1 Introduction To Research 1

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Introduction to

Research 1
Thesis 1 Coordinator
Engr. Stephen John Clemente
the systematic investigation into and study of materials and
sources in order to establish facts and reach new

"we are fighting meningitis by raising money for medical
investigate systematically.
"I researched all the available material"
-A research should be focused on unknown things that can
help improve the society as a whole or with a target
-It should be NOVEL.
-A research can be done individually or by group. It is
recommended that the researcher(s) has an expertise with the
topic. In the case of students, an adviser can help in the
formulation of the topic, content and results.
-A research must be unique and has no plagiarized content.
Importance of Researches in
Society/Economical Growth/Human Health
Did you know that most of the products like medicine, gadgets,
machines, methodologies, etc. are products of researches.
Most researches focuses on the improvement of life of every
human being
Some of the researches, may do harm to people
Researches should be done to improve the life, not just the as an
academic requirements.
Countries that gives priority to researches have better economical
growth, or the other way around
Some of Researches in Civil Engineering
Specialization Field
Structural Engineering Structural Health Monitoring
Seismic Hazard Assessment
Materials development
Materials Modeling
Geotechnical Engineering Materials Development
Soil Stability
Transportation Engineering Human Perception on transportation
Improvement of Transportation System
Water Resources Engineering Water Quality
Flood Control/Modeling
Construction Project Management Improvement of CPM
Project Analysis
Sanitary Engineering/Environmental Environmental Protection
Engineering Environmental Impact Assessment
Surveying/Geodetic Earth’s movement
Fault line
Role of an Adviser in Students’ Research
- The main role of an adviser in the research of student is to give
guidance from the start of topic formulation up to the final
defense or even in the publication of the paper.
-Adviser should always check for the novelty of the topic and the
-Adviser can hold the student(s) if the topic/presentation did not
meet his/her criteria
-Adviser should check for the wrong grammar, data, results,
content of the whole paper
-Adviser should not intervene in the defense of the student unless
the panel members ask for his/her opinion.
How to Find the Best Adviser
-Find an expert in your field of interest. Present your
proposal/topic to him/her and ask for the his/her opinion.
-The adviser that is willing to work with you hand in hand
all throughout the term.
-Find an adviser that your comfortable talking with.
-One of the requirement of the college is that the adviser for
the thesis should have at least a master’s degree in the field
of interest.
Faculty Degree Specialization
Engr Orlando MEP-Structural Structural Engineering/Materials
Lopez Development
Engr Mary Grace MSCE-Structural Structural
Calilung PhD CE – CTM Engineering/CTM/Materials
(ongoing) Development
Engr Nolan MSCE-Structural Structural Engineering/Materials
Concha PhD CE – Structural Development/Modeling/Flood
(ongoing) Risk
Engr Stephen John MSCE-Structural Structural Engineering/Materials
Clemente PhD CE – Structural Development/Modeling/Transpo
(ongoing) Engineering

Engr. Kevin MSCE-CTM Structural Engineering/Materials

Lawrence De Jesus PhD CE – Envi Development/Modeling/
(ongoing) Transportation Engineering
Faculty Degree Specialization
Engr Mark Paolo MSCE Structural Engineering/Materials
Mission Development
Engr Alfi Aquino MSCE
(no data yet)

Engr. Godofredo MS Math Structural Engineering

Mendoza Transportation
Engr. Gerry MSCE Structural Engineering
Abestilla Water Resources

Engr. John Manuel MSCE Water Resources

Vergel Environmental Engineering
Engr. Bailey MSCE (no data yet)
Research in FEU Tech CE
-Structural Health Monitoring
-Material Analysis/Development
-Transportation Engineering
-Flood Control
-Environmental Impact
-Water Resources
Chapter Requirements Subject
Chapter 1 Introduction Thesis 1
Abstract (final paper)
Significance of the Study
Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature
Chapter 3 Methodology
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion Thesis 2
Chapter 5 Conclusion
-Form a group with 4 members
-Choose a topic (5)
-Assign a group leader
Criteria of a Good Research
-Properly Cited (idea, knowledge, values, graphs, figures,
-Latest related literature
-Straight to the point
-Simple language
-Is a way of acknowledging the source of the idea/knowledge.
-Not all cited ideas is not liable for plagiarism. The author(s) is
responsible to find the real source of the idea/knowledge.
-Use IEEE format for the citation
-The sources must be a reliable source
-The following are not considered as a reliable source
◦ 1. News (unless published in paper)
◦ 2. Websites (unless official)
◦ 3. Wikipedia or same platform
◦ 4. Magazine
◦ 5. Unpublished materials
-Recommended Sources
◦ 1. Research papers
◦ Journal (Science or Engineering)
◦ Publication
◦ Sciencedirect
-Check the quality of the journal
IEEE Format
[1] G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, “On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type
involving products of Bessel functions,” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–
551, April 1955. (references)

[2] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford:
Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.

[3] I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, “Fine particles, thin films and exchange anisotropy,” in
Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.

[4] Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-
optical media and plastic substrate interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–
741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].

[5] M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.
Citation Machine
How to Start a Research
-Remember the reason(s) why we need a research. To solve a problem
(community, society, country, world)
◦ Environmental
◦ Health
◦ Social
◦ Economical
◦ Etc.
-Always start with defining the problem.
-Read a lot of papers (minimum of 100 latest journal) significant to the
problem. Current or latest solution derived by other researchers.
-Propose your solution in your adviser. Discuss the flow of your study,
limitations and possible problems in the future. Discuss the
differences/similarities of your research to other existing studies.
-Each section/chapter of your paper will be checked in Turnitin with the
following limit of plagiarism
Chapter 1 – 15%
Chapter 2– 15%
Chapter 3– 15%
Chapter 4– 0%
Chapter 5– 0%
Facts About Researches
-Research has no time limit. But for students, the school
gives 1 term for proposal and another term for the final
defense. Some research needs decades or even centuries to
be completed. Some researches are accidental, most are not.
Research is not limited to expertise/discipline of the
researchers. For bachelors level research, it is allowed to
have a negative results.
Criteria for the Approval

-Equipment Limitation
-Software Limitation
-Time constrain
-Group’s dedication to finish the research
Seek the approval of a full time or part time faculty of FEU Tech to be their
The adviser must also approve the topic
The course adviser/coordinator must also approve the topic

Proposal Defense
The adviser must ask their advisee(s) to conduct a mock defense and the
approve/disapprove it.
The coordinator must also conduct a mock defense and approve if the group
will proceed to their defense.
Criteria for Disapproval
-The groups’ performance in the mock defense is did not pass the
criteria set by the coordinator/adviser
-The group can’t answer most of the questions with confidence.
-Unfinished paper/presentation
Week Activity Remarks
1 Introduction/Groupings Assign groupings
2 Initial Topic Assign advisers
3 Approval of Topics Acceptance of thesis adviser
5 Checking of Chapter 1 All groups must have their final topic

6 Midterm Exam/
Checking of Chapter 2

7 Checking of Chapter 3
8 Final Manuscript must be ready

9 Checking of Presentation
10 Mock Defense Presentation of thesis for both
coordinator and thesis adviser

11 Final Defense
12 Revisions/ re-defense
13 Revisions/ re-defense
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Thank you

End of Presentation

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