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By: Trizia Ferran Loreto

HEALTH is one of everyone's concerns. It is something that people get cautious of

what they need and what to do. People try a lot to maintain and obtain it as early as
they can.Health is something you can't defeat and you should not underestimate
cause if you see it as something less important, it can make your life shorter and
harder. You will strive until you're not able to stand up and bring it back the way
you used to be before.Health is very essential. Being aware of what it does and hold
us is something that we can assure we are strong enough and we cannot easily get
weak in any circumstances. We can live freely as long as we are knowledgeable. For
me health is about self-care.Self -care is a concern for all. Health depends upon the
beholder. Start it and begin it within yourself because if you does you bring safety,
positive vibes and secured health for everyone especially for yourself. Can you
imagine if you always uphold and committed about your health you live with
positivity, you can influence other people to live healthy and you can easily cope
up.Others might say, how could it be possible if people are deceived with so much
temptation. You might question its existence because of matters that hinder
everyone to get through with it. You might say, people are too vulnerable and
fragile, very easy to sway and too much unaware , poor status, weak spirits and
hard headed.The mentality is always if you want it, grab it, but if you need it, I buy
it next time. Being with that mentality I know is not easy. I know it's hard when you
used to that environment. It's a big challenge for those and I know everyone is
facing those hardships, but I stand and claim that if you have self-love know your
limits. You have so many choices, but among those choices never forget
yourself.You have your wants, but never set aside your needs cause what you need
is more important of what you want. You can't live with you want? If you say I can't
live without it, then try to think of not having what you need. You like new shirt,
then how about not having rice to eat. You want to be healthy, then why not
stopping you from vices. You want to recover yourself, then why torturing yourself
of negative thoughts. You want to live happily then why trapping yourself in
downfalls. What makes one not healthy because of the mentality that they love
themselves for having what they want and that makes them so easy to be tempted.
Be firmly of loving yourself in a right way, living with your wants and be stuck on it
is not healthy. It is just a pleasure, satisfactionbut if you love yourself, you should
choose what's healthy and guaranteed that you benefited longer. Being healthy is
not just about the condition of your body.Know that being healthy is possessing
great personality, good in the inside and outside. For being healthy is self-care and
caring for everyone. Health is not a choice but being healthy is a choice. I'm hoping
that those choices are both good enough to make us healthy.Self is one, but if you
find your purpose you can save many when you are healthy

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