – ¼) = 3/8 means 6 gallons

So, Total capacity = 6×8/3 = 16 gallons

04.A square carpet with an area of 169 cm2 must have 2 cm cut off one of its edges in order to be a
perfect fit for a rectangular room. What is the area (in cm) of this rectangular room!

(a) 117

(b) 143

(c) 145

(d) 165



Let, the carpet length = x

x 2 = 169

x = 13

width of the room = (13-2) cm = 11 cm area of

the room = (13×11)2 = 143 cm2

05.A 10% monthly salary increase resulted in a Tk.9000 per year increase in salary for an

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employee. What was his monthly salary before the increase?

(a) Tk.7500

(b) Tk.8500

(c) Tk.5000

(d) Tk.9500

Answer: Tk. 7500


Yearly increase = 9000 tk

Monthly increase = 9000/12 = 750 tk

10% of Salary is = 750 tk

100% of Salary is = (750×100)/10 = 7500 tk

6. The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangular is 5:1. If the area of the
rectangle is 216 cm2, what is the length of the rectangle?

(a) 16 cm

(b) 18 cm

(c) 20 cm

(d) 22 cm

Answer: 18 cm



Length and breadth of the rectangle= x, y So,

area = xy

Perimeter = 2(x+y)


2(x+y)/y = 5

Or, 2x + 2y = 5y Or,

2x = 3y

Or, y = 2x/3

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xy = 216

Or, x × 2x/3 = 216 Or,

2x2 = 648

Or, x2 = 324

Or, x = 18

7. If for integer x, 5<x<10 and y=x+5, what is the greatest possible value of x+y?

(a) 32

(b) 22

(c) 23

(d) 27

Answer: 23



5 < x < 10 and y =x+5 Possible

value of x = 6, 7, 8, 9

When x =9,

y =9+5 = 14


x + y = 9 + 14 = 23

8. In June a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its games played. After a
phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% How many games must the team have
won in a row to attain this average?

(a) 30

(b) 45

(c) 20

(d) 24

Answer: 24


Let, Additional match = x

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30% of 60+ x = 50% of (60+x)
Or, 18+x = 30+0.5x

Or, x = 24

9. In a container, there are 2 green marbles and 2 red marbles. You randomly pick the marbles.
What is the probability that both of them are green?

A. 1/2

B. 1/3

C. ¼

D. 1/6

Ans: D

Solution: green

ball = 2 Red

ball = 2

From 4 balls, possibility of 2 green = 4C2 = 6

From 2 balls, possibility of 1 green = 2C2 = 1.

From rest 2 balls, possibility of being green = 2C2=1

Possibility of 2 green = (2C2 x 2C2)/4C2= (1×1)/6= 1/6

10. To represent a family budget on a circle graph, how many degrees of the circle should be used
to represent an item that is 20% of the total budget?

(a) 76°

(b) 72o

(c) 60°

(d) 20°
Ans: 72 o


Total circle = 360°

20% used 20% of 360° = (20/100) × 360° = 72°

11. A boat sailing against a stream of river tanks 6 hours to travel 24tm, while sailing with the
stream it takes 4 hours to travel the same distance. What is the speed of the stream?

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A. 2.5 km/hr

B. 1.5 km/hr

C. 1 km/hr

D. 0.5 km/hr

Ans: 1 km/hr



Speed of stream =y &

Speed of boat = x ATQ,

x-y= 24/6 = 4— (i)

x+y = 24/4 = 6 ——– (ii).


(ii) – (i),

x+y-x+y = 6-4

Or, 2y = 2

Or, y = 1

12. A milkman purchases the milk at Tk. x per liter and sells it Tk. 2x per liter still he mixes 2
liters water with every 6 liters of pure milk. What is the profit percentage?

A. 116%

B. 166.66%

C. 60%

D. 100%

Ans: 166.66%



He purchases 6liters milk.

So, cost of 6 liters = 6x tk.

After mixing 2 liters waters, he sells , (6+2)= 8 liters

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Now, selling price of 8 liters = 8 × 2x = 16x tk.

Profit = 16x – 6x = 10x tk.

Profit percentage = (10x/6x) × 100 = 166.66%

13. A man could buy a certain number of notebooks for Tk. 300. If each notebook cost is
Tk. 5 more, he could have bought 10 notebooks less for the same amount. Find the price of each

A. 15

B. 20

C. 10

D. ĩ

Ans: 10



Cost of 1 Note book = x tk. ATQ,

300/x = {300/(x+5)} + 10

Or, (300/x) – 300/(x+5) = 10

Or, (300x+1500-300x)/{x(x+5)} = 10

Or, x(x+5)10 = 1500

Or, x2+5x-150 = 0

Or, (x+15)(x-10) =0

Or, [ -15, x=10

14. Two-fifth of one-fourth of three seventh of a number is 15. What is the half of the

A. 75

B. 157

C. 175

D. 57

Ans: 175


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The number = x


2/5 × ¼ × 3/7 × x =15

Or, 16x/ 140 = 15

Or, x = 350

½ of 350 =175

15. Length of a train is 170 meters and speed of train is 63 km/hour. This train can pass a bridge in
30 seconds, then find the length of the bridge.

A. 355m

B. 325m

C. 365m

D. 312m

Ans: 355m



Length of bridge = x m


63000/(60×80) = (170x+x)/30

Or, x+170 = 105 × 5

Or, x =525- 170

Or, x = 355

16. A water tank has two taps (Tap-1 and Tap 2). Tap-1 can fill a tank in 8 hours and Tap-2 can
empty the tank in 16 hours. How long will they fill the tank if both taps are opened simultaneously
but Tap-2 is closed after 8 hours?

(a) 10

(b) 12

(c) 14

(d) 16

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Ans: 12


Tap-1, fills in 1 hr = 1/8

Tap-2, empties in 1 hr = 1/16

When both taps are open, the tank fills in 1 hr = (1/8 – 1/16) = 1/16 In 8
hrs, the tank fills = 1/16 ×ĩ = ½

Remaining = 1 – ½ = ½

½ is filled by only Tap 1

1/8 is filled by Tap-1 in 1 hr

So, ½ is filled by = (1×8)/2= 4 hr Total

time = 8+4 = 12 hr

17. A cylindrical rod of iron, whose height is equal to its radius, is melted and cast into
spherical balls whose radius is half the radius of the rod. Find the number of balls.

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

Ans: 6


Volume of cylinder = ʌU2h [Here h = r]

= ʌU2×r = ʌU3

Volume of sphere = 4/3 ʌU3 [Here r = r/2)

=(4/3) ʌî (r/2)3 = ʌU3)/6

Number of balls = ʌU3/( ʌU3/6)= 6

18. Rahim borrowed Tk. 800 at 6% per annum and Karim borrowed Tk. 600 at 10% per
annum. After how much time, will they both have equal debts?

