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Risk & Business Consulting.

lnternal Audit.

perform the ess'ential functions,

responsibilities and duties of employment'

9.3 If the Employee resigns or terminates this ,iii- Jx1 J$ "Lll l:a *a;i ,i ' tt'rJt Ji3-l lil 9.3

Agreement before completing one year of l1t .=3*!.ll Jt",ll *l-J ,jt-+i L:'Jt
service then the Employer shall have the .a+tS-r&-rci.Lll ' lLi -*':i't<t"ll ri'J. lSlt
right to claim compensation towards costs
iniurred in recruiting, relocating and
training the EmPloYee.

isJitt otsr,* .10

10. PropertY ofthe Firm
.:lJSUlr ':UUt, -)^Jt 3lrri +lU
.r.9-.,Jl-9 ;g-.,Gill-i
All workpapers, notes, files, memoranda, reports, nttlJlj .lL"J-ilJ i-L"Jl -rlE'll-
:l-jJl-e alrYl3
proposals, deliverables, drawings, blueprints, ,i 6lrri .9i3 ,; q,.Sll lE+ilJiJ e-l;r.J elJrsJ \iULJl-
manuals, materials, data, computer hardware, cS, .e'Lor-.iUrJl ;j-r !+ JrS k-y iK t'i .e;i l)a-
computer software licenses and any other papers gi :lL ; L"? .Sldl .!s 9. +-l..J;y er :a oli-5)l ;'
and records of every kind which will come into ,i x;r atu-t /jtsi-jJ 4jl.:i o6i ' ;\^rJi Q+ p-* e,Lcl;s
Employee's possession at any time after the .Lrr=3 aS2"iJJ t':p^ :I- *i ,!!l uL"-1&Jr iLii'r
.o-*.n""rn.nt of Employee's employment by the +! J- *s ,i SJt elxxl r; xr;.!l ;:sliJl r:'r '^\ "i.
Firm including any inventions which Employee lu c\+jil .* ,i .J>i Ll rr:,liij)l .x S3 +1 J 'illJ 4Sr.i
makes while performing duties for the Firm or suJ-ll3 .LJl JIJJi 4jK .ti -lc .pt:*-r ' i":11 ;.1 '' s .rL
relating to Confidential Information, will be the sole a-l;r-e .9;s)l eJl$iJlJ .:,)Jt, ;4l'tilll-l criJSUl
and exclusive property of the Firm. This property J^ q-, '- '1 ri t-e-+.+ ,i ,i t"rSuit .,' Jt ; *+
' '^-r-tLi
will be surrendered to the Firm upon termination of 1, r,-* ,:uiJl lu i- J)ti ol ta)+i i rill ri stJdl J
the Agreement, or upon request by the Firm, at any uL eL-j c)LJl c.ULr +it( , r-Jl t\:Jt Jr+' J
other iime either during or after the termination of +,s11 :l-dl: .L^lJl aU].!J -p1-d1-, !1':ii"llJ lleJd
this Agreement. Employee also acknowledges and *r.O,*-, U ISL Jtr;r {Sr;X;lJ^ *1 KrS ;>\
agrees that all work papers, files, memoranda, notes,
& .U/l .*l-:+ 6 .rill 1:a c\xl g^ el-.ri (3)'J)\i J]
reports, records and other documents and computer .ckr)l ira .+ +!-Yl "r ..,+- +) :l;,Jl "u ;l:JLi 2r
,o-ft*u." created, developed, compiled or used by
Employee or made available to the Employee
during the term of this Agreement including without
limitition, all customer data, marketing and sales
information, billing information, service data, and
other technical materials of the Firm is and will be
the Firm's property and will be delivered to the
Firm within three (3) days after the termination of
this Agreement, Employee further agrees not to use
such materials for any reasons after said

11. Remedv for Breach

$Jl .i}i C)..a! .l

J$ ar.i;s fi ii *Jc Jal3rr ' i'u!l -e tt.t

l1.l Employee acknowledges and agrees that .-.irJ"r.Jl

Employee's breach ofany ofthe covenants 8sJs6s 5 irlJiill .r-ii.r;13J1 a1{--1U

o.r,..r 10-r
contained in clauses 5, 6,7,8 and 10 of ;ua eS;J l;1 *:i ','i 'J ' -+l3tll Ll-ll J.3y'l
this General Terms of Employment would jF jY ;-.UiJl
t* :* 'aL)'-r #l .-rir k-)*l
cause irreparable injury to the Firm and otq--:Jt o.u +" gY .rLrJt JP .r $- ri -l'r
that remedies at law for any actual or u-Li olll. eqill 4SJjX o.+3 rirllS OJSJ J
threatened breach by Employee of
such :.-b ;'-i :i al-iYr :s -.j ii:rl Jt :,t r{'r11
:; ilYl
covenants would be inadequate and that the J"i J)r- ;.,-.i,i\( ,i .L-ii)r or,t iJL:j Jl -
Firm will be entitled to
sPecific i!u".s-Fl .++.ri ,i ,.tr ri ol3*;l-;l
performance the covenants such in -rl ,:.!r -L-Y
il.: * JJ-l (riL;ilI -rYl :i
sections injunctive relief against 3; gi alu ,,.i oii *J. G!ll1 rr:!l -t-$ .i.Litt
activities in violation of such sections, or Ll-ll lrr*ili e 13-: 11-: t0.99-98.l-rJl

P owe rful In si g hts. P rove n De livery. "

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