Alternative Field Observation Video Review

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Edward Cruz


EDU 201

Alternative Field Observation Video review

1.A Teacher Appreciation Week for the Ages

1) In this video, schools have shut down due to the coronavirus. Teachers are desperately trying to
adapt to online schooling for the students to do their work. During the video, many things or discuss
such as converting lesson plans on to online programs that are easy for students to do, which leads to
other problems such as not every student having Internet access from their home. However, you can
see in the video that teachers were only planning for the original six weeks for when school was closed.
Thus, meaning that the teachers did not know that the schools would end up being close the rest of the
year. This means that the teachers will need to continue working to try to transfer a third job that they
used to do in person face-to-face with the students to an online style program.

A) Do you think a pandemic like this will ever happen again it will result in the entire schools all around
the US to close?

B) Showing that all school work can be done online, does this mean that traditional school is obsolete?

C) Should teachers be forced to convert all their material to online because of a pandemic?

2. How to Make Effective Videos for Learning

2) During this video, tips are given to the teachers in effort to help them make good informational
videos that students are able to learn from. Many teachers make mistakes by making the videos too
long which can cause many students to lose interest or lose focus in the subject or topic being taught
the video. It is important to get the video short because after six minutes students lose interest
according to recent studies. Another tip is that it should be very clear on what you were trying to teach.
The material needs to be straightforward and easy to read and comprehend. It is a good idea to keep
everything short and simple to the best of your ability and efforts to make sure a student is able to learn
and be able to memorize the lessons.

A) Do you think if you break lesson into multiple videos, will students watch every video, or will they
watch some and fill in the rest with a guess?

B) According to research studies, students lose interest after six minutes of an educational video, do you
feel that this is accurate?

C) Should students be graded if they watch the entire video or take a video summary quiz after the video
to make sure if they were paying attention?

3. 60-Second Strategy: Teacher Queue

3) In this video, they go over a concept called teachers Queue. This is a method of helping the children
when they need it through a board that they are able to write their name on when they need help. For
example, if a teacher is giving a lesson students can write their name in the order that they go up in the
teachers able to see what student needs help and is able to get to every student in a timely fashion. This
concept is much better than the traditional raising your hand because the teacher most likely will go to
the next hand closest to them rather the hand that has been up the longest. This method is highly
effective because it is more organized and efficient.

A) Do you think that children getting up to sign her name on the board would be distracting during your

B) Is a teacher Queue more efficient than the traditional hand raising?

C) Should a student be forced to write their name on the board if they need help from the teacher?

4. The Sensory Room: Helping Students With Autism Focus and Learn

4) This video is about the concept of a sensory room which can help students with autism focus and
learn better throughout the day. The school has adapted the sensory room that has students with
autism go to every day for 30 minutes to release pent up energy and anger and to help stimulate their
feelings in order for them to learn better throughout the day. This concept can help autism Students
because it can help stimulate some of the more physical needs such as throwing and heavy object. As
we know some students can throw chairs but in the sensory room they are able to throw 10 pound
medicine balls which leads to them releasing that pent-up energy and thus leading them to be able to
focus better in the classroom when they are taught a lesson. This is your room is not just for students
with autism but can be for regular students having a bad day. The room is specifically designed to
Students because it can help stimulate some of the more physical needs such as throwing and heavy
object. As we know some students can throw chairs but in the sensory room they are able to throw 10
pound medicine balls which leads to them releasing that pent-up energy and thus leading them to be
able to focus better in the classroom when they are taught a lesson. This is your room is not just for
students with autism but can be for regular students having a bad day. The room is specifically designed
to Adhered to all Senses depending on what station you are at.

A) With this be a good idea to have it all school levels.

B) Is the school liable if a student hurts themselves in this room?


C) Do you think that this will create more issues because students will refuse to do actual schoolwork
because they want to play in the sensory room?

5. Educators Say Good Morning to Students—Via Video

5)In this video, teachers are reaching out to the students letting them know that they are missed in the
classroom. Teachers are extending their hands in order to show students that they are not alone during
this pandemic. It is important for teachers as an authority figure to reach out to the students and show
that they care. From the video you can see the teachers try to make their lessons fun and happy for their
students even though there is no longer any real social interaction because of the many issues online
schooling has provided. This video makes It very clear that a pandemic has really impacted everyone’s
social, or personal lives because we are all stuck in our homes.

A) If you were a teacher trying to encourage your students during an epidemic what would you say?

