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Affirmative sentences
Subject + verb + complement.
Negative sentences
Subject + auxiliar verb (to do) + not + verb + complement.
Interrogative sentences
Auxiliar verb (to do) + subject + verb + complement?
☺ I, you, we and they it’s only the verb in infinitive mode (play, talk, learn).
☺ He, she and it we add an s to the end of verb (plays, talks, learns).
☺ You can add an adverb of time before the verb.

My examples

1.- I always talk to my girlfriend everyday and we watch series on Netflix party.
2.- My mother drinks much tea.
3.- I don’t play videogames during the quarantine.
4.- I always eat at 4:30 p.m.
5.- I usually sleep between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.

Affirmative sentences
Subject + auxiliar verb (to be) + verb + ing + complement.
Negative sentences
Subject + auxiliar verb (to be) + not + verb + ing + complement.
Interrogative sentences
Auxiliar verb (to be) + subject + verb + ing + complement?
☺ I am.
☺ He, she, it is.
☺ You, we, they are.

My examples

1.- I’m surviving to the COVID-19 virus.

2.- My girlfriend and me are watching movies right now.
3.- Sofia is giving her class by zoom app.
4.- I’m not drinking much water.
5.- Are my partners learning in the online classes?

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