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The future transmission grid will be highly automated, will be flexible in connecting all available energy sources, will facili-
tate active participation by all grid-connected participants, and will provide transmission services at affordable prices. It will
be capable of satisfying customized requirements for reliability, market operations, power quality, and service-level
The transmission grid will be planned and operated in compliance with applicable reliability, safety, and security standards
and criteria, and automated processes and tools will be available to demonstrate and document compliance.
Planners and operators will have guidelines and techniques that will enable them to include markets, economics, public
policy, environmental and societal considerations, and cost-allocation issues in their assessments, plans and daily operating
Communication processes will enable information transfer to stakeholders about evolving technologies, markets, econom-
ics, customer service, and public policy issues related to the grid operations and planning function.
Robust, reliable, and secure information technology (IT) and communication networks will enable the grid to meet the
diverse needs of end users across the entire interconnected grid.
The future transmission grid will demonstrate the following characteristics:
1. It will provide for high levels of reliability while minimizing the impacts of system disturbances through the use of
smart technologies and advanced measurements and controls (self-diagnosis and self-healing).
2. It will be robust, secure, and highly resilient to cyber attacks and other hazards, including natural disasters.
3. It will enable the integration of diverse energy sources, including variable generation and storage devices.
4. It will facilitate the active participation of all transmission-connected entities, customers, and market participants
through demand-response programs.
5. It will be scalable and flexible to satisfy the diverse reliability, quality, and security needs of customers.
6. It will leverage and integrate existing technologies and emerging intelligent technologies and techniques to provide for
predictive maintenance, optimal levels of asset utilization, and greater efficiencies.

Grid Operations and Planning 5

COMPONENTS OF THE FUTURE STATE (demand response, storage devices, plug-in electric
vehicles, and so on). Tools and processes will be required
The transmission grid will enable the integration of diverse
to update models based on actual system and compo-
arrays of energy sources and demand options (such as wind
nent performance.
generation, solar generation, demand response, and
storage). • Advanced forecasting techniques must be fully inte-
grated into long-term planning (capacity and transmis-
The following attributes, examples, and initiatives further
sion), real-time operating practices (visualization,
describe this future state:
determination of operating reserve, and stochastic unit
• Energy storage, controllable demand-response pro- commitment), and EMS and other situational-aware-
grams, and plug-in electric vehicles will be integrated ness tools.
and leveraged to operate the grid reliably and
• Industry must continue to participate in activities of
the NERC Integration of Variable Generation Task
• Load and generation forecasting techniques and vali- Force (IVGTF) to upgrade planning and operating
dated models will enable grid operators and planners to practices and also inform FERC NOPR development
incorporate uncertainties associated with variable gen- regarding OATT and market reforms for variable
eration resources and customer demand-response generation.
• EPRI grid operations and planning projects should be
• The impact of geographic diversity of supply-side and coordinated with IntelliGrid, Distribution (integration
demand-side resources and technologies will be incor- of distributed generation), and Generation (impacts of
porated in developing long-term and near-term grid cycling and retirements) programs.
reinforcement and operational plans.
• Criteria and techniques will assist grid operators and
planners in determining the necessary amount and The integration of new resources (such as wind and solar
type of resources used to balance the grid (operating generation) and technologies (such as storage and demand
reserves)—including adequacy and ramping—to inte- response) at transmission and distribution levels has acceler-
grate variable generation. ated in recent years and is expected to continue to grow in
the future. It is the role of grid operators and planners to
GAPS ensure reliable integration of these resources and technolo-
gies at the bulk electric system level.
• Planners and operators will need probabilistic and
deterministic planning techniques to consider the vari- To achieve this Future State, RD&D will need to be directed
able and uncertain production patterns of variable gen- in five principal areas: (1) situational awareness; (2) model-
eration and to assess necessary upgrades to the trans- ing; (3) study scope, tools, and techniques; (4) forecasting;
mission grid. and (5) resource adequacy and flexibility. The following
RD&D activities focus on various enabling and emerging
• Planners and operators will require metrics for system technologies, processes, and tools that will support grid
flexibility and methods to evaluate sources of flexibility operators and planners in achieving this Future State.
for investment (existing and emerging) to accommo-
date the large-scale integration of variable generation Situational Awareness
(VG). Real-Time Visualization: Provide real-time visualization of
• Validated, non-proprietary models will be required for supply-side and demand-side resources, technologies, and
new supply-side and demand-side devices and technol- devices in control centers to meet the needs of grid operators.
ogies (wind plants, solar PV plants, storage devices, This will require appropriate levels of details—integrated
demand response, plug-in electric vehicles, and so on). with other EMS information—on wind and solar genera-
tion, distributed energy resources, demand response (DR),
• Analytical approaches will be required to represent new storage, plug-in electric vehicles, and so on.
demand-side technologies and resources in studies

