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8-Week Glute and Hips Accessory Program

Week 1
Day 1
1x10/15/20 Frog Stance Theraband Cable Pullthrough
Theraband around patella
Think of glutes and hips as a pump
Drive out constantly into the theraband
4x45sec/25 ATP 360 Degree Marching S/S ATP Sumo Stance Lockouts
Last 15 seconds should burn on marches
2 sets turning left, 2 sets turning right
Alternate directions each set
On the lockouts, go only as low as you can feel tension in the glutes and hips and then pump your hips
90% recovered between sets
Straight weight on ATP
3x50 Reverse Hypers S/S Banded Goodmornings
Glute Focus Reverse Hypers
Band under feet and around upper traps on Banded Goodmornings
Day 2
10x60m Down n' Back Lateral Sled Walk
60m Walking Left Down; 60m Walking Right Back
120m each set
90% recovered between sets
4x25 Back Extension
Toes at 45 Degrees
Back Extension at 45 Degrees
Add DB weight as necessary
Hold DB at low rib
100% Glute Focus
Last 5 should burn
4x30 Banded Glute Abduction
Sit on parallel box in normal squat stance
Add doubled bands around patellas
Push knees out into the bands
1x5 minutes Max 60m Trips Theraband Forward and Backward Walks
Set a 5 minute timer and walk forward and backward with a theraband at the patella
Get max trips in 5 minutes and record a record
Quarter-half squat the entire time
Week 2
Day 1
6x100m Sled Pull Throughs + Theraband
1 set = 100m one direction
Theraband at mid shin
2 feet inside of normal sumo stance
Constant tension on glutes
3x3min ATP Lateral Marching
Keep feet as wide as possible
Last minute should burn
Straight Weight on ATP
6x35 Reverse Hypers
Glute Focus Reverse Hypers
5x50 Banded Frog Stance Pullthroughs
Day 2
1x5min Max 100m Trips Sled Power Walking
1 trip = 100m
All tension should be in the glutes and hamstrings
Reach and pull with the heel
Weight should be such that no more than 20 degrees of torso lean and the above form is maintained the
entire time
5x30 Back Extension + Band
Toes at 45 Degrees
Back Extension at 45 Degrees
Add light band and titrate intensity w/ DB weight as necessary
100% Glute Focus
4x40 Banded Glute Abduction
Sit on 1" Below parallel box in 1 foot narrower than normal squat stance
3x60 steps each side Lateral Band Walks
Band around Patella
Walk 60 steps to the right, then 60 steps to the left
Week 3
Day 1
6x200m Sled Power Walking + Ankle Weights
5lbs ankle weights each leg
1x6min ATP Lateral Marching + 2" Mats
Keep feet as wide as possible
Stepping on and off 2" Mats
Last minute should burn
Straigh Weight on ATP
3x15 Bent Pendelum Reverse Hypers
Glute Focus
300 Total Reps Frog Stance Pullthroughs + Foam
Standing on 8" of foam
Day 2
1x10min Max 100m Trips Sled Power-Walking + Theraband
1 trip = 100m
3x25 Sumo RDL
Use KBs
3x50 Banded Glute Bridges
Band attached to low set pins so it is parallel to the ground
Boxes at height so that there is constant band tension  (no slack at bottom)
Shoulders should be on a higher box than feet
Feet 1 foot width wider than shoulder width apart
Week 4
Day 1
1x1min/2min/3min ATP Lateral Marching + Ankle Weights
5lbs Ankle Weights
6x20 Cable Pullthrough
Squat Stance
3x1min Parallel Squat Theraband Hold
Squat down to parallel with bands around knees
Push out constantly into the bands for 1min
Heavy enough for last 15 seconds to pull knees in no further than big toe
3x100 Banded Abduction
Seated on box 2" below parallel
Day 2
3x3min ATP Lateral Marching + Foam
Walking on 8" foam under each foot
Straight Weight on ATP