A. (50/3)×yr

B. (83/3)×yr

C. (44/3)×yr

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D. (20/3)×yr
Ans: (50/3)×yr Solution:


After x years their debts will be equal. ATQ,

{800 × (6 × x)/ 100}+800 = {600 × (10 × x)/ 100}+600

֜ 48x + 800 = 60x + 600
֜ 60x – 48x = 800 – 600
֜12x = 200
֜ x = 50/3

19. The difference of two numbers is 1365. On dividing the larger number by the smaller, we get
6 as quotient and the 15 as remainder. What is the smaller number?

A. 270

B. 1270

C. 350

D. 720

Ans: 270



Smaller number = x,

difference =1365

So, the larger number = (x +1365) ATQ,

6x +15 = x+ 1365

Or, 5x = 1350

Or, x= 270

20. The product of two positive numbers is p. If each of the number is increased by 2, the new
product is how much greater than twice the sum of the two original number?

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(a) p times

(b) 2p times

(c) (p + 4) times

(d) (2p + 3) times

Ans: (p + 4) times



One number is = x; other = y xy

= P —– (i)

(x + 2) (y + 2) = xy + 2y + 2x + y

xy + 2 (x + y) + 4 = xy + 4 + 2(x + y)

= P + 4 + 2(x + y)

The new result is (P+4) greater.

21. A and B together can do a piece of work in 40 days. A having worked for 20 days, finishes
the remaining work alone in 60 days. In how many days shall B finish the whole work alone?

(a) 60 days

(b) 70 days

(c) 80 days

(d) 90 days

Ans: C


Let, A’s 1 day’s work = x and B’s 1 days work =y


x + y = 1/40 ——(1)

20x + 60y = 1 —-(2)

From (2) – (1)×20,

20x + 60y – 20x -20y = 1 – ½

Or, 40y = ½

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Or, y = 1/80

Therefore B’s 1 day work = 1/80

Hence, B alone finishes the work in 80 days

22. A jar contains white, red and green marbles in the ratios 2:3:5. Six more green marbles are
added to the jars, and then the ratio becomes 2 : 3:7. How many white marbles are there in the jar?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 9

D. 10

Ans: 6


Ratio of W : R : G= 2: 3:5@

If 6 Green is added, Ratio becomes W: R:G = 2: 3:7

Difference of ratio for 6 marbles = 7 – 5 = 2

For 1 ratio = 3 marbles

White marbles = 2×3 = 6

23. The length of a rectangular plot is 3 folds its width. Half the area of the plot is covered by a
playground whose area is 363 square meter. What is the length of the plot?

A. 18.50m

B. 13.61m

C. 17.21m

D. 15.51m
Ans: None


Let, width = x

.:. The length of the plot = 3x


x × 3x = 363 × 2
֜3×2 = 363 × 2

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֜ x = 15.56

The length of the plot = 3×15.56 = 46.67 m

24. A box contains 10 electric bulbs from which 2 bulbs are defective. Two bulbs are
chosen at random. What is the probability that one of them is defective?

A. 3/10

B. 16/45

C. 25/68

D. 8/33

=x 363×2

Ans: 16/45


Defective 2; Normal ĩ

Probability that one of them is defective will be,

= (8C1×2C2)/10C2

= (8×2)/45

= 16/45

25. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 6 hours. After working at it together for 2 hours,
C is closed and A and B can fill the remaining part in 6 hours. The number of hours taken by C
alone to fill the tank is:

(a) 8 hours

(b) 10 hours

(c) 14 hours

(d) 18 hours

Ans: 18 hours


A + B+C fill the tank in 6 hrs

A+B+C fill in 2 hrs = 2/6 = 1/3

Remaining = 1- 1/3 = 2/3

In 6 hrs A + B fill 2/3

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In 1 hr A + B fill 2/3 × 1/6 = 1/9

Now C alone fill in 1 hr = 1/6 – 1/9 = 1/18

So, C needs 18 hrs to fill the tank.

26. If x=7 – ¥ then find the value of x+1/x?

A. ¥

B. ¥

C. 14

D. 14 + ¥
Ans: 14


x =7 – ¥

1/x = 1/(7 – ¥ = (7 + ¥  (7 – ¥ 7 + ¥ = (7 + ¥ -48 =(7 + ¥ x+1/x = 7

– ¥ + 7 + ¥ = 14

27. An employer pays 3 workers X, Y and Z a total of Tk. 36,600 a week. X is paid 125% of the
amount Y is paid and 80% of the amount Z is paid. How much does X make a week?

A. 9,000

B. 12,000

C. 10,800

D. 11,700

Ans: 12,000


X= 125% of y = 125y/100 = 5y/4

Or, y = 4x/5


X= 80% of z = 80z/100 = 4z/5 Or,

z= 5x/4

X:y:z = x:4x/5:5x/4 = 20:16:25

Sum of ratio = 20+16+25=61

So, x makes a week = 20/61 × 36600 = 20×600=12000

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28. The volume of a rectangular solid is to be increased by 50% without altering its base. To what
extent the height of the solid must be changed.

A. 50%

B. 40%

C. 30%

D. 20%

Ans: 50%



Volume = LBH


LBH + 50% of LBH

=LBH + LBH/2

Let, H is to bbe increased by x% So,

LB(H+Hx/100) = LBH + LBH/2

Or, LBH + LBHx/100 = LBH + LBH/2

Or, LBHx/100 = LBH/2

Or, x/100= ½

Or, x = 50%

29. If 892is added to the square of a number, the answer so obtained is 16202. What is the
1/26 of that number?

A. 5.65

B. 2.70

C. 3.50

D. 6.66

Ans: 3.50



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(89)2 + x2 = 16202

Or, x2 = 16202 – (89)2= 16202 – 7921 = 8281

[ ¥  = ±91

Now, 1/26 of 91 = 3.50

30. A manufacturer sells three products i.e. A, B and C. Product A costs 200 and sells for 250,
Product B costs 150 and sells for 180, Product C costs 100 and sells for 110. On which product,
he has maximum percentage of profit?

A. B Only .

B. A and B both

C. A Only

D. C Only

Answer: A Only


Profit from A = 250-200=50tk

Percentage = (50×100)/200=25% Profit

from B= 180-150=30tk Percentage =

(30×100)/150= 20% Profit from C=

110-100=10tk Percentage=


31. The average of 6 numbers is 25. If 3 more numbers, with an average of 22 are added to these
numbers, what will be the average of the combined 9 numbers?

A. 20

B. 24

C. 28

D. 32

Answer: 24


The average of 6 numbers is 25

The Total of 6 numbers is =25×6=150 The

average of 3 numbers is 22
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The Total of 3 numbers is =22×3=66

The Total of (6+3)=9 numbers is =(150+66)=216 The

average of 9 numbers is=216/9=24

32. In a club 50% of the male voters and 80% of the female voters voted for candidate A. If
candidate A received 70% of the total votes, what is the ratio of male to female voters?