Power Delivery & Utilization Sector Roadmaps 6 PDU.GOP.01R0

Modeling operators and planners will need to coordinate this activity
Models: Develop models of supply-side and demand-side with generation and distribution experts familiar with VG
resources, technologies, and devices needed for conducting and DR variability and uncertainty.
simulation studies. The industry needs validated, non-pro- Sophisticated and Integrated Forecasting Tools: Develop
prietary power-flow and dynamics models for wind genera- interfaces to integrate forecasting tools with tools, applica-
tors, solar plants, storage devices, demand response, plug-in tions, and processes used by grid planners and operators for
electric vehicles, distributed energy resources, and so on. In their core activities. Grid operators and planners will need to
some instances, three-phase models to conduct electromag- coordinate this activity with generation and distribution
netic transient studies (such as a sub-synchronous resonance experts familiar with VG and DR variability and
[SSR] study) are also needed. uncertainty.
Study Scope, Tools, and Techniques Resource Adequacy and Flexibility
Risk-Based Study Processes and Tools: Develop risk-based Impact of Cycling on Conventional Generation: Develop
study processes and tools that incorporate variability and tools to assess impact of cycling on conventional generating
uncertainty of VG and DR. units. The variability of wind and solar generation is expected
Frequency-Response Assessment Studies: Develop processes, to result in added cycling (ramping up and down) of conven-
modeling, and tools to perform simulation studies for evalu- tional generators. Tools and techniques are needed to assess
ating frequency response of an interconnected network. the impact of cycling on equipment life, overall cost, and the
Such studies will require time-domain simulations that resulting effect on how conventional generators will be com-
incorporate mid-term and long-term dynamics. Because the mitted and dispatched as capacity- and frequency-regulating
scope of such studies extends beyond that of typical tran- resources. This activity will need to be coordinated with the
sient-stability simulations, efforts will be needed to identify generation sector of the industry.
appropriate software and to identify and develop appropriate Adequacy and Flexibility of the Generation Fleet: Develop
modeling. In addition, industry needs metrics to measure tools and techniques to evaluate the adequacy and flexibility
what constitutes adequate frequency response (primary and of the generation fleet to meet electricity demand and to pro-
secondary) during the time scale that ranges from seconds to vide frequency-regulation services such as governing, auto-
tens of minutes. matic generation control (AGC), and operating reserves.
Distributed Energy Resources: Develop study tools, model- These tools and techniques are critical in light of the evolv-
ing, and processes to assess impact of distributed energy ing generation mix, with increasing penetration of variable
resources on the bulk electric system. generation and growing retirement of conventional genera-
tion. The industry also needs metrics for measuring ade-
Forecasting quacy and flexibility for resources to meet demand and pro-
Forecasting Tools for DR and VG: Develop and enhance vide frequency-regulation services. Evaluations of system
tools to forecast VG and DR for a day-to-day operation adequacy and flexibility requirements can also help in priori-
timeframe as well as for a long-term planning timeframe. tizing investments for these resources. Overall, these tools
These tools need to incorporate customer behavior for and techniques have the potential to help grid planners in
demand response and to represent the changing generation securing adequate resources to meet demand and help grid
mix. Grid operators and planners will need to coordinate operators in securing adequate resources to prepare for reli-
this activity with generation and distribution experts famil- able operation under contingency conditions.
iar with VG and DR variability and uncertainty. Utilizing Emerging Resources: Evaluate and demonstrate
Forecasting Tools for Operating Reserve Requirements: the use of emerging resources (such as storage, demand
Develop tools that can forecast day-ahead operating reserve response, and plug-in electric vehicles) for frequency-regula-
requirements, including system ramping capability and tion service. As penetration of VG increases and the retire-
needs. These efforts should also include developing analyti- ment of conventional generation proceeds, it will be prudent
cal techniques such as “stochastic unit commitment” that to assess the feasibility of utilizing new resources as operat-
can optimize dispatch schedules. This activity will need to ing reserves.
be coordinated with the generation sector of the industry. The above activities are arranged in technology tracks (also
Adaptable Forecasting Tools: Develop adaptable, self-learn- referred to as swimlanes). This graphical representation of
ing forecasting tools that can continuously analyze historical roadmap activities is attached. The roadmap shows the
data and integrate the learning into forecasting algorithms above five principal technology tracks of: (1) Situational
and continuously update VG and DR forecasting. Grid Awareness; (2) Modeling; (3) Study Scope, Tools, and Tech-

Grid Operations and Planning 7 PDU.GOP.01R0

niques; (4) Forecasting; and (5) Resource Adequacy and
In each track, the associated activities related to the grid
operations and planning function are summarized in the
boxes. The length of the box indicates the expected start and
end times and duration for the specific activity. Some activi-
ties may need to be addressed on an ongoing basis. There-
fore, such activities can be shown as boxes that span the
entire duration (Near-Term to Long-Term). The length of a
box also reflects complexity level, in terms of time and efforts
needed for the activity. Technology-development activities
that are already in progress are shown by the boxes that start
at the beginning of the Near-Term.


With accelerated pace of integration of new resources and

technologies at transmission and distribution levels, grid
planners and operators face technical challenges to ensure
reliable integration of these resources and technologies at the
bulk electric system level. The above efforts and the com-
panion roadmap will be valuable to the grid operators and
planners in facilitating the integration.
The integration of novel resources and technologies will
require significant industry efforts in developing technology
solutions and in enhancing the current practices and pro-
cesses. The time and money required for these efforts will
compete directly with resources required for maintaining
the existing infrastructure and for building new infrastruc-
ture. A potential risk is inadequate resources for, and com-
mitment to, the technology-development efforts identified
above. This can result in lack of appropriate tools and tech-
niques for planners and operators, which can result in delay
in integrating novel resources and technologies and in main-
taining adequate levels of reliability of the bulk power

Power Delivery & Utilization Sector Roadmaps 8 PDU.GOP.01R0

Future State Component Near-Term (1-3 Years) Mid-Term (4-7 Years) Long-Term (8-10 Years) Legend

Provide Real-Time Visualization of Supply- and Demand-Side
Situational Awareness Resources/Devices in Control Centers
Other Stakeholders

Modeling Develop Models for Supply- & Demand-Side Resources/Devices

Key Milestone

Develop Risk-Based Study Processes/Tools to Incorporate Variability & Uncertainty of Variable

Generation (VG) and Demand Response (DR)

Grid Operations and Planning

Study Scope, Tools & Develop Tools/Modeling/Processes to Assess
Techniques Impact of Distributed Energy Resources on BES

