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61. They ... for a house in this area these days.

a) look;
b) will look;
c) are looking;
d) looked.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

62. Sally ... dinner when the phone rang.:

a)was walking;
b) made;
c) used to make;
d) has made.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

63. Unfortunatelly, I ... from him since then.:

a) didn't hear;
b) don't hear;
c) wasn't hearing;
d) haven't heard.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!

64. After they reached the cottage, they realised someone else ... there:
a) was;
b) had been;
c) were;
d) has been.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

65. You remembered to take your passport, ...?:

a) did you;
b) are you;
c) isn't it;
d) didn't you.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta d).
66. I was starving because I ... anything for three days.:
a) hasn't been eating;
b) hadn't eaten;
c) had eaten;
d) has eaten.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

67. I expect they ... able tu buy their own cottage next year.:
a) will have been;
b) are going to be;
c) will be;
d) is.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

68. By 2050, scientists ... more energy efficient machines.:

a) will have invented;
b) will invent;
c) invented;
d) will be invented.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

69. Did you ... doughnuts with your tea yesterday morning?:
a) used to have;
b) have;
c) had;
d) haved.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta b).

70. I ... an apple pie, that's why I need eggs.:

a) will be baked;
b) bake;
c) won't bake;
d) am going to bake.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!
71. All the participants in the exam ... bring dictionaries in the examination
a) aren't allowed;
b) mustn't to;
c) mustn't;
d) don't need to.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

72. Excuse me, Dr. Jones, ... I barrow your research notes, please?:
a) may;
b) must;
c) should;
d) need.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

73. If I ... you, I wouldn't go hiking alone in such a dangerous place.:

a) am;
b) will be;
c) were;
d) might be.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

74. If you want to find a cheap flight, ... early.:

a) book;
b) booked;
c) have booked;
d) will book.
Nu ai bifat niciun răspuns. Corectă este varianta a).

75. These photos ... with a forty-year-old camera.:

a) being taken;
b) were taking;
c) will be take;
d) were taken.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!
76. It ... having a web page is a good way to advertise a business.:
a) is thinking of;
b) is thought that;
c) thinks that;
d) was thought to.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

77. I wish she ... happier about the present I gave her on her birthday.:
a) were;
b) are;
c) is;
d) has been.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta a).

78. The manager asked me how long ... unemployed.:

a) had I been;
b) am I;
c) I had been;
d) have I been.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

79. I will call you when I ... home to tell you the big news.:
a) arrive;
b) will arrive;
c) arrives;
d) arrived.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

80. I am going to take my camera tomorrow so Karen needn't take ... .:

a) theirs;
b) my;
c) its;
d) hers.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!
81. How ... milk would you like in your coffee?:
a) many;
b) much;
c) a little;
d) a lot of.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

82. It was ... earthquake Asia had ever experienced.:

a) as bad as;
b) worse;
c) the worst;
d) worst.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

83. ... supermarkets in your neighbourhood?:

a) Is there some;
b) Is there any;
c) Are there some;
d) Are there any.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!

84. The information they gave us at the police station ... incorrect.:
a) were;
b) was;
c) is being;
d) are.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta b).

85. I'm sure that's the place ... the accident happened:
a) where;
b) who;
c) which;
d) when.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!
86. Frank accused me ... stealing money from his drawer.:
a) for;
b) to;
c) of;
d) on.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

87. Tracy doesn't study as ... as her sister.:

a) hard;
b) harder;
c) the hardest;
d) hardly.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta a).

88. I don't have to wear ... uniform to work.:

a) -;
b) an;
c) the;
d) a.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta d).

89. It was difficult for the survivors to ... the freezing temperatures.:
a) give up;
b) cope with;
c) get on;
d) put off.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

90. It fill only take us fifteen minutes to get there on ... . It's silly to drive.:
a) bus;
b) tram;
c) train;
d) foot.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!
1. Which of the following words does not have the sound [i:]?:
a) beep;
b) cheek;
c) sick;
d) seek.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

2. Generally, summer is a hot season. But ... summer of 2005 was rainy and
preety cold.:
a) a;
b) the;
c) -;
d) this.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

3. If my car had had good brakes I ... it on time.:

a) could have stopped;
b) could stop;
c) stopped;
d) had stopped.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

4. "Where is the money?", John asked:

a) John asked where is the money;
b) John asked where the money is;
c) John asked where the money was;
d) John asked where was the money.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

5. By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane ...:

a) has just taken off;
b) had just taken off;
c) took off;
d) had just take off.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!
6. I like both Alice and Claire, but I must admit that Alice is ...:
a) the prettier;
b) the prettiest;
c) the most prettiest;
d) the more prettier.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

7. It is getting ...:
a) more and more cold;
b) more and more colder;
c) cold and cold;
d) colder and colder.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!

8. Which of the following words does not have the sound [a:]?:
a) farm;
b) charm;
c) barn;
d) barium.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!

9. When you came I ... the garden.:

a) watered;
b) have been watering;
c) was watering;
d) had watered.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

10. She can't come right now. She ... on the project:
a) works;
b) is working;
c) worked;
d) work.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

11. Six pounds ... a low price and everyone ... to it:
a) are, agree;
b) is, agrees;
c) are, agrees;
d) is, agree.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta b).