A. 1/5

B. ¼

C. ½

D. 1/3

Answer: ½


Male voter = x

Female voter = y

50% of x + 80% of y = 70% of (x+y) 50x/100

+ 80y/100 = 70(x+y)/100

50x + 80y = 70x + 70y

80y – 70y= 70x – 50x

10y = 20x

x/y = 10/20 = ½

33. If x+y>5 and x – y>3, then which of the following gives all possible values of x and only
possible values of x?

A. x>4

B. x>3

C. x>2

D. x<4

Answer: x>4

34. The interest charged on a loan is p dollars per $1,000 for the first month and q dollars per
$1,000 for each month after the first month. How much interest will be charged during the first
three months on a loan of $10,000?

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A. 10p+20q

B. 30q

C. 30p

D. 20p+10q

Answer: 10p+20q


Interest = 1st month + 2nd month + 3rd month

= p×(10000/1000) + q×(10000/1000) + q×(10000/1000)

=10p +10q + 10q

= 10p + 20q

35. A box contains 12 poles and 7 pieces of net. Each piece of net weighs 0.2 gm; each pole
weighs 1.1 gm. The box and its contents together weigh 16.25 gm. How much does the empty box

A. 1.25 gm

B. 1.65 gm

C. 2.25 gm

D. 2.65 gm

Answer: 1.65 gm


Weight of 7 nets = (7×0.2)gm =1.4gm Weight

of 12 poles = (12×1.1)gm = 13.2gm

Total weight of net and pole = (1.4+13.2)gm = 14.6gm Box

weight is = (16.25 – 14.6) = 1.65gm

36. Triangle ABC has the following vertices: A(1,0), B(5,0) and C(3, 4). Which of the
following is true?

A. CA = CB

B. AB = AC

C. AC < BC

D. AB = BC
Ans: CA = CB
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Distance of (x1,y1) & (x2,y2) = ¥^ [1 – x2)2 + (y1 – y2)2}

AB/BA = ¥^  – 5)2 + (0 – 0)2 }= ¥ -4)2 = ¥ = 4 BC/CB

= ¥^  – 3)2 + (0 – 4)2 }= ¥ + 16 = ¥ = ¥

$&&$ ¥^ -3)2 + (0 – 4)2 }= ¥ + 16 ¥ = ¥

37. Increasing the original price of an item by 10%, then decreasing by 20% and then again
increasing the price by 10% is equivalent:

A. 4.4% increase

B. 3.2% decrease

C. 3.5% decrease

D. None of these

Ans: 3.2% decrease



Selling price = 100

After 10% increase = (100+10)=110

After 20% decrease = (110 – 20% of 110) = 88

After 10% increase = (88 + 10% of 88) = 96.8 Final

decrease = (100-96.8)=3.2%

38. A student loses 1 mark for every wrong answer and scores 2 marks for every correct answer. If
he answers all the 60 questions in an exam and scores 39 marks, how many of them were correct?

A. 33

B. 31

C. 27

D. 37

Ans: 33



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Number of wrong answers = x


2(60-x) -x = 39
֜120 -2x-x = 39
֜-3x = 39-120
֜-3x = -81
֜x = 27

correct answer = (60 – 27) = 33

39. The triangular base of a prism is a right triangle of sides a and b = 2a. The height h of the
prism is equal to 10 mm and its volume is equal to 40 mms, what will be the lengths of the sides a
and b of the triangle?

A. 2 mm and 3 mm

B. 1 mm and 4 mm

C. 2 mm and 2 mm

D. 2 mm and 4 mm

Ans: 2 mm and 4 mm


½ × abc = 40

Or, abc = 80

Or, a × 2a × 10 = 80 Or,

20a2 = 80

Or, a2 = 2

Or, a = 2

And b = 2a = 2×2 = 4

40. The sum of principal and simple interest of a certain amount of money would be Tk. 460 after 3
years from now and Tk. 500 after 5 years from now. What is the total interest rate?

A. 5%

B. 12%

C. 15%

D. 20%

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(5 – 3) yr = 2 yrs interest = (500 – 460) = 40 tk 1

year interest = 40/2 = 20 tk.

3 year interest = (20 × 3) = 60 tk

Principal amount= (460 – 60) = 400 tk

Interest rate = 60/(400×3) = 0.05 = 5%

41. A wheel rotates 10 times per minutes and moves 20m during each rotation. How many feet
does the wheel move in 1 hour?

A. 10,000

B. 12,000

C. 18,000

D. 20,000

Ans: None


In 1 min the wheel passes = (20 × 10) = 200m

In 60 min the wheel passes = (200 x 60) = 12,000m We


1m =3.28 feet

.: 12,000m=(3.28 × 12,000) = 39360 feet

42. If x and y are consecutive positive integers, which of the following must be an even

A. X

B. y

C. xy/2

D. xy

Ans: xy


As X and Y are consecutive positive integers, one will be even and the other odd.
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odd × even= even

43. The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangular is 5:1. If the. area of the
rectangle is 216cm, what is the length of the rectangle?

A. 16cm

B. 18cm

C. 20cm

D. 22cm

Ans: 18cm



Length and breadth of the rectangle= x, y So,

area = xy

Perimeter = 2(x+y)


2(x+y)/y = 5

Or, 2x + 2y = 5y Or,

2x = 3y

Or, y = 2x/3


xy = 216

Or, x × 2x/3 = 216 Or,

2x2 = 648

Or, x2 = 324

Or, x = 18

44. jf (x + y) > 5 and (x – y) > 3, then which of the following gives all and only possible value
of x?

A. x<3

B. x> 3

C. x> 4

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D. x<5

Ans: x> 4



(x + y) > 5 —-(1)

(x – y) > 3 —–(2)


2x >8

Or, x>4

45. Three boys have marbles in the ratio of 19: 5: 3. If the boy with the least number has 9
marbles, how many marbles does the boy with the highest number have?

A. 57

B. 15

C. 76

D. 38

Ans: 57


Smaller ratio 3 = 9

So, Smaller ratio 1 = 9/3 = 3 Now,

Highest ratio 19 = 19×3 = 57

46. The area of a rectangle R with width 4 ft is equal to the area of a square S, which has a
perimeter of 24 ft, the perimeter of the rectangle R, in feet, is

A. 9

B. 16

C. 24

D. 26

Ans: 26


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Perimeter of the square = 24 So,

side of the square = 24/4=6 Area =

62 = 36


Length of the rectangle = x ATQ,

4x = 36

Or, x= 9

So, perimeter of the rectangle = 2(9+4) = 26

47. In a class of 120 students, 70 percent can speak only Bengali and the rest can speak English. If
25 percent of those in the class who can speak English can also speak Bengali, how many of the
students in the class can speak Bengali?