Develop Tools/Modeling/Processes to Assess

System Frequency Response

Develop VG and DR Forecasting Develop Adaptable (Self-

Tools Learning) Forecasting

Forecasting Develop Forecasting Tools for Day-

Ahead Operating Reserves

Demonstrate and Deploy Sophisticated and Integrated

Forecasting Tools

Develop Tools to Assess Impact of

Cycling on Conventional Generation

Resource Adequacy and Develop Tools and Methods to Evaluate

Flexibility Adequacy/Flexibility of Generation Fleet

Evaluate/Demonstrate Use of Emerging Resources as Frequency Regulating Resources

COMPONENTS OF THE FUTURE STATE system model) by comparing routinely available field
data with simulation results.
Grid operators and planners will have simulation-study tools,
techniques, and models capable of incorporating reliability, • Interactive tools will enable the planners and operators to
power quality, safety, and security standards and criteria, as conduct off-line and real-time contingency-analysis
well as market, economics, public policy, and environmental studies through plug-and-play modules consisting of
aspects. software programs to analyze the power system, power
system models, and the associated geographic
The following attributes, examples, and initiatives further
describe this future state:
• Tools, techniques, and technologies will enable grid opera- GAPS
tors and planners to: 1) increase power flows on new and
• Planners and operators will need tools and fast simula-
existing transmission lines, while maintaining high reli-
tion techniques that can accommodate and evaluate a
ability and minimizing costs; 2) reduce losses in transmis-
multitude of scenarios, options, and resources (genera-
sion lines; 3) manage safe and efficient use of right of way
tion, demand side, transmission, new technologies, and
by multiple entities, such as pipelines and telephone lines;
so on).
and 4) manage the right of way for the public.
• Risk-based planning approaches will be required to aug-
• The needs and processes to conduct stability studies and
ment current deterministic planning approaches to assess
advanced transmission studies (such as transient voltage
a large number of operating scenarios and the impacts of
recovery, harmonics, and sub-synchronous resonance)
variable generation and to evaluate necessary upgrades to
will be well understood and documented. The processes
the transmission grid. Planners and operators will need
for such studies will be seamlessly integrated into the
guidelines for using deterministic and probabilistic plan-
processes used to conduct other routine studies.
ning techniques and to incorporate system flexibility into
• Common information modeling (CIM) will be fully planning criteria and metrics.
functional across the industry for the grid operations and
• Methods will be required to perform studies that capture
planning function.
primary and secondary frequency responses (speed gov-
• Tools, techniques, and processes will enable grid opera- erning, automatic generation control (AGC), and operat-
tors and planners to consider multiple development and ing reserves).
operational scenarios (such as off-peak and shoulder-
• Increased consideration of advanced technologies (such
peak), changing characteristics of load (non-passive),
as HVDC and FACTS devices) will require that vali-
and new resources (such as wind, solar, plug-in electric
dated and non-proprietary models be integrated into
vehicles, demand-side, and storage).
day-to-day planning and operations. Automated tools
• Grid planners and operators will have the ability to seam- are required for validating models (power flow, stability,
lessly transfer data from real-time energy-management and detailed three-phase models for transient studies).
systems (EMSs) to off-line simulation-study tools to
• Study tools and models are required to capture mid-term
facilitate off-line studies and to seamlessly transfer the
and long-term dynamics in simulation studies, and to be
results of off-line simulation studies to an EMS environ-
seamlessly integrated with other tools.
ment for display and to facilitate real-time contingency-
analysis studies. • Planners and operators will also need methods and rule-
based techniques (artificial intelligence) to make
• All operators within an interconnection will be able to
increased use of sensor information (synchrophasors,
readily exchange EMS models and data among
dynamic thermal rating, and so on) into planning and
operation models and analysis.
• Fast simulation techniques will enable grid operators and
• EPRI grid operations and planning efforts and projects
planners to efficiently conduct off-line and real-time con-
should be coordinated with EPRI Distribution, Trans-
tingency-analysis studies.
mission and Substations, IntelliGrid, and Generation
• Automated processes will facilitate validation of compo- programs.
nent-simulation models (such as a generator-excitation

Power Delivery & Utilization Sector Roadmaps 10 PDU.GOP.02R0

• The scope of transmission planning studies and assess- to represent load in simulation studies. New types of tech-
ments must expand to consider a broader range of issues nologies, devices, and equipment—such as power electronics,
and benefits, including aspects related to markets, eco- demand response, storage, and plug-in electric vehicles—are
nomics, policy, and the environment. emerging, and their market penetration is increasing. Tools
and processes are needed to update load models based on
ACTION PLAN component-based and measurement-based approaches. This
activity will also include the development of necessary model-
Conducting simulation studies is one of the primary activities ing of demand response and plug-in electric vehicles.
of grid operators and planners. Studies are essential to ensure
the reliability of the bulk electric system, to develop transmis- Automated Model-Validation Tools: Develop automated tools
sion reinforcement projects, and to secure the system by pre- for model validation. This will require development of new
paring it for n-1 or multiple contingencies. These studies automated processes and tools that can analyze system ambi-
require appropriate levels of data and modeling breadth and ent conditions and disturbance data to validate simulation
depth of the interconnected network facilities and models.
Centralized Modeling Database: Develop a framework for a
To achieve this Future State, RD&D will need to be directed centralized modeling database for planning, operations, and
in two principal areas: (1) Study Modeling and Data and (2) protection applications. A centralized database is important
Study Scope, Tools, and Techniques. The following RD&D because it minimizes inconsistencies with equipment and
activities focus on various enabling and emerging technolo- facility modeling among various users. It will also assist in
gies, processes, and tools that will support grid operators and achieving compliance with NERC standards that deal with
planners in achieving this Future State. consistencies with facility modeling data among various data
users. Once the framework is developed, it can be adopted by
Study Modeling and Data any industry entity to develop a centralized database to suit its
Validation of Existing Models: Develop tools and processes to needs.
validate existing power-flow, dynamics, and short-circuit
models. Model validation is essential to ensure accurate repre- Integrated Planning and Operations Models: Develop a
sentation of equipment in simulation studies. Model valida- framework for an interface between planning and operations
tion may also facilitate compliance with several NERC system models that can facilitate: a) transfer of off-line study
standards. models, data, and results to EMS and b) transfer of EMS
models and data and information about real-time situational
Modeling of Protection and Control Equipment: Develop awareness to off-line study models.
simulation tools and models to incorporate the actions and
impacts of system protection and control (P&C) equipment EMS Data Exchange: Develop a framework and interface that
in GOP simulation studies. Generally, P&C equipment and can facilitate transfer of real-time data amongst balancing
actions are not modeled in system impact studies. However, authorities, regardless of the proprietary nature of vendors’
these actions are important because they can result in contin- EMS tools.
gencies, which need to be accurately incorporated to assess Study Scope, Tools, and Techniques
system performance. In addition, the NERC transmission
Tools to Screen/Prioritize Contingencies: Develop tools that
planning (TPL) standards currently under development will
can prioritize contingencies based on their potential risk to the
require grid planners to include the effects of protection sys-
bulk electric system. Such tools can help speed up the process
tems and control devices in their simulation studies. Thus,
of running simulations that often involve hundreds or even
transmission planners will need to model protection and con-
thousands of contingencies to ensure reliability of the bulk
trol devices in their studies. This activity will need to be coor-
electric system under n-1 and multiple contingency condi-
dinated with protection and control engineers of the
tions. These tools can be enhanced by incorporating line-out-
age statistics, which may be derived from the TADS and
Models for New Equipment: Develop power-flow, dynamics, GADS databases.
and short-circuit models for new equipment such as HVDC
Frequency-Response Assessment Studies: Develop processes,
as well as supply-side and demand-side devices. As mentioned
modeling, and tools to perform simulation studies for evalu-
earlier, the industry needs validated, non-proprietary models
ating frequency response of an interconnected network.
for new technologies, devices, and equipment.
Such studies will require time-domain simulations that
Load Modeling: Develop enhanced analytical approaches for incorporate mid-term and long-term dynamics. Because the
load modeling. The industry needs to continue the RD&D scope of such studies extends beyond that of typical tran-
work in this area. There is a lack of well-accepted approaches sient-stability simulations, efforts will be needed to identify