12. I still ... to ... in such a strange place!:

a) am not used, live;
b) haven't been used, live;
c) can't use, living;
d) haven't got used, living.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta d).

13. He said that he ... as soon as he ... working:

a) would come, would finish;
b) had come, was finishing;
c) would come, finished;
d) came, would have finished.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

14. We ... in the shade an hour on that sunny afternoon:

a) had;
b) lay;
c) lied;
d) lain.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

15. The police ... investigating a serious murder case for three weeks now:
a) are;
b) have been;
c) is;
d) has been.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

16. He arrived ... London ... 7 a.m. ... a foggy November day. We often have
fog ... November:
a) in, at, on, in;
b) at, at, on, during;
c) to, at, in, on;
d) by, on, in, in.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

17. He ... since I ... home:

a) had read, came;
b) is reading, came;
c) read, have come;
d) has been reading, was.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta d).

18. It is high time he ... told to stop behaving like a child:

a) has been;
b) would be;
c) were;
d) was.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

19. It is unlikely ... these intructions:

a) for them to understand;
b) for them to have understood;
c) that they should understand;
d) that they understood.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

20. He can't tell which of the two girls is ...:

a) the most beautiful;
b) the most beautifulest;
c) the more beautifuler;
d) the more beautiful.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!

21. You hardly ever go to cinema, ...?:

a) isn't it;
b) don't you;
c) are you;
d) do you.
Nu ai bifat niciun răspuns. Corectă este varianta d`).

22. If I'd known we'd have to wait so long, I ... a book.:

a) would bring;
b) had brought;
c) brought;
d) would have brought.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!

23. Who has written this novel? It's good. Who ... written by?:
a) this novel has been;
b) has this novel been;
c) has been this novel;
d) was this novel.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!

24. "Which of the wto pens would you like?" "... will do .":
a) Any;
b) Either;
c) No one;
d) None.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta b).

25. No sooner ... home ... the phone rang:

a) hat I got, that;
b) had I got, when;
c) did I get, than;
d) had I got, than.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta d).

26. ... you wish to buy a new car, we'd offer free insurance:
a) Would;
b) Should;
c) Had;
d) Did.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

27. It's a long time since I ... such a good article:

a) have read;
b) read;
c) have been reading;
d) had read.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta b).

28. You repeated it, ... was necessary:

a) that;
b) what;
c) who;
d) which.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!

29. Is there anything her worth ...?:

a) buying;
b) to buy;
c) to have bought;
d) to buying.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

30. Nobody has to do that, ...?:

a) do they;
b) have they;
c) has he;
d) does he.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

31. I'm not expecting any messages, but if someone ... ring while I am out
could you say that I'll be back by 6 p.m.?:
a) would;
b) will;
c) should;
d) can.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns corect!

32. ... again, we might consider her for the job:

a) Were she apply;
b) If she had applied;
c) Were she to apply;
d) She applied.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta a).

33. He insisted ... the documents:

a) to see;
b) that he sees;
c) in seeing;
d) on seeing.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta d).

34. Everyone ... quietly when suddenly the door ... open and a complete
stranger ... in:
a) was reading, burst, rushed;
b) were reading, bursted, rushed;
c) was reading, bursted, rushed;
d) read, was bursting, has rushed.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta a).

35. "Shall we go to the cinema?" "Yes, ...!":

a) let's;
b) we are;
c) shall we;
d) shan't we.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

36. I don't believe she has failed the French test again. ... the French test
a) She mustn't have failed;
b) She can't have failed;
c) I can't believe she could fail;
d) It's impossible she may fail.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

37. I hope they ... this road by the time we ... back next summer:
a) had repaired, would come;
b) will have repaired, come;
c) will have repaired, will come;
d) would have repaired, had come.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

38. At this time on Monday, the handball team of our school ... be training on
the new sports ground:
a) will;
b) would;
c) should;
d) must.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns corect!

39. My sister drives ... than my brother, but I must also admit that she
drives ...:
a) faster ... worse;
b) fast ... badly;
c) faster ... worst;
d) fast ... worse.
Ai răspuns varianta c). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta a).

40. If ..., I wouldn't be able to solve the problem:

a) it hadn't been for you;
b) you hadn't been;
c) you weren't;
d) it weren't for you.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!

41. When the whistle was blown, I felt as if my legs ... stuck to the ground:
a) was;
b) were;
c) are;
d) have been.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta b).

42. I had warned you to study more but you ... listen:
a) won't;
b) mustn't;
c) nnedn't;
d) wouldn't.
Ai răspuns varianta a). Răspuns greşit! Corectă era varianta d).

43. She has bought two beautiful ... :

a) scarfs;
b) scarves;
c) scarfes;
d) scarvs.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

44. The receptionist gave him ... valuable ...:

a) a loaf of ... information;
b) a bar of ... information;
c) a piece of ... informations;
d) a piece of ... information.
Ai răspuns varianta d). Răspuns corect!

45. Which judge ... the witness right now?:

a) hears;
b) is hearing;
c) will hear;
d) has heard.
Ai răspuns varianta b). Răspuns corect!

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