A. 39

B. 48

C. 84

D. 93

Ans: 93


Only speak bangla = 120 × 70/100 = 84

Speak English = 120× 30/100 = 36 Now,

25% of 36 = 36× 25/100 =9 can also speak bangla

So, total bangla speaking student =(84 +9) = 93

48. A lamp is manufactured to sell for $35.00, which yields a profit of 25% of cost. If the profit
is to be reduced to 15% of cost, what will be the new retail price of the lamp?

A. $31.50

B. $28.00

C. $21.00

D. $32.20

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Ans: $32.20


In 25% profit,

If selling price 125 then cost = 100

So, when selling price 35 then cost = (100×35)/125 = 28 In

15% profit,

If cost is 100 then selling price = 115

So, when cost is 28, then selling price = (115×28)/100 = 32.20

49. In triangle ABC, AB = AC. All of the following statements are true except

A. AB < AC + BC

B. AC< AB + BC

C. BC+ AC> AB + BC

D. AC+ BC= AB + BC

Ans: BC+ AC> AB + BC




Or, BC + AB = BC + AC [Adding BC to both sides]

So, BC + AC > AB + BC can’t be.

50. There are 15 balls in a box: 8 balls are green, 4 are blue and 3 are white. Then 1 green and 1 blue
balls are taken from the box and put away. What is the probability that a blue ball is selected at
random from the box?

A. 3/15

B. 4/15

C. 3/13

D. 4/13

Ans: 3/13


green balls = (8 – 1) = 7
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blue balls = (4 – 1) = 3

white balls = 3

possibility of getting a blue ball = 3/(7+3+3) = 3/13

51. A short distance athlete has taken 60 seconds to cover 100 meters. If he makes 30 steps in 9
seconds, how many steps has he taken in that time?

A. 130

B. 170

C. 173

D. None of these

Ans: None of these


9 sec = 30 steps

60 sec = (30×60)/9= 200 steps

52. Three angles of a triangle are in proportion 5: 6:7. Then what is the difference in degrees
between the biggest and the smallest angles?

A. 10°

B. 20°

C. 25°

D. 30°
Ans: 20°


Sum of 3 angles of a triangle = 180°

Sum of ratio = 5+6+7 = 18

So, the larger angle = 180° × 7/18 = 70° And,

the smaller angle = 180° × 5/18 = 50°

Difference = 70° – 50° = 20°

53. A farmer has two rectangular fields. The larger field has twice the length and four times the
width of the smaller field. If the smaller field has area K, then the area of the larger field is greater
than the area of the smaller field by what amount?

A. 2K

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B. 5K

C. 6K

D. 7K

Ans: 7K



Length of smaller field = x So,

length of larger field = 2x


Width of smaller field = y So,

width of larger filed = 4y

Area of smaller field = xy = K

Area of larger field = 2x × 4y = 8xy = 8K

Difference = 8K – K = 7K

54. In a club 50% of the male voters and 80% of the female voters voted for candidate A. If
candidate A received 70% of the total votes, what ‘is the ratio of male to female voters?

A. 1/3

B. ½

C. ¼

D. ¾

Answer: ½


Let, total member of the club = 100 and male member =x

Female member = (100-x)


x×50% + (100-x)80% = 70×100% 5x

+(100-x)8 = 70×10

5x + 800 – 8x = 700

3x = 100
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X = 33.33

Now, female: Male = 33.33 : (100-33.33) = 1:2

55. Four liters of milk are to be poured into a 2 liter bottle and a 4 liter bottle. If each bottle is to be
filled to the same fraction of its capacity, how many liters of milk should be poured into the 4 liter

A. 7/3

B. 2/3

C. 8/3

D. 4/3

Answer : 8/3


Let, milk in 4 litter bottle is x litter So,

milk in 2 litter bottle is (4-x) litter x/4

= (4-x)/2

x = 8-2x

x = 8/3

56. One dozen eggs and ten pounds of apples are currently of the same price. If the price of a dozen
eggs rises by 10% and that of apples rises by 2%, how much more will it cost to buy a dozen of eggs
and ten pounds of apples?

A. 2%

B. 6%

C. 10%

D. 12%

Answer: 6%


Say, Cost of eggs = Cost of apples = 100

Total = 200

New egg cost = 110

New apple cost = 102

New total = 110 + 102 = 212

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Percentage increase ^ í `î 6%

57. An iron rod that weighs 24 kg is cut into two pieces so that one of these pieces weighs 16 kg
and is 34m long. If the weight of each piece is proportional to its length, how long is the other

A. 11m

B. 17m

C. 34m

D. 68m

Answer: 17m


16 kg rod = 34m

24 kg rod = (34×24)/16 = 51m

Length of the other part is = 51-34 = 17m

58. The price of a pen is 25% more than the price of a book. The price of a pen holder is 50%
more than the price of the book. How much is the price of the pen holder more than the price of
the pen?

A. 20%

B. 25%

C. 50%

D. 37.5%

Answer: 20%


Let price of book = 100tk

Price of pen = 100+100×25% = 125 tk

Price of penholder = 100 + 100×50% = 150 tk Difference

is = 150 -125 = 25 tk

Percentage = (25×100)/125 = 20%

59. Three individuals contributed Tk 8,000 each toward the purchase of a computer. If they bought
the computer on sale for Tk. 19500 plus 10% sales tax, how much money should be refunded to
each individual?

A. Tk. 650
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B. Tk. 850

C. Tk.1,500

D. Tk1,950

Answer: Tk. 850


Contribution of three person = 8000×3 = 24000 tk

Cost of the computer = 19500+19500×10% = 19500+1950 = 21450 tk 3

person get back = 24000 – 21450 = 2250 tk

1 person get back = 2250/3 = 850 tk

60. When a certain number is divided by 7, the remainder is 0. If the remainder is not 0 when
the number is divided by 14, then the remainder must be

A. 7

B. 5

C. 3

D. 8

Answer: 7


If a number is divisible by 7, remainder will be 0. So, any number divisible by any multiple of 7
will leave remainder 7 or 0.

61. A mixture of 20 kg of sprit and water contains 10% water. How much water must be added
to this mixture to raise the percentage of water to 25%

A. 2

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

Answer: 4


Water contains in mixture = 20×10% = 2 kg

Sprit in the mixture = 20-2 =18 kg

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x liter need to mix in the mixture.

So, (2+x)/18 = 25/75

(2+x)/18 = 1/3

6+3x = 18


62. How much interest will Tk. 1,000 earn in one year at an annual interest rate of 20% if interest
rate is compounded every 6 months?

A. 200

B. 205

C. 208

D. 210

Answer: 210


We know,

C= P(1+r/m)n×m


= 1000{1+1/10}2 = 1210

Interest = 1210-1000 = 210 tk

63. A garden of 100% length and 60m width has a walkway of 2m width on every side. What
is the area of the garden, in square meter, excluding the walkway?