Grid Operations and Planning 11 PDU.GOP.02R0

appropriate software and to identify and develop the neces- and planning tools capable of accommodating reliability, eco-
sary modeling. In addition, the industry needs metrics to nomic factors, and market aspects.
measure what constitutes adequate frequency response (pri-
mary and secondary) during the time scale that ranges from Economic and Societal Benefits: Develop tools, processes, and
seconds to tens of minutes. frameworks to assess the benefits of proposed grid-reinforce-
ment projects. It is becoming increasingly important to iden-
Reactive Power Management: Develop study tools and tify and quantify the benefits of proposed grid projects to
methods to assess voltage stability and to manage reactive demonstrate their value to stakeholders, ratepayers, and regu-
power resources to mitigate stability problems. This activity latory bodies. A consistent and broadly accepted framework to
will be critically important due to: a) retirement of conven- assess the broad benefits of proposed grid-reinforcement proj-
tional generators, which provide robust dynamic voltage ects is currently not available. Grid planners will have to
support; and b) large-scale integration of variable generation, develop ways and methods to incorporate economic and social
which may not provide as robust voltage support as conven- factors in planning assessments in order to secure regulatory
tional generation does. approvals and to demonstrate the benefits of new projects. It
should be noted that the cost/benefit assessment framework
Three-Phase Unbalance Studies: Develop processes and tools developed by EPRI under PRISM initiative and under Pro-
to conduct three-phase unbalance studies. These studies gram P172 will likely help.
require specialized expertise in developing three-phase mod-
els, running electromagnetic transient studies, and interpret- Advanced Computing Techniques: Develop a roadmap and
ing the study results to derive observation and conclusions. specifications to employ advanced computing techniques in
GOP applications. Advanced computing technologies may be
Advanced Transmission Studies: Identify need and develop deployed to accelerate data analysis and computer simulation
processes and tools to conduct advanced transmission studies tasks and to enhance the analysis conducted by grid planners
such as transient overvoltage, sub-synchronous resonance, and operators. The overall objective of this activity is to apply
and oscillatory stability. advanced computing techniques to enhance the functionality
Risk-Based Study Tools: Develop processes and tools to con- of current tools and techniques used by GOP staff.
duct risk-based simulation studies. The industry should aug- Advanced Computing Techniques: Demonstrate the use of
ment current deterministic planning studies with probabilis- advanced computing techniques in GOP applications. This
tic techniques and risk-based study approaches for various represents the implementation of the roadmap developed in
reasons. The large-scale integration of variable generation, the the above activity.
retirement of conventional generation, and increasing amounts
of demand response have added uncertainty in the planning The above activities are arranged in a technology tracks (also
and operations horizons and may alter the reliability land- referred to as swimlanes). This graphical representation of road-
scape considerably. Risk-based approaches will help in justify- map activities is attached. The attachment shows two tracks: (1)
ing and prioritizing long-term capital investments and help in Study Modeling and Data and (2) Study Scope, Tools, and
securing appropriate levels of resources to meet operational Techniques. In each track, the associated activities related to the
needs. The availability of TADS, GADS, and DADS data and grid operations and planning function are summarized in the
statistics will help in implementing and leveraging probabilis- boxes. The length of each box indicates the expected start/end
tic techniques. times and duration for that specific activity.
Transmission Efficiency and Utilization: Demonstrate and
deploy technologies to improve the efficiency and utilization
of transmission assets. It should be noted that within the With the grid undergoing significant transformation, the
EPRI GOP area, EPRI Program P172 (Efficient Transmission efforts outlined in the above action plan will be necessary
Systems) is designed to help utilities analyze and develop strat- and valuable to the grid operators and planners in meeting
egies and implement technologies to increase transmission the reliability, economic, power quality, security, and public
efficiency and utilization. policy requirements and challenges.
Integrated Economics and Reliability Tools: Develop tools The above action plan will require significant commitment
that integrate reliability as well as economics into system stud- from gird operators and planners to spend money on devel-
ies conducted by grid planners and operators. While main- oping new tools, techniques, and processes, and to spend
taining grid reliability remains the primary focus for grid time on demonstrating and deploying the newly developed
operators and planners, market facilitation through economic tools. Without such commitment, the full potential of the
operation and prudent grid build-out has become an impor- grid—in terms of its reliability, security, power quality, and
tant goal. This will require development of grid operations so on—cannot be realized.

