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*Try to finish the workout in about 45 minutes, excluding your warm up.
*On the Max Effort exercise, your 7th set should be your heaviest attempt
*On Dynamic days velocity of the barbell is important, if it feels too slow/heavy, remove weight but
keep the band tension the same
Week 1 - Day 1 – Max Effort
Main:    5" Cambered bar bench 1 RM (5 sec pause bench if not Cambered bar is available)
Dumbbell incline press 3 x 6 reps, 2 sec pause at bottom
Dumbbell front raise  3 x 15
Reverse pec deck 4 x 15

Week 1 - Day 2 – Dynamic Effort

Main:    Straight bar bench 9 x 3 40% bar weight + 25% band tension
Wide bow bar bench 3 x 20 reps (Get a good muscle burn) (use straight bar if bow bar is not available
Pec deck 3 x 15
Cable face pulls 4 x 12 -ss- dumbbell lateral raise 4 x 20 - 25
Dumbbell hammer curls 3 x 12

Week 2 - Day 1 – Max Effort

Main:    Straight bar bench wide grip 1 RM
Barbell Bradford press 3 x 8
Dumbbell decline fly’s 4 x 10
T-bar row 3 x 15
Banded front raise 4 x 50 per side

Week 2 - Day 2 – Dynamic Effort

Main:    Straight bar bench 9 x 3 45% bar weight + 25% band tension
Dumbbell incline press 4 x 20 reps
Plate front raise 4 x 20 - 25
Upright row 4 x 25 - 30
Banded tricep extension 350 reps sets of 40 - 70 reps

Week 3 - Day 1 – Max Effort

Main:    Bow bar wide pin press 2” off chest 1 RM (use straight bar if bow bar is not available, move
grip 2 fingers wider than your wide grip)
Bench grip pin press 2” off chest 3 x 6
Bamboo bar overhead presses 4 x 8
Barbell row 4 x 12
Band tears 4 x 50

Week 3 - Day 2 – Dynamic Effort

Main:    Straight bar bench 9 x 3 50% bar weight + 25% band tension
Cambered bar in power rack pushups 4 x 20 (deficit push ups if cambered bar isn't avaiable)
Pec deck 4 x 20 -ss- band triceps extension 4 x 50
Bent over shoulder raise dumbbells 4 x 25 -ss- dumbbell front raise (hip to eye) 4 x 25
Dumbbell hammer curl 3 x 15 - 20

Week 4 - Day 1 – Max Effort

Main:    Straight bar wid grip pause bench 1 RM (2 sec pause on chest)
2" Cambered bar bench 3 x 3 reps (2 sec pause bench if not Cambered bar is available)
Seated dumbbell press 4 x 6
Dumbbell row 3 x 10
Banded front raise 4 x 40

Week 4 - Day 2 – Dynamic Effort

Main:    Bow bar bench 9 x 3 45% bar weight + 25% band tension, wide to medium to close grip
Deficit push up 3 - 5 x 25
Sled lateral raise 4 x 12 -ss- cable tricep extension 4 x 12
Sled upright row 3 x 12
Sled fly’s 3 x 15

Week 5 - Day 1 – Max Effort

Main:    60 degree incline bench press medium grip straight bar 1 RM
Military press 3 x 6 reps
Decline dumbbell fly’s 3 x 12
Reverse pec deck 4 x 15

Week 5 - Day 2 – Dynamic Effort

Main:    Bow bar bench 9 x 3 45% bar weight + 25% band tension, wide to medium to close grip
80 degree incline press 3 x 20
Straight bar skull crusher 4 x 10
T-bar row 4 x 12 -ss- band tears 4 x 50
Swiss bar hammer curls 4 x 15

Week 6 - Day 1 – Max Effort

Main:    Close grip pause bench straight bar 1 RM (2 sec pause on chest)
Cambered bar push ups 3 x 5 (deficit push ups if cambered bar isn't avaiable)
Plate press 3 x 10
Bamboo bar front raise 4 x 12
Band tricep extension 5 x 50

Week 6 - Day 2 – Dynamic Effort

Main:    Bow bar bench 9 x 3 45% bar weight + 25% band tension, wide to medium to close grip
Decine bench press 3 x 20 (touch barbell to low sternum)
Face pulls  with EZ bar 4 x 12
Dumbbell lateral raise 4 x 10
Dumbbell freedom extension (French press) 3 x 12

Week 7 - Day 1 – Max Effort

Main:    5" Cambered bar bench 1 RM (Retest week 1) (5 sec pause bench if not Cambered bar is
Dumbbell press, 1 sec. pause at the bottom 3 x 6
Pec deck 4 x 8
Plate front raise 4 x 10
Dumbbell row 4 x 12

Week 7 - Day 2 – Dynamic Effort

Main:    2" Cambered bar bench 9 x 3 45% bar weight + 25% band tension (2 sec pause bench if not
Cambered bar is available)
30 degree incline dumbbell press 5 x 20
Incline dumbbell fly 4 x 12 -ss- cable tricep extension 4 x 20
Seated row with V handle 4 x 10
Band tears 4 x 50

Week 8 - Day 1 – Max Effort

Main:    Straight bar bench wide grip 1 RM (retest week 2)
Cambered bar push-ups with weight 3 x 8 (deficit push ups if cambered bar isn't avaiable)
Bradford press 3 x 12
Barbell row 4 x 12 - 15
Dumbbell lateral raise 3 x 15

Week 8 - Day 2 – Dynamic Effort

Main:    2" Cambered bar bench 9 x 3 45% bar weight + 25% band tension (2 sec pause bench if not
Cambered bar is available)
Wide grip bench press 3 x 30
Bent over dumbbell raise 1 x 30
Dips (hard lean inwards) 1 x 30
T-bar row 1 x 30
Dumbbell lateral raise 1 x 30
Hammer curls with dumbbells 1 x 30

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