A. 5684

B. 6000

C. 5376

D. 5123

Answer: 5376


Length of the garden excluding road = 100-2×2 =96m

Width of the garden excluding road = 60-2×2 =56m Area

garden excluding road = 96×56 =5376 sq. m

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64. The total age of A and B is 12 years more than the total age of B and C. C is how many years
younger than A?

A. 12

B. 24

C. 26

D. None of these

Answer: 12



A + B = 12 + B +C

A = 12 +C

That is, C is 12 years younger than A.

65. An article when sold at a gain of 5% yields Tk.15 more than when sold at a loss of 5%. Its cost
price would be

A. Tk. 100

B. Tk. 150

C. Tk. 200

D. Tk. 250

Answer: Tk. 150


At 5% profit, selling price = 100+5=105 tk. At

5% loss, selling price = 100-5= 95 tk.

Difference between selling price = 105-95=10 tk. If

difference 10, then cost = 100tk

If difference 1, then cost = 100/10 tk

If difference 15, then cost = (100×15)/10 tk = 150tk.

66. If ax = b, by = c, and cz = a, then the value of xyz is

(a) 0

(b) 1

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(c) 1/abc

(d) abc

Answer: 1



ax = b

Or, (cz)x = b

Or, (by) z x = b

Or, (b) xyz = b1

Or, xyz = 1

67. For what value of x is 82x-4 =16x?

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 6

Answer: 6



82x-4 =16x

Or, 23(2x-4) = 24x

Or, 6x -12 = 4x

Or, 2x = 12

Or, x = 6

68. A is 30% more efficient than B. How much time will they, working together, take to
complete a job which A alone could have done in 23 days?

A. 13 days

B. 15 days

C. 10 days

D. None of these

Answer: 13 days

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Ratio of times taken by A and B = 100 : 130 = 10 : 13.

Suppose, B takes x days to do the work.


10 : 13 = 23 : x

Or, x = (23 x 13)/10 Or,

x = 299/10

A’s 1 day’s work = 1/23 B’s

1 day’s work = 10/299

(A + B)’s 1 day’s work =(1/23 +10/299)= 23/299 =1/13 Therefore, A

and B together can complete the work in 13 days.

69. The lengths of the sides of a triangle are in the ratio of 3 to 5 to 6. If the perimeter of the triangle
is 70, what is the length of the longest side?

A. 10

B. 15

C. 25

D. 30

Answer : 30



Or, 14x=70 Or,


Length of the longest side= 5×6=30

70. If for integer x, 5 <x<10 and y = x + 5, what is the greatest possible value of x + y?

A. 32

B. 22

C. 23

D. 27

Answer: 23
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5 < x < 10 and y =x+5 Possible

value of x = 6, 7, 8, 9

When x =9,

y =9+5 = 14


x + y = 9 + 14 = 23

71. Square of a number plus two times the number equal 63. What is the number?

A. 7

B. 9

C. –9

D. ĩ

Answer: 7, -9


x 2 + 2x = 63

x2 + 2x – 63 = 0

x2 + 9x – 7x – 63 = 0

x (x + 9) – 7 (x + 9) = 0

(x + 9) (x – 7) = 0

x = –9 and x = 7

72. If the perimeter of a certain rectangle is 76m and its area is 360m2, then what is the length of
its shortest side?

A. 18

B. 15

C. 13

D. 10

Answer: 18

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Let, length = x and width = y

Now, 2(x+y) = 76

x+y =38………(i)

xy = 360

x = 360/y……..(ii)


360/y + y =38

360 + y2 = 38y

y2 -38y + 360 = 0

y2 -20y – 18y + 360 = 0

y(y -20) – 18(y – 20) = 0

(y -20) (y – 18) = 0

y= 20 and 18

Width = 18m

73. If x=1+ ¥ and y =1-¥ find the value of (x2 + y2)

(a) 12

(b) 10
(c) ĩ

(d) 6

Answer: 6


x2 + y2

=(1+ ¥ 2 + (1-¥ 2

= 1 + ¥ + 2 + 1 – ¥ + 2


74. If x and y are consecutive positive integers, which of the following must be an even

A. X

B. Y

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C. xy/2

D. xy

Answer. xy


As x & y are consecutive positive integers, one of them must be odd and the other even. Now,

Odd×Even= Even.

75. If two planes leave the same airport at 1:00 PM, how many miles apart will they be at 3:00
PM, if one travels directly north at 150 mph and the other travels directly west at 200 mph?

A. 50 miles

B. 100 miles

C. 500 miles

D. 700 miles

Answer: 500 miles


Plane travels for 2 hours

1st one passes =150×2=300mile 2nd

one passes =200×2=400mile

Distance between them

d2 = 3002 + 4002

Or, d = ¥  + 160000) = ¥ = 500

76. A short distance athlete has taken 30 seconds to cover 100m. If he makes 30 steps in 9 seconds,
now many steps he taken in that time?

A. 130

B. 170

C. 173

D. None

Answer: None


9 sec = 30 steps

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60 sec = (30×60)/9= 200 steps

75. A car goes 15 km on a gallon of octane when it is driven at 50 km/h. When the car is driven
at 60 km/h, it only goes 80% as far. How many gallons of octane are needed to travel 200 km if
half the distance is traveled at 50 km/h and the rest at 60 km/h?

A. 15

B. 16.67

C. 10.60

D. 14

Answer: 15


At 50km/h

15 km needs 1 gallon

So, 100 km needs 100/15 gallon At


It goes 80% far = 80% of 15 = 12 km

12 km needs 1 gallon

So, 100 km needs 100/12 gallon So,

(100+100) = 200 km needs

= (100/15 + 100/12) gallon

= (400+500)/60 gallon

= 900/60 gallon

= 15 gallon

76. A manufacturer sells three products i.e. A, B and C. Product A cost 200 and sells for 250,
Product B cost 150 and sells for 180, Product C cost 100 and sells for 110. On which product, he
has maximum percentage of profit?

A. B only

B. A and B both

C. A only

D. C only

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Answer: A only


Profit from A = 250-200=50tk

Percentage = (50×100)/200=25% Profit

from B= 180-150=30tk Percentage =

(30×100)/150= 20% Profit from C=

110-100=10tk Percentage=


77. A, B and C enter into partnership with investments in the ratio of 5:7: 8. If, at the end of the
year A’s share of profit is Tk. 42,360, how much is the total profit?