Power Delivery & Utilization Sector Roadmaps 12 PDU.GOP.02R0

Future State Component Near-Term (1-3 Years) Mid-Term (4-7 Years) Long-Term (8-10 Years) Legend

Develop Tools/Processes to EPRI Work

Validate Existing Power Flow &
Dynamics Models Other Stakeholders
Develop Simulation Tools and Models to
Study Impact of System Protection & Key Milestones
Control Equipment

Develop Power Flow & Dynamic Models for New

Grid Operations and Planning

Develop Enhanced Analytical
Develop Automated Model Validation Tools
Approaches for Load Modeling
Study Modeling and Data
Develop Framework for a Centralized
Modeling Database for Planning,
Operations, & Protection

Develop Framework to
Integrate Planning &
Operations Study

Develop Framework to Enable

Exchange of EMS Data & Models
Among Balancing Authorities

Develop Tools to Prioritize/Screen


Develop Study Tools/Modeling/ Processes to
Assess System Frequency Response

Develop Study Tools and Methods for Reactive Power Management & Voltage

Develop Tools & Processes to

Conduct Three-Phase Unbalanced

Identify Needs & Develop Processes

to Conduct Advanced Transmission
Study Scope, Tools &
Techniques Develop Risk-Based Study Tools

Demonstrate Trans. Efficiency


Develop Roadmap and

Specs for Advanced
Computing Techniques

Demonstrate Advanced Computing Techniques in GOP


Develop Integrated Economics and Reliability Tools

Develop Tools to Measure & Verify Economic and

Societal Benefits

COMPONENTS OF THE FUTURE STATE grid planners to develop decision-support tools to deal with
these situations.
Decision-support tools will be available to system operators
to help them contain disturbances and restore the system To achieve this Future State, RD&D will need to be directed
efficiently following a major disturbance or blackout. in three principal areas: (1) Prevention, (2) Mitigation, and
(3) Restoration. The following RD&D activities focus on
The following attributes, examples, and initiatives further
enabling and emerging technologies, processes, and tools
describe this future state:
that will support grid operators and planners in achieving
• Special protection schemes and intentional islanding this Future State.
schemes will be leveraged to minimize the impact of
system disruptions and to assist system operators in res-
toration efforts. Real-Time Contingency Analysis (RTCA) Tools: Enhance
RTCA tools to speed up the analysis process. This will help
• Simulators will be available for use in real-time and off- operators in promptly arriving at mitigation measures that
line environments to facilitate tabletop exercises and can help in addressing impending contingencies or system
restoration-related simulation studies and training. emergencies.
• Real-time simulation and protection schemes will Operator Training Simulators: Enhance operator training
respond to system disturbances to mitigate the impacts simulators to simulate what-if scenarios involving system
and also proactively develop the restoration steps to emergencies, mitigation measures, and restoration
efficiently restore the system based on the particular procedures.
Sensor Technologies: Develop sensor technologies that
• Synchrophasor data will assist restoration by pinpoint- can enhance an operator’s situational awareness. As an
ing failures and causes and by continuing to provide example, synchrophasor technology has the potential to
information regarding situational awareness even when enhance situational awareness of an operator because it
the state estimator does not function. can provide high-resolution, synchronized data across a
wide area of a power system and early warning of evolving
GAPS stability issues.
• Operators need enhanced analytical techniques and Mitigation
tools to provide support during emergency and system-
Safety Nets: Develop intelligent automatic separation
restoration conditions, including guidance on an opti-
schemes as safety nets to mitigate potential impact of system
mal system-restoration path as the restoration pro-
emergencies. The industry needs analytical techniques that
gresses using available resources (lines, loads, and
can help in developing such schemes.
blackstart generation sources).
Decision-Support Tools for System Emergency: Develop
• Increased use of special protection schemes and analyti-
and demonstrate tools that can help operators in addressing
cal techniques are required to develop intentional
system emergencies.
islanding schemes (such as Intelligent Separation
Schemes) to minimize the impact of system disruptions Restoration
and assist system operators in restoration efforts.
Decision-Support Tools for System Emergency and Restora-
• Increased use of synchrophasor data may also assist res- tion: Develop and demonstrate tools and methods that help
toration by pinpointing failures and causes and by con- operators in restoring the system following a blackout. The
tinuing to provide information regarding situational industry needs tools that can help operators identify optimal
awareness even if the state estimator does not restoration paths and their sequence when the system is
function. being restored in a step-by-step fashion following a major
Guidelines for Blackstart Requirements: Develop tools and
Addressing system emergencies and restoring the system methods that can provide guidelines for the locations, and
after blackouts are some of the critical responsibilities of sys- the corresponding MW amounts, of blackstart resources
tem operators. Normally, grid operators work jointly with required across a system. These efforts will include the devel-

Power Delivery & Utilization Sector Roadmaps 14 PDU.GOP.03R0

opment of analytical methods that can identify blackstart
requirements when the system is being restored in a step-by-
step fashion following a major blackout.
New Blackstart Resources: Investigate the potential of new
resources (such as storage) to provide blackstart service.
Demonstrate the blackstart capability of these resources.
The above activities are arranged in technology tracks (also
referred to as swimlanes). This graphical representation of
roadmap activities is attached. The attachment shows three
(1) Prevention, (2) Mitigation, and (3) Restoration. In each
track, the associated activities that are under the purview of
grid operators and planners are shown in abbreviated form
in the boxes. The length of each box indicates the expected
start/end times and duration for that specific activity.


