Question and Answers

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1. Aircraft flying into or departing from Indian Territory shall make their first landing
at or final departure from, an International Aerodrome. Aircraft may be permitted
to land or depart from any notified customs aerodrome. ( TRUE)

2. International flights are permitted to pick up passengers/load at any place in

India and disembark/discharge at any other place in India.(FALSE)

International flights are not permitted to pick up passengers/load at any place in

India and disembark/discharge at any other place in India.

3. Application for obtaining approval for operating scheduled flights shall be filed by
the designated airline, atleast 15 days prior to commencement of the scheduled
flights, with the DGCA ,New Delhi .(FALSE)

Application for obtaining approval for operating scheduled flights shall be filed by
the designated airline, atleast 30 days prior to commencement of the scheduled
flights, with the DGCA ,New Delhi .

4. A Non Scheduled flight clearance shall be valid for a period of 48 hours. If a

flight gets delayed beyond 48 hours, it will require fresh clearance form the

5. All the goods imported into India by air are subject to clearance by Customs
authorities, except the goods within the limits of duty free allowance. For the
purpose of Customs Clearance of arriving passengers, a two-channel system
has been adopted, i.e. Red Channel for passengers not having any dutiable
goods and Green Channel for passengers having dutiable goods.(FALSE)

All the goods imported into India by air are subject to clearance by Customs
authorities, except the goods within the limits of duty free allowance. For the
purpose of Customs Clearance of arriving passengers, a two-channel system
has been adopted, i.e. Green Channel for passengers not having any dutiable
goods and Red Channel for passengers having dutiable goods.
6. Firearms and ammunition/Live birds and animals including pets./ Plants and their
produce e.g. fruits, seeds./ Gold and silver other than ornaments (for import only)
are Restricted Goods .(TRUE)

7. Trafficking in narcotics is a serious offence and is punishable with Fine.(FALSE)

Trafficking in narcotics is a serious offence and is punishable with imprisonment.

8. All aeroplane having maximum certified take-off mass of 5700 Kg. and above
and having maximum certified passenger seating configuration (excluding any
pilot seats) of more than 30 seats or maximum payload capacity of more then 3
tonne, if flying in Indian airspace, shall be equipped with mode S transponder.

9. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is used in air navigation services and in the
publications issued by the Aeronautical Information Service. Reporting of time is
expressed to the nearest second.(FALSE)

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is used in air navigation services and in the
publications issued by the Aeronautical Information Service. Reporting of time is
expressed to the nearest minute.

10. Aerodrome Chart ,contains detailed aerodrome data to provide flight crews with
information that will facilitate the ground movement of aircraft - from aircraft stand
to runway and from the runway to the aircraft stand.(TRUE)


11. The nationality mark for aircraft registered in India is the letter “VT” for civil
aircraft and “VU” for Air-Force aircraft. The nationality mark is followed by a
hyphen and a registration mark consisting of 3 letters e.g. VT-EPC or VU-AWB.

12. In India, the Flight Information Centres act as Rescue Coordination Centres, in
addition to their other functions. When an aircraft is reported or when it is known
to have forced landed. The RCC will immediately take action to notify all those
who could usefully assist in the SAR operations and will coordinate their actions.
13. No person shall fly an aircraft acrobatically in the vicinity of an aerodrome at a
distance of less than 2NM from the nearest point of the perimeter of the
aerodrome unless being flown at a greater height than 1800M (6000 Ft).

14. When clearance to execute visual approach has been issued, it shall be the
responsibility of the pilot to maintain terrain clearance.

15. IFR flights entering and landing within a terminal control area will be cleared to a
specified holding point and instructed to contact approach control at a specified
time, level or position. The terms of clearance shall be adhered to until further
instructions are received from approach control. If the clearance limit is reached
before further instructions have been received, holding procedure shall be carried
out at the level last authorised.

16. When a pilot has selected mode A3 code 7500 and subsequently requested to
confirm his code by ATC he shall, according to circumstances either confirm this
or not reply at all.

17. If, following confirmation of level and correct pressure setting, the discrepancy
continues to exist the controller may request the pilot to stop his Mode C
transmission. The phraseology used will be ‘Stop SQUAWK CHARLIE. WRONG

18. An aircraft encountering a state of emergency may continue to operate the

transponder on the previously assigned code, until otherwise advised.
Alternatively the transponder shall be set to mode A3 code 7700.

19. QNH reports and temperature information for use in determining adequate terrain
clearance is provided in meteorological broadcast and is available on request
from Air traffic service units. QNH values are given to the lower whole HPa.

20. The radio-telephony distress signal (MAYDAY) or urgency signal (PAN-PAN)

preferably spoken three times shall be used as appropriate. Subsequent ATC
action with respect to that aircraft shall be based on the intentions of the pilot and
the overall air traffic situation.