A. Tk. 169,440

B. Tk. 183,000

C. Tk. 196,700

D. Tk. 168,440

Answer: Tk. 169,440


As the profit distributed according to the investment ratio the profit and investment ratio will be

Let, A’s profit = 5x tk

5x = 42360

x = 8472

B’s profit = 8472×7= 59304

C’s profit = 8472×8= 67776

Total profit = 43260+59304+67776=169440

78. One third of the faculty members of a department are female. Sixteen of the male teachers
are unmarried while 60% of them are married. The total number of faculty members in the
department is

A. 72

B. 60

C. 30
Compiled by Joglul Abbas
D. 90

Answer: 60



Total number = x

Number of female = 1/3 of x = x/3

Number of male = x-x/3 = 2x/3

Married male = 60% of 2x/3 = 2x/5


2x/3 – 2x/5 = 16

Or, 4x/15 = 16

Or, x = 60

79. A wholesaler sells goods to a retailer at a profit of 20%. The retailer sells to the customer, who
pays 80% more than the cost of the wholesaler. What is the retailer’s profit?

A. 40%

B. 50%

C. 60%

D. 70%

Answer: 50%


Let cost of wholesaler = 100tk

At 20% profit he sells = 120tk = the cost of retailer

Retailer sell it for 80% profit on cost of wholesaler

= 100 + 100×(80/100) = 180 tk

Profit of retailer = 180- 120 = 60 tk

Percentage = (60×100)/120 = 50%

80. If an integer y is subtracted from an integer x, and the result is greater than x, then y must be

A. Equal to x

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B. less than 0

C. less than x

D. greater than 0

Answer: less than 0




Or, -y > 0

Or, y < 0

81. A train went 300 km from City X to City Y at an average speed of 100 km/h. At what speed
did it travel on the way back if its average speed for the whole trip was 120 km/h?

A. 120 km/h

B. 125 km/h

C. 130 km/h

D. 150 km/h

Answer: 150 km/h



Way back speed = x ATQ,

2×x×100/(x+100) = 120

Or, 200x/(x+100) = 120

Or, 200x = 120x+12000

Or, 80x = 12000

Or, x= 150

82. If a, b and c are 3 consecutive integers and a >b>c, which of the following has the
maximum value?

A. b+(c/a)

B. c+(a/b)

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C. c+(b/a)

D. a+(b/c)

Answer: a+(b/c)


As a is the greater number, adding a to any fraction of the given choice will have the maximum

83. Sam can mow a lawn in 20 min, while Mark takes 10 min longer to mow the same lawn. How
long will they take to mow the lawn if they work together?

A. 12 min

B. more than 15 min

C. 15 min

D. 14 min

Answer: 12 min


In 1 minute, Sam mows 1/20 of the lawn

In 1 minute, Mark mows 1/(20+10) = 1/30 of the lawn

(1/20 + 1/30) = 5/60=1/12 of the lawn takes 1 minute So,

whole(1) lawn takes 12 minutes

84. If two planes leave the same airport at 1:00 pm, how many km apart will they be at 3:00 pm, if
one travels directly north at 150 km/h and the other travels directly west at 200 km/h?

A. 50km

B. 500km

C. 400km

D. 600km

Answer: 500km


Difference of time = 3:00 pm – 1:00 pm = 2 hrs First

plane travels in 2 hrs = 2×150=300 km Second plane

travels in 2 hrs = 2×200=400 km

The directions of the planes forms a right angle triangle

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So, the direct distance = ¥  + 4002) = ¥  km

85. If an inspector rejects 0.08% of a product as defective, how many units of the product will he
examined in order to reject 2?

A. 500

B. 1500

C. 2000

D. 2500

Answer: 2500


0.08 product is rejected from = 100

So, 2 product is rejected from = (100 × 2 × 100)/0.08 = 2500

86. A two-digit number has 3 in its unit digit. The sum of its digits is one seventh of the
number itself. What is the number?

A. 53

B. 63

C. 73

D. 83

Answer: 63



The number = 10x + 3


7(x + 3) = 10x + 3
֜7x + 21 = 10x + 3
֜21-3 = 10x – 7x
֜3x = 18
֜x= 6

The number = 10 × 6 + 3 = 63.

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87. A trader market the price of an article 30% above the cost price and gave the buyer 10%
discount on marked price, thereby gaining Tk. 340. The cost of the article is?

A. 3000

B. 2000

C. 1900

D. 1800

Answer: 2000


88. The length and breadth of a square are increased by 40% and 30% respectively. The area of
the resulting rectangle exceeds the area of the square by?

A. 62%

B. 42%

C. 82%

D. None

Answer: 82%


Let, length is = x so, area is = x2

40% increase in length = x+2x/5 =7x/5

30% increase in breadth = x+3x/10 =13x/10

Area = (7x/5)×( 13x/10) = 91x2/50 Increasing

area = (91x2/50)- x2 = 41x2/50

Percentage = {(41x2/50) x2}×100 = (41/50)×100 = 82%

89. There boys have marbles in the ratio of 19:5:3. If the boy with the least number has 9
marbles, how many marbles does the boy with the highest number have?

A. 57

B. 15

C. 76

D. 38

Answer: 57

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Smaller ratio 3 = 9

So, Smaller ratio 1 = 9/3 = 3


Highest ratio 19 = 19×3 = 57

90. A circular wheel 28 inches in diameter rotates the same number of inches per second as a
circular wheel 35 inches in diameter. If the smaller wheel makes x revolutions per second, how
many revolutions per minutes does the larger wheel make in terms of x?

A. 12x

B. 24x

C. 36x

D. 48x

Answer: 48x


For smaller wheel,

Circumference = îʌî = ʌ

Revolve in 1 second = x times Revolve

in 60 seconds = 60x times So, distance =


For larger wheel,

Circumference = îʌî = ʌ Let,

Revolve per minute = n So,

distance = ʌQ Now,

ʌî[ = ʌQ

Or, Q ʌ × [ ʌ Or,

n= 48x

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91. Of two groups of tourists, each has 60 people. If three-fourth (i.e. 75%) of the first group and
two-third of the second group board buses to travel to a museum. How many more people of the first
group board buses than that of the second group?

A. 3

B. 5

C. 10

D. 15

Answer: 5


¾ of first group = ¾ of 60 = 45 2/3

of 2nd group = 2/3 of 60 = 40

Difference = 45-40 = 5

92. Six consecutive whole numbers are given. The sum of the first three numbers is 27. What is
the sum of the last three numbers?

A. 30

B. 32

C. 36

D. 38

Answer: 36



Numbers are n, n+1, n+2


n+n+1+n+2 =27
Or, 3n+3=27
Or, 3n=24
Or, n=8
So, the numbers are-8,9,10

Now, the last 3 consecutive numbers are 11,12,13 Sum of

them 11+12+13 =36

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93. If the length of each of the sides of three square garden’s plots is increased by 50 percent,
by what percent is the sum of the areas of the three plots increased?

