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THE WEEKLY SCHEDULE Week of: April and May

Roles Goals Weekly Priorities

Gather all the information about the companies • Search internet for company background
targeted (CRISIL, ICRA, FITCH, HDFC mutual
Student under • Search internet for each company’s share price and
fund) market share.
faculty led project
(Researcher) • On the basis of all the data collected choose the correct
company to move ahead in the project

Collect data from CMIE On the given data • Learn about CMIE, how to use it using google and
Student under
faculty led project • Gather the necessary information and store it in a
(Researcher) different folder made separately for FLP.

Select companies related to the Industry • Learn about the industry of the selected company and
Student under gather information about the same.
faculty led project • Collect data of other companies of the same industry to
(Researcher) compare and analyze the selected company.

Conduct Small analysis for the company • With the collected data a small analysis using SPSS, R,
selected and Excel to be done to enhance the output and have a
Student under
faculty led project proper understanding of the same
(Analyst) .

Deciding the final parameters of the data • With the final parameters of the data do the complete
Student under analysis using all the methods of execution and extractPage 7
faculty led project the most meaning full information.
(Analyst) • Edit and save the information to be used in further
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Today’s Priorities
Gather Work on On the stored data Day 4 of Do as described by Day 6 of Do as described by
information. yesterday’s work and analyze collection of share the faculty in collection of share the faculty in
information more. market price and yesterday’s call. market price and yesterday’s call
values. values
Search the internet Start analyzing Use different skills Start noting the Start working on Start noting the Start working on
for the same. and analysis tools differences the plan made on differences the plan made on
to do more between 4 days of the last day between 6 days of the last day
analysis. data. data.
Make separate Day 2 of Note the values Note the values Day 5 of On the weekly Day 7 of
folders for various collection of share and store. and store. collection of share analysis make a collection of share
companies. market price and market price and note of the above market price and
values. values found changes. values
Start collecting Start with Day 3 of Use different skills Start noting the Compare the Start noting the
and storing data. comparison collection of share and analysis tools differences before found differences
market price and to do more between 5 days of results and look between 7 days of
values. analysis. data. for similarity in data.
the analysis.
Day 1 of Start noting the Start noting the With the complete On the weekly Based on the On the weekly
collection of share differences differences analysis proceed to analysis make a analysis if its same analysis make a
market price and between two days between three noting the changes note of the above keep the work note of the above
values. of data. days of data in report. found changes. found changes.
Note the values Note the values Work on the Note the values If found different Work on the
and store. and store. project report. and store then change the project report.
analysis method
Search internet for Search internet for
more information. more information
Work on the
project report

Time Management by Udit Narayan Kosare

Appointments/ Commitments
Call sir and ask Call sir and ask Call sir and ask
him about the him about the him about the
project and tell project and tell project and tell
him about the him about the him about the
details and work details and work details and work
plan going plan going plan going
through. through. through.
Note the needed Note the needed Note the needed
guidelines and guidelines and guidelines and
plan accordingly plan accordingly plan accordingly
for the next day for the next day for the next day

Submitted by:
Udit Narayan Kosare
Section –B

Time Management by Udit Narayan Kosare

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