The technology-development efforts mentioned in the above

action plan are essential for grid operators and planners in
addressing system emergencies, preventing or mitigating
consequences, and restoring the system effectively. The
potential value to be derived from these R&D efforts could
be measured in substantial financial savings to the society.
Increasing complexity in operating the power system calls
for investment in developing these technologies, without
which potential risk of degradation in system availability is

Grid Operations and Planning 15 PDU.GOP.03R0

Future State Component Near-Term (1-3 Years) Mid-Term (4-7 Years) Long-Term (8-10 Years) Legend

Enhance Real-Time Contingency Analysis EPRI Work

Other Stakeholders
Prevention Enhance Operator Training Simulators
Key Milestone
Deploy Sensor Technologies (e.g., Synchrophasor) to
Enhance Operator Situational Awareness

Develop Safety Nets & Intelligent Separation

Develop and Demonstrate System Emergency Decision Support

Power Delivery & Utilization Sector Roadmaps

Develop and Demonstrate Restoration Decision
Support Tools

Restoration Develop Guidelines for Investigate and

Blackstart Demonstrate New Blackstart
Requirements Resource (e.g., Storage)

COMPONENTS OF THE FUTURE STATE that will support grid operators, and planners in achieving
this Future State.
The transmission grid will be capable of self-healing by auto-
matically detecting, analyzing, and responding (through auto- Automatic Response and Grid Controls
mated controls) to operating conditions.
Advanced Automated Controls Using Sensor Data: Develop
The following attributes, examples, and initiatives further advanced automated controls that use high-volume, low-latency
describe this future state: data such as synchrophasors. Grid operators and planners will
benefit from the development of advanced controls that can
• Local, centralized, and hierarchical control strategies will take automatic corrective actions to improve system perfor-
be leveraged to facilitate the automatic detection of, analy- mance or to mitigate the effects of impending emergencies.
sis of, and response to system disturbances.
Adaptive Protection and Control: Explore the development
• Grid operators will be able to enable auto-pilot operation and application of adaptive protection and control equipment
of certain functions, if desired, while still having full visu- and strategies. Such protection equipment can be programmed
alization of current system conditions, expected future for flexible settings, instead of fixed settings, depending upon
conditions, and the ability to intervene as necessary. system conditions, which can help in optimizing system per-
formance. This activity will need to be coordinated with pro-
GAPS tection and control engineers in the industry.
• Demonstration projects are required to evaluate the use Advanced Voltage-Control (AVC) Technology: Demonstrate
and benefits of more complex control strategies, includ- and deploy the AVC technology. It should be noted that Pro-
ing centralized controls that can monitor and activate gram P172 provides opportunities to EPRI members to dem-
multiple controls across a wide area (such as voltage con- onstrate this technology on their systems.
trol or system restoration).
Intelligent Automated Separation Schemes: Develop and
• It is also necessary to investigate the impact of renewable demonstrate intelligent automated separation schemes.
generation and demand-side technologies on voltage-
support requirements, including advancement of EPRI Advanced Control Strategies: Develop and demonstrate auto-
and industry tools and techniques as appropriate and mated, coordinated, and hierarchical controls and control
necessary, and the use of demonstration projects on the strategies. This will require some groundbreaking research
systems of member companies. and involvement from industry visionaries. The long-term
goal is to develop advanced controls and advanced hierarchi-
• The use of synchrophasor data to improve the overall cal control strategies over a wide area to improve self-healing
effectiveness of advanced control schemes should also be of the transmission grid.
The above activities are arranged in technology tracks (also
• The existing communication infrastructure and tech- referred to as swimlanes). This graphical representation of
nologies may not be adequate for effective operation of roadmap activities is attached. The attachment shows one
advanced hierarchical controls and control strategies. track, namely Automatic Response and Grid Controls. In this
• Distributed data-processing capability will be required track, the associated activities related to the grid operations
for effective operation of local and distributed controls. and planning function are summarized in the boxes. The
length of each box indicates the expected start/end times and
duration for that specific activity.

Well-designed automated controls capable of detecting sys- VALUE AND RISK

tem events, processing power system information, and
responding to processed information can help the grid oper- The efforts mentioned above to develop advanced controls
ator in addressing system emergencies by mitigating system will improve the self-healing nature of the grid, thus augment-
impact, which in turn can aid system restoration efforts. ing the function of grid operators.

To achieve this Future State, RD&D will need to be directed With the increased complexity in operating the power system,
in one principal area: Automatic Response and Grid Con- the risk to the system can be minimized by developing sound
trols. The following RD&D activities focus on various controls and control strategies. These RD&D efforts are
enabling and emerging technologies, processes and tools somewhat technically complex, which poses a risk that the
industry may not take them on.
Grid Operations and Planning 17 PDU.GOP.04R0
Future State Component Near-Term (1-3 Years) Mid-Term (4-7 Years) Long-Term (8-10 Years) Legend

Develop Advanced Automated Controls Using
Sensor Data (e.g. Synchrophasors)
Other Stakeholders
Develop & Apply Adaptive Protection & Control
Equipment & Strategies Key Milestone
Automatic Response and
Demonstrate Advanced Voltage Control
Grid Controls (AVC) Technologies