A. 125%

B. 150%

C. 200%

D. 375%

Answer: 125% Solution:

Let, the length of each side of the garden = 100 Area =

1002 = 10000

Area of 3 square = 3×10000 = 30000

50% increase of length = 100+100×50/100 = 150 Area

= 1502 = 22500

Area of 3 square = 3×22500 = 67500

Increasing area = 67500-30000 =37500 Percentage

= (37500×100)/30000=125%

94. Karim has 40% more stamps than Rahim if he gives 45 of his stumps to Rahim, then Rahim
will have 10% more stamps than Karim. How many stamps did Karim begin with?

A. 175

B. 200

C. 220

D. 245

Answer: 245



Rahim has = x stamps

So Karim has = 140% of x = 1.4x ATQ,

110% of (1.4x-45) = x+45

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Or, {11(1.4x – 45)/10} = x + 45 or,

15.4x-495 = 10x+450

or, 5.4x = 945

Or, x= 175

So, Karim has 175+ 40% of 175 = 175+70 = 245

95. P & Q start a business with initial investments in the ratio of 13:8. Their corresponding profits
are in the ratio of 7:5. If P invested his money for 7 months, find the time period for what Q
invested his money.

A. 8 months

B. 9 months

C. 10 months

D. 11 months

Answer: 8 months



Q invested for x months


(13×7) : (8×x) = 7:5

Or, 91/8x = 7/5

Or, 8x = 91×5/7

Or, x = 65/8=8.125 =8

96. Compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years at 10% per annum is Tk.420. What would
be the simple interest at the same rate and for the same time?

A. Tk100

B. Tk.200

C. Tk.300

D. Tk.400

Answer: Tk 400


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Principal =P


P × (|1+ 10/100)2 –P = 420

Or, P(11/10)2 –P = 420

Or, P(1.1)2 – P = 420 Or,

1.21P – P = 420

Or, P(1.21 – 1) = 420

Or, 0.21P = 420

Or, P = 2000

Simple interest = 2000 × 2 × 10/100 = 400

97. Ravi leaves home for stadium which is 12 km from his house. After the stadium, he goes to
his club which is 7 km from his stadium. If his home, stadium and club all fall in a line, then what
is the minimum distance he has to travel to get back home?

A. 19 km

B. 7 km

C. 5 km

D. 12 km

Answer: 5km


His last destination was club. This club may be either side of stadium and in a straight line. So,
minimum distance = 12-7 = 5km

98. If a man cycles at 10 km/hr, then he arrives at a certain place at 1 pm. If he cycles at 15 km/hr,
arrive at the same place at 11 am. At what speed must he cycles to go there at noon?

A. 11 km/hr

B. 12 km/hr

C. 13 km/hr

D. 14 km/hr

Answer: 12 km/hr


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Let, distance


Time difference(Same Day) = 1 PM. – 11 AM. = 2 hours.


x/10 – x/15 = 2

Or, x/30 = 2 Or,

x = 60


.:.x = 60

When speed is 10km/hr then time taken = 60 ÷10 = 6 hours.

So, at 10km/hr, his starting time was = 1PM. – 6 hours = 7 AM(Same Day)

So, to reach at noon or 12 P.M, total time needed = 12 P.M. –7 A.M = 5hours. Thus, speed

= 60 ÷ 5 = 12km/hr.

99. Three measuring rods are 64 cm. 80 cm and 96 cm length. What is the least of cloth that can
measure exact number of rods using any one of these rods?

A. 9.60 m

B. 8.0 m

C. 9.60 cm

D. 96 m

Answer: 9.60 m


L.C.M of 64 80 and 96 = 960 cm 100

cm = 1 m

or 960 cm = 9.6 m

100. Which of the following equals – ¥ -¥ ¥ ¥ "

(a) -¥

(b) -4

(c) ¥

(d) -8
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Answer: -8


¥ -¥ ¥ ¥

¥ -¥ ¥ ¥

¥ ¥ -¥

¥¥  – 2)

= – ¥¥


101. A tank can be filled by a tap in 20 minutes and by another tap in 60 minutes both the taps are
kept open for 10 minutes and then the first tap is shut off. After this, the tank will completely
filled in what time?

A. 10 min

B. 15 min

C. 20 min

D. 25 min

Answer: 20 min


In 1 min both taps fill = 1/20 + 1/60 = 4/60 = 1/15 So,

in 10 minutes taps fill = 10 × 1/15 = 2/3 Remaining part

= 1 – 2/3 = 1/3

After shutting off 1st tap,

2nd tap fills 1/3 part in 60 × 1/3 minutes = 20 minutes

102. A box contains 20 electric bulbs, out of which 4 are defective. Two bulbs are chosen at random
from this box. The probability that at least one of these is defective is

A. 7/19

B. 6/19

C. 5/19

D. 3/19

Answer: 7/19

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Here, Total bulbs = 20

defective bulbs = 4

so, non defective bulbs = 20-4 = 16

Probability = 16C2 / 20C2 = (16 × 15)/2 ÷ (20 × 19)/2 = 120/190 = 12/19

.:. at least 1 defective = 1 – 12/19 = 7/19

103. There is a rectangular parking lot with a length of 2x and a wide of x. What is the ratio of the
perimeter of the parking lot to the area of the parking lot, in terms of x ?

A. 2/x

B. 3/x

C. 4/x

D. 5/x

Answer: 3/x


Perimeter =2(2x+x) = 6x

Area = 2x × x = 2x2

Ratio = 6x:2x2 = 3:x = 3/x

104. The ratio of income of A to that of B is 7:5 and expenditure of A to that B is 3 : 2. If at the
end of the year, each saves Tk. 500, find the income of A?

A. Tk. 2500

B. Tk. 300

C. Tk. 3200

D. Tk. 3500

Answer: Tk. 3500


Let, income of A and B = 7x and 5x

And expenditure = 3y and 2y respectively


7x-3y = 500 —– (i)

5x-2y = 500 —– (ii)

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From (ii) × 3 – (i) × 2,

15x – 6y -14x + 6y = 1500 – 1000 Or,

x = 500

So, income of A = 7×500 =Tk. 3500

105. An empty bucket (Foto) being filled with paint at a constant rate takes 6 min to be filled 7/10 of
its capacity. How much more time will it take to fill the bucket to full capacity

A. 18/7

B. 6/19

C. 20/14

D. 18/14

Answer: 18/7


7/10 tool 6 m

So, 1 took 6 × 7/10 m

So, 3/10 took 6 × 7/10 × 3/10 m = 18/7 m

106. In distributing milk at a summer camp it is found that a quart of milk will fill either 3 large
glass tumblers or 5 small glass tumblers. How many small glass tumblers can be filled with one
large glass tumbler?

