Sequence of Service - Slip Inn

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1. Guests arrive and are greeted by Maître d’ at the desk. The staff member (by till) confirms
booking arrangement, shows guests to table – Hands out Wine List & appropriate menu

2. Staff member explains to customers that they will be looked after at their table and wait
staff (Mention name of wait person / server) will come to see them very shortly.

3. The host will find the server responsible for that table and inform them about new table in
their section.

4. Within a minute the server arrives with the water, greets the table with an appropriate
greeting. Server explain day/night specials and any items which may not be available.
Answer any immediate questions and pick up a drinks order

5. If bottle of wine is ordered, the server than serves these at the table. We always open bottle
of wine by the table. All drinks will be collected from bar – try to estimate how long it will
take to prepare the drinks ordered. Make sure barman knows what your drink order.

6. When the table orders, the server should be writing out a neat hand written docket with all
items on it. They should be sure to let guests know of any long cooking times, and take the
every opportunity to suggest appropriate starters, side dishes and extra sauces etc as needed.

7. All menus should be removed from this table once the order has been taken for food. If
guests ask to keep the drink list they may, but do not leave it on the table otherwise. You can
bring the drink menu back at a later stage when tables would like to order another drink, but
your aim should be to keep the tables as tidy and clutter – free as possible at all the times.

8. The server then immediately goes to till and enters the order. Do not forget any sides, special
cooking instructions and important information.

9. Server then immediately, before doing anything else goes and collect all required cutlery for
each course. For breakfast, lunch and dinner service prepare all cutlery needed with napkins
in the can.

10. Steak meals will need a steak knife, chowder spoon and side plate, mussels spoon and bowl
for shells. If customers share any dish they will need small side plates for everybody who
plane to share a food on the table.

11. Server sets table with required cutlery and takes this opportunity to check on drinks.

12. When the first course is ready at the pass, the server should attempt if possible to run their
own food to their tables. However, all wait staff should run any food at the pass when it is
ready to go and not leave it just because it is not their table. Where possible all food is
delivered simultaneously. You are responsible for your own table. After food was delivered
to table make sure that everybody on table has what they ordered, and nothing was left
behind or forgotten.

13. As you collect each dish from the pass, you should ensure that you are crossing off the item
form the docket at the pass. This is very important, as is to make sure that anyone helping
you knows exactly what food has gone out and helps also to ensure that the table receives
everything what they have ordered. If you cross off everything please make sure you spike
the docket.

14. When serving any food try where is possible to serve the guests from their right-hand side.
If you ever have to stretch past a guest, always say excuse me and try to avoid getting in
their way as much as possible.

15. Server checks back after a minute or two to ensure everything is correct, nothing is missing
and that everybody is enjoying theirs drinks. Any other table maintenance should be

16. Once everybody has finished their first course the server clear correctly all old plates and
any extra unused starter cutlery.

17. Please note it is considered rude by many people to start cleaning a table before everyone at
the table has finished eating. If someone is slow wait for them to finish. We are not in the
rush here.

18. Once table has been cleared it is time to call away mains. You can do it simply by till “mains
away” or in kitchen by saying “mains away on table 9 chef”. Make sure chef responds. It is
noisy in the kitchen.

19. Once a course has been called away you should go to the pass to white a big letter !A! and
time on the docket. This helps other staff know what food is coming out and that table is all
ready for main course.

20. Run mains out at the same time (take help).

21. Be sure to check after a few minutes to check on the meals. Never ask “is everything ok”?
Always be sure you use positive vocabulary when food checking. How are you enjoying that

22. Any other maintenance should be performed at this time.

23. Wait for everybody by the table to finished. Be sure to get any feedback by cleaning the
plates and cutlery. Pass any feedback back to kitchen team.

24. Make sure table has been cleaned properly. No side plates, cutlery...etc left on the table.

25. You should then immediately returned back to table with desserts menu. These should be
placed in front of the guests, do not ask them if they would like them as 90% of people will
say no automatically. The idea is to tempt them with the menu and the delicious treats
available on it. Present desserts, cheese plate.

26. If people to full for desserts you should still offered them alternatives - coffees, etc

27. All the orders should be entered onto till immediately, and then desserts cutlery collected
and brought to the table. Each guest eating should have one dessert spoon. Do not serve
small spoons with desserts.

28. Water levels should be maintained until guests leave the restaurant.
29. When the time comes to clear the desserts, teas and coffes are offered.

30. When guests are ready to pay advise them warmly that we can take their payment by main

31. Guests are thanked warmly as they leave.

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