Flowchart Symbols

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2D Animation
1st Quarter Lesson


Objectives: At the end of the lesson the learner’s should be able to:
1. Define flowchart
2. Enumerate the uses of flowchart
3. Identify the different symbols used in flowchart


Flowchart – is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates the sequence of operations to be

performed to get the solution of a problem.

Advantages of a Flowchart
1. helps to clarify how things are currently working and how they could be improved.
2. assists in finding the key elements of a process, while drawing clear lines between where one
process ends and the next one starts;
3. uncover steps that are redundant or misplaced.


1. Terminator - start and stop symbol. It represents the start or end of a


2. Arrows - shows the flow of control

3. Process – represented as rectangles. This is used to represent any process,

function, or action.

4. Input / Output – represented as a parallelogram, represents material or

information entering or leaving the system. Ex (customer order (input),
product (output) or Get x (Input), display X (output)

5. Decision - is a junction where a decision must be made. Answerable by

Yes or No or True or False.

6. On-page connector - represents the exit to, or entry from, another part of
the same flow chart. It is usually used to break a flow line that will be
continued elsewhere.

7. Off-page connector – used to represent exit or entry from another part of

the same flowchart continuing in a new page.

8. Document symbol- is used to represent any hard copy input or output.


NAME:_______________________________________________ YR & SECTION:____________________


Task 1. Name the flowchart symbol. Choose your answers from the box below:

1. ___________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________

4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________

7. ____________________ 8. ____________________

Terminal on-page connector Flow

Process off- page connector Document

Decision input/output symbol

Task 2. Identification. Draw the flowchart symbol as defined in the following sentences.

1. shows the flow of control

2. start and stop symbol.

3. represented as rectangles. This is used to represent any process,

function, or action.

4. Represented by a diamond shape, a junction where a decision must be


5. This symbol is represented as a parallelogram, represents material or

information entering or leaving the system.

6. This represents the exit to, or entry from, another part of the same flow
chart. It is usually used to break a flow line that will be continued

7. This symbol is used to represent any hard copy input or output.

8. This symbol is used to represent exit or entry from another part of the
same flowchart continuing in a new page.

Task 3. True or False. Write T if the statement is True and if it is False, write the correct word to make
it true.

________1. This symbol is used to represent exit or entry from another part of the same flowchart
continuing in a new page is the on-page connector.
________2. A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates the sequence of operations
to be performed to get the solution of a problem.
________3. Flowchart helps to clarify how things are currently working and how they could be
________4. The start and stop symbol is represented by a diamond shape.
________5. A flowchart uncovers steps that are redundant or misplaced.
________6. The process symbol is represented as rectangles.
________7. The arrow symbol is used to show the flow of control in a process.
________8. The off- page connector is represented as a parallelogram, represents material or
information entering or leaving the system.
________9. Flowcharts assists in finding the key elements of a process, while drawing clear lines
between where one process ends and the next one starts;
________10. The document symbol is used to represent any hard copy input or output.

Task 5. Enumerate the steps from the time you prepare to go to school and go home.

Task 6. Using the flowchart symbols above and based on task 5, use the symbols to show how you
prepare to go to school until you go home. Draw this in a clean sheet of paper.

Rubric: Clear analogy- 25 pts

Application of symbols 25 pts
Clean drawing 25 pts
Total 75pts

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