A. 11/5

B. 7/5

C. 5/3

D. 7/3

Answer: 5/3


3 large = 5 small

So, 1 large = 5/3 small

107. A bank offers 5% interest compounded half yearly. A customer deposits Tk.1600 each on 1st
January and 1st. July of a year. At the end of the year the amount he would have gained by the
way of interest is

A. Tk. 121

Compiled by Joglul Abbas
B. Tk. 122

C. Tk. 123

D. Tk. 124

Answer: Tk. 121

Solution :

Total amount = 1600(1+5/2 %)2 + 1600(1+5/2 %)

=1600{1+ 5/(2×100)}2 + 1600{1+ 5/(2×100)}

= 1600(1+1/40)2 +1600(1+1/40)

= 1600 × 41/40 × 41/40 + 1600 × 41/40

= 1600 × 41/40 (41/40 + 1)

= 1600 × 41/40 × 81/40 =3321

Gain = 3321 – (1600+1600) = 121

108. A box is made in the form of a cube. If a second cubical box inside dimensions three times
those of the first box, how many times as much does the second box contain?

A. 6

B. 9

C. 12

D. 27




one side of first cube = a

So, Volume of first cube = a3


One side of the 2nd cube = (3a)3 = 27a3

Times = 27a3 / a3 = 27

109. A can do a job in 24 days, B in 9 days and C in 12 days. B and C together start the work
but leave after 3 days. How much time was taken A to complete remaining work?

A. 7 days

Compiled by Joglul Abbas
B. 9 days

C. 10 days

D. 12 days

Answer: 10 days


B+C do in 1 day = 1/9 + 1/12 = 7/36

B+C do in 3 days = 3 × 7/36 = 7/12

Remaining = 1 – 7/12 = 5/12

A does 1 part in 24 days

So, A does 5/12 part in 24 × 5/12 = 10 days

110. In a group of 15, 7 can speak Spanish 8 can speak French and 3 can speak neither. What
fraction of the group can speak both French and Spanish?

A. 1/5

B. 4/15

C. 1/3

D. 7/15

Answer: 1/5


n(SUF) = n(S) + n(F) –Q 6ŀ) + none Or,

15 = 7 + 8 – Q 6ŀ) + 3

Or, Q 6ŀ) = 3

The fraction = 3/15 = 1/5

111. A, B and C enter into partnership by making investments in the ratio 3: 5:7. After a year, C
invests another Tk.337600 while A withdraws Tk.45600. The ratio of investments then changes
to 24:59:67. How much does A invest initially?

A. Tk. 140600

B. Tk.141600 C.

Tk.131600 D.


Answer: Tk. 141600

Compiled by Joglul Abbas


investment ratio A, B & C = 3x, 5x, 7x ATQ,

3x-45600 : 5x = 24 : 59

Or, (3x – 45600)/5x = 24/59 Or,

177x – 59×45600 = 120x Or,

57x = 59×45600

Or, x = 47200

.:.A’s investment = 3x = 3 × 47200 = 141600

112. A rectangular fish tank 25m by 9m has water in it to a level of 2m. This water is carefully
poured into a cylindrical container with a diameter of 10m. How high will the water reach in the
cylindrical container?

A. ʌ

B. 18

C. 7/18

D. 9/27

Answer: ʌ



Diameter 10 m

So radius = 10/2= 5m


ʌU2h = 25 × 9 × 2

Or, ʌ2h = 25 × 9 × 2

Or, h = (25 × 9 × 2) / 25 ʌ

Or h= ʌ

Compiled by Joglul Abbas
113. At a symposium, 20% of the professors are psychologists, 60% are biologists and the
remaining 12 professors are economists. If 20 of the professors wear glasses, what percent of the
professors do not wear glass?

A. 20%

B. 33,%

C. 50%

D. 66%

Answer: 66%



Total professors = x


x = 20% of x + 60% of x + 12 Or,

x = x/5 + 3x/5 + 12

Or, x – x/5 – 3x/5 = 12

Or, x/5 = 12

Or, x = 60

Professors don’t wear glasses = x – 20 = 60 – 20 = 40

Required percentage = (40/60) × 100 = 66 2/3% = 66%

114. In a department, 3/5 of the workers are men and the rest are women. If 1/2 of the men and 3/7
of the women in the department are over 35, what fraction of all the workers in the department are
over 35

A. 33/70

B. 66/70

C. 33/140

D. 35/140

Answer: 33/70 Solution:

Men = 3/5

Women = 1 – 3/5 = 2/5

Compiled by Joglul Abbas
Workers over 35 are = ½ of 3/5 + 3/7 of 2/5 = 3/10 + 6/35 = 33/70

115. The ratio of investments of two partners P and Q is 7:5 and the ratio of their profits is 7:10. If
P invested the money for months, find for how much time did Q invest the money?

A. 7 months

B. 10 months

C. 9 months

D. 11 months

Answer: (Wrong question)



Q invested for x months


7×y : 5×x = 7:10

Or, 7y/5x = 7/10

Or, x= (10/7) × 7y × 1/5 = 2y

<AS y <Z XbS Vc^iqcQi[6_iVȚ

116. A clock strikes once at1 o’clock twice at 2 o’clock, thrice at 3 o’clock and so on. How many
times will it strike in 24 hours?

A. 78

B. 136

C. 156

D. 196

Answer: 156


(1+2+3+4………..+12) x 2 (wxCĖbTYƳĜwVbZƱSqbZTZ<@6c_i^VQe VbZSb@iZxcQiqªN)

= 12(l2 + 1)/2 = 156

117. The perimeter of a rectangle is 26 cm. The rectangle is converted to a square by tripling the
width and taking a quarter of the length, What is the perimeter of the resulting square?

A. 9 cm

Compiled by Joglul Abbas
B. 12 cm

C. 20 cm

D. 26 cm

Answer: 12 cm


2(length + breadth) = perimeter

Or, 2(L + B) = 26

Or, L + B = 13

Or, B = 13 – L

New L of square = 3L & B = (13-L) × ¼


3L = (13-L) × ¼

Or, 12L = 13 – L

Or, L = 1

So, length of the square = 3×1 = 3

So, perimeter of the square = 4×3 =12

118. In an examination, 34% of the students failed in mathematics and 42% failed in English.
If 20% of the students failed in both the subjects, then find the percentage of students who
passed in both the subject.

A. 22%

B. 32%

C. 44%

D. 54%

Answer: 44%


n(MUE) = n(M) + n(E) –Q 0ŀ( + passed in both Or,

100% = 34% + 42% – 20% + passed in both Or, passed

in both = 44%

119. 125 gallons of a mixture contains 20% water. What amount of additional water should
be added such that water content is raised to 25%?
Compiled by Joglul Abbas
A. 15/2 gallons

B. 17/2 gallons

C. 19/2 gallons

D. 25/3 gallons

Answer: 25/3 gallons


Water in the mixture = 20% of 125 = 25 gallons So,

other = 125-25 = 100

let, water be added = x


25+x = 25% of (125+x)

Or, 25 + x = (125+x)/4 Or,

100+4x =125+x

Or, 3x = 25

Or, x = 25/3.

Compiled by Joglul Abbas

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