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2. Why is the tongue referred to as a piece of “pink flesh” or an animal? What is being implied by
describing the tongue that way?

Because it has its own life that it can move freely inside our mouth and also because of it, we can savour
the taste of the food we eat just like an animal would do to enjoy the food.

3. List down three things the tongue has done to the community as a whole

a. It unites the community because five different people who came from different countries shared a
dish to one another in order to give someone a taste of what culture is like.

b. It shows the community how flexible and diverse we are when it comes to adaptation of other
cultures, traditions, and even language.

c. It teaches the community how to respect every race, gender, nationality, and etc.

4. It what sense was the tongue “a gift of the landscape?” Why characterize the tongue that way?

The tongue symbolizes various language and delicacies, this means that our tongue is one of the
precious gifts of all and should be used wisely. With the kind of language we use for the others can have
a big impact on our character. Therefore it is necessary to make sure that we speak good and positive
things to the people around us.

5. What made the television viewers swell with pride

They swelled with pride because they saw the people on Bessel Street respecting each other regardless
of what their culture, and nationality they have.

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