Develop & Demonstrate Intelligent Automated

Separation Schemes

Develop Advanced & Automated/Coordinated/Hierarchical Control Strategies

Power Delivery & Utilization Sector Roadmaps


• Enhanced situational-awareness tools and analytical

techniques are required to support the system operators
in several areas, including: reserve monitoring (reactive
reserve and operating reserve); alarm-response proce-
dures; proactive operating procedures; operating guides
(mitigation plans); load-shed capability; system reas-
sessment and re-posturing; and blackstart capability in
real time.
• Tools and applications may also use sensor data (syn-
chrophasors, dynamic thermal ratings, and so on) to
calculate available MW margins in real time and assess-
ment of voltage-stability margins across a wide area.
Algorithms will be required to interpret the data and
A full set of applications, tools, and systems will be avail- provide information regarding asset and system health
able to provide the visualization and situational awareness in a usable form for operators, asset managers, and
required by system operators, customers, and regulators. planners. This information should include suggested
mitigation measures.
The following attributes, examples, and initiatives further
describe this future state: • To improve wide-area visibility, it will be necessary to
develop vendor-neutral interfaces that will enable the
• Grid operators will have sufficient real-time informa- exchange of EMS models, transfer of real-time data to
tion to enhance situational awareness and “look ahead” simulation programs, and information and data
capability to enhance their decision-making. Tools will exchange data between all operators and control centers
determine the appropriate (MW and Mvar) margins to within an interconnection.
display for operators based on the location and system
conditions. Real-time tools, including mitigation strat- • Adequate and secure information and communication
egies, will be available to guide the operator in decision- infrastructure are required to integrate new sensor tech-
making to steer through security situations. nologies and to enable a smarter transmission grid. It
must accommodate collection of data from diverse
• Synchrophasor data will be available to facilitate instant resources (such as equipment-health sensors, synchro-
diagnosis of the performance of the entire system, phasors, intelligent electronic devices, weather sensors,
which will then be displayed, based on the needs of the and devices used to measure parameters of a power sys-
operators. tem) in large quantities (volume and frequency) from
• Applications, tools, and systems will enable grid opera- across the grid and interconnections with other regions.
tors to identify in real-time potential areas of voltage EPRI Grid Operations and Planning (GOP) efforts
instability and the corresponding dynamic and static should be coordinated with the Intelligrid and Trans-
reactive-power requirements by area, to avoid instabil- mission & Substation programs.
ity. For each potential voltage-security or collapse sce- • Information and data-handling, sorting by priority,
nario identified in off-line studies, synchrophasor data and filtering techniques will be required to ensure that
will be used to calculate margins available in real time only relevant information is communicated to opera-
before a voltage collapse can occur. Specific operating tors of control centers and other users. EPRI GOP
steps (responses) will be automatically presented to the efforts should be coordinated with the Intelligrid and
operators based on potential problems identified by Transmission & Substation programs.
synchrophasor data.
• Information about the health of critical equipment will ACTION PLAN
be available for use by operators to identify potential It is essential for grid operators to know the present condi-
equipment problems and incorporate this information tions within and around their power systems and to have
in real-time contingency analysis to arrive at potential an indication of system conditions anticipated during the
mitigation strategies. next few hours.

Grid Operations and Planning 19 PDU.GOP.05R0

To achieve this Future State, RD&D will need to be Real-Time Tools for Voltage and Frequency Control and
directed in four principal areas: (1) Grid Monitoring and Support
Sensors; (2) Decision Support and Visualization Tools; Voltage Stability: Develop and demonstrate tools and
(3) Real-Time Tools for Voltage and Frequency Control processes for real-time assessment of voltage stability and
and Support; and (4) Analysis of Monitored Data. The stability margins. The industry needs analytical tools to
following RD&D activities focus on various enabling and assess voltage-stability performance and calculate stabil-
emerging technologies, processes, and tools that will sup- ity margins in a real-time environment. Also, tools and
port grid operators and planners in achieving this Future processes are needed to display this information in con-
State. trol centers.
Grid Monitoring and Sensors Reactive-Power Management: Develop study tools and
Real-Time Visualization of Supply-Side and Demand-Side methods to assess voltage stability and to manage reactive-
Resources and Technologies: Provide real-time visualiza- power resources to mitigate stability problems. Also, tools
tion of supply-side and demand-side resources, technolo- and processes are needed to display this information in
gies, and devices in control centers to meet the needs of control centers. This activity will take on an additional
grid operators. This will require information and appropri- importance due to: a) retirement of conventional genera-
ate level of detail related to wind and solar generation, dis- tors, which provide robust dynamic voltage support; and b)
tributed energy resources, demand response, storage, plug- large-scale integration of variable generation, which may
in electric vehicles, and so on to be integrated with other not provide as robust voltage support as provided by con-
EMS information. ventional generation.

Synchrophasor Technology Applications: Develop syn- Frequency Response: Develop and demonstrate tools and
chrophasor technology-based applications that provide processes for real-time assessment of frequency response.
wide-area, high-resolution, synchronized real-time moni- The industry needs processes and tools that can promptly
toring of power system performance. analyze system frequency response to events such as gen-
erator or line trips and display the information succinctly
Decision Support and Visualization Tools for the operator to assess adequacy of the frequency
Advanced Visualization Techniques: Develop advanced response.
human-centric visualization techniques. Tools and tech-
Management of Operating Reserve Resources: Develop
niques are needed to display information in control centers
and demonstrate tools and processes for real-time manage-
that is succinct and intuitive for operators. Operators also
ment of operating reserve resources. This will require the
need comprehensive visualization techniques to display
combined use of the following tools indicated in the flow-
operating boundaries for guidance on security limits and
chart for Future State 3: all the tools mentioned under the
“Resource Adequacy and Flexibility” track and the fore-
Alarm-Management Techniques: Develop advanced tech- casting tools for operating reserve requirements mentioned
niques to manage the alarm data received from the system under the “Forecasting” track.
by converting the data to information displayed succinctly
Analysis of Monitored Data
for the operators.
Automated System-Event Analysis: Develop automated
State Estimation Using Synchrophasor Technology: processes and tools to analyze system events. The industry
Enhance State Estimator solution techniques by incorpo- needs such tools to be able to quickly identify the signature
rating synchrophasor data. of an event and act to mitigate its effect. Eventually, such
Equipment Health Information: Develop processes and tools and processes can help in real-time postmortem of
tools to integrate real-time health information of critical major disturbances.
equipment in control centers. Grid operators have expressed The above activities are arranged in technology tracks (also
the need for information on equipment health to facilitate referred to as swimlanes). This graphical representation of
their decision-making. roadmap activities is attached. The attachment shows four
Dynamic Thermal Rating (DTR) Technology: Develop tracks: (1) Grid Monitoring and Sensors; (2) Decision-Sup-
and demonstrate processes and tools to deploy DTR tech- port and Visualization Tools; (3) Real-Time Tools for Volt-
nology in system operations and market practices and age and Frequency Control and Support; and (4) Analysis
processes. of Monitored Data. In each track, the associated activities
related to the grid operations and planning function are

Power Delivery & Utilization Sector Roadmaps 20 PDU.GOP.05R0

summarized in the boxes. The length of each box indicates
the expected start/end times and duration for that specific


The lack of situational awareness was found to be one of

the primary causes for the 8/14/03 blackout. The efforts
mentioned in the above action plan are essential to enhance
the knowledge of an operator of power system conditions
and to support the operator’s decision-making.
Without such efforts, risk of emergencies and blackout
could increase, especially in light of increasingly larger
operational footprints.

