Speech - Qualities Good Prefect PDF

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(Trial Johor 2011)

You are the Presidentof the Counseling Club of your school. You have been asked to grve a falk
on Qualities of a Good Prefect'o to the newly-appointed prefects.
Below are the notes you have made for your talk

Use the notes below to write the talk.

l. good at studies

2. active in co-curricular activities

3. neat and tidy always
4. welldisciplined
5. responsible to students and teachers

When writing your talk:

r you may use all the words or phrases provided
r elrhorate on the given notes to make it more interesting
. you may add any other relevant informalion
o make sure it is not less than 120 words

Goori nr*rninq +o rhg i:{n i* a\ €n Ei;1gfir",, b;h L**rr t 3i;.h.+.,!-d Gir*l f'€ll,=ir st ir e7,,^ -,


iiit^,si qr,C {'r"r€66.!-i i ,i.-;urd iii<€ f* *'utS L o\1 tri"tjiefi ts *he r",€t&) ?ih€. gct€ i'*t- b€?nq t\:pjnis:

*, i ,.ht r1g.ir,; ig ,ryid ghs Tn C4.s- it clr UCi

'rrry n ri*r€ ic. l\1,4ir,';gr*,rn * 4 gil" Kqni$, 'ih€ !=rEq'lq'jnt c{ the
t,cri\'\teilngi '.-1qn s{.'ihis ,l,JhsLll - \ eH g'ivg,h "ihrs" rt.{hit"S' *o t'jh*
$i5 FG 3 'i..-3 *i *rr,!!.- rYf $ucil*re i
q ,& *C .i Pre-f-ert f * Se tf S:t i qi'*r. ** "tE ig t* "le.!i trc-{ 'hur-i tc ba 1
irtein*,, Gl-fi:e**{

Frsiie . br'-Pec,iii hqvz to Ue goed d{- +heTv e +\q!es - this if, ho.caq€-* lf ?s. ther.,. c{q{g
tu brr q rete hodel/or studen"ts- f[ore9vef,. iheg hove bigggp,opportun\tJ to get a scholqrshi
qe th€g coniinil€ *o be on their dqlg v,tr?te c+udyinq - Therg qre q to'f of hethod t0 be g0O4 q+ €tu4iec

Tirs{ oF qlt. gort cqnforrn q gtqolJ greul,t^}i$ gour-, d€drgc* friendc r 'loq c.qt\ olso eii1. irnbortant
noFe8 qnd brinq a !99E €tefgtd\gre . h prsfec{ 'hq(e'-t0 be.goo ,qf rnqnqgitrq i\eir- *ime-
{sqrdtlg ro tfii11iq6 Bhqkespeqre in his fernoqc poem ll venqc qnd Rdonis,".nhqk. use tih e
Ie,t ho+,qdvqntqqe dli-n "

Secondls, erefocts,hgSt be qitlve in co-ellticallur 9e*ivifiec. Ttris is becavse

ioininq co - cqnyicr-\l\tr qc4fities ie o!9 q)og tb deye,]o6 teoderchip qnd interphsonql criltS
ojnl n g cc - cLrhr{c^Alqr vitiss sqch q<3 bqdmihto\ rould bdjLd q heorthq bodq and ins qlso
qlol trniformed UoqieS . soq eah 4lS,<>
"ih e"rtoot
be o"nirq P*pe.{'tion. tik" sshosqs$c ae"q+r,lqns . togllqtr *or.rrxqhehfS guo4s
c.ot'\psti$oq qhrd nqnq qthe,r. t$ng dn e,t?ec+ to uel!\e cchool's F€ar,e8enlir€
bern foc Ttr 1h.r c,,D- terric,r,tlqr 4c4iv;+T{-c Nitt rof cht c,rc& q heq*hq 60dv b,{f 9160

TWrrd, pnefectS Shoqtd diwqgg be' r\ea{

9ld lrdg q\\ rhe {r.r.,e - ?qthefmore , c\eQntins.ec lS
ne.xf Jo Gsd\ine.ss - Yoq need to t{eqr q prtFerqftire qccotding'to €ch6ol regu\ofions. * good prefect

c{\q}qq s nEed *o eheqYg gour har-r ls st"rort onol neqfig cornbed - ulrite 1.g frr\S need Jo cOeqr q iqie
hiiqb thc{t ho,!e been a ppr o\ ed b\ the sch$oi - Fer"etnber to KesF Uoqr haits Shor| --1hd n0 h 11rl eiis h
is qtlor^red - Rl\ the.ee qre vitql tt, sej o good €,\othnble for oihers qyld crgqJe a gCIod irnbf e ssl 0n qrnbn 9
thr efqdents

t\ext , Frefe cJs h qs+ be urelj : discrplineol q)\ *he +irqe esbeciq[ In schbol , bern o\ c^,'g\i -
o\is ci Ulin ecl prsf e ets ce\r b riito{ q a d chsnq ei- beardes ' being qbls:_l_g glcoei-qs e qhcl tqutivete i.o-l\oui

gtq dei\ts , The br s hnq€t {"cll c u} teq ch ers sholer- qnd dc nct b\acKbocii\ 6the!^ s+u{on'!s. lr^?f .-ci i
fy.st hb| b.eqk thE S ch o,ol .qlgS, qncl sh oq io\ r 'be in fl-* gh -
l1 *si dehfs w hc 'oi9rtk :ht- |

:,ff .-.-. ^r

Jo f€qcher
ffi- $out 3o - for s;o1*n,o
19ff.i :tt',e_ hoop- *c .the c,lqs-c** Th;
, ,,,iS
.- sh
(} c,{ thl n ti"1
'::-' e.,t vu\t qr€ r€sB
g 0'.{ qr_€ re.lp cn sl lr e
er. slbtei qho,t j. {\,
qi^,ol fig4.l


Sigli eten,if' the3 fiFe

i,p:,qnq. qe'i-iVe.
g$L*?x -c*,li a 3l:t"uxiJ*-.ffi-
bq* f{.-_
{t, be g-aqd: qt
_h_ -ep* cut{cutl
d h"a.s ne.;te-4'
l!q+ qtt lle q,qai{e.c uTlt
j-she h
0\,t tqu E tne h,es.b orr .srlbii h s-d csrnirrrl.,tleat M fl,+i
i{ gg,j&*.--Tfi*,r,,p

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