21. A transition altitude is specified for each aerodrome. No transition altitude is less
(a) 4000 Ft
(b) 3000 Ft
(c) 5000 Ft
(d) 6000 Ft

22. Flight plans for intended flights shall be submitted to the appropriate ATS unit at
least __________before departure (Estimated off-block time).
(a) (30) minutes
(b) (45) minutes
(c) (60) minutes
(d) (15) minutes

23. In order to ensure smooth operation of flights and avoid inconvenience to all
concerned, operators of Non-scheduled flights operating into and across Indian
Airspace shall specify the DGCA authority (YA No.) or AHQ authority (AOR No.)
in _______of the flight plan.
(a) field 19
(b) field 16
(c) field 17
(d) field 18

24. All flights shall obtain Air Defense Clearance before entering ADIZ from
respective FIC _______prior to entering Indian Airspace.
(a) three minutes
(b) ten minutes
(c) five minutes
(d) eight minutes

25. Flying club aircraft intending to operate beyond immediate vicinity of an

aerodrome where no ATC is functioning may obtain ADC from the nearest
(a) IAF ATC Unit.
(b) FIR
(c)Flying club
(d) Aerodrome

26. A Non Scheduled flight clearance shall be valid for a period of ______. If a flight
gets delayed beyond _____, it will require fresh clearance form the DGCA
(a) 28 hours
(b) 24 hours
(c) 32 hours
(d) 48 hours

27. Aircraft shall not join or cross ATS routes without prior approval/ATC clearance
from the ATS units concerned. This approval/clearance shall be obtain at least
________prior to entry into ATS routes if in direct contact on VHF and at least 20
minutes prior to such entry if contact is through en-route radio frequency.
(a) 15 minutes
(b) 20 minutes
(c) 10 minutes
(d) 05 minutes


(a) VERC
(b) VERH
(c) VERI
(d) VERA

29. AFTN Processing covers which of the following:

(a) Automatic AFTN message reception
(b) analysis
(c) error checking, handling and storage
(d)All the above
30. Which Chart symbol is used for Civil aerodrome:

Civil Aerodrome (Land)
Military Aerodrome (Land)
Joint Civil/Military Aerodrome (Land)
Emergency Aerodrome or Aerodrome with no
VOR Check-point

1. Write the procedure for clearance for Foreign Military Aircraft ?

Foreign Military Aircraft :-

Clearance to foreign military aircraft shall be issued by Air Headquarters/Naval
headquarters, Ministry of defence,for which a formal request is required to be submitted
by the Embassies/High Commission of the country concerned to the Ministry of External
Affairs.However,for operation of civil registered Aircraft under Military Call Signzthe
Embassies /High Commission of the country concerned are required to obtain Flight
Clearance from DGCA as well as Air Headquarters/Naval Headquarters, Ministry of
Defence through Ministry of External Affairs.


FNA Final approach

DME Distance measuring equipment
Estimated time over significant point
GNSS Global navigation satellite system
ILS Instrument landing system

3. Write short not on AIP ?

The AIP is the basic aviation document intended primarily to satisfy international requirements
for the exchange of permanent aeronautical information and long duration temporary changes
essential for air navigation. The AIP is published in English for use in International and Domestic

Temporary change of long duration (three Months and longer) and information of short duration
which consists of extensive text and/or graphics, supplementing the permanent information
contained in the AIP, are published as AIP Supplements (AIP SUP). Operationally significant
temporary changes to the AIP are published in accordance with the AIRAC system and its
established effective dates and are identified clearly by the acronym AIRAC AIP SUP.
AIP Supplements are separated by information subject (General-GEN, En-route-ENR, and
Aerodromes-AD) and are placed accordingly at the beginning of each AIP part. Supplements
are published on Yellow paper to be conspicuous and to stand out from rest of the AIP. Each
AIP Supplement (regular or AIRAC) is allocated a serial number which is consecutive and
based on the calendar Year, i.e. AIP Supplement 01/2012; AIRAC AIP Supplement 03/2012.

An AIP Supplement is kept in the AIP as long as all or some of its contents remain valid. The
period of validity of the information contained in the AIP Supplement will normally be given in
the supplement itself. Alternatively, NOTAM may be used to indicate changes to the period of
validity or the cancellation of the supplement.

4. Write short note on ASBS ?

Automatic Self Briefing System (ASBS) provides an automatic method of receiving, storing and
retrieving the data, essentially required for pilot’s pre-flight briefing. It has the capability to
include information pertaining to the stations and routes concerned with the following data.

(a) General information

(b) Visual aids
(c) AGA information
(d) Communication facilities
(e) Navigational facilities

5. Actions to be taken by ATC in case of Transponder failure?

In case of a transponder failure which is detected before departure from an aerodrome where it
is not practicable to effect a repair, the aircraft concerned should be permitted to proceed, as
directly as possible, to the nearest suitable aerodrome where repair can be made. When
granting clearance to such aircraft, ATC should take into consideration the existing or
anticipated traffic situation and may have to modify the time of departure, flight level or route of
the intended flight. Subsequent adjustments may become necessary during the course of the

6. Definitions for aircraft proximity and AIRPROX. ?

Aircraft proximity - A situation in which, in the opinion of the pilot or the air traffic
services personnel, the distance between aircraft, as well as their relative positions and
speed, has been such that the safety of the aircraft involved may have been
compromised. Aircraft proximity is classified as follows:

(a) Risk of collision - The risk classification of aircraft proximity in which serious risk
of collision has existed.
(b) Safety not assured - The risk classification of aircraft proximity in which the safety
of the aircraft may have been compromised.
(c) No risk of collision - The risk classification of aircraft proximity in which no risk of
collision has existed.
(d) Risk not determined - The risk classification of aircraft proximity in which
insufficient information was available to determine the risk involved, or
inconclusive or conflicting evidence precluded such determination.

AIRPROX - The code word used in an air traffic incident report to designate aircraft

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