5x30 Sumo RDL + Chain
Chain looped through the KBs
Use KBs
4x60 Banded Glute Bridges
Feet shoulder width apart
Week 5
Day 1
1x15/20/25 MR '19
Focus on allowing the psoas to lengthen at the bottom
Adjuster setting closest to ground
10x60m Lateral Sled Drag + Ankle Weights
5lbs ankle weights
4x30sec Inverse Curl Glute Iso Holds
Lower until the forehead is just off the ground
Maximally contract the glutes to raise the torso to parallel with the ground
Hold this position then finish through to the top of the Inverse Curl with peak contraction maintained
the whole time
Weight should be such that last 10 Seconds on the hold are brutal as well as the contraction to the top
4x50 Reverse Hypers + Foam Pad
Squeeze foam pad between legs above knee
Glute Focus
Day 2
3x1min ATP Lateral Marching + Foam + Ankle Weights
Walking on 8" foam under each foot
5lbs Ankle Weights
30 seconds rest
Straight Weight on ATP
3x20 Tall Kneeling Good-Morning  + Hip Band
On knees with toes curled under
Knees 1 fist width apart
Perform goodmornings in this position with band around hips
Add a KB held at chest for weight as necessary
3x1min Reverese Hyper ISO Hold
Hold feet parallel to the ground
3x100 Banded Glute Bridges + Theraband
2 foot widths wider than shoulder width
Theraband at patella
Drive knees out each rep into the theraband
Week 6
Day 1
1x20/25/30 MR '19
Focus on allowing the psoas to lengthen at the bottom
Adjuster setting furthest from ground
10x60m Forward Sled Drag
90% Recovered between sets
6x30sec Forward Marching ATP
March in place with forehead reaching 1 inch over the end of the platform
Straight Weight on ATP
5x50 ATP Toe Touches + Band
Light Band
Add weight as necessary
1 foot width wider than frog stance
Day 2
4x1min ATP 360 Marching + Band
Purple Band on ATP
Add weight as necessary
2 sets turning right; 2 sets turning left
3x20 Barbell Glute Bridge
3x30 Banded Glute Bridges + Theraband
Feet 1 foot width inside shoulder width
3x100 Banded Goodmornings + Theraband
Week 7
Day 1
1x15/25/35 Kettlebell Swings
Sumo Stance
90% Recovered between sets
3x1min ATP Lockout
Frog Stance
Straigh Weight on ATP
Lockout hips at the top as if you are at the top of a deadlift
Last 10 seconds should burn
4x15 Bent Pendelum Reverse Hypers + Foam
Glute Focus
3x100 ATP Toe Touches + Band
Light Band
Add weight as necessary
1 foot width inside sumo stance
Day 2
1x3/2/1min ATP  Lateral Marching + Band + Foam
Green Band on ATP
Add weight as necessary
Marching on 8" of foam
3x15 DB RDL + Theraband
Squat Stance
4x25 Barbell Glute Bridge + Theraband
3x100 Banded Abductions
Parallel Box
Feet at widest possible stance while getting good contraction in the glutes and hips
Week 8
Day 1
4x15 Banded Kettlebell Swings
Frog Stance
Standing on Band
Band Attached to horn of kettlebell
Light Band
90% Recovered between sets
4x30second ATP Lockout + Band
Sumo Stance
Green Band
Add Straight Weight as necessary
Last 10 seconds should burn
4x40 Reverse Hypers
Glute Focus
2x4min ATP Forward Backward Marching Drop Set
Drop weight each minute
Drop as necessary so that last 10 seconds of each minute is brutal
Day 2
10x60m Down n' Back Lateral Sled Walk
60m Walking Left Down; 60m Walking Right Back
120m each set
90% recovered between sets
(Beat PR from Week 1)
4x25 DB RDL + Theraband
Frog Stance
3x30 Banded Back Extensions
All band tension
45 degree Back Extension
Glute focus
1x5 minutes Max 60m Trips Theraband Forward and Backward Walks
(Beat PR from Week 1)

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