B) Do you think if you were a student during this pandemic if a teacher released a video trying to
encourage you would you feel better or the same?

C) Do you think students should try this method as well to encourage teachers to do their best?

6. Learning to Measure the Size of a Problem

6)In this video, a teacher discusses a concept of measuring the size of a problem. There is a scale that
goes from one being a tiny problem up to five which is a huge problem. This concept is a good way for
students to learn what is a big deal and what is not. The students are given examples and need to rate
where this would fall in this concept chart. Students must be able to identify what would be an
appropriate response to one of the problems such as someone is reading your library book without your
permission. they did not ask what the solution would be. This means that students are asked to identify
and state a possible solution to each scenario that one day they can begin.

A) Do you think this is a good idea for students to be asked thought-provoking questions even if
sometimes it is sad or hard to list?
B) Should students be asked to rate their problems on a simple scale of one through five even
though some problems are much bigger than anything that can be measured by this type of

C) Is it important for students to learn this during elementary or later on during secondary school
when life becomes more stressful for students?

7. The Importance of Recess

7. during this video, they talk about the importance of recess. According to many researches studies
recess is a necessity that helps growing humans become healthier and promote more brain function.
Studies suggest that a student will take over 112 standardized tests from kindergarten to 12th grade
which means a lot of pressure is put on a student as soon as they enter school. However, we know that
recess Is only for students from kindergarten to fifth grade. During this time student’s memory can
improve because of the physical activity they do during the day at recess. Recess is also another way for
students to let out pent-up energy and can lead to students being more relaxed in the classroom
because they have used up excess energy that they did not need while sitting and doing assignments.

A) Should all schools have a recess type of break in higher level schools such as middle school and high

B) If exercise is important for a healthy mind, would it be important for schools to promote more
afterschool activities form a variety of sports?

C)Should schools allow more time for recess if it means students would learn better?

8.Keeping Students Engaged in Digital Learning

8. During this video, tips are given to teachers to help them keep their students engage in digital
learning during this pandemic. They say it is important for teacher to be able to teach your students in a
easy way without confusing them. They suggest having a central hub where all assignments are updated
to and having everything easy to fine such as notes or videos. It is also important to remember to be
yourself during your classes even though they are online. This means to not be afraid if you make a
mistake during a video and it is OK to show that you are adapting to a new digital way of learning. It is
important to keep in mind that many students can struggle with Digital all classrooms, so it is important
for the teacher to have easy set up so students are able to navigate their assignments with these.

A) Do you think that all teachers should have a backup digital classroom in case of another
B) Should teachers be penalized if they are non-able to convert the material to a digital classroom?
C) Should schools provide students a easier set up to do schoolwork rather than having teachers
find new programs which can cause confusion among students?

9. Making Students Feel Safe

9. During the video, the principal talked about how many students are facing Traumatic events in their
life and they are implementing a new method of making students feel safe before having them comply
with school conformity‘s. This means that teachers are being better equipped to help students deal with
emotional problems in order to help them get over them in a supporting a nurturing way which
ultimately leads to a student having better Academic success. After watching it, a more trauma informed
approach can help teachers understand what some other students can be going through and make an
effort to make their lives better at school which can lead to more positive reinforcement for the
student. However, this method can be very tricky because not all students feel or think the same way
about certain Traumatic events that could happen in their day-to-day lives.

A) Is it OK for schools to pry into traumatic events of a student?

B) Is it a good concept for teachers to try and help their students get over Traumatic events in order to
help them do better in school?

C) With this be a good concept to have in higher grade levels when more stress is prominent?

10. The Powerful Effects of Drawing on Learning

10.Stated in the last video, drawing is a more effective way for students to memorize material.
According to a study shown in the video, students that drew the examples we are twice as likely to
remember the material then compare to the students that wrote the notes. Thus, meaning drawing can
lead to better understanding of the concepts then writing it using words. They predict that using
cognitive thought is a more powerful tool while drawing because it requires more precision and detail in
order to make the picture perfect. Moreover, drawing includes all types of learning abilities such as
kinetic, visual, and linguistic Because it requires all three of these components to draw a picture. The
kinetic part is done by actually drawing the picture, while a visual learner can learn by the finished
product, and the linguistic learner learn by listening to what they need to draw.

A) With this be a good method in higher level schools such high school?

B) Should teachers offer a drawing model of the notes for students that prefer this then rather forcing
them to do traditional writing notes?

C) Do you feel if teachers implement a drawing notes, would it cause students to become distracted and
lose focus of the lesson?

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