Environmental Pollution &amp It's Control

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Environmental Pollution & it’s Control


At first we thank to our honorable course teacher Dr. Arun Kanti Guha to give us such kind of
assignment that help us to gather huge knowledge about characterization of dyeing house waste
water of different industrial zones of BANGLADESH. To complete this assignment we are
really great full to him for his proper guide line. We also collected many information from the
article published in BANGLADESH TEXTILE TODAY which was also done by Dr. Arun Kanti
Guha & Md. Shariful Islam. At last it is important to that all of our group members habe done a
tremendous job to complete this assignment.

Environmental Pollution & it’s Control


The quality of water is at vital concern for mankind since it is directly linked with human
welfare.But this water is polluted day by day.Among so many reasons the most important reason
or the main culprit is the garment factoriesas well as dyeing houses.But at presnt this sector is
playing a vital role in our economy.In wet processing technology of textiles it includes some
steps such as sizing,desizing,scouring etc.Here large volume of water is used which is about(12-
65)L of water for one metre of cloth.Due to these steps many toxic materials are used.For these
reason water is highly polluted.This waste water is dumped into different areas.To get rid of
these problems area based waste water characterization is essential.We have to know pollution
levels of different textile industrial zones because different areas characterisation is different.


All industrial operations produce some wastewaters which must be returned to the environment.
Textile industries produce wastewater, otherwise known as effluent, as a by-product of their
production. Effluent from the textile industry is a major source of environmental pollution,
especially water pollution. Among the various stages of textile production, the operations in the
dyeing plant, which include pre-treatments, dyeing and finishing, produce the most pollution.
The textile dyeing wastes contain unused or partially used organic compounds, and high
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). They are often of
strong colour and may also be of high temperature. When disposed into water bodies or onto
land these effluents will result in the deterioration of ecology and damage to aquatic life.
Furthermore they may cause damage to fisheries and economic loss to fishermen and farmer,

Environmental Pollution & it’s Control

there may be impacts on human

health. The rise in the number of
industries in Bangladesh, including
textile dyeing operations, has
seriously increased the pollution that
the country is experiencing.
Consequently national laws have
been enacted to protect the
environment from this pollution. In
Bangladesh textile dyeing is
categorized as a Red Category
Industry under the Environmental
Conservation Act (1995). In
accordance with the Act and
Environmental Rules (1997) it is mandatory for textile dyeing factories to install effluent
treatment plants (ETPs) to treat wastewater before it leaves the factory premises.(1)


 pH:It is the negative logarithm of the concentration of the hydrogen ion.It is expressed as:

pH= -log( )

 BOD: It means bio-chemical oxygen demand.It means the required oxygen to decompose
organic matters present in waste water by bacteria through oxidation process.

 COD: It means chemical oxygen demand. It means the required oxygen to decompose
chemicals present in waste water through oxidation process.

 TDS: It means total dissolved solid.It is the amount of total dissolved solid in waste

 TSS: It means total suspended solid.

 MLSS: It means mixed liquor suspended solids.

Environmental Pollution & it’s Control

 Phenol

 Alkalinity

 Color

 Metals


According to DOE(Department of Environment)the discharge limit of different parametres of

waste water is given below:(2)

Parameter Value
pH 6-9

TDS 2100 mg/l

BO 50 mg/l

COD 200 mg/l

TSS 150 mg/l

 In this assignment we will present waste water characterisation of different areas

such as Savar,Ashulia,Dhamrai,Gazipur and Narshindi where large number of
dyeing mills are situated.Here we charaterized the waste water by PH, TDS,
COLOR, ODOR etc.(3)

Environmental Pollution & it’s Control

Here the analytical results of some areas are given below;

Table-1: Textile waste water analytical results of SAVAR area

Sample no. Color ODOR pH TDS (mg/l)

1 Blue Pungent 10.5 2386

2 Blue Odorless 10.4 2136

3 Blue Odorless 10.7 3226

4 Blue Odorless 10.4 2560

5 Blue Odorless 10.4 2810

Table-2: Textile waste water analytical results of NARSHINDI area

Sample no. Color ODOR pH TDS (mg/l)

1 Grey Foul odor 5.9 261

2 Grey Foul odor 5.5 260

3 Grey Foul odor 5.0 262

4 Black Foul odor 14 2676

5 Pale pink Pungent 6.1 288

6 Pale pink Pungent 9.8 127

7 Pale green Pungent 10.7 456

8 Yellowish Pungent 14 1638

9 Pale green Pungent 9 593

10 Pale green Pungent 10.0 390

Environmental Pollution & it’s Control

Table-3: Textile waste water analytical results of ASHULIA area

Sample no. Color ODOR pH TDS (mg/l)

1 Pale blue Pungent 6.9 490

2 Pale blue Pungent 7.2 498

Table-4: Textile waste water analytical results of DHAMRAI area

Sample no. Color ODOR pH TDS (mg/l)

1 Pale blue Pungent 6.7 524

2 Pale blue Pungent 6.9 518

3 Pale blue Pungent 6.9 518

Table-5: Textile waste water analytical results of GAZIPUR area

Sample no. Color ODOR pH TDS (mg/l)

1 Grey Odorless 7.1 1010

2 Grey Odorless 7.3 1177

3 Grey Foul odor 9.1 892

4 Pale blue Foul odor 7.5 665

5 Yellowish Odorless 7.8 501

6 Yellowish Odorless 8.8 830

7 Pale blue Foul odor 9.6 3304

8 Pale blue Foul odor 9.8 2808

9 Pale blue Foul odor 8.7 798

10 Pale blue Foul odor 9.2 1107

Environmental Pollution & it’s Control

Now here, the maximum pH values of different areas of Bangladesh are given

9.8 10.7
pH value

7.2 6.9


Fig: A column diagram of maximum values of pH of different Areas of Bangladesh

And then the maximum values of TDS of waste water of different areas are given

3304 3226
TDS value (mg/l)

498 538
Ashulia Dhamrai Gazipur Narshindi Savar

Fig: A column diagram of maxium values of TDS of waste water of different areas

Environmental Pollution & it’s Control


As we know about the importance of water and also know the importance of prevention of the
pollution of water caused by dyeing houses. But it is a positive sign that many industries are also
making progress in establishing and operating their own ETPs to comply with national and
international requirements, and also because of increased personal awareness of the negative
impacts of industrial effluent.(4).


1. Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Environment and

Forests, The Environment Conversation Rules 1997, Schedule 10, Rule 13 (Un-
official English Version)
2. www.doe-bd.org

3. Dr. Arun Kanti Guha and Md. Shariful Islam, Bangladesh Textile Today,2009,2,4,(issue1)

4. M.S.Ali, S. Ahmed and M.M.S. Khan, Characteristics and Treatment Process of

Wastewater in Dyeing Plant, Paper No. 4, Journal of Chemical Engineering, The
Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. ChE23, No.1, 2005.

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