Grid Operations and Planning 21 PDU.GOP.05R0

Future State Component Near-Term (1-3 Years) Mid-Term (4-7 Years) Long-Term (8-10 Years) Legend

Provide Real Time Visualization of Supply- and Demand-Side EPRI Work

Grid Monitoring & Sensors Resources/Devices in Control Centers
Other Stakeholders
Develop Synchrophasor Technology Applications
Key Milestone
Develop Advanced Human-Centric Visualization Techniques,
Including Operating Boundaries

Develop and Demonstrate Alarm

Management Techniques
Decision Support &
Develop State Estimation/Measurement Using Synchrophasor
Visualization Tools

Integrate Equipment Health Information in

Power Delivery & Utilization Sector Roadmaps

Control Centers

Develop and Demonstrate

Tools/Processes to Provide DTR
Information in Control Centers

Develop and Demonstrate Tools/Processes for Real Time

Assessment of Voltage Stability and Stability Margins

Develop and Demonstrate Tools/Processes for Real Time

Management of Reactive Power Resources
Real Time Tools for Voltage
and Frequency Control & Develop and Demonstrate Tools/Processes for Real Time Assessment of
Support Frequency Response

Develop and Demonstrate Tools/Processes

for Real Time Management of Operating
Reserve Resources

Analysis of Monitored Data Develop Automated Processes and Tools to Analyze System Events

• EPRI Grid Operation and Planning (GOP) efforts
should be coordinated with the industry and other
areas of EPRI (Distribution, Generation, and Trans-
mission and Substations).


As the GOP workforce transforms due to retirement of expe-

rienced staff, industry will need to pay particular attention
to developing the skills of those entering the workforce.
To achieve this Future State, activities will need to be
directed in three principal areas: (1) Skills, (2) Training
Tools, and (3) Training Database. A large portion of these
activities is not specifically related to RD&D, but it repre-
sents process improvements and mechanisms that will assist
The future workforce will have access to interactive training in the development of the future workforce.
in power system fundamentals, power system analysis,
safety, security, public policy, economics, and the latest IT Skills
techniques and approaches. Inventory of Industry Skill-Set Requirements: Create an
inventory of industry skill-set requirements (through IEEE,
The following attributes, examples, and initiatives further PSERC, EPRI, and other entities).
describe this future state:
Update of Industry Skill-Set Requirements: Update skill-set
• Handheld, portable, and virtual devices will be avail- requirements as needed to reflect industry changes.
able to facilitate interactive power system training.
Loss of Institutional Knowledge: Develop processes to track
• A comprehensive training database, including docu- the loss of institutional knowledge (such as EMTP
mented institutional knowledge and nationally funded expertise).
training material (such as the University of Illinois
material), will be available to facilitate training of grid Training Tools
operators and planners. Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) Studies: Develop train-
• Interactive tools used in the performance of routine ing material to conduct EMT studies for digital simulation
operational and planning analysis will be adaptive to of transients involving electromagnetic and electromechani-
the level of user experience to provide additional intel- cal phenomena. These studies are typically conducted using
ligence and analysis of system conditions and develop- programs such as Electromagnetic Transients Program
ment of mitigation measures. (EMTP), PSCAD software, and Alternative Transients Pro-
gram (ATP).
GAPS Knowledge Capture and Transfer Tools: Develop knowl-
• Industry will require processes and techniques to cap- edge capture and transfer tools. Develop on-the-job and
ture the knowledge and experience of retiring staff and coop training programs.
succession plans, including assessment of impacts of Syllabi and Courses: Develop and evergreen syllabi and
retirements. courses for technical training with universities and Web
• Standardized curricula and recruiting strategies with trainers.
community colleges, apprenticeship programs, and Courses for Mandatory Training: Develop courses for man-
universities may be developed to inform individuals of datory training such as that required by NERC.
career possibilities. Industry needs to seek grant fund-
ing (EPA, DOE, and Job Training & Partnership Act) Operator Training Simulators: Develop digital/operator
and create a standard evaluation for assessing new training simulators, real-time digital simulators, and the
employees regarding their previous knowledge and corresponding training modules.

Grid Operations and Planning 23 PDU.GOP.06R0

Training Database
Training Material: Develop training material on industry
skill sets (need-based).
National Training Database: Develop national database of
training material.
The above activities are arranged in technology tracks (also
referred to as swimlanes). This graphical representation of
roadmap activities is attached. The attachment shows three
tracks: (1) Skills, (2) Training Tools, and (3) Training Data-
base. In each track, the associated activities that are related
to the grid operations and planning function are summa-
rized in the boxes. The length of each box indicates the
expected start/end times and duration for that specific


The efforts outlines in the above action plan are designed to

address the growing workforce concerns and depletion of
skill sets in the power industry.
A risk exists that the workforce and skill sets may deplete if
industry-wide efforts to develop training tools and databases
are not pursued and especially if training activities continue
to take low priority as has been the case for decades.

Power Delivery & Utilization Sector Roadmaps 24 PDU.GOP.06R0

Future State Component Near-Term (1-3 Years) Mid-Term (4-7 Years) Long-Term (8-10 Years) Legend

Create and Inventory of Industry Skill Sets Update Skill Set Requirements and Evergreen the Process
Skills Other Stakeholders
Develop Processes to Track the Loss of
Institutional Knowledge
Key Milestones
Develop Training Material for Electromagnetic
Transients (EMT) Studies

Grid Operations and Planning

Develop Knowledge Capture and Transfer Tools
Develop On-the-Job and Coop Training Programs

Develop and Evergreen Syllabus and Courses for Technical Training with Universities and Web
Training Tools Trainers

Develop Courses for Mandatory Training (NERC,


Develop Digital/Operator Training Simulators & Real-Time Digital Simulators and

Corresponding Training Modules

Develop Training Materials on Industry Skill Sets (Needs Based)

Training Database

Develop National Database of Training Materials


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