NX CAD Design Academic Certification: Study Guide

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NX CAD Design Academic

Study guide

Frequently asked questions, sample questions and

preparatory learning path
How long does certification last?
Certification validates your core compe-
tency skills and knowledge as it relates
Frequently asked questions Do I need to have NX to take to a specific version of NX software.
Academic users can receive special the exam?
Although certification for a particular
recognition for their knowledge and Yes. In order to answer the questions version never expires, certification is
proficiency with NX™ software with the on the exam you need a working not considered current unless you have
NX CAD Design Academic Certification. installation of NX to find the problem passed the latest exam.
Who should attempt certification? What you will receive when you
How much does the certification become certified?
Certification is for any academic user
exam cost?
seeking to validate their knowledge of When you earn the NX CAD Design
The NX CAD Design Academic Academic Certificate, you earn the
NX software. Anyone who uses NX as
Certification exams have a retail price right to share this designation to
part of their academic activities, includ-
of $25 each. market your NX skills (on business
ing students and educators, can benefit
from the program by emphasizing their cards, resumes and websites, including
What happens if you do not pass the NX Community site). You will also
skills and knowledge with certification
the exam?
from Siemens Digital Industries receive a certificate in PDF format that
You may retake the exam at any time; is suitable for printing and framing.
there is no required waiting period
What version of NX is the exam between exams. You may retake the How long does the exam take?
based on? exam as many times as you like. The certification exam consists of nine
However, you will have to pay for each questions and users have up to three
Certification is based on the current
exam attempt. hours to complete the exam.
version of NX. We recommend that the
current version be used for the exam,
though it may be possible to complete
the exam using previous versions.

Unrestricted. siemens.com/nx
NX CAD Design Academic Certification

Sample test questions Sample question 3 Question 5 continued

Draw the sketch and calculate the area
Sample question 1 Before:
of the shaded region shown.
From Model Navigator, which view or
views currently contains PMI entities?
A. Isometric
B. Left
C. Top
D. Section #1 and Trimetric

Sample question 4 After:

Draw the model and calculate the

Sample question 2
PMI entities can be displayed or shown
on the assembly level, users must first:
A. Display all the PMI in all the views
B. Create PMI only on assembly level
C. Add Filter in PMI Assembly Filters
D. C
 opy the PMI from the component
Sample question 5
level and paste into assembly
Open the given assembly. Add
constrain to the component and the
components are caster_fork, caster_
axle and caster_wheel.
Add “2 to 2 center” constrain between
‘pistion pin’ and ‘piston’.
Add “2 to 2 center” constrain between
‘connecting rod’ and ‘piston’.
Add “Touch Align” constrain between
‘connecting rod’ and ‘pistion pin’.
Add “Touch Align” constrain between
‘pistion pin’ and ‘pistion‘.
Add “Angle” constrain between
‘TestingPart_8’ and ‘connecting rod’.
Calculate Center of Mass (Xcbar, Ycbar,
Zcbar) of whole assembly.
Suggested learning path Create a basic assembly
We strongly suggest the use of
Constrain assemblies
Learning Advantage for exam prepara-
tion. All schools with active Siemens Manage assemblies
Digital Industries software license
Introduction to synchronous modeling
agreements have free, unlimited access
to Learning Advantage for all faculty Synchronous modeling in NX
and students. Learn more about free
Your first day with NX assemblies
access to Learning Advantage at the
FAQ. Creating assembly components
Your first day with NX Working with NX Assemblies
Make design changes Constraining assembly components
Create basic models from sketches Creating PMI dimensions
and centerlines
Using NX Sketcher
Adding GD&T PMI to your model
Fit the pieces together
Drafting fundamentals and drawing
Create and update a drawing
Organize models
Add drafting views
Design parts with sketches

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